Grandmother Death Poem

This poem is about my Nana, who was a very kind and loving woman. I'll never stop thinking about her and will always have her in my heart.

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I was 16 years old when my grandma died. She died of kidney failure, but my grandma had a loving heart and was always kind and loving and would do anything for anyone no matter what you were...

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Sleep Now, Nana


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

Although I cannot see you,
I feel your presence near.
I will hold you close in memory
Till I drop my very last tear.

So sleep now with the angels,
And let your golden heart rest.
Although our hearts are broken,
We know GOD took the best.

So dance beyond those golden gates,
And join your loving mum.
I'll see you when I'm sleeping
And pray for you to come.

And although this pain is painful,
And I really don't wanna let you go,
I'll wait for death to take me, Nan,
So we can together one day glow.

Until that day, I'll close my eyes
and see your smiling face.
I'll lock you up inside me heart
Until we again embrace.

So rest now, my beautiful Nana.
I'll never forget how much you have done.
So until my hand meets yours again,
Sleep now in the sun.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kaitlyn Marie Brown by Kaitlyn Marie Brown
  • 7 years ago

I was 16 years old when my grandma died. She died of kidney failure, but my grandma had a loving heart and was always kind and loving and would do anything for anyone no matter what you were going through. She always put people first and put herself last. She was a good Christian lady. I love her and miss her so much.

  • Jessica Smith by Jessica Smith
  • 7 years ago

I was 16 when my grandmother died of kidney failure. She died May 10, 2003. She took care of me while my mother worked. I returned the favor by helping to take care of her in her final days. When my mom told me, I cried because I was sad at first, but then I remembered she had her husband and two sons with her in heaven. Someday I will be, too.

  • Cardiff Uk by Cardiff Uk
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful poem I was just thinkimg of my grandmother's passing, thought I would find a poem to read in memory of her. It has such similarities to the tribute I wrote to her. Still brings tears to my eyes.

  • Kayleigh by Kayleigh, Scotland
  • 10 years ago

On 21st January 2015 I received the devastating news that my beloved grandmother had passed away. I had called my mother on my break at work to find out how she was and what she was doing that day, when my uncle on my fathers side had answered the phone he said to me "Kayleigh are you home?" to which I replied "No I am at work, what's wrong?" the reply I got shocked me so much I was speechless, his words to me were "you need to get to your mothers as soon as possible she is not in a very good state of mind as your grandmother has passed away this morning". I rushed out of work as quickly as I possibly could as I just wanted to be with my mother and to comfort her, the tears were rushing down my face I felt as if I was having a bad dream and wanted to wake up as soon as possible. I never got to spend as much time with my grandmother as I'd like to but she will always be here with me, this poem is just beautiful and I have gotten inspiration from it for producing a poem for her funeral.

  • Shannon Lousie Durham by Shannon Lousie Durham
  • 10 years ago

October 1st at 8.39 pm my Nana got taken away from us it broke my heart because I was always close to my Nana we did everything together and now she has gone I am missing my right side of my body because we were always together when you seen one you seen us both my Nana reached for my hand when she knew she was slipping into the last sleep and her last moments on earth she choose to spend with me, my Nana was like a mother to me and I hope I do you proud Nana I miss and love you soo much, this poem hit home for me and I have a tattoo of my Nana's hand holding my hand I wanted a little verse underneath it, I will never forget anything my Nana did for me nor will I ever forget her miss you Nana more than words can say now be free my angel and fly high until we meet again xxx

  • Evay by Evay, England
  • 10 years ago

I was 8 when my nana passed away, I'm 14 now she would of been 63 this year, she was the best nana I could ever ask for, I always remember how she was the only person who I would let brush my hair because I thought she had magic fingers. She will always be my inspiration. I love you forever and always.
RIP Nana Jodie-9.9.08

  • Lincolnton by Lincolnton, NC
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my grandmother 4 days ago. She and my poppaw raised me and my brother for many many years. I feel like I have lost more than a grandmother. I have lost my mom, my best friend. She was known for ending her days by posting on Facebook, "sleep with the angels" She is no longer in pain, she is not only sleeping but singing and dancing with the angels as well! And I now get to sleep with the greatest angel of all, my grandma!

  • Becky by Becky, England
  • 11 years ago

This is beautiful. I lost my amazing Nana over Christmas and I'm struggling with the thought of having to spend the rest of my life without her. She was always there for me and I was very close to her and have been all my life. I'm going to miss her so so much :(

  • Immaculate by Immaculate
  • 11 years ago

My best friend lost her grandmother. She was also like my second grandmother so I was also hurt by her passing away. Tomorrow is her funeral and I will be reading this poem for my friend. This poem really touched me also and it also got me to let my tears flow. thank you

  • Cornwall Uk by Cornwall Uk
  • 11 years ago

What a beautiful poem, hope you don't mind but my son read this poem at his Grandmothers funeral. X

  • Anria by Anria, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

My gran died in 2010 on Mothers Day. It was a painful and she died of skin cancer. A lot of people ask how do you remember her and I always say, "I was born on her birthday, my older sister has her name." We celebrate my birthday in tears and this year I hope we can celebrate it differently. If you have someone special go to them and tell them how special they are!!

  • Layla by Layla, Alabama
  • 11 years ago

It was Two years ago my Mimmi past away. I'm 17 now. She was my best friend I told her everything. When she past my life went down hill. I just want comfort. I want her back. :(

  • Alexis by Alexis, Seattle Washington
  • 12 years ago

I lost my grandma in August, and at 21 years old, I was the only person there when she died, and the single only person to lay her ashes to rest. I will never forget those last moments, nor will I ever forget her. This poem hit right at home for me. Thank you for writing this. I'm wanting to get the first paragraph tattooed with the tattoo I'm working on to remember her by. Thank you!

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