Family Death Poem

One's life can be measured by those he leaves behind.

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I was 3 when I witnessed my first family death. It was my mum! After going through 6 years of my life I had finally understood and processed that my mother was gone. She had passed away in...

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In Memory


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

A thousand times we needed you.
A thousand times we cried.
If love alone could have saved you,
you never would have died.
A heart of gold stopped beating;
two twinkling eyes closed to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove he only took the best;
never a day goes by that you're not in my heart and my soul.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lyons Tee by Lyons Tee, 8310 Heidi Lane apt 122, 25
  • 7 years ago

I was REALLY touched by this poem. My family and I recently lost my dad (4-28-17), due to pancreatic cancer. I still cry a LOT some days because it still feels as if it were a dream or that it just happened yesterday. Oh, how much I wish that it were just a bad dream.

  • Corall Andrew by Corall Andrew
  • 7 years ago

I was 3 when I witnessed my first family death. It was my mum! After going through 6 years of my life I had finally understood and processed that my mother was gone. She had passed away in her sleep. She was 27 at the time. I moved with my nan and she had taken the role for my mother. Just as I was starting to realize what had happened with my mum, my nan passed away. It was the tipping point for me. I was broken and drained. It felt like happiness wasn't an option anymore. I had moved with my dad and my stepmother and stepsisters. My sister had her a boyfriend with a baby. Just as I was settling into my dad's house and finally starting to move on, my stepmum committed suicide. It seemed like this was happening to me on purpose for some stupid reason. About a month later my brother-in-law committed suicide. Still to this day I wonder how different it would be if my loved ones were here. The pain is indescribable.

  • Kelly M. Crowder by Kelly M. Crowder, Sacramento CA
  • 7 years ago

I came across this and I believe everything happens for a reason. I would like to offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one. It is the inevitable. We will all experience it in one form or another. A great way to look at it is to know in your soul and in your heart that this life is simply a transition to the next. So they happen to have jumped a little ahead of you, however, we will all reunite again one day. So I sincerely hope that brings a little comfort to you. I have lost almost my entire family. I am 36 years old and have lost my parents at the age of 11 & 12 years old. One year apart. Soon after it felt like a domino effect. I genuinely want this to be positive, because that's what experiencing life is all about. I believe that your loved one would want you to realize how precious life truly is and thoroughly live it to the fullest. Celebrate their life. God bless, and I am here if anyone wants to talk or vent or anything.

  • Netra Biggus by Netra Biggus
  • 9 years ago

I lost my BEST FRIEND, MY MOM October 29th 2015, 20 days before her birthday. Life I know will never be the same. I am becoming numb of the reality of it all. I'm scared to speak to someone because I don't know how to deal with it all. I love you mom. I can't believe it still, I don't know how to live anymore. Trying to find a way to deal with life without you, I don't really want to. I know you are around us all. We smell your scent, or I hear your voice. FOREVER IN MY ? 10.24.54 '"10.04.15

  • Lesly Murray by Lesly Murray
  • 8 years ago

I understand how you feel, My mom has been dead now 13 years on Valentine's Day 2016!
I know it really doesn't matter what day you lose your parent it still hurts but on Valentine's Day the day of love! The first year my mom passed I felt like I was in a dream in fact there are parts of that year I still do not remember, I don't even remember who went to her memorial the only part I remember is my 8 year old son reading a letter her wrote to his grandma. And how heart broken I was that she was not able to make it to my daughters first birthday which was on March 8th only 23 days after she died. I remember being angry at her and not understanding why it happened.

I just want to let you know that the feelings you are feeling are very normal. I hope every day that goes by gets easier for you.

Take care,

  • Lois Coleman by Lois Coleman, Pittston
  • 9 years ago

My mom died in December 2014, ten days after finding out she had pancreatic cancer. I miss her dearly, I wish I had one more day with her. At the time we weren't talking because of misunderstandings, I would give everything to be able to get back that time prior to finding out she was sick. Regret is a horrible feeling!

  • Braxton MS by Braxton MS
  • 10 years ago

Love the poem. My niece was murdered this pass October by her ex boyfriend. It's been the hardest thing to deal with. She left behind a two year old. She reminds me everyday of her mom more and more. I was looking for a poem to read for her one year being gone. And I would love to use this one.

  • Sinta by Sinta, Australia
  • 10 years ago

This poem is amazing sums up the passing of my uncle perfectly. He closed he eyes to have a sleep after work before picking 2 of his children up from school he sadly did not wake up when his alarm went off. His eldest daughter went to see what he was doing and could not revive him.

I love you Uncle Dave and I miss you everyone does.

  • Rashanda Moore-Fletcher by Rashanda Moore-Fletcher
  • 11 years ago

On December 19,1993 I found my grandmother deceased. I immediately went into shock and from that point my world was changed forever. I shut down for years in robot mode no emotions. My husband took care of our 2 daughters, the house, me, and still worked a full time job. For that I am truly grateful but at the time I didn't show it. My grandmother was my everything at times I feel so lost without her. True friends & family tell me I looked just like her and have her mannerisms when I hear that the tears just start flowing. Oh yeah forgot to mention I couldn't attend her funeral or go the grave site also I didn't cry not one time I held it in for 15 years not good because when I did cry couldn't stop. I only hope we will meet again that is my prayer to God. Slowly but surely I'm trying to understand why God called her home. I know she is in heaven taking care of everybody & everything. I miss you and love you Grandmother Cleo.


  • Marilyn by Marilyn, Hazle Twp.
  • 11 years ago

We lost our son, Jack of sepsis in November of 2012. I was looking for something to ease my pain when I read this poem. It stated exactly how our family feels after losing him and brought tears to my eyes, after I thought I had shed all the tears that I ever could.

  • Sandi Coleman by Sandi Coleman
  • 11 years ago

This past year 2012, I lost my mom and my brother and my best friend. I cry all the time. I read these poems and cry but I a least know I'm not alone, because sometimes I do. I have 7 siblings and myself. They don't seem to take it as bad as I do. Maybe because I was my mom's baby. (I'm 52) haha, but she would tell me you could be 100 and you'll always be my baby. My brother and I were very close. More close than the other siblings. He past away very unexpectedly 2 months after my mom. I didn't get to say goodbye, then 5 months after my brother passed, my best friend of 37 years died she was also 52. She died of lung cancer. And now I feel so alone and lost, and I know how selfish I am, because I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children that I worship and adore, but I can't seem to move on form all my pain and grief. I want you to know that I am glad I found this website.

  • Laura David by Laura David, New York
  • 11 years ago

My cousin John Thomas died at 24 years old. I am 11 years old he committed suicide. When I heard the news I was crying for a long time. The same night I was crying a lot. Ever since it happened I've been crying a lot. May 22 2013 I went to his wake and I cried 3 times. May 23 2013 I went to his funeral, me and my mom cried 1 time but for a while. I have a huge hole in my heart now. I love him very much. When he was up here he looked fine. Rest In Peace John Thomas love you very much. After the funeral was over my uncle told me he would always be next to me. Then me and my mom said thank you to the soldiers he jumped with. Hewas a 82nd airborne.

  • Gauteng by Gauteng, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

My son, Clint died 18 years ago ,aged 10 years old, due to a hit and run accident. I don't think that the pain of losing a child will go away. It's 18 years today, however, it feel's like yesterday. I never had a chance to say goodbye, the one minute he was alive , the next minute he was gone. He will always live in my heart. I long to see his face
To see him walk into the room
I long to hear his voice, Saying Mum I love you too
To all the mothers out there who lost a child, let's find comfort in the precious memories we have. Your pain is my pain, whether your child was 10, 20, 50 years or a still born. Be strong

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Mi
  • 11 years ago

Not only this poem but the stories that followed touched my heart. My family and I lost my brother a year ago on April 11th. It was the first time in my life to have experienced such a loss. Words can not express what I feel. I am hurt and I mourn everyday. I am grateful for the time god allowed me to have with him. Everyone is put on earth for a reason. Everyone has a purpose and a mission and when they complete their task they are called home. Even though we may not understand why. I sit and think of all the memories I have of my brother and the way he lit up a room just by walking into it. The compassion he had for others and how selfless he was. That was his purpose, to be in our lives to have taught us and what he brought to our lives no one can take away. Even though I hurt and I miss him, even though I believe he was taken to soon, I could not have imagined my life without ever having him in it. My life is more fulfilled and blessed just by knowing him. Mission completed.

  • Hillary by Hillary, Arkansas
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me. I can't count the times that I have tried to pick up the phone and call my Dad for anything. He passed away 2/21/12 and his birthday was 2/22. He died suddenly from a blood clot in his heart. He did so much for other people in his life never thinking about himself. He loved all of us kids so much. I had him for 32 years of my life. He was my best friend, pastor and my Dad of course. I noticed that afternoon a worried look in his eyes but it had been there for a few days. I never went home as early as I did that day. When Momma called me screaming to get down there I knew before I got there that he was gone. I miss him so badly-I can't describe it.

  • Andrea by Andrea, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This poem relates to how I lost my friend to ovarian cancer, this past year. She was only 13 and just short of her birthday when it had happened. They diagnosed her with the wrong type, and before they could figure it out it was to late. But she was blessed with having her wish to go to Myrtle Beach on her last day here with us.

<3 you C

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

I have already written how this poem makes me feel and every time I read it I still cry. I lost my one and only son Patrick Daniel very suddenly without warning 2 yrs ago on the 31st 10 2010. I just cannot believe I am never going to see him again till the day God takes me and I cannot wait till that day, I miss my son so much I cannot bare the pain it hurts so much and I go about my day for the sake of my daughter and family but as the days go on it's not getting any easier why oh why did it have to be such a short time for me to have my Patrick. They say there is a reason for everything that happens but this is so sad and hard for me to accept I miss him so much. My father passed away 10 months after my son and I believe he is looking after him for me, but I want them so much. God Bless my wonderful son and father and all loved ones gone before them.

  • Danesha by Danesha, Antigua W.I
  • 12 years ago

Today we lay a very close friend of mine to rest... a colleague, a young mother, a daughter a sister. we were almost inseparable at work, she was sweet and beautiful. 19 years old, her young life taken away by a gun man one evening on her way home from work. I love you Mel, gone but NEVER will be forgotten... R.I.P.

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for the Beautiful poem!
My Dad died May 2010 and my Mom this past May. I cry every day, I wish I could turn back time, but I can't . My parent's were sooo special to me, they left behind a legacy that you can never achieve. I love and miss you both can't wait to see you again!

  • Wednesbury by Wednesbury
  • 12 years ago

This was a lovely poem. I lost my auntie on 31st of August 2012 of Cancer. She was only 36. She had 4 children. This poem Touched me because of my auntie. She died in hospital. I broke down. Love you auntie Racheal. R.I.P

  • David Hoffmann by David Hoffmann
  • 12 years ago

My best friends died yesterday on the date ( 8/1/2012 )
he was more than my best friend my brother who could understand me everything no one did always been there for me even shared our boxers together that was how close we are
we had bit fights but ended up smiling together I always use to give him beats and he used to rap ... :(
I always wish I would go back to the old days and I could see him once again and wish him goodbye :(
he was coming to Kuwait in couple of weeks.. :(
"Death has not won, Don't you think that death has won."

  • Thoththi Punchi by Thoththi Punchi
  • 12 years ago

It was on 6th July 2012 morning, got a call from my aunt. she said "Mane is gone". I started crying. My brother and my husband came running to the phone. They asked "What happened?" "Mane is dead" I said, but I was not sure of the news. So I called my aunt again, she said "he has got a heart attack". We got dressed and went to the hospital. On my way I was praying. I didn't want that to come true. Went to the hospital entered the ETU met a neighbor of my sister's. He said "go in". We went in - I couldn't believe my eyes - there sleeping on a stretcher my adorable nephew. My whole world collapsed. Where are the Devas (Gods)! I cried and cried and cried ......and I still cry. There is not a single moment that goes by without me thinking of you. I remember when you were small the things you did. One day we were watching 'Knight Rider' the TV series and the main actor was driving a car so fast - suddenly I noticed that my nephew was not there....alas, he was under the table. I couldn't help laughing.
Darling Mane, One month is gone I still can't believe you are gone. My son misses you so much. You were his HERO. To your friends you were a LEGEND. To your mother you were HER WHOLE LIFE. Why Mane, why did you have to go so soon? Just 28 years, handsome young man.
May be the Devas think this world is not a place for you to live because you are one in a trillion. I am so sorry I have millions of things to write about you but this space doesn't allow me to do so. May you attain supreme bliss of nirvana.

  • Donnahovet by Donnahovet, Ashfork Arizona
  • 12 years ago

"Nothing Blocking my vision" My son was Blind form a brain tumor he overcame brain cancer leaving him Blind for 10 years he was the mast upbeat young man. My youngest son, he had the most sparking blue eyes. they shut for the last time in June 2009 before they did he said "Nothing is blocking my vision" he went to Africa and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro blind setting a world record. I've cried a thousand times. I liked the truth in this poem. I miss his sparking eyes. Thanks for the poem got me through the day.....

  • Jade Smith by Jade Smith
  • 12 years ago

My uncle passed away Last year and my Grandma passed away yesterday, she was took at an early age, and I just keep on reading this poem and tears are running down my face.

  • Debbie Robinson by Debbie Robinson, Corinth MS
  • 12 years ago

I cried when I read this poem and the beautiful stories! I lost my daughter to suicide a year ago April. Tomorrow would be her 28th birthday. She left behind a darling 4 year old daughter who cries every day for her mama still. I miss her so bad and I wonder how much time it will take to heal.

  • Maggie by Maggie, Modesto California
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem my niece passed away on March 30th 2012 in a car accident she was only 18 and left behind a 1 year old little boy. I miss her so much. There's not a day I don't cry and think of her beautiful face. Love you always Rita

  • Maria Bethlehem by Maria Bethlehem, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I cried when I read this song as it brought back so many memories. I lost my beloved son at the age of 33 although it has been 11 years not a day goes by that I don't think, cry and talk about him. His death changed us and our hearts will never heal totally again. Part of us has gone and the unanswered questions remain. May God give us all strength as we alone cannot make it. God Bless you all.

  • Eleanor by Eleanor, Heidelberg
  • 12 years ago

What a beautiful poem, so touching, the words rang true for me. I lost my precious 29 year old son 19 March 2012, while he was having fun skateboarding with friends, sadly his life came to a tragic end. I face each day with a broken heart for my loss, but each day I remember the wonderful son he was, I remember the many things he would do and say to put a smile on my face. He was loved by so many and touched the lives of many people. I look forward to the day that we will be reunited again. I had no idea a heart could break so much, I had no idea that my tears would flow endlessly for my darling Carlos.
Carlos I miss you more and more each day. I love you. Mama
R.I.P Carlos Alberto Trancoso born 28-09-82 died 19-03-12

  • Chantelle by Chantelle, Willenhall
  • 12 years ago

I've read this poem a thousand times and still it makes me cry,
My step-dad died June 12th 2009,
He died on his way to work one morning at 6 am on his motorbike whilst riding down the dual carriageway near West Bromwich a lady on her phone pulled out in front of him as he went into the back of the right side of the car he flipped on top & died instantly due to head injuries and a broken spine.
My dad was a smiler no matter what he would be smiling,
He wore his heart on his shirt, he was the best man anyone would/could have ever known.
This poem states exactly how I feel about his death and explains what he was like
I miss him lots and it seems to get harder and harder as the years are going by xx

  • Megan by Megan, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This was a very touching poem to me... I have lost to many people to name them all but most recently I lost my grandpa on January 15 2012 and my little 2 week and 1 day old baby cousin on April 18 2012 so just very recently and no words can express just how much I miss all of them but this poem comes pretty close to how I feel<3

  • Michaela by Michaela, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

This touched my heart so deep. My older brother was killed when he was 17 in a car wreck on Nov.16, 2007. I will always be waiting to see him again.

  • Medeanna by Medeanna, Chicago
  • 12 years ago

This poem really sits well in my heart. I lost my boyfriend last year 7/20 in a motorcycle accident and just to know I'm never going to see him again it hurts me so bad! Whenever I see or hear words, speeches or poems of encouragement it brightens my days!. Thanks

  • Heather Skinner by Heather Skinner
  • 12 years ago

I cried while reading this poem because I just lost my cousin Tyler Morr may 23, 2012. He was only 12 and he was the best person you could ever know. He wanted to follow his grandpa's footstep in racing and 2 weeks ago he won he's first trophy. On Friday when he was racing one of his wheels came off the car and he lost control of the car and crashed and he was in all children's hospital until yesterday when his heart and brains gave out on him and the doctors had to unhook him from the cords and the bad thing is I had to sit there and watch it happen while I was on the floor crying my heart and eyes out :'(

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this poem I lost my only son of 27 yrs very very suddenly on the 31st October 2010 and I just cannot get over it. My father died 1st September 2011 and I believe my father was taken after a very short illness he was diagnosed with cancer and died 6 weeks later to look after my son. I pray every night that they are together and watching over me may they rest in peace and to my son The Brightest Star that ever Shone

  • Linda Franklin by Linda Franklin
  • 12 years ago

This poem means a lot to me I lost my husband July 26 2011. He died in my arms heart attack. I know that god has him in his hands and he is ok now!!!!

  • Ginette Hughes by Ginette Hughes, Ontario
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daughter Melissa Dawn on March 22nd, 2011. She was only 28 years old & missed her 29th birthday on April 30th/11. She died of malignant melanoma, a deadly skin cancer. She was so loving & giving. She made quite an impact of everyone she met. I will always love you & cherish you forever my sweet honeybee. Life is not forever, love is.

  • Las Vegas by Las Vegas, Nevada
  • 13 years ago


*Kekoa Hikialani Roland*
(Hawaiian: Kekoa: The brave one; Hikialani: Looking up to Heaven and Roland: Named after his Grandpa)

The poem was beautiful, but even more so the stories you all have shared. When I lost my infant son May 2011 I thought I was the only one in the world who felt his loss. I thought more than ever it was my fault. He was 8 days old and as his mother I blamed myself. He need surgery at 7 days old, by 5 am the next morning I received the call of my life. As my husband and I went to his bed side, the Dr's turned to us and without any words said it's too late. They stopped pumping on his chest and we let him go in peace. We have 2 daughters both older, now 6 and 3 years old, he was and is now our only son. After he died I got the chance to hold him for the first time. No words can express the loss of a child. Their time should never be before ours.

  • Kathie by Kathie, Taylorsville
  • 13 years ago

This poem makes me cry cause I lost my dad on 4-13-97 an a sister on her B-day Feb 12, 1998, and my oldest sister Nov 18, 2010 and the way all 3 of them died no one should have to endure. I have seen more death in my 49 years of living there is nothing I haven't seen or been through. I know God is giving me my strength to carry on and he not putting nothing before me He thinks I can't handle I want to say keep faith.

  • Theresa Lishamer by Theresa Lishamer, Sycamore
  • 13 years ago

This reminds me of my daughter we lost on November 18,2011, she was 28 years old she left behind a 3 year old son and a loving husband, she had a very rare of cancer she will be missed. Love you always My sweetest angel. Mom

  • Gilanna Beatty by Gilanna Beatty
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful poem. I just lost my favorite aunt yesterday and this poem fits perfectly. We love and miss you Aunt Pooh, you will never be forgotten.

  • Ashlle Biggerstaff by Ashlle Biggerstaff
  • 13 years ago

My grandpa just recently died and this poem really touches me in a big way. I was only 11 when he died we were soo close. I am 13 now but I will always remember him and will always have him close.

  • Laura by Laura, Salyersville
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I lost my cousin yesterday morning in a car accident. He was taking to soon. We love and miss you Scotty. You will never be forgotten. I hope you don't mind me sharing this with family and friends...

  • Sandra by Sandra, Canada
  • 13 years ago

I can relate to this poem because last year I lost my eldest daughter and her boyfriend in a car accident that involved a drunk driver. She was only 18 and he was 21 neither didn't even get a chance to live life yet. She was so artistic and he was smart. so miss Sam and Josh. And hoping that people will get it through their heads that drinking and driving doesn't pay.

  • Rebecca Worrall by Rebecca Worrall, Perth
  • 13 years ago

One of my bestfriends died 2 days ago in a tragic car accident.. he was 16. Possibly in the top 3 smartest kids in the school. you would never see a frown on his face, a smile that lit everyone's heart.
I love you Callum
Rip <3

  • Mike S. W/ Brothers & Sisters.. Louisville by Mike S. W/ Brothers & Sisters.. Louisville, Ky.
  • 13 years ago

Thank You for this Lovely poem. It's so true, "If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died".
Our Mom passed away on this date 4 years ago and has been missed so much that if this was a paper I was writing on, it would be tear stained with sorrow and love.

Shirley G. Johnson 1937 - 2007
Love you and Miss you

  • Cara Smith by Cara Smith, Hagerstown Md
  • 13 years ago

This poem is beautiful. I lost my Uncle January 22, 2008 in a car accident. It took most of my life when I got the terrible news. I was 6 months pregnant with my son who is now 3 yrs old. I almost lost my son from grieving so much. This poem really touched my heart and others also. Very well written and comes from the heart. Sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family.

  • Nancy Mojica by Nancy Mojica, Orlando FL
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me dearly. I lost my 16 years old daughter almost 3 years ago, one day she got sick, and the doctors didn't know what she had, two months in the hospital and she went to heaven July 23, 2008. She touched a lot of lives in the 16 years. She was loved dearly. Miss her everyday. Love you, Krystal.

  • Stephenie by Stephenie, Australia
  • 13 years ago

This poem makes me cry every time I read it. It reminds me of a really close friend that I lost last year in a horrific accident. R.I.P Suzi I will meet you again when its my time to go

  • Kaye by Kaye, Wales
  • 13 years ago

I lost my uncle 3 yrs ago on the 16th of April he committed suicide, it was a complete shock and something I don't think we will ever completely get over. He was a loving person with a big heart but unfortunately life never treated him very well and it got all to much for him. He is sadly missed by my whole family and what he did still has had a big impact on our lives. This poem is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes reading it. RIP to all those who have lost their lives, and for those living, life is too short so make the most of it, love and cherish all loved ones. X

  • Katie by Katie, Florida
  • 14 years ago

this is beautifully written. my sister died in my mother's womb when I was 4 and I lost a close friend when I was 10

  • Unknown by Unknown, Cincinnati Oh
  • 14 years ago

I lost my aunt on thanksgiving of 2009 she got murdered it was a hard thing in my life. Me and my family cried so many times my grandmother is still hurting and my mom which was her sister is hurting today. Thanks for this poem I love it and I know my aunt is looking down on ma and my family

  • Jackie by Jackie, Califorina
  • 14 years ago

This poem it touched me because when I was 13 years of age I lost my friend from cancer and three tumors in her spine and one in her brain she passed at 14. I, miss her so much. She was my best friend and I will never forget her she was the greatest I could ever meet.

  • Dee by Dee
  • 14 years ago

This poem is very special to me. I just lost my brother on Sunday due to a car accident. He was in the area last month visiting right before Christmas, but never got around to visiting me. Though he was able to spend time with everyone else, this really upset me. We may not have been as close as him and my sister, the loss is the same. But I know that one day we will see each other again. For now he will be forever in my heart. Rest in peace big brother. We love and miss you!

  • Erica by Erica, Florida
  • 14 years ago

Its a really touching reminds me of my Grandpa.....He died due to cancer on Oct. 13,2003. I was in 3rd grade when it happened and now I am a sophomore in high school. It still hurts because he won't be able to go to my graduation or watch me and my siblings grow up. I think about it a lot especially during the holidays.

  • Macy by Macy, Texas
  • 14 years ago

One of my really good friends is 17 yrs old and 3 months pregnant. January 20, 2011 the father of her child had committed suicide. She just found out today that there was a note on him and the only person he wrote about was her and told her to take care of their child and that he loves her and to keep going strong. This poem means a lot to both of us. He was a really good friend to me too. R.I.P. Cody Daugherty, you will be and are missed so much, we love you.

  • Emilee by Emilee, TX
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem. Thank you so much for writing it. I lost my dad May 1, 2008. He killed himself. I was 14 and the time. It was the hardest thing that I will have ever gone through. I have tried to be strong but I think about him everyday that I am alive, because I'm scared I will forget our last days together if I don't. He will always be my angel and my hero and I know I will see him on the other side. GOD BLESS

  • Lisa by Lisa, New York
  • 14 years ago

At age 10 I lost my grandmother to cancer at that time I thought she was sick and would be coming home after the doctors fixed her what she had they couldn't fix now 14 not a days goes by that I don't wish she was still her I love you grandma
<3-Betty J Bower-<3

  • Joe by Joe, Hamilton Ontario Canada
  • 14 years ago

All this poems touched my Heart I've Lost A lot of Family Members over the years. I cried so many time and till this day I still can't come to terms with the lost of a Loved one. so thank you All for your poems keep writing and God Bless..

  • Portia by Portia, Jacksonville FL
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched my heart. My husband died in a car accident three years and almost seven months ago. He lived twelve hours after the accident. We had family, friends and co-workers from Florida and Georgia who dropped everything to be with him at the hospital. He touched so many lives with his life! Even the receptionist at the DMV remembered him when I went to let them know he had passed. He was only thirty eight years old. Thank you for this poem!

  • Zoe by Zoe, Northern Ireland
  • 14 years ago

This poem makes me cry everytime I read or think about it as I lost my grandad 9 months ago due to cancer. although I am only 14 it has made a very large impact on my life and a day doesn't go past that I don't think about him, he means the world to me and there is a big hole in my heart now that he is gone. I just want to hold his hand again as I was holding his hand when he took his last breaths. R.I.P grandpa! gbnf xxxxxx

  • Aisling by Aisling
  • 14 years ago

That reminds me of my father, I lost him this year, and it's been 6 months and 2 weeks, he died by a clot in the heart..
and I was in school when he died..
my big brother came to me in school, at that moment I knew that something happened.. because my big bro or no one of my family ever came to school, and I was right about it...I can't say more. it hurts..

  • Martha Mckay by Martha Mckay, Georgia
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched my heart it reminded me of my Daughter. She was a kind and loving LADY and this poem is one of the best I have read. Since I found your web site I visit it a lot because your poems bring me comfort when I'm sad about the loss of my daughter.

  • Sara by Sara, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

This is the first poem I read after my grandfather passed away at 9am this morning. I am at school and I just got the news. Since I can't be with my family and hear there kind words these are the closest I could get to them. This poem is absolutely beautiful.

RIP Melvin Brokofsky (Grandpa B)
I love you.

  • Mandy by Mandy, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I cried reading this poem. I lost my daddy a year ago today. Standing by his bedside watching him take his final breath was the most traumatic thing I could ever experience. I am 31 years old, but will always be daddys little girl! I love you dad - RIP!

  • Sam by Sam
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem. It reminds me of my father who committed suicide when I was 12. I am now 15 years old and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him. I sometime feel as if it my fault that he is not here. I cry all the time because I miss him so much. Thank you so much for writing this poem.

  • Alex Cardiff by Alex Cardiff
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this poem it reminds me of my grandad who passed away two years today. It was the hardest thing to hear that someone you love is gone. When I heard I didn't sleep for two week because when I did close my eyes I saw his face.

  • Maggie by Maggie, Idaho
  • 14 years ago

Today would have been our 41st Anniversary. Even though I'm with someone else now, I still miss him and love him. He was my soul-mate.

  • Joseph by Joseph, Washington
  • 14 years ago

This poem filled my eyes with tears. Its reminded me of my grandmothers both of whom I lost to cancer. It's hard to go on living when you lose the ones you love so dear. Trying to remember every little thing about them and the time you had together. I know that they were there for me at my highschool graduation and when I graduated from basic training at Fort Benneing, GA. But it was still hard knowing that I wouldn't be able to hug them and tell them thanks for helping me through the hard times of my life. I miss you both and love you both Please help me stay strong for I need it now then ever before.

  • Alyssa by Alyssa, Georgia
  • 15 years ago

This was a really good poem. It relates to me and my grandmother. She went to church on Wednesday night and when we woke up one morning she was not there. Come to find out about it she passed away in her car right after church. I really don't know why she passed away but I was 5 years old at the time and we were very close and I am 14 now and there is not 1 day that goes by that I don't think or cry about her. I loved her so much I just wish that she was here. I'm sorry for yalls lose. God bless!

  • Kara by Kara, Maine
  • 15 years ago

This poem is very sad. It reminds me of myself in a way and my close friend who committed suicide. I would always say how much I hated life and how no matter where I went pain would follow and I told everyone I was done with life I couldn't cry anymore. It's not until my friend took her life last week on January 8th. I didn't take it very lightly and I felt even more depressed than ever. When a random stranger comes up to me and asks are you ok. I told him no. He says what's wrong. I told him how I lost her to suicide and I miss her more than anything. Then the most weirdest thing happened he looked into my eyes and said "Just like the way your family and friends would have missed you" He winked at me turned around and walked off. I never saw him again but it was so weird how he just knew and I think someone was looking out for me and now I know where I belong. Right here on earth with my family and friends. RIP Samantha I love you with all my heart.. I miss you <333

  • Amber by Amber, Flordia
  • 15 years ago

This poem is a very beautiful, soul touching poem. I lost my best-friend December 31,2009 and it still hurts to this day. This poem tells how I feel and what we all. He was only 18 and full of life. When he left a part of my heart went with him. Thank you for this poem, thank you very much

  • Lucia Reyes by Lucia Reyes
  • 15 years ago

Very touching poem!!! My two boys and I lost my husband unexpectedly 5 years ago, he was only 22 and this relates perfectly! I'm sorry for your loss! God bless!!!

  • Brittany by Brittany, Cashton
  • 15 years ago

This poem is beautifully written! On Oct. 11, 2009 I lost my 21 month old niece unexpectedly to H1N1. She was the love of my life and she will forever remain in my heart! ~Brittany

  • Amber by Amber
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched me because my cousin Tracy died on June 2 2009 she was a wonderful woman who had a disease she did not deserve. she was 32 years old and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her.

  • Catherine by Catherine
  • 16 years ago

I have cried and cried while reading this poem. It reminds me so much of my beloved son I lost without warning three years ago. He was 23 years old, and just didn't wake up one morning. It has changed my life, and that of my other two boys forever, as we are all so very close. Thank you for the touching poem...I am putting it up on my wall along with his picture~ Catherine

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