Family Death Poem

With a tragic loss, the pain of separation is overwhelming.

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I'm very sorry for your loss. My cousin was also like an older brother to me, we only had a 5-year difference. He passed away suddenly from a severe lung infection in December 2019. Since...

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The Loss Of A Cousin


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

My eyes filled up with tears as I heard the news.
It never occurred to me how much I could lose.
I find myself wishing that it wasn't real.
Every time I think about it, pain is all I can feel.
Tears fall from my eyes; I can barely see,
But my heart tells me that he'll always be with me.
I'm glad he feels no pain now; he lives in a perfect land.
I can still feel the soft touch on my shoulder of his loving hand.
I lie in bed and cry at night,
And I don't feel any better in the morning light.
I will love and miss him forever,
Until the day we are again together.
Together in that perfect place above,
Filled with caring, sharing, and love,
But until that day comes--I will wipe my tears away
And hope to see him again someday.


  • Stories 157
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Carol by Carol
  • 2 months ago

I lost my cousin brother only 5 days ago. He was just 35 years of age. He was more like a brother to me. I kept thinking how could it happen as he slipped and fell on his head while walking home and was admitted in ICU. I kept crying for days and still feel so much pain. He has a wife he left behind. Everyone keeps thinking about the wonderful memories we shared coz he was such a loving soul. Loving and caring. It's like I don't have anyone close in my family anymore. I feel like someone has stolen something from me by taking him away. Don't feel like interacting with anyone anymore. Feel low and depressed.

  • Amber Dolman by Amber Dolman
  • 1 year ago

I lost my cousin on 4th July 2019 I was just 15 at the time. He was on holiday when he tragically fell over the railings The next month was my 16th birthday party I wanted to cancel it but family told me he would want us to carry on so I spent the whole night trying not to break down. It's been 4 years and I still struggle to talk about him. Does it ever get easier? I was going to message him the morning of his accident to check in on him but for some reason I didn't and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for that.

  • Chris A. Demmer by Chris A. Demmer
  • 3 years ago

I came here lately because my cousin who was like a big sister to me died in 2014 on April 18. I thought things were all better and here I am crying about it all over again. Her birthday is in exactly a month from today and I'm aching very bad and wish I knew what to do.

  • Yasmin by Yasmin
  • 3 years ago

I'm very sorry for your loss. My cousin was also like an older brother to me, we only had a 5-year difference. He passed away suddenly from a severe lung infection in December 2019.
Since then, every time when I'm about to sleep, the memory of his death and all the pain I felt at the time come back to me as if it was the first moment I ever faced it. It's so hard for me to accept what happened to him. I just wanted to tell you that no matter how long has passed, you can always revisit (voluntarily or not) the pain and cry your heart all over again, without having to hold or blame yourself, thinking you should be over it already. We are never really over it, and carrying our grief along with the happiness we experienced is part of life. Sometimes these scars hurt even though the wound is not open anymore. It's part of healing internally and the fact that it still hurts is not your fault.

  • Rebecca Tyeryar by Rebecca Tyeryar
  • 3 years ago

Today is April 25, 2021. I woke up this morning and I got a call from my father. You could hear the pain in his voice and he told me, "Rebecca, you know what drugs do to people?" I said, "Yes, why?" He told me that on April 24, 2021 at night, my cousin died because he was on drugs. I didn't show my emotions until l got into my room. It just hit me, I lost my favorite cousin. Hearing this news at 14 and not knowing how to control it is really hard, but he's in a better place, and he's looking down on me right now. I was not happy to hear this news, but things just happen. Rest in peace. Blair Tyeryar.

  • Chris A. Demmer by Chris A. Demmer
  • 4 years ago

I suddenly got thoughts about my cousin who died on Good Friday 2014 (April18). I just wish she took precautions while driving. Tonight, everything about her death is falling apart out of nowhere. I wish we still had communication.

  • John Doe by John Doe
  • 5 years ago

I lost a family member to a fentanyl pill...he was only 20 years old and just had a daughter months before...he had fallen off a dispensary building they were working on and broke his back. He had metal poles put in his back. The doctor only gave him 10 5mg Tylenol percocets. He ran out and you know how that goes, so he hit the street, picked up what he thought was 2 30mg pain pills. He got them, popped one, and headed home. Next thing you know he got home, got out the car, said he felt weird, and dropped to the pavement. His lady ran over, brought him back to life twice. He was gone before the ambulance got there...well that pill was homemade full of fentanyl. I guess it stopped his heart. You can't imagine how much pain it brought to the family. So sad and his daughter still asks where daddy went.

  • Ceecee by Ceecee
  • 5 years ago

I am so sorry. I just lost a lil cousin two days ago because someone felt like I was ok to walk up on him and shoot him in the back of his head while he was going live on Facebook. I haven't slept yet in like 2 days because of it, so I do know how you feel about it. My condolences go out to you and your family.

  • Emily Contam by Emily Contam
  • 5 years ago

One year and 6 months ago I lost one of my beloved little cousins due to being a twin born premature at 24 weeks. Weighing just under 1lb each, they fought through the majority of a week. Then on the 24th of January the smallest one passed away in mum and dad's arms. Now we have one very healthy little boy and one bright shining star in the sky. This year has been one of the hardest for our family, and we respect everyone going through family issues as we have been on an emotional rollercoaster. My perspective of everything has changed, and I look at things in a different way. I realize how lucky we all are to be breathing now.

I visit your grave every week and put out some fresh flowers. My life will always be incomplete now that you are not here. There is always a gap in my heart that will never be full because you aren't here where you should be. Your brother will be so proud of you. We remember you deeply, you little angel. I love you to the moon and back.

  • Khadijah by Khadijah
  • 5 years ago

I lost my elder cousin who was just 25 years old. We were like brother and sister. He had an accident and got hit in the head. He was in a coma for 10 months. Shall I say he was the most successful businessman in our family? He started his career at the age of 21 with his friends, and now he’s one for a journey we know he’ll never be back. He used to visit us every weekend with a pack of ice cream. I really can’t express how much I miss him, and now all I do is visit his grave and water the plants above his grave. I really miss you. You are something good that happened to me.

  • Mayur Mittal by Mayur Mittal
  • 6 years ago

I lost one of my dearest cousins on March 10, 2019. He was swimming with his daughter and drowned accidentally. He was 34 - survived by a wife and 2 twin daughters. If feels so painful to think about everything. May God give strength to everyone who lost their loved ones.

  • Ana Mamoribo by Ana Mamoribo
  • 6 years ago

I lost my cousin on August 18, 2018. It was the worst day of my life. My cousin was 23 years old when he died. His cause of death is unexplainable and tragic. I am glad that I got to spend 3 weeks with him before he passed away. Now I already went back to USA, but every night I keep thinking about him. He usually told me to stop staying up all night long. He always checked on me and always asked me about my day in USA. I miss him so much and I wish we can meet again someday up there.

  • Mryna by Mryna
  • 6 years ago

I lost my cousin on December 29, 2018. He was trying to prevent a drunk driver from driving a vehicle and was severely injured. He had just turned 21. We were the same age. I miss him so much. I feel so sad and empty.

  • Rhi by Rhi
  • 6 years ago

I lost my favorite cousin a year an a half ago at 31. He had a rare type of brain cancer but was in remission from June 2016-September 2016. He got engaged to his beautiful girlfriend that summer, but the cancer came back and had spread. He was hospitalized at the end of September, and by the 6th of November he was dead. He married his beautiful Nina in the hospital. I never got to say goodbye because it happened so quickly and I was at university in another country. I miss him so much even now.

  • Monisa Cole by Monisa Cole
  • 7 years ago

I lost my favorite cousin on February 21, 2018. Worst day of my life. He got killed while he was fixing his car. Some young man stole a U Haul truck and lost control of it and hit a car that hit his truck that his was repairing. Anthony was 57. I am 56. We were like brother and sister. He used to come over to my house every weekend when we were young. He was good at repairing things and hooking up things with wires. He used to make movie projectors so we could watch movies. He also used to like to play with his hot wheel cars. He could take a lawn mower motor and make mini bikes that we used to ride up and down the street. He was a great cook, and he loved to eat as well. I will miss Anthony forever. I love you, Anthony, and I will see you on the other side. I know God knows best and He only takes the best.

  • Zimy by Zimy
  • 4 years ago

How tragic, he sounds like a great man and you had a special bond.
I lost my cousin 25 Sept due to a brain tumor. She found out 2 months ago and she had to have it removed.
The operation went well and recovery too until she started swelling and with no control of how much the brain swells she soon had no oxygen going to her brain and she was declared brain dead that Friday and her heart stopped that same night.
She leaves behind a husband and 3 beautiful kids, 2 girls 12 and 5 and a little boy who turned 10 months 29 Sept.
I am gutted, it has not sunk in yet. The funeral is this Saturday and I am in pain. I cry at every thought of her, every picture, our chats, her voice on voicenotes.

  • Gabbi Jenner by Gabbi Jenner
  • 7 years ago

I have lost my cousin, Riano, at the age of 27 on 01/11/2017. That was the worst day of my life, and every day since I have this unbearable pain and emptiness inside. I loved him very much and will always love him. He was more like a brother than a cousin. His 29th birthday is tomorrow (02/03/18) and I want to celebrate the time we had with him, but somehow the pain prevents me to feel joy.

  • Val Johnson by Val Johnson
  • 7 years ago

We lost our brother to gun violence. He was doing a good deed in a bad neighborhood. My brother was riding with a friend and his date. The young lady left a coin purse in the car, and my brother took the coin purse to the door. A few seconds later a group of gang members came through the neighborhood shooting at cars and homes. My brother was shot in the back and the bullet traveled throughout the body, damaging organs. He survived 29 days, losing all the blood in his body three times and endured eight surgeries. He could not speak, but we could read his lips, and his last words were, "I love you!"
Lonnie 4/11/61 - 12/4/17 saddest day of our lives.

  • Denver by Denver
  • 7 years ago

I lost my cousin to suicide 21 weeks ago. I miss him so much. When I read this it was beautiful and made me think about how I really miss him. He was only eighteen.

  • 6 years ago

Me too. I lost my cousin on June 6. He was only 13 years old. Suicide. He was a very joyful child, but I never knew that behind that smile there was a pain inside his heart. I never had time to talk to him, and I regret those time when he wanted me to go to his house. I miss him. :(

  • Refiloe by Refiloe
  • 7 years ago

I lost my cousin to a ruptured appendix today. Words can't even begin to describe what I am feeling now. I have been crying since I got the news. I even called her upon finding out the news because I just couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it yet. Losing a cousin is like losing a sister. May your humble soul rest in peace, Ngisi. You are loved and will forever stay in my heart.

  • Sadie by Sadie
  • 7 years ago

I lost my beautiful cousin when she was 12. She ended her life with rope in her closet. She was so young and she was going through depression. It was hard for me because I was really close, and I miss her a lot. How could I lose someone at a very young age?

  • Val Johnson by Val Johnson
  • 7 years ago

Sadie, I am so sorry you lost your cousin. My heart aches when anyone, especially a young person, leaves this earth with so much pain. I will keep you and your cousin in my prayers. God loves you.

  • Morgan McGee by Morgan McGee
  • 7 years ago

I lost my cousin almost two years ago from a bullet to his head. He and I were extremely close, and when I heard the news, my world came crashing down. Nothing mattered to me, and I fell into depression. I remember calling his phone to see if it was real. When he didn't answer, my heart throbbed and I couldn't stop screaming. I was angry at God for taking him away, and I still don't understand why He did that to my cousin. God has a greater plan that doesn't make sense to us. I would give anything to hug my cousin one last time. I miss him so very much, but I know he is watching over me and keeping me safe every day of my life.

  • Kaia by Kaia
  • 7 years ago

Three years ago today I lost my beautiful big cousin to a car accident! He had just turned 18. He had his dream car (Mini Cooper). One night he was taking my cousin and her friends home when a man in a Mercedes was speeding down on the opposite road and hit him at full speed. It left her with a broken spine and rib, leaving her in intensive care, and he died instantly on the scene.
God only takes the best, and that's why he took my angel! I would do anything to bring you back and to spend one more day with you! I love you with all my heart.
If someone could write him a poem I would be entirely grateful.

  • Kathy1972 by Kathy1972
  • 7 years ago

My cousin Joshua was taken from us in such a tragic way at such a young age. To lose someone is hard, but to lose someone that young to a murder is almost impossible to get through, so I live one day at a time trying my best to keep the hatred from my heart. I guess the hardest thing is that Josh thought he was with his friends and that's the one who ended his life. I pray that Josh is in such a better place. He's happy now. He has no worries, no care; he's in Jesus's arms. Until we meet again, Josh, I'll always keep your memory in my heart and in my mind.

  • Rimmie by Rimmie
  • 7 years ago

My cousin and I were only a year apart in age; we grew up like sisters and she was my best friend through college. Last year, she passed away in a car crash on Valentine's Day, and my life hasn't been the same since. She was only 25, her whole life in front of her. I can't imagine going into adulthood without her, and even now over a year later I'm struggling to accept the truth or see a future without her. In recent years, we saw less of each other with work and "adulthood," but I always missed her and thought there would come a day when we'd be as close as we once were. She'd be my maid of honor, our kids would grow up just as close as us. Now what will the future hold?

  • Solyana by Solyana
  • 8 years ago

My aunt's baby just passed away. He was going to be born in ONLY 3 DAYS. I got her a kit of baby clothes that came with a t-shirt, shoes, hat, socks, and more clothes. I had made her cards telling her that I was SO excited for the baby. I called her to see what took her so long. When she answers she was crying. I asked her what happened. She said, "There has been a death. Your newborn baby cousin boy has died." I put the phone down and gave it to my brother. They talked for about 5 minutes. I was in my room crying my heart out. I could not hold my tears back. I cried my heart out. Then my brother came. He said that he heard the news. He hugged me and said he loves me. He said that he feels the pain too. But God has done what he thinks is right. He told me that God always has a reason of doing things. This is my second cousin that died. My other aunt's baby died in her belly 1-2 years ago. Now it happens the second time.

  • 8 years ago

Thank you for writing this poem. I just lost my favourite cousin, who was like a brother to me. I really appreciate whoever wrote this, because I know other people are feeling what I'm feeling...

  • Inem Churchill by Inem Churchill, London
  • 9 years ago

First I want to say thank whoever wrote this poem. Both my cousins passed away yesterday - 1st of January 2016 .. In a fatal car accident while returning from a trip. I've cried my eyes out ..only if my tears could bring them back. They were aged only 14 and 8. I still cannot believe I lost this precious people on the very first day of the new year. This is more than a tragedy to me, my heart hurts so much knowing that I will never be able to see them become something in life. I pray one day we shall all meet again never to depart.

  • Morrissa Clanahan by Morrissa Clanahan
  • 10 years ago

My beautiful cousin was murdered along with her co-worker during an attempted bank robbery 6 months ago. I called her my sister-cousin. She was 52 and her life cut tragically short. Her first grandchild had just been born a few weeks before. I miss her and think of her every waking hour. This poem shared with me how I feel. Very beautiful and touching, just like my beautiful cousin. RIP and we will celebrate together again dear sister-cousin when we are reunited in heaven.

  • Angie by Angie
  • 10 years ago

This poem is beautiful! On November 24th 2013 I lost my beautiful cousin Lesley Perez to a motorcycle accident. She was only 17 years old and at times I think that's what hurts the most that she was so young and didn't have the chance to do all the things we said we would. She was the only cousin I was close to, we were more than cousins we were best friends! I miss her so much every day.. It hurts the same every day. I don't know how to let her go.. It just doesn't make any sense. I can't hold the tears back. I love you so much my beautiful angel and I hope to see you soon.

  • Kaela by Kaela
  • 11 years ago

I lost my cousin on July 31, 2012. He was eight years old and would be turning ten in just a few weeks. Many times people ask why I feel so much grief over the loss of a cousin, after all he was not my brother or my son. But, he was my cousin and I loved him with all my heart. I still am trying to make sense of all of this and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. This poem sums up my feeling perfectly. I hope one day I can read a poem like this and not cry but find the strength to truly believe the last line.

  • Tammy by Tammy
  • 11 years ago

I loved how this poem said it all. I said goodbye to my cousin on January 21st way to soon. He was 37 he left behind a wife and 4 young children. He touched so many people, he was a awesome father. This all started when he came down with pneumonia and rapidly declined from there. The doctor's ran test after test trying to find out what was infecting his body. Prayers please as they are doing an autopsy to find out what the cause was. There is several other cases with this unknown pneumonia virus so if he can save another life he would be very pleased.

  • Yasmin by Yasmin
  • 5 years ago

I know it's been 5 years since you wrote this, but still...I lost my beloved cousin on December 5th this year, 2019, less than 2 weeks ago. My cousin was only 32 years old and got married in February 2017. He didn't have kids yet, but we believe he intended to. He also was diagnosed with a very strange pneumonia in April this year. The CT scans were inconclusive, and even after taking many kinds of antibiotics for months, the disease wouldn't leave his lungs. In the end of November, he was hospitalized and became more stable, but he had to go through a thoracic biopsy because the doctors couldn't understand the causes of his problem. They diagnosed him with pulmonary fibrosis and pericarditis, plus extremely resistant lung infection. After the biopsy, they put him in an induced coma because he was not being able to breath on his own. 2 days later, his organs were starting to fail and 4 days after the surgery his heart was too exhausted and stopped.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 11 years ago

My cousin took his life three months ago from post traumatic stress and the pain it has caused my family is unimaginable. I know I will find peace eventually, but I'm not sure how soon that day will come. It still haunts me every single day.

  • Dawn by Dawn
  • 11 years ago

My cousin was murdered in Hull on New Years day. I felt so much comfort from the poem. I am not able to get the comfort from my family because we all split up 9 years ago after my mums death.
I just want to grieve for Steven like they are all doing.

  • Sally Depositario by Sally Depositario
  • 11 years ago

Thanks for the poem, like others who posted here I also lost a beloved cousin he died 10 months ago and he will celebrate his Bday Oct 7, we still miss our dear cousin, a loving, thoughtful, caring and a happy person. You will be forever in our heart Jay! Happy Birthday! You are our Angel up there!

We love you and We missed you!

  • Jacqui Flores by Jacqui Flores
  • 11 years ago

Thank you very much for this poem in a couple of days it will be year since I lost my cousin who was more like a brother to me in car accident out of 5 people in the car he was the only one to die. This poem brought tears to my eyes. He was only 16 & I thank god for letting us borrow him for that time . <3

  • Jo Aikens by Jo Aikens
  • 11 years ago

This poem is so pretty. I lost my son at a tree accident on June 18 2013 my heart broke and it will always will he is my first born it kills me inside. His birthday is arriving soon he would of been 30 Sept 23 2013. He also left behind such a pretty little girl that looks just like her daddy. She will miss out on life having her daddy around to have her grad school, getting married and have such pretty grandkids my hearts hurts for my poor granddaughters.

  • Kay Rogers by Kay Rogers
  • 11 years ago

I lost my cousin July 7, 2012. She was only three years old. Everyone was getting ready for a bathrobe party and didn't see her walk outside into the pool. It has almost been a year and I still cry overtime I see her picture or hear the song "Angle" that she was buried to. She was the sweetest little girl you will ever meet. I know she is a better place.

  • Beverly Ramirez by Beverly Ramirez
  • 11 years ago

Thanks for this poem for my cousin Mike. He died on May 8th 2013 of an apparent gun shot to the head. So heart broke I didn't think that would ever happened to my cousin so special. He was loved by his family wife and 5 wonderful children he was a wonderful father, brother and son. He will be deeply missed by everyone that knew him. Love your cousin Bevery Ramitez

  • Veronica Wayne by Veronica Wayne
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin on Christmas eve. I miss him more than anything in this entire world. it made it so much harder getting news on Christmas eve that my favorite cousin had died... ): I can't stand this. It's sooooooooooooooo hard! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))::::::::

  • Lindsey Harrison by Lindsey Harrison
  • 12 years ago

Two years ago today I lost the most precious person. My cousin Malaki. My cousin had him at a young age. He was born with no ears and only half a heart. When he was 2 he still couldn't talk or walk and could barely sit up. My cousin finally moved back down here the week before Christmas in 2010 because he was doing so bad. I spent every day all day with him for 3 weeks straight. I saw him getting worse and saw him giving up, but you could still tell he was trying to hold on. He would always hold someone's finger and wouldn't let go. But it had to be someone he knew and was used to. He would never let go. On Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Malaki let go. It took God to grab his finger for him to let go of ours. My world crashed and it felt like a terrible nightmare. I couldn't wake up for nothing, until I finally got that it was reality. Before he passed away the hospice people were over earlier and said that they think that he is holding on for us. He was 2 1/2. I miss you, Ki <3

  • Lisa Belrechid by Lisa Belrechid
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me a lot. I lost a cousin 3 days ago I'm still shocked. She was only 11 years old. She was going to school and school bus hit her. She died on shots she's was so kind and beautiful. I can't believe that I won't see her again this feeling breaks my heart. This afternoon I will sing for her and for all who has lost a member of the family.
Rest in peace Amira love you soo much

  • Taylor Girard by Taylor Girard, OH
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin April 7, 2012. It was the day after her 17th birthday. I miss her so much! We were really close cousins too. We would always write each other letters and pass them to each other in the halls at school... the day she passed away, I thought it was a rumor. When I found it was true, I didn't stop crying... to this day, I still cry at night. I didn't know how to react. I was sooooo upset! I never knew I could lose so much. I just want her back. Every day at 11:11 am and 11:11 pm, I always make a wish to just get to hear her voice and see her face just one last time. I didn't even get to say goodbye or tell her how much I love her and what she means to me....

  • Matthew Smith by Matthew Smith, Texas
  • 12 years ago

This poem really helps in the situation I'm in.
I lost my best friend Philip Edward George on November 5th due to Stage 4 Colon Cancer. He was a hearty soul who'd do anything for his family and friends. We grew up together since I was the age of 3. I was on the phone with him for the last time that night he said "I love you, Brother. Take of Mamma for me and Brutus (the dog)" I asked why and he said what if I pass away tonight, and I told him to stop saying what if all the time.
He laughed and said okay, and that he'll call me in the morning.

I got a call about 12:45 AM and it was his mom. She told me that Philip had passed and that he was in a better place. I immediately rushed to Centennial Hospital and comforted his mom. He knew his time was coming. He's in a better place now.
Rest in peace buddy.

Philip Edward George

November 24th 1994 - November 5th 2012
He was only 18 years old.

  • Clarize by Clarize, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

My cousin was mugged and killed on the 1 November 2012 (yesterday).
What a devastating loss to our family. Wes had such an amazing soul. He will be sorely missed.


  • Janneth by Janneth, Cebu
  • 12 years ago

I lost one of my closest cousins, Rowena, due to colon cancer last October 26, 2012... I'm searching the web for some poems to post on her FB wall and I've found this one! This poem's great!

  • Denise by Denise, Pasco
  • 12 years ago

My cousin was run over, and stabbed repeatedly, and slowly bled to death on March 27th of this year. His loss has been very painful. He was someone who always had a kind smile on his face, someone who you could always count on and didn't judge. Today September 24th is his birthday. Everyone is crying again, it feels as if he had just died. His Facebook is full of happy birthdays and I miss you's. Everyone agrees one of the best things about him were his hugs you could stay in them forever. I Love you Kiki.
R.I.P Osvaldo Ramirez
Born: 9-24-92 Death: 3-27-12

  • Lewes Del by Lewes Del
  • 12 years ago

My family and I lost my cousin on the 25th of September in the early morning I received a phone call at 2:30 am stay Frankie is dead he commit suicide He was only 28 year old. Our world has been so messed up ever since this has happened. He was the only boy in our family. I wish it was a dream or he was playing a joke on us. I miss him so much sports and everything else isn't the same with out Frankie. May he rest in peace and one day we will be up there having fun like ole time 12/29/82~9/25/11 love and miss you Babe

  • Courtney Holmes by Courtney Holmes, NSW Australia
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin this year on St. Patrick's day 17th March 2012. In a car accident she was killed instantly on the very first roll of the car and broke her neck , I think she felt her time was coming as she was only 17 but told her younger sister if I died would you lay in my room and smell my clothes to be reminded of me, she told her dad where she wanted to be buried and that she was going to die this year the sad part is she was so young and had so much to give and show us. She and her guy friend died at the hands of her two best friends arguing over a boy. Not a day doesn't pass when you aren't in our minds Karly Jai Holmes 8/11/94 to 3/17/12 forever in our hearts <3

  • North Port by North Port
  • 12 years ago

My family lost our cousin last week. He got shot in the back of the head by his girlfriend and her dad and his friend shot him left him sitting there till the next day to call 911 and he has a three years old, a one year old and a baby on the way.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

My family lost my cousin 2 weeks ago this past Monday. It was the early morning Monday, July 9, 2012 that we got the call my cousin Richard was in a terrible car accident and died along with 2 girls. He was only 23 and had 2 children and one on the way. I know I didn't get to spend much time with him before, but I'd sure give anything to have him back. R.I.P Richard! You are greatly missed by many along with Sarah and Chelsea! ♥

  • London by London
  • 12 years ago

I've just lost my cousin. He died in a fatal motorbike accident. I can't believe he's gone. It's been 3 days and I feel so raw. It's so hard to believe. He only turned 25. I miss you so so so so much honey <3 ill miss you so so sooooooo much. You're gone.

  • Alachua by Alachua, Florida
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin Tuesday. She was 13 years old. And she would have been turning 14 June 29. She had a type of cancer that didn't have any cure for it. Only two people had that cancer. Everyone loves her and calls her Pink Diamond. She loved Hello Kitty. I love my cousin and miss her. I cant help but cry when I think of her name. She was located at Shands Hospital here in Florida. I can relate too this poem as well. But we know God doesn't make mistakes. Rest easy D'aisha <3

  • Brett by Brett, Oak Grove MN
  • 12 years ago

I miss my cousin. I found him on my dirt bike track and he was my neighbor. He was active he came to my house every day. Now I have to sit and look where he died at he was 9 just like me. He went to my school rode my bus and was in my class. I guess God wanted me to say goodbye to him. I cry and pray to let me know he's still there.

  • Jennifer Biggs by Jennifer Biggs, Akron
  • 12 years ago

Ashley Biggs was her name a beautiful young lady of 25. She was a hard worker devoted mother and partner. She served in the United States Army briefly until an injury put her down. Ashley was a survivor full of life and loved it to the limit, she was kind to all quite and reserved in her manner. She was taken from us June 21, 2012 by a Monster of a man who thought that if he could not control her or have her back again that she to him was better off dead. Now we are reaching all that are left behind for anything that might help us make sense of this terrible crime, the only comfort that we have is now her fight is done she will never have to fear him or hurt again from now on. So thank you again for this poem you have shared it has given me sometime to reflect and share.

  • Audrey by Audrey, Detroit Michigan
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin March 28, 2007. He committed suicide, he was only 15 yrs old. Today he would have been 21. I miss my cousin so much. He was more like a brother to me then cousin because we grew up together and did everything together. If I could just have him back for just 24 hrs that would make my day. I just wish he could have talked to someone about whatever he was going through. I can relate to this poem very well

  • Heather by Heather, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my cousin, Nathan, about one week ago in a motorcycle accident. I miss him so much and wish I could just see him one more time. He had the funniest laugh and best smile ever. My heart constantly aches and everyday I wake up hoping this is over and it's not. I can't sleep. I can still feel him and I know he is watching...but I still miss him so much!

  • Jordyn Pamer by Jordyn Pamer
  • 12 years ago

Thank you my 21 year old cousin was killed in a car accident. She flipped her car and survived then was walking to get help and was killed my a truck. I miss her. She was like my sister

  • Olivia by Olivia, West Midlands
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 13 year old cousin yesterday, she was rushed into hospital and something was found on her brain. She was critical then her heart just stopped. I'm only 12 myself and I already miss her loads. I've barely stopped crying. She was the closest thing I had to a sister and I never expected something like this would of happened to her this poem is really wonderful and describes my feelings so well right now :'( <3 xxxxxxx R.I.P

  • Louisville by Louisville, Ky
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for your poem, it really touched my heart. I too share your very same feelings. My cousin/best friend/sister passed away on March 9th, 2012. She went into the hospital on Dec 1st 2011 with a headache and never made it back out of the hospital. It took a maybe a month or so before the hospital diagnosed her with Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. It was so odd, it just happened all of a sudden. We grew up together, we were roommates, we shared so many experiences together. Every time I look at her two year old daughter she left behind it breaks my heart that she won't be able to watch her daughter grow. Especially to hear her child say she still thinks her mommy is still in the hospital. It's a horrible feeling, I don't know when the pain will go away, but I know that it will in time.

Thanks again for sharing your poem!!
RIP Ashley R. Thomas
9-26-88 to 3-9-2012

  • Nicole by Nicole
  • 12 years ago

My cousin died exactly 5 years from today. She died when she was three, she had cancer. Her name was Amelia, she was so beautiful, she loved to dress up and always put a smile on everyone's face. I can't believe she's gone, I was nine when I heard the terrible news of her death. Rest in peace little angel. <3

  • Trina Cochrane by Trina Cochrane, Clearfield
  • 12 years ago

My younger cousin Billy had a massive heart attack at the young age of 30 an died from it. I miss him so much it hurts to much. RIP Billy

  • Samantha by Samantha, Stanford Kentucky
  • 12 years ago

What a beautiful poem. I lost my cousin Kristy in a car wreck on July 2, 2009 she was 24 when she passed away. She also had two small children. When I found out Kristy had passed away. I didn't want to believe it. She was always happy & love spending time with her children. She was so young. I love you Kristy. <3 Rest In Peace Kristy Dawn Taylor March 13, 1985-July 2, 2009!

  • Mike by Mike, Brownsville Tx
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me right in the heart my cousin was 20 when he passed away. It happened about a year and a half ago. I remember we were little gangsta ass kids in the hood ..I miss him so bad he had my back all the time for whatever I needed. This weekend its gonna be his b-day it hurts to know he is gone but to be real I know he is in a better place......R.I.P LEO...GONE BUT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN

  • Ayity by Ayity, New Delhi
  • 13 years ago

My cousin died 3 months back on 28th Dec 2011. I still can't forget that incident we were together when it happened. He was holding my hands when he took his last breath in the emergency room.. I cried that day and I am still crying. I miss him so much. I wish him to be happy wherever he is.

  • Jobeth California by Jobeth California
  • 13 years ago

Tomorrow will be a year that my cousin pass away he was only 13 and he was full of life and loved to meet people he was a happy boy that left to soon may he R.I.P 3/26/2011

  • Kwajaltn by Kwajaltn, Meridian
  • 13 years ago

This poem has brought tears to me eyes. I just recently lost my cousin March 20,2012. He was shot 6 times for trying to do the right thing, he was trying to stop violence and in the end got his life taken. I will miss him so much even though we grew apart over thee years. Rest.In.Pest Jason I love you dearly& I will never forget you.
Love Kway..

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Miami
  • 13 years ago

I lost my beloved cousin Eric on Monday, March 5 to a weak heart and a collapsed lung, he was two years younger than me and lived in Altamonte Springs, Fl., I live in Miami, so I didn't talk with him much, but when I heard he was sick I road up to Orlando to see him, I hugged and kissed him, talked with him, took pictures of him, I thank God for the short time Sunday I spent with him and now reading this poem made me realize just how much he meant to me. I will forever love and miss you Eric!


  • Kristina by Kristina, United States
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin my everything on December 24, 2011. That day was the hardest day of my life she was 26 years old she was a loving caring happy person. She left behind her 3 beautiful kids youngest one just turned a yr. saddest thing for them to have to go on without her being here. Me and her were soo close I can't find myself to accept the fact that she is no longer here. But I know for a fact I will never forget her and keep her memory alive for ever. May she continue to RIP my beautiful Angel

  • Bridget by Bridget
  • 13 years ago

My cousin died about 9 months ago and the wound in my heart is still very fresh. He died from something to do with his heart being to enlarged. He was so close to me and my brothers and sisters, and he was only 25. His life was going somewhere, he had just got his degree for personal training and was the fittest person I knew. It never occurred to me how short life is.. I now think about everyone around me that love me and always try to make time for everyone as tomorrow.. they could be gone. I miss him everyday. cry everynight. It will never be okay.

  • Caroline by Caroline, United States
  • 13 years ago

This poem was really touching. My cousin died last year on 2/21/11.I came home one day after a sleepover and I found out my cousin died. It was so hard to hear it and hard tell people but I know he is in a much better place and some day I will be with him. I cried whenever I saw a picture of him or spoke his name. But every since this happened my family and relatives have gotten really close.

  • Demi by Demi, Australia.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin on December 2nd 2011, he was only 16. He died 26 days before his birthday and 23 days before Christmas, Me and him were so close, he was my bestfriend. he meant the world to me. We told each other everything, he protected me from everyone, He wouldn't let anyone touch me. He would of killed someone if they tried to hurt me or even thought about it. Now he's gone it's never going to be the same without him, I always think of him everyday and everynight. I still cry over him after 2 months, I need him back so much and this poem is amazing. When my cousin left to heaven he took a part of me with him and left a part of him with me. I miss him so very much. Rest easy Jonathon <3

  • Jamie by Jamie, Malaysia
  • 13 years ago

Thanks for the poem. It really meant a lot to me after losing my 25 year old cousin. My cousin's name is Michaelle Isla Gene. She had AIDS disease and I didn't know about it. It was very sudden and I couldn't accept it that time. At first I blamed her for not telling the truth but after I read the letter that she wrote for me before she passed away, I finally understand her.
She told me that 3 years ago, she went to the cinema with some of her college friends as her celebration of her birthday. She felt someone injected something on her right arm but she didn't care because it was dark inside. She saw a patch of blood on her sleeves after coming out from the cinema. After the blood test, she was told having AIDS... They couldn't find who did that to her but I can see that she had lived her life positively these few years.

  • Malaysia by Malaysia
  • 13 years ago

Thanks for that touching poem. I lost my cousin 2 months ago in a car accident. He was only 19 years old. He passed at 3 am on 20th December. He is loved by so many people. may god bless him..

to Shone,,
You were an amazing cousin. I loved you very much. I know your with me and everyone in our family. Hope God and angels are taking good care of you up there in Heaven. Love you always.. see you soon!

  • Carolyn Welch by Carolyn Welch
  • 13 years ago

Today is filled with emotion for me due to the loss of my 23 year old cousin. His name is Andrew he was a person who could make the meanest person smile. If you saw him just once you would want him in your life forever. His death was from the prescription drug epidemic we have in Florida. It's sad that many people are passing from this. I know how blessed I am to have had him in my life. In his memory we advocate against prescription drug abuse in Florida. R.I.P Andrew Biddle 9/17/85-2/07/09 never forgotten, forever loved

  • Carolyn From Longueuil by Carolyn From Longueuil
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin Marilou September 10 2011, she was 16. She went to a party where her ex-boyfriend was at. Her friends didn't tell her. And Marilou wasn't supposed to be at the party either, she was supposed to sleep over at her friend's. So she went to this party and her ex-boyfriend and her got into a fight. she walked away from the party alone and her boyfriend picked her up but it was too late. The last time my whole family saw her was at the hospital in really bad shape in a coma that she never woke up from. If she actually survived, she would of been a vegetable the rest of her life. We finally found out what happened. Her ex-boyfriend beat her. She had 3 scull fractures, and she was in really bad shape. Her ex-boyfriend was jealous because Marilou went back to her old boyfriend. I can't still believe that. She was the same age as me. I miss her so much.....

  • Shella by Shella, Bukidnon
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin; my closest and at the same time my kuya last December 25, 2011. It was a very painful moment in my whole life. It was Christmas time when he was shot by unknown man and his motorcycle was taken. We will try our best to find out who did this to him and to seek justice for his death..
I really miss you.. so much...

  • Geneva by Geneva, NJ
  • 13 years ago

I lost my 7 year old cousin last June to Meningitis. He lived in Florida so I didn't get to see him that much. But when I did it was the best.

Henry, you were an amazing little boy. I loved you very much. I know your with me and everyone in our family. Hope God and Grandpa are taking good care of you up there in Heaven. Love you little guy<3

  • Georgia by Georgia
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little baby cousin Holly to a very rare form of cancer. She was only 3 but she fought so hard but it just wasn't good enough and soon enough. She had lost her battle she was just like my little sister she meant the world to be and I never thought there would be a day that I said goodbye forever thanks for the poem it's lovely <3

  • Caernarfon by Caernarfon, Gwynedd
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little cousin she was only 2 , and she passed away with a brain tumor then they had to turn the machines off. This poem is amazing and it shows how I and other people feel . Xx

  • Charlotte Dorset by Charlotte Dorset
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this poem I lost my cousin 4 months ago now. She died in a car crash and the other person was critically ill but he survived, I still remember that time I woke up and walked down to find my mum and dad and little brother crying and telling me what happened. I still can't get my head around it I miss her more than anything. She was my cousin and my best friend she was a amazing bubbly person that I'm so glad I met:)

  • Darryl Hollywood by Darryl Hollywood, Scotland Glasgow
  • 13 years ago

I lost my big cousin on the 25th October 2011 and he was more like a brother and seeing this poem makes me feel I will see him again and he is watching over me with his hand on my shoulder leading me to the right place and right decisions in life and I thank you for that :) x

  • Almena Waddell by Almena Waddell, North Carolina
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for this wonderful poem. I lost my older cousin on Saturday of last week. He was only 22 years old. He was killed in a drive by shooting. It broke my heart to hear the bad news but, I know he is in a better place. So thank you again for your kind words, it is really helping me get through my pain. I also send my condolences to everyone who lost their cousin to other peoples stupidity. I pray that you keep your head up; and don't forget it is okay to cry. You will see them again one day.

  • Janine by Janine, Canada
  • 13 years ago

After reading your poem, tears came to my eyes thinking of my cousin who we buried today on his 31st birthday. His 3 beautiful daughters and family miss him so very much and still can not believe that he is gone from our lives. Thanks for writing this poem, even though reading it will not bring him back to us, it may help us to endure the pain our hearts are feeling for his loss and move forward in life and remember him in happy times. Rest in Peace Chris ... we miss you so much and love you even more!

  • Anna by Anna
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin in an accident two days ago...two days before thanksgiving. She way killed by a semi truck on highway 96 in south Lansing Michigan. She was on her way to the bus stop to go to work . Now there are 4 more children left without a mother, and one more mother left with one less daughter.

  • Nick by Nick, Canada
  • 13 years ago

I just found out today that yesterday my cousin was killed in a car accident on the highway a car hit her that's all they know. She just turned 19. I miss her already. But I know she's in a better place now.

  • Angela by Angela
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin Adolfo September 21st, 2011. He was stabbed to death in front of his house where he spent the day with his son celebrating his baby boys birthday. Adolfo was only 27 years old, he left behind 2 children. He was killed by a man who just got out of prison. The man killed my cousin, then jumped the fence broke into a house, and killed an old woman for the get away money. He was caught, but we can never bring back Adolfo <3

  • Las Cruces by Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin in a car accident 1 year ago I was so close to him. I guess I was at the wrong place at a wrong time. my cousin was only 16 when he died. I guess no one was there for him when he needed it. I should have been there when he needed me but I wasn't. I was at the state fair when he was dying. I didn't know until we where going home I got a call saying that he had passed on. He needed and I wasn't there for him I'm so mad at myself for it but this poem is so touching. I know I'll see him soon someday (November 17,1994) to (September 18,2010)

  • Phillip Schrauben by Phillip Schrauben, Virginia
  • 13 years ago

Thanks for writing this poem. I just got a call this morning at 0700 saying my cousin was shot and died instantly.

  • Brianna by Brianna, Tx
  • 13 years ago

This is a really good poem...
I lost my 2 year old cousin to Leukemia almost a year ago, and God knows I miss that little boy more and more every single day.

RIP Shawn <3 5/4/08-8/29/10

  • Lexi by Lexi, Minnesota
  • 13 years ago

My baby cousin was born with heart and lung defects. They couldn't put her on lung transplant due to her heart problems. She was only 3 weeks old. She was already growing on everybody and was such a fighter. Everybody thought she was going to make it. But August 2, 2011 they took her off all of the machines that were keeping her alive. She passed away at 12:58 pm.
She is in Heaven know flying with all of the other angels. May you Rest In Peace Baby Bailey.
We all love you!

  • Sierra by Sierra, New Brighton
  • 13 years ago

My cousin Joshua passed away Friday May 13,2011. He over dosed. He was only 21 years old. Our cousin Jessica called me crying saying Josh was blue. And so I took off in my car to where he was, thinking "ok Sierra you're a nurse, blue means no oxygen, you can save him." It took me exactly 35 seconds to the end of the next town and when I ran in the house screaming Joshua's name I knew he was gone. He left behind a mother, father, brother, and a 1 yr old daughter. He was and still is a great person, friend, brother, son, cousin, and father. I've been crying in my car today for a few min cuz I have his pic on my dash board. I read a poem at his funeral for my aunt and uncle but to bury a child is something a poem can't comfort. This poem was good but me and my family will never be the same. R.I.P JOSHUA 12/27/89-5/13/11 UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN

  • Farrell Curtis by Farrell Curtis, Winchester
  • 13 years ago

I lost my older brother 2 and half years ago. Today would have been his 67th. birthday. I miss him so much. I could call him about sports, music or other trivia and he could give me the answer 99% of the time. All anniversaries of his death and would be birthdays have been hard, but this one is the hardest I have experienced since his death. Thanks for the poem. I wrote one about him and read it at his funeral. It helped me say how I felt.

  • Michaela by Michaela, Nw England
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin 5 days ago! He was involved in a motorcycle one was speeding it was just the way he got hit, he was killed instantly! He was only 17, my little cousin! Its so hard to talk about it to the family, were all grieving in different ways but this beautiful poem has given me some strength and is one that I am going to post on his Facebook! I'll miss him and think about him everyday, I just wish I had more chance to speak to him and tell him how much I actually loved him! Rest In Peace Kieran xxxxx

  • Erika Sovie by Erika Sovie, Ontario
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin Kammie Keller on June 7th 2011 she was only 19 and she had two kids. She was murdered by her bf I'm still in shock. I cannot believe that its happened but it did. The pain is never going to go way but this poem shows how I feel.
R.I.P Kammiexoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Nick by Nick, New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin Matthew on June 2nd. 2011 he was only 8 years old. He had dandy-walker syndrome, a not fatal syndrome but the doctors messed up and we lost him. The pain will never fade but this poem describe word for word how I feel.

  • Sydney by Sydney, Fort Mcmurray
  • 13 years ago

I relate to this poem and find comfort in it deeply. I lost my cousin Brian last year to suicide. He was always the person that I would turn to with silly little problems. Whenever we were together, or even if he was in the room, it was never a dull moment. There isn't a day that goes by and I don't think of him, and what I could of done to prevent this tragedy from happening. I feel like I can see him through my art and that's the only reason why I keep through with it. Some days I feel like he is still here with us, and even though I know he isn't, I still do talk to him. I kiss him more and more each day, his memory will last forever

  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little cousin on the 7th of April 2010. I was away from my family, and no one had told me so when I got back I heard the news, I broke down. She wasn't just my cousin but she was my hero, she meant more then the world itself to me. At only 7 years of age she died from a heart attack. Everyday her voice places in my head, but as well as the heartache and pain it caused I now smile at the fact I know she's in a better place, everytime I see her beautiful photos, I can't help but smile as I know this is what she would want. It's your birthday in just 3 days baby girl and its going to be hard for us all, but knowing you will be with us will get us through, love you so much, forever and always <3 RIP.

  • Selena by Selena, Trinidad
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin in the same year of my golden birthday he was the best of all his name was Chris, Chris was on a rock with my grandparents and his brother in taco and a big wave came and carried him away it caused his scull to crack all Chris teeth fell out and he died when all them things happened. Everytime I hear the name Chris I cry it is very painful he was my best cousin and will still be.

  • Arianna Sanchez by Arianna Sanchez, Colorado
  • 13 years ago

I lost my baby cousin September 9th of 2010. That was the most horrible news to hear right when you get off of school. Once I heard that I burst into tears I couldn't believe that my cousin that lived for 9 months was gone. I regret a lot of things because I didn't hold him that much. He was and still is my bestest baby cousin in the whole entire world. I still think about him and cry over him at night, but I try to keep my cool because even though he was just a baby he was happy everyday when he got hurt he would laugh as if he didn't get hurt. He would always talk when he was on road trips. He was the happiest baby I ever known. I still to this day I still can't believe he's gone. I can remember looking at his pictures with my grandma my aunt's dad say "Take any picture you like we got them all downloaded on the computer" and my grandma says "Ok well I guess I'll take all of them". So she took all of them and cried because he was the best thing in our lives. Well I guess I said enough.

  • Jackie by Jackie, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

My beautiful cousin died in a tragic boating accident last Labor Day weekend. She just graduated, got her dream job as a NICU nurse, and was about to get engaged. I think of her often and still feel like my breathe is sucked out of my chest. I was 6 months pregnant when she died and we named our precious baby after her. I hope that there is a little of my cousin in her and even though I will have to always wipe away my tears I feel blessed to be her cousin.

  • Houston by Houston, Tx
  • 13 years ago

My cousin Eric just died on 4-8-11 he was in Bastrop, County and he got hit by a car. What's so sad about this my cousin was only 33 and the driver did a hit in run. My cousin's daughter just turned 4 on the 12th of this month. I really liked this poem it really touched me and my son. I am only one year older than him and we were very close. He will be missed.

  • Kirstyn by Kirstyn
  • 13 years ago

Nice poem. My cousin just died of Cystic Fibrosis at 2:28 this morning. It was so sad. She is in a better place now, and free of pain

  • Ashley by Ashley, Fall River
  • 13 years ago

I lost my cousin in 08. It's been 3 years now that she's been gone. I miss her everyday. I look at her picture, but everytime I do I cry, my cousin died in a hospital bed she was only 19 she was sick and she couldn't take it anymore. She was too weak. My cousin was like a sister to me, my bestfriend, she was the kind of girl who was always happy and so kind to people she loved music. She died right before her birthday. I'll always miss her, today I still cry for her thinking it's all a stupid dream, but no. I have guilt that I never went in to see my cousin in the bed dying, you don't know the pain I feel everyday.

  • Jakeria by Jakeria
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. It remind me of my 14 year old cousin Kevion. He died on a Sunday in 2010. He died because of a lot of loss of blood during a surgery. He was my best cousin. When I heard the bad news I wanted to kill myself. I know now that he in heaven with all of my other loved ones and that he will always be by my side. This poem remind me of him. thank you for sharing this!!!!!

  • Gabrielle by Gabrielle, Center CO
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin just last night, his heart just stopped he had a heart attack I miss him so much there were so many things I could have told him. :(

  • Kristina by Kristina, Eastern Shore VA
  • 14 years ago

Exactly a year ago today, I lost my cousin in a car accident.. So I was trying to find a poem to relate to and I found this one...Thank you soo much!

  • Kimmy by Kimmy, Long Island
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem so much.. I lost my cousin on October 8, 2010.. he was 19 years old.. just like me & we were so close. this poem brought tears to my eyes. thank you for sharing this..

Rest Easy, Jamie William Amato
July 4, 1991 - October 8, 2010

  • Sonja by Sonja, Gary
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin Feb.18, 2011 to senseless act of police brutality. He was only 29 years old, he had a little boy who is starting school this Fall year. I will miss him and never forget him. I grew up as an only child so my cousins were my brothers and sisters. R.I.P Jonathan Johnson!!!!

  • Kiana by Kiana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin to suicide 3 months ago its been hard not to see his voice or see his wonderful smile. but there is always one thing I wonder why did he do it he had 2 beautiful sons and a beautiful wife. It was hard losing my first cousin. When I think of him I think of the family he left leaving us all hurt and making us suffer like this, but I know he's in a better place with my beloved grandmother. Love uncle tarus rip December 22 1977-November 16 2010 hmm I miss you so much

  • Twaazzer by Twaazzer, Gloucester
  • 14 years ago

lost my little cousin 3 weeks ago tomorrow, this describes exactly how I feel! ... loosing her is so hard she was only 14 yrs old ... we still don't know how she passed away :( ... she wasn't just a cousin she was a bestfriend and more like a sister to me. It still don't seem real. I wish she was back here with us so much! :'(

  • Joanna by Joanna
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my cousin yesterday morning. He was only 22 yrs old, he was soo young and full of life. I keep repeating the accident in my head, he got into an accident on the side of the freeway and when he got out of his car a car struck him. This loss had devastated my family and while trying to find a poem to read to my family to ease the pain of this tragedy I came across this poem that made me feel so much better. We love you Carlos and you will forever be in our hearts.

  • Jade by Jade
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin yesterday =[ what a way to start the new year. she has been sick for awhile. and she couldn't hang on anymore. she just couldn't recover. she had nerve damage on the whole right side of her body due to some drunken guy that had punched her. and ever since then she has never been the same. So as of yesterday she's been gone. She was my favorite person in the world. Was everything and more, but I will be strong for her and her daughter that she has left behind. <3

  • Amanda Gonzalez by Amanda Gonzalez
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin almost a year ago on Jan. 3rd 2010 in a car accident by a drunk driver..he missed his 21st birthday on Sept. 14th .. till this day I'm torn inside about it and just wish I can still text him and he'll text back..there isn't a day I don't think about him.. I miss you cousin! R.I.P Paul Stout

  • Jack Reseda by Jack Reseda
  • 14 years ago

This is such a nice poem. I lost a close cousin of mine August 1st in a one man car accident. He was driving on the freeway and his sunroof was open. When his back tire popped the car went on it's nose and he flew out the sunroof and the car landed on him. He was only 16 years old and his birthday was a month later. Till today I can't believe he's gone. I spoke to him the week before and we were talking about how I was going go get him from the airport. Because he lived in Miami Florida. All I want to say is RIP Emmanuel Amirkhanyan. I always love you. Thanks for writing this nice poem

  • Analucia by Analucia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin exactly 10 years ago, he was only 15 at the time and he died eight days before his birthday!
I only have a few memories of him because when this tragic incident happened I was only 2 years old!
He's always in our minds, Forever in our hearts<3

  • Terry Lebreton by Terry Lebreton
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem so much, We lost a Cousin, Mother, Sister and Friend on March 19th, 2010 at 9:10PM to a stroke and it was one of the hardest most heartbreaking days of our lives, we used this poem on her Memorial page and at her funeral. Thank you for sharing this with us who have all lost someone near and dear to us..... It's greatly appreciated..

  • Jacky by Jacky
  • 14 years ago

this is very true and touching.
I lost my baby cousin almost 3 years ago, he drowned on the 12.10.07
When I heard the news I felt empty and shattered. Nothing is worse then the death of a loved/family one.
My last memory of Adam will be cherished forever. There isn't a day that goes by were I don't think of him, and there wont ever be one.
this Tuesday on the 12.10.10 Adam would of turned 7 this October. His memory will never fade away x

  • Melissa Reyes by Melissa Reyes
  • 14 years ago

My Cousin died 2 months ago on August 22,2010 and he got stabbed On/in his chest. When I heard the news I felt like if I got shot by a gun right in my Heart, it was very painful, he meant a lot to me, he was always there for me, for whatever. I get really sad when I remember him but now in days I feel happy because I know he don't want me to be sad no more, so I smile and think that he is smiling and looking right at me from heaven above :) .

  • Amanda by Amanda, Montgomery AL
  • 14 years ago

My cousin passed away on Aug 20th 2010 due to a car accident on Friday the 13th.. He was in the ICU for 5 days and getting better when things took a turn for the worse. He left behind a twin sister, a wonderful mom, a beautiful girlfriend, many wonderful friends and family that miss him dearly. There isn't a day that goes by that I wish he wasn't here with me even though I know that he's in a far better place. RIP Chris "Red" Davis... I will love you forever cuz and I can't wait to see you again!

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched really bad because it describes my feelings for my cousin. I love him so much I can feel his loving hand touch me
You may be missed BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN I love you R.I.P Alex

  • Zeeshan by Zeeshan
  • 14 years ago

Really heart touching poem. I lost my cousin on 23rd July 2010. He was just 18 years old and murdered brutally by psycho man. Miss him every moment of life he was very close to me. Hamza I love you so much.

  • Farrah by Farrah
  • 14 years ago

My cousin Bret and I were one year apart and he died from an infection in his blood when he was 11 and I was 12. He died yesterday. We were like siblings. I loved him so much and called him Bubbie. I will miss him

  • Patty by Patty, Council Bluffs IA
  • 14 years ago

My cousin was murdered and found at the Henry Doorly zoo in Omaha Nebraska! it was a horrible death and this poem reminds me of her

  • Nikki by Nikki, Maine
  • 14 years ago

I lost my baby cousin on December 1st. He was a day away from 4 months. This poem described exactly what I felt. I found out at 4 am.

  • Louise by Louise, Exmouth Devon
  • 14 years ago

What a lovely worded poem I lost my cousin 7 days ago he got killed in Afghanistan I can't get my head around it. I just feel I want to wake up out of this dream thanks again.

  • Carmel by Carmel
  • 14 years ago

Thank you soooo much for this poem. My cousin was a U.S. marine who was in Afghanistan when he got shot and killed June 7, 2010. It is now July 22, 2010 and his birthday is the 28 and we won't be here for it he was going to turn 23 years old. I now have a dog tag necklace that a fellow marine had made and was giving out to family and I missed it but his kind girlfriend of six years gave it to me and I never take it off. That is why he is and always will be my hero and I will always remember MY cousin Sgt. John K. Rankel.
Support Our Troops!!!

  • Arlene by Arlene, New York
  • 14 years ago

This poem is simply amazing it touched me, I really felt like this poem was reading my feelings. My cousin had sickle cell anemia and passed away on September 2, 2009 a week before I started my college life and he was suppose to start his junior year at my old high school after the week he past away. It's been hard not seeing him around. Once I graduated I said to him the only reason I go and visit the school is to hang out with you during your break, but once I heard the news I didn't know how to react and I didn't want to visit the school because I would of looked for him. It took me a year to have the courage and visit. It didn't felt the same, but I knew deep inside he was walking with me through those hallways. R.I.P Gio you will be missed but never forgotten. I love you primo.

  • Nancy by Nancy
  • 14 years ago

I lost my nephew to brain cancer 1 week ago, he was like my child and It just identifies with me because our relationship was just like the poem described.

  • Cj Brown by Cj Brown
  • 14 years ago

I'm 14, I just lost my little cousin from Meningitis. He was born April 10, 2010 and died May 26, 2010. Only 6 weeks to live, and this poem was perfect. I love Michael Anthony Shaw, and this poem.. my aunt was on birth control and my (step) uncle was told he cannot have children, and they had baby Mike.. he was a miracle who just needed a miracle. beautiful poem, it's like you're in my shoes..

  • Lydia by Lydia, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

Wow! This really made me cry. I lost my 23 year old cousin right before spring break. He felt like he wasn't loved and took his life. I couldn't eat, sleep or hang out with my friends because he was my closest Allie. My friend. My loving cousin. I miss him so much. Thank you for writing this. It gave me comfort and enlightenment.

  • Taylor by Taylor, Springfield
  • 14 years ago

My cousin was murdered by her bf. I'm still in shock. I cannot believe that its happened but it did and this poem fits it perfectly
Ashley R.I.P

  • Michele by Michele, CA
  • 14 years ago

This was a really nice poem to read because this is like exactly what I'm feeling right now I lost my cousin 5 days ago from a train accident supposedly they were laying on the tracks but when the conductor honked the horn my cousin and his friend didn't move at all so it's been really hard right now and they were both only 19. I will always miss him and never stop thinking about him I love you Aaron R.I.P

  • Jordan Stef by Jordan Stef
  • 14 years ago

This poem really is amazing. 3 years ago I lost my 14 year old cousin to a rare form of cancer. He will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Last month as though it seemed my life was horrible enough my eight year old cousin was also diagnosed with cancer. "B-Positive"

  • Samantha by Samantha, New York
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me. My Little cousin died on Saturday April, 24th, 2010. She died while she was getting surgery on her stomach because she had an infection in her intestines and she crashed. She was only eleven. Our family will never ever be the same, the parents are having a really hard time but so is everyone else this affected all of us in my family and I'm not sure her parents will fully recover we all miss her very much and she will always have a place in my heart <3333 I love you Nichelle <3

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 14 years ago

This poem really suits my situation. I lost my cousin on July 22,2009 due to heart problems he was only 21. Our family will never be same again, but his memory will always live on forever in our hearts. Bertie we love you oh so much & miss you like you wouldn't believe. Your birthday is on Monday...we will celebrate in your honor. I love you little cousin. rest in peace.

  • Jimena by Jimena, Mexico
  • 14 years ago

I lost my cousin he was 13 a few days ago, he was riding a motorcycle he was going really fast and he saw a hill so he actioned the brakes and he fell off the motorcycle but the motorcycle also moved and crushed him into the sand so he died instantly.. I really loved the poem because it represents how I feel right now....
sorry if my English is bad but I'm from Mexico

  • Keeley West by Keeley West
  • 15 years ago

My Cousin Sammie and her new boyfriend was killed by a train trying to cross the tracks to get to the other platform on 9th March 2010. She was beautiful, kind, caring and it was such a shock for us. We have not stopped crying. We wished we had spent more time with her and now we can't. We get some comfort knowing she is in a safe place with other relations but we will never ever forget her.
RIP Sammiexxxxwe love you alwaysxxx

  • Crystal by Crystal, Florida
  • 15 years ago

I lost my cousin 6 years ago today.. It hurts so bad.. He was taken away from us a day before his birthday.. He was murdered and the people that did it are still out there.. Life sucks at times cause he aint here.. this poem made me cry & think about him all the time not one day that goes by that I don't remember him or think about him.. life is to short my cousin made me see that.. R.I.P Adam gone but never forgotten always in my heart forever & always ~2-25-85 To 2-24-04~

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 15 years ago

This poem is they way that I have been feeling for almost 4 years now, I lost my three cousins Sammy(26), Eddie(24) and their son Jacob(8) to a house fire on Feb. 28, 2006 and it still kills me to this day.
It describes how I have been feeling for the past 4 years.

  • Francine by Francine
  • 15 years ago

My Nineteen year old cousin was killed in a plane crash a month ago. This poem touch's my heart because it describes to how I feel, I knew him best out of all my cousins and I did the most with him. He died 15th of November 2009 in a small caravan plane on his way to Angola. R.I.P

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 15 years ago

This poem is very touching. my eyes teared up as I read it. My younger cousin Robert passed away recently. He was just 21 years old. Although I am very sad about his death I can also smile because I know that is just one more angel I have looking over me =) so my heart truly goes out to everyone who has lost a family remember. The pain never really goes away, but some how you learn to deal with it one day at a time. I love you Robert rest in peace dear cousin.

  • Jessica Juan by Jessica Juan
  • 15 years ago

I think this is an awesome poem. I love it because it really describes how I feel about my cousin's death. He died about a year and 3/4 ago. He was 16 years old and he was shot 13 times. It broke my heart when I found out and it still kills me everytime I think of him. It hit me really hard too because I was young when he died and I didn't think that that would ever happen to someone in my family. So thank you for writing this poem, and again it's amazing.

  • Caitlin Williams by Caitlin Williams
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem my three year old baby cousin died on Friday and I still cannot believe it. he was a healthy child but developed pneumonia and when everyone thought he would get better he suddenly started going downhill he had trouble breathing and his little heart stopped beating. You are with the angels now sweetheart, you will always be loved and never forgotten xxxxxxxx

  • Heather Runkle by Heather Runkle
  • 15 years ago

This poem says EVERYTHING that I feel about losing my cousin. It sent chills down my spine reading it. Andy was 19 yrs old when he was killed in a car accident in 1997. The pain never goes away and I miss him even more now. I know he is with me every step I take and that makes me feel a little better. He will always be my favorite cousin!
I miss you Andy!!!

  • mercedes by mercedes
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched me. My cousin died 5 months ago in a car accident.. He fell asleep. He flew out of his car and all his head bones broke. He died and he just turned 20. I think this poem really relates to me. This poem just brought memories. I loved it.

  • Marsha by Marsha
  • 15 years ago

on June 17, 2008 my little cousin Jacob was riding his bike and he got hit by a truck and died instantly.. when he died it was like a piece of me died too.. he was my best friend. he was 14 years old he had a bright future and was a very bright child and even to this day its hard to just look at a picture of him I loved this poem it brung tears to my eyes.

  • Kayla by Kayla
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for writing this poem.. I lost my cousin on March 21, 2009...She was 17 years old...She was my best friend and your poem has given me some comfort..The pain of losing a family member and a best friend is hard and I don't think that the hurt will every go away..

  • Martha Panciera by Martha Panciera
  • 16 years ago

Thank you - it describe my exact feelings. I loss my son on December 23, 2008. He was killed in an ATV accident at the age of 24. The pain I feel will probably never go away. Your poem is beautiful.

  • Jasmine Stewart by Jasmine Stewart
  • 16 years ago

This poem really touched my heart.
I have a three year old cousin who had an asthma attack last week and went straight into a coma. His brain cells were messed up and he wasn't getting enough oxygen at all. Tuesday March 16, 2009 he died. He wasn't breathing on his own and his heart had stopped. But now I know he is in a better place.

  • niamh by niamh
  • 16 years ago

thank you for this poem. I lost my cousin in a car accident nearly two years ago. I still think of him every day. what gets me through it is knowing he's looking over us and watching out for us!

  • Cherish by Cherish
  • 16 years ago

I thought this poem was very good and well written...I have just lost my cousin. This poem gave me comfort!!!
I loved it!!!

  • Josie Owens by Josie Owens
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem. I lost my cousin Ryan 17 days ago in a one person car accident. I spoke to him the night that he died. He had asked me to go out with him but I couldn't I had been sick and I told him that I could next weekend. You play the "IF ONLY'S" a billion times but it doesn't change anything. Just makes you more frustrated with the truth. He was like the brother I never had. He was always so helpful to me and to our family. We are all so lost now with out him here.

  • Josephine Dong by Josephine Dong
  • 16 years ago

I lost my cousin in an accident 3 years ago. She was only 19 and was killed by a drunk driver. She was my best friend, my everything, my hope for survival. or so I thought. When I lost her, it was like loosing everything. It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. It has been 3 years now, and I am doing great. What keeps me going is the fact that she was such a bubbly and happy person. She'd want me to be happy. I smile because I know she's smiling down at me! =]

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