Family Death Poem

Poem About Loved One Watching Over Us

I wrote this poem a while back after a loved one died.

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I lost my dad not long ago (May 24, 2016). My dad wasn't there growing up, and I dreamed of the day I was old enough to look for him. My dream came true 6 years ago. My dad came back into my...

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Always There

Emma Marie Etwell © more by Emma Marie Etwell

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2015 with permission of the Author.

When you remember me,
Please do not weep.
My body may not be there.
It has chosen to sleep.
I'm not that far away.
My soul lives on,
Looking down, watching over
You and everyone.
And when you feel sad
And life seems so blue,
Just remember
That my spirit has its arms around you.
And on those special days,
Times that you wish I could see,
That cool breeze flowing past you...
Well, that will be me,
So don't be sad.
Have no fear.
God has taken me under his wing,
But I'll always be near.
I still watch you
Every minute, every day.
My love and soul are with you,
And that's where they will stay.


more by Emma Marie Etwell

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Donna Gregory by Donna Gregory
  • 8 years ago

I have recently lost my cousin, who was my best friend and more like a sister. She had been missing for 15 months, and her body was finally found. This loss has hit me hard. We are going to bury her next week (March 2017). I have been asked to give a eulogy, and I'm also going to read this poem as it has given me some comfort just to think she will always be there.

  • Tiffiny H by Tiffiny H
  • 8 years ago

I lost my dad not long ago (May 24, 2016). My dad wasn't there growing up, and I dreamed of the day I was old enough to look for him. My dream came true 6 years ago. My dad came back into my life. I still remember the day he wrapped his arms around me and said, "My little girl is grown. You're so beautiful." He got to meet my son, and we became real close, like he never left. God only knows how much we loved each other. My dad meant the world to me. I got the news my dad was dying, and I couldn't get to him since he lived in another state. He was waiting and holding on for me. I got to talk to him with the phone to his ear as I told him I loved him while tears fell down my face. I called the next morning, and my daddy let go that same night. I miss him. He never got to meet my daughter. Daddy, she's beautiful and so smart. I miss you more, and as each day starts I know you're with me each day. I just wish I had more time with you. I love you, Dad, and miss you. Until we meet you again.

  • Shirley Williams by Shirley Williams
  • 8 years ago

I found this poem while looking for just the right one to be read at my funeral! It is so beautiful, and I'm sure my family will get some peace after reading this beautiful poem during their sorrow!

Thank you for your comments. They really do mean a lot to me to see everyone's lovely words on here. It brings me great joy to hear that people find comfort in my poems, so thank you.

  • Mariyonna Laster by Mariyonna Laster
  • 8 years ago

I have a grandma who passed away, and this poem touched me because it relates to my life. When I feel cool breezes I think of my losses, but I will truly remember and always love her.

  • Chris by Chris
  • 8 years ago

I like this poem. My grade school crush/friend died in a car accident a few years back. It still hurts, and sometimes I lie in bed, listening to music, getting lost to memories of her, regrets of things I never said.

Though we were only friends, I couldn't help but sense there was something more between us, and my classmates saw it too, referring to her as my girlfriend on a couple occasions (oh, I wish).

We had talked about what high school we would attend, but fate had other plans and we lost track of each other, though she remained in my memory. Hearing of her death was the most painful moment of my life.

After her death, I could sense her presence at times. I distinctly remember hearing "I love you" in my ear one night as I sobbed over her.

Whenever I walk outside at night and feel a breeze on me, I think of her. Sometimes I'll open my palm and imagine her holding my hand.

  • Charlotte Acree by Charlotte Acree, Gregg, TX
  • 9 years ago

I have a friend now going through cancer treatment with maybe a month or 2 to live, according to her doctor. Plus her beloved pet of about14 years is in bad shape, too, being blind and deaf. If the dog survives her owner, I have promised to take her to our vet to have her put to sleep. I think about her parents and older sister who have gone before her, just as my parents have. For me as a Christian, and not facing imminent death, the poem was a source of strength. I'm not sure about her right now.

  • Mantha Bloemfontein by Mantha Bloemfontein, Free State
  • 9 years ago

After my cousin passed away, I felt so lost and alone, but this poem has reminded me that it wasn't farewell when he died but it was till we meet, I will see him again when I get o heaven.

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