Funeral Poem

In Memory Of My Dad

In memory of my dad, Edward. I wrote this poem when my father died. He had a heart condition, but we never expected him to go so quickly. He had a massive heart attack while driving his car. Although I am grateful he did not suffer, I never got to say goodbye.
Dedicated to my dad, Edward Hudak - died 8-29-08

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That's a sad story. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, and I can imagine what you felt at the time your father passed away because I recently lost my father as well. It's been 5 days since he...

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Five Minutes

© more by Annmarie Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

If I only had five minutes
the day you passed away,
I would have had time to tell you
all the things I needed to say.

I never got to tell you
how much you mean to me
or that you were the best dad,
better than any man could be.

The last time I talked to you,
I wish I would have known.
I would have said I love you
and kept you on the phone.

If I only had five minutes the morning you passed away,
I'd give you one last hug so tight and see your great big smile.
I'd tell you that I don't think I could live without you,
not even for a while.

I'd kiss your cheek and take your hand
and tell you it's okay to go
and tell you that I'll miss you
more than you'll ever know.

But you were gone so quickly.
One last car ride you'd take.
Before you even knew it,
you were standing at heaven's gate.

Now God has called upon you.
It's time to get your wings,
To leave this life behind you,
And enjoy all of heaven's beautiful things.

So wait for me in heaven, Dad.
Don't let me come alone.
The day the angels come for me,
Please be there to bring me home.


more by Annmarie Campbell

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sharon Crews by Sharon Crews
  • 5 years ago

My dad passed away in his sleep 3 days ago. I am going to try and read excerpts of this poem at his Celebration of Life. It is beautifully written. Thank you, Annmarie Campbell.

Thank you so much. I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. I hope you can find some comfort in the special memories you have with your Dad. Sending hugs!

  • Rowena Alonzo by Rowena Alonzo
  • 5 years ago

I remember my dad when he passed away 2 years ago...I still have the pain in my heart! He went away without us on his side. I never got to say goodbye to him. Ilove him forever and I miss him every day.

  • Jess Burdis by Jess Burdis
  • 8 years ago

It was a normal Sunday afternoon. My dad had been fine all morning. My mum had gone out to do some shopping and I was upstairs in my room doing uni work. I came downstairs half an hour later to find my dad dead on the sofa. I did CPR, but unfortunately it was too late. He died very suddenly, even the post mortem couldn't explain the cause of his death. It seems crazy losing my dad at the age of 21 and him not being here to see me graduate, buy my first house, get married, have children. My mum took his sudden passing very bad, so I had to organise all the funeral. It was on Monday 30th January 2017. I found this poem and felt it was very relatable, so I decided to change it a bit and read it out at the funeral. I was so nervous, but I managed to get through it all. After the service so many people came and told me they thought it was a beautiful poem. Thank you so much for sharing it x

  • Linda by Linda
  • 7 years ago

That's a sad story. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, and I can imagine what you felt at the time your father passed away because I recently lost my father as well. It's been 5 days since he passed away and I'm still finding it hard to believe or even understand what has happened. I have so much anger in me, to say why did he let go so easily. He could have lived longer to see me graduate at university next year, but I will never get to chance to see the smile on his face on my graduation day. I will never get the chance to tell him that I loved him more than any man in this world, I will never get the chance to tell him that I had planned to buy him his favourite car that he wished to own with my first salary. But he just lost hope and faith that he was going to heal. If only he kept up with his diabetic medication. But what now? All shall pass. We must be strong and move on. I hope you find strength and keep his memory alive...take care.

  • Hosein K by Hosein K
  • 8 years ago

This touched me much, and it pointed some common experiences in all people. My dad died on 2016/4/3 of a stroke at the age of 61. I have and almost cry when I think of what happened and I could not say to him that I loved him so much and appreciate him for all the things he did for me :'( he was so kind and gracious to me and all he knew.

  • James by James
  • 8 years ago

I appreciate all the strength it took for all of the individual poems. I lost my dad March 5, 2016. I saw him on a Thursday and found him Saturday lying in his bed, no life. He was the single greatest man I have ever known. He took care of myself and my two sisters and my mother. He came into my life in 1983. I was 4. He was the only male figure that I had and the only man who wanted me. Thank you for letting me tell you my story.

  • Faisal by Faisal
  • 8 years ago

I also lost my dad on March 5, 2016, the day I lost a part of my soul. He was the only man in this life I could rely on, and I can proudly say he was the best dad in the world. Life is complicated...when we have someone with us, at that time we don't know his/her worth until he/she is gone. Just like that, it's all over.

  • Joanne by Joanne
  • 8 years ago

My Dad died very suddenly on 8th May 2016. My Mum went out to a friend's birthday party and Dad was staying at home. He went to bed for a nap that Sunday afternoon (which was the usual thing for him to do after his lunch) and she found him dead several hours later.

He was a fit - so we thought - 68 year old - so active, so vibrant. He died of left ventricular hypertrophy.

He looked very peaceful; I feel he didn't suffer and nothing has ever stopped him from doing what he wanted to do. So although I'm thankful for this, it is still early days and I seem to have reverted to feel like a five year old (not a forty five year old) who just "wants her Daddy back" and that "its not fair".

His funeral is next week and when I was looking at thing on the internet, I saw this poem and it resonated totally with me, so I have asked for this to be a reading on the day.l

Thanks and love to you Annmarie; thanks also to all that shared their stories here too x

  • Rose Anderson by Rose Anderson
  • 7 years ago

I, too, want my dad back. He was never sick a day in his life. I am your age as well, with a family of my own. I truly believed that if I cried out to the Almighty that I wanted my dad back even for just one human moment to hold him once again and scent of my dearest papa. I feel closer to my papa now more than ever and oh so glad he was chosen to be my dad. My birthday in October 2017 was my first without him. I have papa's intelligent eyes and unibrow to the detail. He is with me in each new dawn.
Take care!

  • Tobi by Tobi
  • 8 years ago

My condolences to you and your family. I too lost my dad many years ago. He passed at a prayer meeting right after my mother finished singing. My mother did not know it was him who had a heart attack and returned back to her table to find an ambulance had taken a man away and asked where was her husband? It was sad but life does go on and I'm sure you are daddy's little girl so live your life the way your father would want you to because he's going to be watching over you now and forever. God Bless

  • Hanna by Hanna
  • 8 years ago

My father passed away on April 17 ,2011. He had been battling cancer for 2 years. I miss my father every day even though I never really knew him, I was only 8 when he passed away. And I wish I remembered my last words to my father.

  • Zaf Chowdhury by Zaf Chowdhury, London, U.K
  • 9 years ago

I lost my dad nearly one year ago. I saw him on Skype the day before and I assured him that I was flying out to be with him and everything will be fine. When I reached Singapore, my father was put on ventilation at the hospital and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to him and really tell him I love him. My father's death was very sudden; he was receiving chemotherapy and due to complications arising from it, he passed away. This poem really resonates with how I feel and it's been hard to come to terms with his sudden departure.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Southeast Usa
  • 9 years ago

My Dad passed away a few weeks ago, from a heart attack as well. Your poem expresses exactly what I would say to him now. Thank you for sharing.

  • June Neil by June Neil, Baltimore
  • 9 years ago

My Dad died suddenly three days ago. I didn't get to speak with him the day he died, so I would like to read this poem at his funeral. It is indeed beautiful. Thank you.

  • Katie Gravatt by Katie Gravatt
  • 10 years ago

My dad passed away this year 3/9/15. He lived in Arizona and my sisters and brothers live in Oregon our hometown. He moved with his wife to support her with her job 3 maybe 4 years ago. Last year they got a divorce and she left him alone in Arizona. I got a call one day out of the blue from a family member I've never met. He had taken his life with a bullet to the chest. We had no clue he was depressed. If we only have 5 minutes before he pulled the trigger his life could have been saved. If he would given us 5 minutes to show him he was loved. Just 5 minutes..... We wouldn't be planning his funeral.... I'd like to read this poem at his funeral so thank you for sharing this. I'm glad I found this poem. Thank you.

  • Eileen Scott by Eileen Scott, N.ireland
  • 10 years ago

Hi.. my dad died suddenly three weeks ago. Blood clot to his heart.. completely shocked and distraught. This was the poem that I read at his funeral. I love my dad so much and I can't cope with the loss and that I didn't get to say goodbye. So I feel your pain.

  • Eva by Eva, Netherlands
  • 10 years ago

I'm 11 years old right now and my dad passed from glioblastoma (brain cancer) when I was 10 , yesterday was 1 year ago when he passed. He always said that we were his princesses, I have an older sister as well, we had a lovely life but then on 14 August 2012 my whole life changed from light to darkness, just by 1 MRI scan and 1 doctor checkup and 1 phone call. We were send straight to the St. Luke's hospital (We lived in America then) He had a surgery done and was given 6 months to live , the doctors said the 2 tumors were as big as a lemon and a orange, so we were transfer to the MD Anderson Cancer Center. But he made it till 1 year and 1/2 he passed away 4.30 the night after thanksgiving.

  • Paula by Paula, Cheshire
  • 10 years ago

My dad died a week ago and I found your poem great comfort, my dad was told on his own that he only had days to live. Me and my mum and sisters got to the hospital too late he had sadly passed away just an hour after being told he had days to live. My mum had spoken to him on the phone that morning, so your poem meant so much to us, I am reading this poem at my dad's funeral on the 11 June 2014 thank you so much for posting this it is so lovely xx

  • Sheryl by Sheryl, Fort Erie Canada
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for such an amazing and loving poem. My dad of 81-healthy, energetic Wal-Mart greeter died unexpectedly at the end of February. Being the oldest child and daughter, I felt that I would like to speak at his funeral. I searched looking for just the right words and when I saw this poem and how he had passed it was meant to be. I changed a few words to include my brother and sister. I read this poem over and over and each time I cried. I could not read at the funeral but my aunt followed through on behalf of the children. It was read beautifully and although I wept I felt that it was everything I would have wanted to say. Maybe I was selfish because I could not do the reading but I am thankful that I found this poem, something I would have said myself. If anyone needs just 5 more minutes with someone-don't hesitate to tell them exactly what you want to say. I saw my dad the night before he passed and the next day he was gone. Say what you want to all those you love!

  • E. Swag by E. Swag, Indiana
  • 11 years ago

Just lost my dad like 3 days ago and this poem really hit the heart. It was like it was speaking about me and my dad. All I keep saying is if I had a little more time with him. But God knew what was best for him and how much more his heart could take. Just touching....

  • Vannessa by Vannessa, Newbury
  • 11 years ago

My nan passed away on Monday. She was my teacher, my friend my confidante yet I am most for words. I could not be with her at the hospital nor fly back in time for the funeral. Five minutes touched me. I wish I had the 5 minutes to say "I love you" I'd like to use part of your lovely poem.

  • Wolverhamptop by Wolverhamptop
  • 11 years ago

This poem is beautiful. My dad passes away on the 18th of September from something to do with his brain. This is definitely what I will be reading at his funeral. I love it!

  • Dallas by Dallas, Georgia
  • 11 years ago

I lost my darling husband of 42 years this past March. He was a Purple Heart WWII Vet. He had a Military funeral service -so beautiful and reverent. The haunting mournful sad tune of the bagpipe sent chills up the spine.
After the funeral I was home alone-a sad, sad 94 year old widow. I felt I was in a trance-My dear Lord knew I needed just 5 minutes more with my dear husband -- God sent the two Angels who were holding him up. their arms around him to my side. I saw him so clearly and felt him touch my foot as he said, so clearly, while laughing, "thank you darling, it was beautiful" (meaning the funeral service.) A few months later God called my precious youngest brother home- The two new Angels are resting peacefully in their Heavenly home.
The poem is so beautiful and touching - thank you.

  • N. Paul J. Hinneh by N. Paul J. Hinneh, Republic Of Liberia
  • 11 years ago

I feel moved by your poem. It coveys to me real happenings of our earthly journey and how painful it is to let go of someone you love so dearly. Thanks for this.

  • Joel by Joel
  • 11 years ago

My father passed away 16 years ago today. He was 44. Words cannot describe how in touch I was with this poem. I still remember his voice, his scent, his laugh, etc. Every time I look at my children I see him. Thank you for sharing really helped me out!

  • Mark Gilliland by Mark Gilliland, Indiand
  • 11 years ago

I feel sorry about all of you who have lost your loved ones I lost my mom on Oct 26 2006 from a heart attack.

  • Prabaharan Manivel by Prabaharan Manivel, India
  • 12 years ago

Great lines, thank you so much! This poem made me cry for long time, I feel each and every line. My father passed away 11 months back, when I was in US. He just got out of his car and walked into hospital, but within 10 mins he died. Still I couldn't believe he is no more in this world. When will I see him again???

  • Daisie by Daisie, Tennessee
  • 12 years ago

My Daddy passed in a terrible car accident in 2000. I am a Daddy's Lil Girl, and the pain of that day still exists! I live that horrible mornings event over every night in my dreams! I went through 2 years of deep depression and denial. To this day I still have trouble discussing what happened or him not being here. Your Poem has touched me in so many different ways it's hard to describe. I, myself am going through a hard medical time and have been deemed to make it, maybe 2 years. The last part of your poem is what I Pray for every night, I ask the LORD to have my Daddy waiting for me and not to let me be alone.
Thank You so much for sharing such a hard time in your life. This is an amazing, elegant, sweet, sensitive poem.

  • Ashley by Ashley, California
  • 12 years ago

Hi.. I just wanted that your poem is beautiful. My dad passed away this year in August. He was in a horrible car crash . So the part about taking one last car ride really touched me. Thank you :)... - Ashley

  • Eva by Eva, Asheville
  • 12 years ago

What a great poem! I hadn't talked to my dad in seven years - God knows I tried to get back in touch with him, but due to certain circumstances, he didn't want anything to do with me. As time went on, my mother, sister, brother and son sided with him and I found out last week through a friend that he had passed after a battle with cancer. He was in and out of the hospital for several months and if I would of been notified, I would have been by his bedside or on the phone with him. It has only been a week since his passing, but it hurts...not have been able to say goodbye or kiss him as he lay in his coffin. I will miss him dearly as I remember the good times we had.

  • Jen by Jen, Bristol
  • 12 years ago

Your poem is beautiful. My dad dropped dead one day when I was at school, completely out of the blue and not even the post mortem told us how he died. You've put into words how I feel so thank you very much. It was 8 years on the 15th.

  • Debbie by Debbie, South Glamorgan Wales
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad 5 weeks ago on the 17th March 2012, he was probably living on borrowed time but we didn't expect him to go when he did, I feel so lucky and privileged that he was my dad and I got to care for him for a 1.5 years even though he was in and out of hospitals, I was able to show him how much I loved him when he needed it most, sorry for all your losses x you realize reading these comments you're not alone, it helps you to get through another day even though you feel you have nothing to get up for anymore, the best poem I've read thank you xx

  • Flora by Flora
  • 12 years ago

All these stories make me cry and I could especially relate to this one because I would do the same thing if I had 5 mins on the day my dad died. I would hug him, kiss him, tell him I love him, ask him to forgive me because I could not bring him home with me, beg him not to leave.........! His heart rate was dropping so fast until it stopped and I won't even dare to see how he was trying to fight for his life! I wish I could turn back time that I will stay in the hospital 24/7 with my dad so he won't be scared and suffered and he might still be here today. He has dementia and got dehydrated due to the medication (Laxis), then developed other complications and finally caused his death. He was so lovely especially when he talked without putting his denture on. I miss him so much. It hurts when you see him talking and joking in one minute but laying there cold and hard in another minute. I wish he could come to my dream and let me know he is doing fine in Heaven!

  • Tracey by Tracey, Nottingham
  • 12 years ago

This is a beautiful fitting poem for me, my dad died on 14/5/11 in his car he had a massive heart attack, we never got chance to say goodbye, we didn't even know there was anything wrong, he was only 58 and with each and every single day I miss him more and more. Thank you for writing this poem.

  • Maria Angelina by Maria Angelina, Manding
  • 12 years ago

I really love this poem. It reminds my dad's memories. My father passed away 2 years ago, he died because of an asthma and other sickness. In his 63 years of existence, he suffered a lot to fight his sickness. And 2 years until now, I'm still moving on. "If I only had five minutes the day he passed away, I would have had time to tell him all the things I needed to say." Oh Tang, I miss you so much. :(

  • Madison by Madison, Pitkin La
  • 13 years ago

My pawpaw Rd is in the hospital and they think he won't make it though this week. I hate to have to go though that because he is the most important thing in my life. I always go to his house everyday to spend time with him. I knew the day was coming but I didn't know it was so soon. I LOVE YOU.

  • Melody by Melody
  • 13 years ago

Actually it's not my story.
Or I should say I haven't come across this kind of things so far.
But when I read this poem, it's really touching me! When I am reading the poem, I started to think of what will I do when my dad had been call upon by God one day...
The poetic technique the poet use is really perfect, I especially like the line
'Don't let me come alone.
The day the angels come for me,
Please be there to bring me home.'
It's really touched my heart and made think of the scene when I will be the one in this story.
I really like this poem and I badly want to share it with everyone I knew.

  • Sherry by Sherry, Bc Canadamy
  • 13 years ago

My Dad passed away nine years ago this month. I still miss him terribly and think of him every day. Whenever I have life issues I often find myself saying if only I had my Dad for five more minutes to help me answers life's problems...then I came across this poem when I was looking for a memoriam poem to put in our local paper. Thank you for writing such a perfect poem.

  • Tara by Tara
  • 13 years ago

My dad was hunting and died of a heart attack out of the blue. I never got to say my good bye's either. But just remember that he is up in heaven and you can talk to him whenever you want. I am actually about to leave to go to my dads funeral right now. If I could read your poem and change a few words like hunting instead of driving I would really appreciate it.

  • Christina by Christina
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for writing this beautiful poem. I used this for my Dad's memory candle at my Sweet 16 last month. He passed when I was 3 years old and this was just such a perfect poem to dedicate to him. Because of the perfection, I lost it halfway through and had to have a friend continue with it (who was also crying). This truly touched many people's hearts at my Sweet 16 and I honestly thank you so much for writing it. It was so perfect for me. <3

  • Lr Gonzales by Lr Gonzales, Jr.
  • 13 years ago

My father been gone 17 years this Sept 2011, still feels like yesterday, the last time I talked to him was that morning. I called my parents house, he answered, I asked for Mom, and he just handed the phone to her...and I Mom....I wanted to say more to him...but I went ahead and asked her a question...not realizing..that was the last time I was going to talk to him. He had a massive heart attack, later that evening...
a very nice poem...I was trying to find a poem for a very close friend that is going thru brain surgery. With maybe another one again...she is totally...sad. and I just wanted to find something for her.

  • Christy by Christy, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This poem really hit @ home. My dad passed away September the 10th, 2011 from a Massive Heart Attack. He was a great man that I will miss very much. It happened so quickly that my whole family was not prepared and we all took it really hard. I love this poem because I really wished I did have those Five Minutes to hold and tell him I loved him so much.

  • Christina by Christina
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for posting this. I will be reading this for my Daddy's candle at my Sweet 16. My dad died of a massive heart attack when I was only 3 years old. It sucks so much that I can't remember anything about him. Stay strong everyone.

  • Laurel Ellis by Laurel Ellis, Arkansas
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem so much. It made me cry. I jus lost my dad three months ago, and till this day, I'm still horn. He had a heart condition, and when I read this poem, I just had to read it at his funeral. I miss him so much, but I know he's still here with me, and watching over me.

  • Aimee by Aimee, Newcastle
  • 13 years ago

My father died last August of a heart attack when he was fishing. I hadn't seen him for a long time and this poem just summed up exactly how I felt.
I changed it slightly to fit in with my Dads last moments and it was read at my Dad's funeral.
Its beautiful, makes me cry everytime.
Thank you so much

  • Harley G by Harley G, East Sussex
  • 13 years ago

My Pa died of cancer on Jan 14th 2011. He was diagnosed on the 26th June 2010. This poem is so deep and heartfelt, I am crying as I type. It sounds like you were close to your Dad, he knew already the things you wanted to say because he knew how much he was loved. I miss my Dad so much, he was my world. I'm told his loss to us will get easier, I'm still waiting. Thank you for your lovely poem xxx

  • Taina by Taina, Ca
  • 13 years ago

Our father died of congestive heart failure. He had been ill for many years. We went to see him on memorial day and he passed away in the hospital on June 3rd. My sister told me she couldn't read past the 5th line from the tears running down. She will try and read this poem tomorrow at the memorial service, I will read it in Spanish. Thank you for helping us in this final good bye to our father. God bless you and comfort you.

  • Maria Luisa Ramirez by Maria Luisa Ramirez
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched me because my dad passed way just last year in December 31,2010. I feel that my dad is with me. When he passed away I got a call from Mexico my family told me my Dad passed way in the morning at 5:00 am. I felt that my heart was broken apart. He showed my family and I a lots of things about life and he told us to do our best in life. When he passed way we were not there we live in Texas and he was in Mexico.

  • Fiona by Fiona, Manchester
  • 13 years ago

thank you for this poem my dad died suddenly last week and I will be reading this with my brother at his funeral next week. xxx

  • Ge-Off by Ge-Off, Bellingham Washington
  • 13 years ago

this was a really good poem. made my eyes water. it made me think of my uncle who passed away

  • Bubbles by Bubbles
  • 14 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. poem's are the sort of thing's that come to me. I like art and even though this poem is sad and about death, I think that the person who wrote it has a talent.

  • Izzy. Oklahoma by Izzy. Oklahoma
  • 14 years ago

That almost made me cry. I lost my step-dad when I was 12 and I never got to see him and I miss him so much . I wish I could have had chance to say goodbye to him. I love the poem ,keep writing more

  • Ashley by Ashley, Texas
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this, my dad was killed in a motorcycle accident at the age of 40. I will be reading this cause it's everything I'm feeling.... we went so long without talking. We just started talking again, just didn't have enough time.

  • Tanya by Tanya, Arkansas
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away Thanksgiving 2009 and she did the same. She pulled over and called my aunt and was rushed to the hospital but didn't survive. Thank you for your beautiful poem. Even though the words bring tears, I love anything that helps me remember her everyday. Again, Thank you!

  • Dianna by Dianna, Az
  • 14 years ago

My dad passed away on Tuesday, October 27, 2010. This poem expresses everything that I am feeling. I am going to be reading it at his funeral tomorrow. I absolutley love it I give it 5 stars.

  • Andie by Andie, UT
  • 14 years ago

This poem was read at a friend of mine's parents funeral. Neither of them passed from a heart attack, but it still fit perfectly. Everytime I read this poem I start crying, even when I think about it. I love this poem and it gives me comfort, even though I wasn't close with them. and I'm sure it also gives some comfort to their 4 children, and other family members, thank you.

  • Brinda by Brinda, San Diego
  • 14 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem I'm still crying. I miss my grandpa so much and your poem really hit my heart. I'm sorry for your loss...

  • Annie by Annie, Racine WI
  • 14 years ago

I loved this poem so much. it almost made me cry. I'm going to be reading it at my dad's funeral tomorrow, only I'm changing a couple things to fit him and his life. I'm sure you dad is watching over you now and he forever will...

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, California
  • 14 years ago

I have been struggling to write my darling dad's eulogy - he, too, had a massive heart attack while driving his car - thanks to you I have found the words I will say about/to him this Friday.

  • Lupe Ortiz by Lupe Ortiz, Maryland
  • 14 years ago

This poem relates to me a lot. My bestfriend past away on March 18 because of heart attack. He was sick in the hospital for about three months his kidney and liver were failing him. The doctors said he was getting better everyday. We took that as a for sure he would get survive and I guess we were wrong. He passed away at age sixteen. The worst thing is that I never got to say goodbye. I'm crying as I'm writing cause it hurts a lot. Your poem its just so beautiful.

  • Saterra by Saterra
  • 15 years ago

I really liked this poem. My mom and I never really get along. She was on drugs all the time. The last day I saw her was the 1st time I could remember her telling me she loved me. I looked at her weird and didn't say it back. Now I can't forgive myself. I wish I could of told her I loved her know matter what. I miss her.

Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem like this.

  • Sandy by Sandy, Texas
  • 15 years ago

Your poem was very warm and touching. My husbands father passed away of a massive heart attack.

  • nicole augustine by nicole augustine
  • 15 years ago

I just wanted to tell you I still can't stop crying. I have read hundreds of poems, but this one hit real close to home for me. My father is still around, it is my mother that passed. 2-25-05 is when she left this world and I have been a broken half being since. I read this poem and it's the first time I've been able to really cry since she died. My mother passed away due to a brain aneurism. So she was gone fairly quickly. The thing that shreds my soul is the fact my mother and I had been arguing when it happened. And everyday since then I think that same thought.... if ONLY I had FIVE more minutes and KNEW she was ready to leave this world...

  • Angie by Angie
  • 15 years ago

I loved this dad just passed this year...he had a heart condition also...I'm sorry to hear about your lost...

  • carmen by carmen
  • 15 years ago

I loved this poem so muc.
A month ago at the age of 76, we had 4 days at our dad's side before he passed away. Dad, our angel with golden wings and his smile so bright. he said he has his memory and feels no pain.
'he said' he is making a home for us his family, in heaven above. a beautiful place where we will join him his family of love.
thank you Annmarie, for waking me up. our family had 4 days with dad to be thankful for. thank you

  • Clare by Clare
  • 15 years ago

My Nan passed away last week very suddenly and I was looking online for a suitable poem to read at her funeral. I came across yours and it really touched me. I hope it's ok that I have used most of the words to read at her funeral tomorrow. My mother and aunt got very emotional when I read it to them, it really says what we feel. Thank-you for the beautiful words, and I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who posted such kind words. I am so touched. I am so happy that the words I wrote during my time of grief can help so many others during theirs. I am truly touched that you chose my poem to read at your own fathers funerals. God bless you all!

  • Ken by Ken
  • 15 years ago

I was very very touched by this poem. I just lost my stepdad at the age of 51. He was driving a truck when he died. Good thing my mom was with him to pull it over. My heart still aches knowing he is gone, but I know he watching above. Thanks for the great poem

  • Kirsti Carter by Kirsti Carter
  • 15 years ago

I am so thankful to you for writing this poem. It says everything I wanted to say, but couldn't put on paper.

My father passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack while playing with my 4 yr old son. It was such a shock. He was only 55.

I looked on the internet trying to find the right words to say. I knew I wanted to get up and speak at the funeral, but just couldn't get my words onto paper. When I ran across this I absolutely froze and started to cry. It's perfect!! Once I was done reading it at the funeral I put a copy of it in the casket with him.

He'll be missed and my heart will forever be broken, but I know he's in heaven playing golf and fishing. Just want he would be doing if he were here.

  • Manuela Milosevski by Manuela Milosevski
  • 15 years ago

Your poem has touched our hearts, my dad died of a massive heart attack whilst my mum was driving him home in their car after a night out. We thank you for your poem and will be using it for the funeral

  • kuiposaulala by kuiposaulala
  • 16 years ago

I'm like Janelle, got me all teary eyed, my kids asked me why I'm crying and I told them I miss my darling brother who pass away in a car accident. thank you very very much for sharing your beautiful memory with us

  • Janet by Janet
  • 16 years ago

My dad died suddenly of a heart attack on Monday. Your poem is a perfect expression of what I am feeling right now and I will be reading it at my father's funeral tomorrow. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for posting your poem.

  • Janelle by Janelle
  • 16 years ago

I really loved this poem. it actually got me all teary eyed. This poem was absoulty beautiful and I'm sure your father is looking down on you smiling. 5stars :)

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