Grandmother Death Poem

Pain Of Losing Grandmother

I'm 15 and never really thought of writing poetry, but it was really easy to write this poem because it was coming straight from the heart. I lived with my Nanny for 14 years of my life. She helped raise me and look after me. I miss her loads and loads, and I wish she was still around...

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My Nana Sue died 2 weeks ago and now I am going to her funeral. I miss my Nana and will do anything to get her back. She died of a brain hemorrhage It was so unexpected that we only found out...

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My Nanny


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2015 with permission of the Author.

You picked me up
And held me tight.
And said you loved me
Every night.

A year has passed,
But I still feel the same.
I don't think I've ever
Felt so much pain.

I know you're looking over me,
Flying way up above the clouds,
But what I miss the most
Are all of the sounds.

I want to hear your voice,
Not just in a dream, but for real,
To tell me that you're happy,
And I can tell you how I feel.

I'll try to move on, but I know
It's not gonna happen, but I will try.
What hurts the most
Is I never got to say goodbye...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jam by Jam
  • 5 years ago

My Nana Sue died 2 weeks ago and now I am going to her funeral. I miss my Nana and will do anything to get her back. She died of a brain hemorrhage It was so unexpected that we only found out about it 20 minutes after she died. Happened so soon after my Grandad died too in November. Miss you both. I know that I can't get you back, but you will live on in our memories. Thank you for all the memories, especially holidays in Yorkshire and Cornwall. Goodbye, Nana Sue

  • Ashleigh Briggs by Ashleigh Briggs
  • 6 years ago

I was only 10 when my Nana passed. I never got to say goodbye. She died of heart failure and lung cancer. She was only 64 when she died.

  • Grace Tebogo Hlongwa by Grace Tebogo Hlongwa
  • 7 years ago

My grandma, you were my everything. You left me with pain. You didn't even say goodbye to to me. I love you.

  • Breianna Stogner by Breianna Stogner
  • 8 years ago

I lost my grandma 1 year ago on January 4th,2015 and I'm finding it really hard. I can't talk about it. I'm constantly putting on a brave face although my heart is in a thousand pieces.

  • Kayleigh Graham by Kayleigh Graham
  • 8 years ago

I just recently lost my grandmother and I'm finding it really hard I can't talk about it. I'm constantly putting on a brave face although my heart is in a thousand pieces.

  • Timothy Madsen by Timothy Madsen
  • 9 years ago

This story resonates with me because a few days ago was the anniversary of my friends death. I don't want a dream substitute of him, I want to see the real him. The pain is something very hard to describe. Thank you, this poem helped me process my own feelings and I hope it helped you when you wrote it.

  • Jennifer Meredith by Jennifer Meredith
  • 9 years ago

Hi! I am 15 as well. I just lost my grandmother on 26th of January 2016. It was so hard for all of us, especially my mum and me. We have spent so much time together with her, and it was really hard for us not to see her, or hear her voice, and hold her hand anymore. I can't even bear going to her house anymore. I can't see her empty bed without crying. I am trying my best to be strong though, for my mum, and most importantly for my grandmother up in heaven.

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