In Memory Poem

Poem About Memories Of A Loved One

We cannot communicate with those who have passed to the other side, nevertheless their presence remains as long as they are in our hearts.

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I wrote this for my grandmother who just passed away from cancer. She was one of my best friends! I'm lost without her! I can't believe this is happening. There's no way this can be true....

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I feel a warmth around me,
like your presence is so near.
And I close my eyes to visualize
your face when you were here.
I endure the times we spent together,
and they are locked inside my heart.
As long as I have those memories,
we will never be apart.
Even though we cannot speak anymore,
my voice is always there,
because every night before I sleep,
I have you in my prayer.


  • Stories 26
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Love by Love
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother had breast cancer. Watching her deal with it was very hard for me. This poem really touched my heart. I was crying by the end of it.

  • Maki by Maki
  • 5 years ago

My younger sister passed away from breast cancer, leaving behind a husband, 18-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl. I miss her gentle smile and feel she is always with me. This poem touched my heart.

  • Anita Merrill by Anita Merrill
  • 7 years ago

This poem was very inspirational to me. I lost my mom 6 years ago. As I was reading this poem it felt as if we were being pulled closer. That was a wonderful feeling. I really appreciate reading such a great poem. Thank you and God bless you!

  • Tyler Cobb by Tyler Cobb
  • 7 years ago

I wrote this for my grandmother who just passed away from cancer. She was one of my best friends! I'm lost without her!

I can't believe this is happening. There's no way this can be true. Someone who's brought so much love into my life, now you're gone from view. Grandma, you mean the world to me and have always loved me like no one else could. If I could trade places with you in a fraction of a second, you know I would! I'm finding it to be so hard to face another day knowing that you won't be there lighting up our lives so brightly in your usual way with your smile beyond compare! I need you because I know that you're one person who'd always care! Now I just hope I've learned enough from you to have the same loving heart, and I hope you see that every time you look down into my heart. You'll always remain in my heart, being right there with me until we meet again! I love you!

  • Daniel Kofa by Daniel Kofa
  • 8 years ago

My mother passed away 3 months ago. She was my companion, my world, my heart. Everything. I am so broken as not a moment passes by without memories of her. She had labored all her life to have me educated, and now just passed on just about time to see me flourish. Mama, you may have passed from the surface of this Earth, but you will forever remain in my heart. Love you, my sweet, sweet mother Mariam Bendu Sheriff. I love you.

  • MKH15 by MKH15, Columbus,Ohio
  • 8 years ago

I lost mine in 2015, and her death still hangs on me. I didn't get to say goodbye, but I decided I will live my life how I want in memory of her. As you already know, it's hard, but push on. I don't know if you're an adult or not, but if you're a teenager then it will really weigh on you. I was 15.

  • America Miramontes by America Miramontes
  • 9 years ago

My son Ireal "Kiki" Moreno was murdered June 14,2008. It's been 7 years now but the pain won't go away. I cry myself to sleep every night, everyday I think about him and I can't focus. My whole life has changed. Reading this poem made me take a deep breath and tears came to my eyes. I'm going to read this poem on his 7th year anniversary. Thank You.

  • Mcdonald01 by Mcdonald01
  • 8 years ago

Aw, I know how you're feeling. I lost my son in 2001, also murdered. He was 16. My heart goes out to you. I love the poem. Hugs.

  • Mercedes Morales by Mercedes Morales
  • 10 years ago

My sons father, was murdered on 11-28-12 I was a witness to his murder he was shot I stood by his side till his last breath. I miss him so much and wish I never saw what I did see but I'm glad I was there so he wouldn't die alone. That was the most difficult day of my life. Everyday I wish I could have prevented what happen or his last words he was trying to tell me before he past. Thank you for my 2 boys who are now 3 and 6 I love you and you will always be my Hero

  • Georgia by Georgia
  • 11 years ago

My brother died in July last year and my biological mum died before him so I'm in a Bad place at the moment

  • Rachel Price by Rachel Price, Alabama
  • 11 years ago

As I sit here watching my Mother and best friend, make the transition from this life to the next, it hurts more than words can describe. But while doing a search for a poem to read during her memorial service, I came across Memories, and instantly knew this was the poem. It spoke to me exactly as I know it will be when I no longer have her on this earth. It made me feel better, because I know she'll be with our Lord. And she will always be in my prayers until we meet again.

  • Molly Allen by Molly Allen
  • 11 years ago

I lost my grandad in March 2013 the day before my uncles 12th birthday he was only 52. I miss him soooooo much I loved him to absolute pieces. Rest in peace grandad and merry Christmas. I love you

  • Elizabeth Lewis by Elizabeth Lewis
  • 11 years ago

This passed January I lost my dad and it has been really hard. Not long after my dad passed away my nephew who was only 2 1/2 years old died in March of this year. I haven't been able to grieve because I have tried to keep my mind off and focus on my school work. The day after my father passed away I had got nominated for the Dallas Herring Award I just cried and wished my dad could be here to see me. When my nephew died I was so devastated and my mothers boyfriend had to drag me away from his grave I wished I could've went with him. I know that the memories I have will always be with me in my heart forever.

  • Bibi Baksh by Bibi Baksh
  • 11 years ago

I lost my only child, Alice Baksh-Jillah of Leukemia. Ever since that day May 8, 2006 I am unable to get a grasp of my life. My sweet Alice was everything to me, my world which was taken from me. My Alice was 10 years old, but it was as if she came into my life and disappear as quickly as she came. Everyday I ask GOD why he took my beautiful so soon and left me heartbroken. Thanks for allowing me to write and share my sweet Alice,
Thank you.

  • Donna by Donna, Ohio
  • 11 years ago

My younger sister died one month ago on the 12th of April 2013, we were eleven months apart in age. I miss her so much we shared so much together. I am the oldest of nine kids and I have been taking care of my whole family including our mom, as they have grieved, this poem was finally able to let me release my own flood of grief stricken tears tonight. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.

  • Martha by Martha
  • 11 years ago

My grandpa had passed away on my birthday May 8 2012. Since my birthday is coming up I've been crying non stop. I dearly miss him & I know he's in my heart but I can't help the feeling that I'm hopeless in life without him. My first birthday without him makes me feel empty. My emotions get deeper & deeper as I continue to think about him. It's hard to cope with a death that happened on my birthday.

  • Jackie by Jackie, Merrillville
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother Brian in January. He was 21, and was killed in Afghanistan. This poem reminds me of him.

  • Julie by Julie, Glasgow Scotland
  • 12 years ago

I lost my daughter Angela 10 years ago when she was 14. she died of undiagnosed heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I did all I could, mouth to mouth resus and CPR. I knew I was not getting her back but I kept trying. I miss her so much and the poem has just brought her back beside me. Do not despair even though your heart is so heavy with pain. I know I will be with her and all family one day, when my time here is finished. keep strong.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

What a very true poem the words in it I relate to so much, I lost my one and only son 1 year and 6 months ago and my heart is broken but the words I've read tonight are so true God Bless. My son was only 27 years old had so much to live for and is missed more than words can say but thank God for the memories I have and how lucky I was to have such a wonderful son God Bless you my Patrick Daniel till we meet again xx

  • Yvette by Yvette, Johannesburg South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I lost my precious 5 month old granddaughter, Azaria Tasneem on 10 January 2012 (my 1st month wedding anniversary) Needless to say, the joy of my marriage has taken a back step! My memories of Azaria are the same as in the poem, although as much as it brings a smile to my face thinking about her, it also hurts sometimes. When it gets too painful to think about her, I end up blocking out her memories. Its been a hell of a 5 month roller coaster of emotions! I pray for Azaria's 21 year old mom (my daughter Robyn), myself and every and anyone who has lost a loved one. May the Holy Spirit be our comforter and bring us much needed healing. Amen.

  • Columbus by Columbus, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

My nephew was only 30 years old, was killed in a car wreck , no guard rails to protect him from going over the mountain , 3 weeks later the state put up guard rails , the mountain was very foggy , he came around a curve in this heavy fog and went straight over a mountain, rolled his car was killed instantly. ( 01-22-12 ) They found him the next day, almost 17 hours later .
King Coal Mountain, WV, a new road with school children traveling every day over these mountains.
Please keep us in your prayers.

  • Christi S. by Christi S., Redondo Beach CA
  • 13 years ago

My beautiful cousin just passed away last night at 7:00 pm. I know that she will be in our hearts forever, and thank you so much for posting that poem, it says it all! It has body and words that mean everything! My Cousin would have loved this poem.
Luck, Peace and Health to you and yours.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Newcastle
  • 13 years ago

My sister passed away before I was born and even though I haven't met her my heart aches to meet her to hold her one time my mum doesn't let it show how much she misses her as it upsets me and my other 3 sisters but we know how much it hurts her. It's been almost 19 years and recently my Grandad died my mums dad, so it really gets her down sometimes.

  • Lindsey by Lindsey, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

This reminds me of the people I've lost in my life... when I was ten my mom died of terminal cancer that started in the lungs then may 2010 my boyfriend of 15 months passed away from a epileptic seizure when he fell in to a pond and filled his lungs with water then 4 days later my grandma died and then in October 2010 my dad died of cancer which he had for almost 13 years. I miss them deeply but I know they will always be in my heart.

  • Emily by Emily, USA
  • 15 years ago

this poem reminds me of my sister Rachel who died 4 years ago. she lives on in me and my family and all who ever knew her. She was that kind of person and she shaped me into who I am today. I love her and I miss her. This poem is beautiful thank you for writing it

  • Evelyn Lyons by Evelyn Lyons
  • 15 years ago

This story really touched me because I lost my mother when I was eight and well after my mother died my dad started going on longer and longer business trips and well I'm 15 now and I haven't seen my father since I was 9 so I haven't seen my folks in about 6 or 7 years but that's okay because now I live with my older step brother who is 20.

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