1. In Memory Of My Dad
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold.
The act of creating a poem is a memorial for one who has passed away. It is an act of spirituality. A memorial tells the world that while our loved one may be gone his or her spirit lives on. This individual will forever be tied together in the circle of life. Our Loved One's life mattered and continues to matter. Their acts of goodness and courage will never be forgotten. A memorial is a way to remember a loved one forever.
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold.
Dear Rona,
I feel and share your pain and sadness, as my dad passed too from kidney disease. In just under 45 minutes it will be 15 years; he passed at 11:57 pm on December 31, 2002. The...
Famous Poem
Do not stand
By my grave, and weep.
I am not there,
I do not sleep-
It's what we want to believe. We don't cry because our loved one is dead, we cry because we won't ever see or talk to them again and we will miss them. We are crying for ourselves. Someone...
The years we've shared have been full of joy.
The memories we've made will go on and on.
I haven't stopped crying since you went away,
and I've asked God time and time why you couldn't stay.
Thank you for this poem. I lost a good friend 8 months ago. He didn't die; he just broke off things with me. Just like that. We hadn't quarreled at all, nothing. He lives on the other side of...
I think about you all the time,
And every day it hurts to cry.
So much has happened in my life.
I'm not sure how hard to try.
I loved my grandmother so much. She passed away last month from a brain tumor, and she was just 70. When he was ill for the past year and doctors declined to operate on her, I was afraid each...
Imagine if I was given one moment,
just a single slice of my past.
I could hold it close forever,
and that moment would always last.
Today, October 9th, I came across your poem. I was filled with so many emotions and could not communicate my feelings. I lost my late husband to lung cancer. He was 48 years old. Today would...
A beautiful garden now stands alone,
missing the one who nurtured it,
But now she is gone.
Her flowers still bloom, and the sun it still shines,
The day my sister passed, she knew it was coming. I did my daily routine and left work. I wouldn't take breaks. Instead, I'd take my sister to dialysis or go home to cook so she could take...
I feel a warmth around me,
like your presence is so near.
And I close my eyes to visualize
your face when you were here.
I wrote this for my grandmother who just passed away from cancer. She was one of my best friends! I'm lost without her!
I can't believe this is happening. There's no way this can be true....
Beautiful. I love lighting candles. It takes me back to when my mother was here. We laughed together, we cried together, but most of all she was here and we loved each other and always told...
Do not stand beside my grave and cry
Because I am not there
I am still alive
Thank you all. Reading your stories makes me feel like I'm not alone. I miss my brother. Two weeks before his birthday God took him. Today is his birthday, and I want to give my best present....
Graves of those once loved in times gone by,
Quietly lying in rows beneath the Earth's sky;
Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
I have done a lot of genealogy research and have visited quite a few cemeteries. Some of them were small and very old, and some of them neglected. I took up genealogy to discover my roots and...
If I could have one wish in life,
That wish would have to be
That God would take away my pain
And send you back to me.
I am a mother and a grandmother. The Bible teaches us that no sin is greater than another because of forgiveness. I believe the same with sorrow. None greater or less than another. It's in...
I took a walk this morning
Just as the sun began to rise,
And the inky clouds encompassed her
And cluttered up the skies.
Dear Aaron,
Your comment is so touching. I wish you could share the melody with me. I'm just so happy that you can hear that melody and have paid such a beautiful tribute to my words by...
A rose so rare,
one of its kind,
love and beauty a mother,
This just reminded me of the most wonderful Mother who brought us up(12 children) so good and gave us everything, yet she had nothing, but the nothing she had was everything, miss her so much xx
Your face frozen in blissful eternal sleep now.
As I kiss you goodbye on your cold brow,
A last tearful glance as you're taken away.
There was nothing anyone could do or say.
My sister just loss someone and compared them to a butterfly which shows us "what a soft touch is like and the beauty of what love could be, but after a short time in our lives they die. So...
You walk beside me every day.
You're here in all I do and say.
At night I close my eyes and pray
To someone who took you away.
Love it, hits the right notes for me as a recent widow. It beautifully expressed my thoughts.
You ask me to stay, if
Only for one more day.
I wish I could, but it's time for me
to go.
Lovely poem, Diana. Thank you for sharing it with us.
The chair where you sat lies vacant and still.
The air so silent, through my body runs a chill,
The sound of your laughter echoes in my ears.
Those who are near and dear to us may shine in our hearts forever like stars.
The strongest branch has fallen
From our family tree.
God had his way; he's taking me home,
So you need not grieve for me.
My oldest brother passed away on Dec 24, 2016, and this poem was published that same day. This poem speaks volumes to me. Thanks for sharing!
If I had one wish to make
I'd use it up on you.
Just to see you one more time
In the heavenly sky so blue
Looking for a poem to remember my youngest sister and my dad. My sister left us May 2011 - leaving her 3 little boys and it's 30 years since my dad left us. This poem just says everything...
It's been so long since you've been gone
It still hurts all day long
There isn't a day that goes by
Without me thinking why
In love of memory of my brother (Stephen), age 34. He passed away on 10/03/2017. My brother sadly left from a massive heart attack. They brought him back, but after 3 days his body shut down...