Funeral Poem

Tribute To Cousin Who Passed Away

This is a poem that I dedicated to our cousin. She died in her car accident and burned a little before they could get her out.

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I lost my cousin to suicide on 10/5/13. She was like a little sister to me because we were so close... She didn't have any siblings so I was the closest thing to one she had. She gave me the...

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Rest, Our Dear Cousin


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Even though you are gone away,
Your love will always be here to stay.
You touched our hearts with so many things.

God knew you were the one to save,
He took you home to get some rest,
Even though we loved you best.

Our hearts are filled with so much pain,
God loved you more, there was no shame.

At this time we must let go.
Your memories we will keep a flow.
Rest, our dear cousin, with peace of mind,
Your memories will live on through.

                             Rest In Peace,
                             Your Cousins


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • KaliGurl Arlington by KaliGurl Arlington, Tx.
  • 9 years ago

I lost my cousin to suicide on 10/5/13. She was like a little sister to me because we were so close... She didn't have any siblings so I was the closest thing to one she had. She gave me the opportunity to be a big sister for a change & loosing her the way I did hurts to no end & leaves all these questions I'll never get the answer to, but this poem is really nice & says it all.
To: Michelle Alexander great job & well spoken. Thanks for posting your poem it helps a lot of us get through.

  • Kina by Kina
  • 10 years ago

I like this poem and would like to use it when the time comes. My cousin who is 96 years old is in the hospital. Her heart is weak and she is very frail. I'm just trying to prepare myself so that when the time comes I'll have something to add onto her program.

  • Shanise Boling by Shanise Boling
  • 14 years ago

This poem was good. My class liked the poem. It touched so many people in my class. They got what the poem was talking about and saying. I myself liked the poem too.

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