In Memory Poem

Lighting a candle for someone you loved and lost shines out light out to them and warms you.

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Beautiful. I love lighting candles. It takes me back to when my mother was here. We laughed together, we cried together, but most of all she was here and we loved each other and always told...

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Light A Candle


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Light a candle,
see it glow,
watch it dance
when you feel low.
Think of me,
think of light,
I'll always be here,
day or night.
A candle flickers
out of sight,
but in your heart
I still burn bright.
Think not of sadness,
that I'm not near,
think of gladness
and joyous cheer.
I have not left,
I am not gone.
I'm here to stay
my little one,
so when you light a candle
and you see it glow
and you watch it dance,
in your heart you'll know
that I would never leave you,
even when you feel so blue.
I'm sitting up here with the Lord
and now watching over you.


  • Stories 22
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  • Rating 4.51
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mary Francis by Mary Francis
  • 7 years ago

Learning to give more than you take, learning to hug tight those in pain, learning to share even the little you have, learning to be a sunshine in someone's life, learning to spread joy wherever you go, this was what I was taught in life.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 7 years ago

Lost my young sister at the age of 40. She had sarcoma cancer. Left behind her husband and 3 daughters, step daughter, and one granddaughter. Eva was the youngest out of 6 girls. She never had much, but she has always made the best of it. Even at holidays when money was tight, Eva somehow made it work. Eva had passed on Saint Patty's day. I always loved to talk to her. Now I don't hear her anymore; it's so upsetting. I lie in bed just thinking about the times we shared. I will always have them in my heart. Eva, I miss you so very much.

  • Ann Aguila-Berillo by Ann Aguila-Berillo, Kentucky
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful. I love lighting candles. It takes me back to when my mother was here. We laughed together, we cried together, but most of all she was here and we loved each other and always told each other that we cared very much for each other.

When I light a candle it is like traveling back in time. At that moment, the stress of life starts to fade. Then I remember those lovely days...I look in the darkness. I go into a daze in that moment. I see my mother's face, the beautiful smile, I can feel the warmth of her embrace...

  • Afolayan Omotayo by Afolayan Omotayo
  • 8 years ago

I lost a wonderful friend, service partner and brother. He was so dear to me, so respectful and caring to all. I am so amazed at wonderful testimonies shared about him. He smiles always, never see him fight. I love Ogunleye Adenira (Suppy) so much. I will miss him forever.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 8 years ago

I lost my faithful companion of 15 years today. My angel, my service dog my friend. She spent almost her entire life loving me and caring for me with my epilepsy. A giant hole she's left in my heart. This poem is lovely I read it aloud before lighting a candle in her honor. 15 years of her by my side in bed watching over me when my epilepsy strikes, the light will remind me she still watches but from afar.

  • Jess by Jess, Felixstowe
  • 10 years ago

I recently lost my granddad and my auntie, I miss you a lot. You are in my heart and my thoughts. I have also lost a friend I will miss her a lot too I will miss you all.

  • Gregory Anderson by Gregory Anderson
  • 10 years ago

My gran and Uncle both passed away this year, I found this poem a few years back for an English project.
This poem has helped me through the death of my best friend and my family members, we would print out this poem and set it in a frame and have candles around it, when people came to pay their last respects they would light a candle and write their fondest memory.

  • Shavonne by Shavonne
  • 10 years ago

Hi there I am a country singer, and absolutely love this poem, I would love to have it as an original song on a new single that I will be dedicating to little lives that have been taken. So inspired by the tragic events of a story of a 4 year olds death recently. I write my own material but I'm always on the look out for great words of inspiration, as an artist. Please get back to me ASAP. I have also emailed the permissions page regarding this song. If anyone reading this would like to collaborate by contributing their poems to an artist trying to get new and original country songs out there please feel free to contact me. Thank you

  • Renee by Renee, Los Angeles
  • 10 years ago

I am reading this "Missing You" poem at our Family reunion this week. And "Light A Candles" for those that have gone before us...Thanks

  • Mike by Mike, Nwt
  • 10 years ago

I loved this poem and would like the opportunity to set this poem to music. Wondering if you would allow me to use the poem as lyrics to a song I am writing?

  • Carolyn by Carolyn
  • 11 years ago

We recently attended a Celebration of Light program in memory or our son, Leslie, who took his own life on August 9, 2013. It was the first time we had heard this beautiful poem. We were already lighting a candle for him and it took on such meaning after hearing "Light A Candle." I have shared it with others that I hope will find the same comfort from the words as we have. We miss his so much but know we will see him again.

  • E by E
  • 11 years ago

Greetings, Thanks for the beautiful poem. I'd like to know who wrote it, so I can attribute it to them when sharing it at a memorial as a tribute. Is the writer "J"?
Thanks, Emma

  • Nihal Hanas by Nihal Hanas, Kochi
  • 11 years ago

I had lived in small place in Indica called Kochi. It is my heaven. In the past Kochi was a good place now to live. But now it is so bad. There is selling and buying of a lot of people, drugs, harassing ladies, smoking, alcholic drinks etc. We should protect our country. There is a lot of factories in our country that causes diseases including cancer, fevers etc...And the vehicle smoke is so bad now that the vehicle are increasing and humans are decreasing. I miss the people we have lost and wish that there was a way to stop them from dying.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Virgnia
  • 11 years ago

I miss my grandpa and this poem touches me every time I read it and now m uncle is in jail for 20 years so it feels like he is gone even though he isn't but it is hard and I try to get through every day by taking it day by day but it's hard and very sad

  • Debra Gibson by Debra Gibson, Jacksonville Florida
  • 12 years ago

I have been estranged from my mom for almost 2 years now over something I said to her which I can't even remember anymore. It was stupid. She is so stubborn and holds a grudge. I feel life is too short and none of us are getting any younger. I have written to her saying I'm sorry and love her. I have called her and left messages over and over with no reply. Then my brother wrote on my Facebook a few weeks ago that the family never wants to see me ever again. I have no clue what's going on now. We live in different states. I feel like she has died. My dad is gone and she is the only parent I have left. I'm her oldest child and daughter. I just do not understand how a parent can just toss a child away like trash. I'm devastated. Its affected my health and every aspect of my life. I love my mother with everything in me and always will forever........

  • Rosario Zavala by Rosario Zavala
  • 12 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. Lost our son on 12/4/08, he was only 26 years old. He took his life. As this date is near we don't celebrate his passing, but rather celebrate his life. He was full of life and beautiful smile; but kept everything hidden from all of us. We miss him tremendously and I know we will be reunited one day.

  • Henry by Henry
  • 12 years ago

I'm twenty-six years old guy and I just met my Sister for the very first time in my life a week ago today. Our Mother passed away in 2003 my older sister was given up for adoption at birth. They both found each other in 2000 unfortunately, they never met before she passed. I also lost touch with my sister after that as well. Just so happened by fluke I found out she was going to meet the rest of my mothers family in Regina. I jumped in my car and took off. when I first seen her we embraced each other it was very emotional. I felt a strong connection immediately we sat up all night just her and I. I only had seven hours with her before her plane left back to Ontario. I stayed with her till the last. we hugged and we gave each other little momentos she gave me a ring I gave her a neclace with our moms name on it. for me this meant a lot....

  • Gabriela by Gabriela, Oxnard Cali.
  • 13 years ago

Wow. you did such a good job... I recently lost one of my aunts and this poem In some way relaxed me...thank you...I also lost my godmother a couple of years ago but I sure do miss her... Every year on her anniversary I try to light a candle for her... Miss you very much "NINA LUPE"..RIP...

  • Djsandy by Djsandy
  • 13 years ago

This poem, I'm sure has touched many. In my experiences of loosing loved ones, It is always comforting to realize that there is a much better life after death, and that even though, the people we love have to leave us someday, it is not forever. My father passed away many years ago, after suffering with terminal cancer for three years. Before he died he asked me to forgive him for having to leave. I was there with him the night he died, Christmas Eve 1992. I whispered in his ear, Daddy I forgive you. I know he is with the Lord, and looks in on me everyday. I have great faith, in God. For those of you who recently lost a loved one, be comforted in the fact you will see them again. God Bless You all.

  • Cindy Devol by Cindy Devol, Gosport
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched my heart and soul. My mother (Dorothy Heard) has been missing from Noblesville, Indiana since June 13,2011. She loved candles. I think of her every minute of the day~especially when I light candles~I have been doing that quite a bit. Thank you for the poem!

  • Melissa Urey by Melissa Urey, Warren OH
  • 13 years ago

Hi! My name is Melissa U. and when I was just 14 years old the person that I had considered to be another dad to me had passed away. And then just last year 2010 my biological daddy had passed away. So I like to read this poem because I light the candle that has a picture of them on it every day. Or I at least imagine that the candle is lit. So this poem just really touched me. And it just brought tears to me eyes and it is just helping me get threw this difficult time. So thank you for writing this poem.

  • Madelaine by Madelaine
  • 14 years ago

this poem brought tears into my eyes. lost my daddy a few months ago and I'm still missing him dearly....wish I can turn back the time just to see him one more time but I know its and miss you daddy

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