Funeral Poem

A Poetic Tribute To Grandma

I lost my beloved Nana on October 6, 2009. She was an inspiration to me and will be missed. I am so grateful to have had her for as long as I did and know she will be with me in spirit. I wanted to say something personal at her funeral and wrote this poem for her.

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I lost my Nana two weeks ago today. I'm crushed! Nana was my mother, friend, confidant, and mentor. She was my everything! I love her so much that I want her back! She was ill. I'm lost...

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Poem For Nana


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

To my dearest darling Nana,
Up in Heaven, high above.
I know today you're with us all
And sending all your love.

Today we all remember you
And bid you one last goodbye,
Celebrate the life you've had,
And maybe have a cry.

You'll never be forgotten, Nan.
I'll just close my eyes and see
Your smiling face and feel your love,
And you'll be close to me.

You had such a long life,
So many have so much less.
It was your time; the angels came
And placed you with the best.

So dear Nana, up above
Although you're no longer here,
In my heart is where I'll keep you,
Forever, you'll be near.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Can't Say by Can't Say
  • 7 years ago

I lost both my grandmas within a 2 year period. It very well near destroyed me. So to see that people have had the same experiences as me and that they too miss their grandmas is an amazing feeling, to know that I'm not alone in my experiences.

  • Caitlin Getty by Caitlin Getty
  • 8 years ago

My name is Caitlin and I lost my amazing Nana 4 years ago and it breaks my heart so much remembering she's gone. But she's not gone, she's in my heart and my mind. All I have are pictures. I cry at the thought of you because I will never get a hug again from you.
RIP Nana, I'll always love you forever.

  • Allie by Allie, Massachusetts
  • 9 years ago

My Nana passed away 4 months ago. She was my strength, and my rock, my best friend, and my biggest fan. When I woke up on that that cold February morning, my world came crashing down. A piece of me was automatically gone. It felt like a bullet went directly through my heart. She will always be in my heart and is forever my guardian angel and best friend. I love you to the moon and back again.

  • Elise by Elise
  • 10 years ago

I lost my nana, my best friend, my hero, my soul mate, my garden. I grew up with my nana she was like my mom. I'll never forget her smiling face. Today I said goodbye my heart broke in two. But now I read this poem. With only hope for you. My nana was dear to me, and must be dear to you, for now she is in heaven and surely yours is too. Maybe they will meet. And look down at us, share the stories they had, and all the hug. I know they can't see us. Because there no tears in heaven. And if she saw my writing this she would be crying with me. But maybe just maybe. When you go outside and look up at the stars, tell your nana hi, and listen to her talk.

  • Sarah Vine by Sarah Vine Poet
  • 11 years ago

My appreciation and thanks to everyone who has used this poem I wrote and who have commented on this. I have just realized how many comments there are and how many people have found comfort in this since I posted it. Thank you, I am so glad I shared this
Love to you all and your loved ones in spirit
Love and appreciation
Sarah (author of poem for Nana)

  • Jennine  Kapiti by Jennine Kapiti, New Zealand
  • 11 years ago

My Nana passed away on the 30th December 2013 and her funeral was on 3rd January 2014 I miss her so much,I took some of your poem which is lovely and added some words from myself and read it out at my Nana's Funeral, its only been a month and seems such a long time ago...she will be forever in my heart.

  • Paula by Paula, Northumberland
  • 11 years ago

My nana passed away 17th December 2013, I miss her so much, so hard I will not see her again, your words have given me comfort as my nana is on her final journey Tuesday 7th January 2014 where we are putting her ashes in with her parents. I hope you do not mind but I have taken a few lines from your beautiful poem to help me, thank you it's comforting to know you are not alone in sad times.

  • Lucy by Lucy, Essex
  • 11 years ago

My Nan passed away last week. She was so dear to us. She had a very long life so we can't be too sad, even though it's still very raw right now. We have her funeral tomorrow. I've written something myself to say but just wanted to say that I found the above very helpful in crafting words for her flower cards etc. So thank you. It's hard to say what you mean sometimes and any help, like above, is great.

  • Karen. Picton by Karen. Picton, New Zealand
  • 11 years ago

My Nana passed away a few days ago on 19th November 2013, I read your poem out at the funeral, as the words meant a lot when I think of my own Nana and how dear and special she is to me :-)

  • Jade by Jade, England
  • 11 years ago

This poem is amazing, my nana died a few days ago and this expresses exactly how I feel. She was an amazing woman and I'm sure yours was to. I would love too read this at her funeral, thanks for sharing it with us.

  • Helen by Helen, Essex
  • 11 years ago

Hi Sarah,
Thank you for those beautiful words, I am one of 16 grandchildren that lost our lovely Nana 13 days ago, we have the funeral tomorrow and I was looking for the perfect poem to be read out, thank you for sharing.

  • Sam by Sam, UK
  • 11 years ago

I was just crying because of something that reminded me of my Nana, passed in September 2009, God love her, and I needed a way to feel as though she's here still, loving me as she always did. Sometimes I just miss her presence and the smell that all Nana's have, the comforting and maternal one. Honestly, your poem filled my void and I have to thank you for that.

  • Sarah by Sarah, New Zealand
  • 12 years ago

Sarah, I found this poem yesterday, I think it's lovely my Nana passed on Monday she was 87. I think your poem is perfect and says all I would like to say when I stand up.

  • Natalie Parker by Natalie Parker
  • 12 years ago

My Nanna passed away last Tuesday 25th September, 2012. I would like to have your poem read at her funeral on Thursday. My Nanna meant a great deal to me and your poem has everything in it that I would like to say to her if I could. Love your poem thank you for allowing us to share it.

  • Dianne Perea by Dianne Perea, Albuquerque
  • 12 years ago

My Nana died June 1, 2012. I have never lost anyone who I was so close to. If you don't mind I would like to share your sweet poem for her services. Thank you for your awesome words.

  • Chris by Chris, Queensland Australia
  • 13 years ago

My Nana passed away last Saturday the 11th of February 2012. My mum and I was looking for a perfect poem for her funeral as she was very special to me and when I saw you poem it fits perfectly about her. I hope I'm brave enough to read your poem at her funeral this Thursday. Keep up the great work. xxx

  • Gary by Gary, Newport Shropshire
  • 13 years ago

My Nan passed away last week and I wanted to find a nice poem to read. Yours stands out and delivers what I want to say. I just hope I can be brave and read it without getting upset. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem xx

  • Sarah by Sarah, England
  • 13 years ago

My lovely Nanna passed away on 11th November 2011. Her funeral is tomorrow the 28th and I was looking for the perfect words to say and found them here in your poem. I'm hoping to find the strength to read it and to do your beautiful words justice. Take care and thank you for writing such a beautiful poem and sharing it with us. X

  • Donna by Donna, England
  • 13 years ago

Hi, my nana passed away last night at the grand age of 95, she was like a second mum to me, someone I could turn to in times of trouble, who never judged me, she was an amazingly kind person, a huge inspiration to me and a wonderful role model, I've no idea how any of us will do without her and her guidance! Your poem really touched my heart and its as if you wrote it for her, please if you don't mind I would like to share it with my family at her funeral x

  • Sally by Sally, England
  • 13 years ago

What a beautiful poem. I lost my Nana on Sunday 18th September 2011, She was the most wonderful and caring person. Your poem is so beautiful and I would love to read it out at her funeral as it fits her perfectly, I don't know how we are all going to cope without her. Thank you .xx

  • Johnathan by Johnathan, New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

This poem was so sad, I was crying, I love my nana, and didn't how much I took her gestures of kindness for granted up until now. This poem made me realize what's important in life. I will print this poem and read it aloud at my Nana's funeral when the time comes to pass. Do not worry, I will not take credit for this poem. You are a brilliant poem writer, you should be famous.

  • Jenni by Jenni, Toledo
  • 13 years ago

My grandma died yesterday evening and I wanted to speak at her funeral. Thank you so much for posting this because I see many have used it to help themselves and their family during their time of grief. Your words are deep and meaningful. I hope you continue with your talent for writing! Take care and always remember to hold those you love dearly because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone! hug them and tell them how much you love and appreciate them in your life.

  • Carissa by Carissa
  • 13 years ago

This poem really hit home with me. My Nana passed away one week and three days ago. Massive heart attack. I loved her very much. she was my best friend.

  • Tommy by Tommy, Norwich
  • 13 years ago

My nana died on the 7th March this year, I was so heartbroken, didn't know what to do with myself, I was all over the place.. My grandad found her in bed next to him, me and my family went round as soon as he rang. At her funeral this is the poem that was read out, this is the most beautiful poem I have ever heard and I am grateful to have found it, as soon as I started reading it I began to cry, My nana was the world to me, I loved every minute I spent with her, **Even when she was nagging** Hehe. I love her dearly and she is missed everyday. Rest in peace Nana, God bless, Sleep tight xxx

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Springfield
  • 14 years ago

Hello. Just wanted to say thank you for posting this poem. I lost my Nana a year ago, but it feels like yesterday. Your poem has said a lot of the things said at her funeral and it helps relive some of the pain. God bless you and your family. I know the both of them are watching over us right now, They will never be forgotten.

  • Chesterfield by Chesterfield
  • 14 years ago

Sarah, I lost my nana just before Christmas and we had her funeral on Christmas Eve.
I loved her more than words can say my brother and I read your poem at her funeral.
Just wanted to say thank you for posting your poem it said everything I wanted to say.
Thank you and God Bless xx

  • Dani Peterson by Dani Peterson
  • 14 years ago

Sarah, my Nana just passed away, and I have been struggling with writing something to her for her funeral. Your's really touched me & felt true to my heart. It would be an honor to use it at her service. She was my best friend...

Thank you...

  • Gemma by Gemma, England
  • 14 years ago

Hi I just wanted to say you're poem is lovely very simple and just what I was looking for to say at my nana's funeral, thank you for posting this!

  • Diana Ceres by Diana Ceres, California
  • 14 years ago

hello I just want to say I know how you feel because I have lost 2 friends and a great uncle even though my friends were young I will love them as well and my great uncle. They will all be missed and I wish you good luck and stay strong.

  • Tampa by Tampa, Fl
  • 14 years ago

My Nana just passed away yesterday. I want to read your poem at her funeral. I really hope God will give me the strength to read it. I hope you don't mind that I use your poem. Maybe our Nana's will meet in heaven.

  • Gemma by Gemma, Edinburgh UK
  • 15 years ago

Hello, I just wanted to say, your poem is lovely, my nanny passed away a few days ago, and I am devastated, I want to say a poem for her at the funeral, I would like to you use yours and add some of my own if you don't mind.. I hope you're ok, and learning to cope with your loss, we never get over it, we just have to learn to cope with it. :) Much love to you.

  • Jade by Jade, Indiana
  • 15 years ago

this poem touched me because I'm am very close to my grandmother. in fact, I even call her nana. I can't even think about her dying without crying.

  • Jalisa by Jalisa, Raleigh NC
  • 15 years ago

OMGosh I love this poem
it reminds me of when my aunt pass and how bad I felt
but you have to realize that everyone has their day and it's for the better not for the worst.

  • Rasheema Bullard by Rasheema Bullard
  • 8 years ago

I lost my Nana two weeks ago today. I'm crushed! Nana was my mother, friend, confidant, and mentor. She was my everything! I love her so much that I want her back! She was ill. I'm lost without Nana Banana! But with everything in me, I'm going to be strong! I know for a fact that Nana is counting on me to help my mother. And I am! I have never loved anyone like I love my Nana. Life will never be the same.

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