Grandmother Death Poem

Rose Garden Of Memories

In the poem, the author talks about her grandmother's passing. She wants to let her know that she will forever remain in her "rose garden of memories."

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My grandmother's name was Rose. This poem is so apt. She had cancer. While it gave me time to spend with her, it made it really painful to watch her lose weight and her hair, withdraw into a...

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My Grandmother


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

In my rose garden of memories,
I see you standing there,
An angel in disguise,
Who taught me how to care.

I long to hear your voice
for real - not in my dreams.
I am missing you so much these days.
How empty my world seems.

People say time heals all wounds,
that someday the pain will subside,
but Grandma, I can tell you
I think they must have lied.

The emptiness I am feeling now
is strong and I am weak.
These days go by without you,
so dreary and so bleak.

In my rose garden of memories
I know you'll always be,
for though you're gone from this mortal world,
in my heart you'll always be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Adrian Lee Hutton Case by Adrian Lee Hutton Case
  • 2 years ago

My dearest grandma passed away just before I was 17. She would have been 90 two days after my birthday. I can still remember being fetched out of work by my two cousins. They told me she was only awaiting one more person to be there before she passed away, and that person turned out to be me. She passed away within minutes of me being by her bedside. She was found by dad collapsed in a coma that morning. She had been waiting all day for me to arrive. I miss her so, so much. She was my best friend. I miss her smile and her gentle touch. This poem brought many tears to my eyes.

  • Victoria Damon by Victoria Damon
  • 5 years ago

I so much miss my grandma. Her death was like a dream. I never said goodbye, and it is so painful. I'm always wishing she were still alive. She was my idol, icon, and hero. Love you so much. You will always be in my heart.

  • Love by Love
  • 6 years ago

I lost my grandmother five years ago, and I was told it heals over time. The thing is nothing heals over time. I miss her so much. She is with the angels, and I am happy for that. I want to hear her voice and see her face one more time. I would give up anything to see and hear her again.

  • Knc by Knc
  • 6 years ago

Grandmother, you were there for me. You had cared for me forever. It had been the disease that made you leave. I lie in bed thinking about you. I saw you last on your death bed and had to say goodbye. I was merely a child when you passed. When my mother told me you were gone and never coming back, I went home that night and cried for about 2 or 3 hours. But now, 4 years later, I can’t bring myself to cry about it anymore, but for some reason there is still that pain in my heart.

  • Tsoseletso by Tsoseletso
  • 7 years ago

My grandmother's name was Rose. This poem is so apt. She had cancer. While it gave me time to spend with her, it made it really painful to watch her lose weight and her hair, withdraw into a highly depressive state and suffer through bouts of pain so intense she'd often cry quite loudly. There were nice moments, though. About a month before she passed on, she gave me a name for the child I'll have someday. My child will get to know that he/she got a name from great grandma. I seriously miss her but have to console myself with the fact that she isn't suffering anymore. That's the most important thing.

  • Tessa C by Tessa C
  • 7 years ago

I am bawling. I'm also not a crier. My grandma passed away almost 4 years ago, but her death still haunts me. I still cry telling someone about her. I still scream when I see a gift from her. Whether it be a dress she made me when I was 5 or the homemade doll I got at 8, I hide it so I don't cry. I still cry myself to sleep on the day that she died, with my mother comforting me. But this poem helps. This is the most beautiful and realistic poem I have ever read. Some people try to write one for others to look at, even though they don't know how it feels. I find that those poems are like they were written by a robot, no meaning. No life. But this is real. This makes my heart say, "This is what I feel. This is my pain." Reading something that explains my pain exactly helps. I do not know how, but it helps.

  • Anita by Anita
  • 7 years ago

My grandma passed away on November 17, 2017, two weeks ago. Her death is still like a nightmare I pray to wake up from. Words can't describe how deep her absence will be felt. Miss you. Mummy.

  • Deborah by Deborah
  • 8 years ago

My Grandma died 19 years ago today.
I love her as though no time has passed our way.
Always sustained by her grace and her love
Knowing she is still embracing us from high above.
I am thankful to God for giving my sister and me
this presence of love in our lives
I know it's the key
Without her, the meaning of unconditional love may have gone unknown
She was the only one
from whom it was shown
Today, we are what we are...because she loved us with the gentleness and tenderness that was uniquely her way
Thank you Gram
We miss you more than words can say

  • Janice by Janice
  • 8 years ago

My grandmother passed on October 5, 2016, and I miss her so much. Words can't explain how empty I feel, but I know she is with me in spirit.

  • Elizabeth Sekali by Elizabeth Sekali
  • 8 years ago

My heart is bleeding. My grandma passed on Monday, and today is Thursday. I already miss her. She was my everything. She was so good and kind to people. She loved all her children and grandchildren. I miss you, Grandma.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 8 years ago

I was just reading your message. My grandmother also passed away on Monday. I couldn't even cry as I was shocked so much when I heard the saddest news. Today is Thursday; I'm sitting in my room and I feel a very big hole in my heart. It is so hard...

  • Sandra Smith Nee Brennan by Sandra Smith Nee Brennan
  • 8 years ago

This poem really made me cry. It was read out by a friend's grandaughter at my friend's funeral. She wasn't that much older than me.

I lost my Nan when I was 14, 52 years ago. I still miss her and am crying for her as I write this. You learn to live with the sadness, but never get over losing someone like your Nan.

  • Kayley Leagas by Kayley Leagas, England
  • 9 years ago

My nan died on the 2nd December 2015. She died of something called MND (Motor Neuron Disease). It slowly stops your muscles working till your body is completely paralysed. In my nans case, it started attacking her throat and lungs first. Her body was slowly giving up on her. I, at the age of 15, was there for her when her throat muscles wouldn't let her swallow any more so she had to get a gastric tube fitted just above her belly button. I was there for her when she had to rely on a machine to breath and had to take weekly trips to the hospital because she was suffocating. And I was there for her, next to her bedside, when she finally gave in. I can honestly say that my nan was the bravest and strongest person I will have ever met and even when she knew her life was coming to an end, she still kept her humour and positivity. I will forever be so proud of her and I'm so glad I got to say goodbye to her and tell her how much I loved her and always will.
R.I.P Nanny, miss you millions

  • Courtney by Courtney, Minnesota
  • 9 years ago

My grandma passed away on December 2, 2015. She was my best friend. I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on. I'm not sure if I ever will get over losing her, but thinking about all the great memories I had with her helps me with my grief. She and I had an unbreakable bond. She was the best!

  • Mellissa by Mellissa, Tx
  • 11 years ago

My Grandma passed away unexpectedly from a stroke. We found her unconscious and unresponsive on her living room floor. She was breathing but in a coma. She never came out of the coma and we decided to take her off of life support so she could pass away and be with the angels in heaven.

  • Meredith Mckeeman by Meredith Mckeeman
  • 8 years ago

I lost my nana yesterday, February 4, 2017. I felt like I did not love her enough. She loved me so much. I regret it, and I just want to go back. I am only 11 years old.

  • Maggie by Maggie
  • 11 years ago

I lost my grandma a week ago and she meant everything to me. We used to laugh and have so much fun together. This poem really touched my heart and I will always love my grandma.

  • Emily Wisconsin by Emily Wisconsin
  • 11 years ago

WOW! my grandma and grandpa moved a year and a half ago into assisted living and it was really sad. My grandma had Alzheimer's disease and she is slowly dying. My grandpa is holding on for her. It's really sad to watch and to cope with. I know the day is going to come when she's gone.

  • Ella Henderson by Ella Henderson, Rotherham
  • 11 years ago

I lost my grandma on my birthday 2 years ago she wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with, she didn't like me much because of my mum but I loved her, when my dad rang me to tell me the news it made me think so much about her and how I never got to say goodbye but now I know she is in heaven where she is meant to be. She will understand why I couldn't see her and that I am always thinking about her now. This poem brought tears to my eyes as I am trying to find a poem to read at my dads wedding but my grandma was the biggest fighter I knew she is my idol and hero. God bless you all my love xxxxxxxx love you lots and lots xxxxxxx

  • Malawi by Malawi
  • 11 years ago

It was 2008 when my grandmom passed away and leaving me a young helpless boy in pain since that day I will never stop mourning her.

Grandma you will always be my hero

  • William Roche by William Roche
  • 11 years ago

My grandmother passed away over a year ago now. She was 90 years old and my last remaining grandparent alive. In life my grandmother was always my right wing and she thought me more about life than anybody ever will. Growing up she was my everything and I never dreamed the day would come when she would be take away. My gran never complained about the ups and downs of life and no task I asked of her was ever to big for her. Since my granny was the only grandparent I ever had the grace of meeting in this life I feel it a warm blessing that I got to grow and become so close to my gran. Since she passed away I always see life as different now. I give thanks for the long and happy life gran was given and I look forward to meeting her again beyond earths dark horizon. "Oh the rapture of that moment, the joy to see you come"

  • Connie L. Wright by Connie L. Wright
  • 12 years ago

My grandmother, Lucille Wright, passed away, Friday, January 5, 2013. The last time I visited her was after my great aunt's death, October 2011. Other family members and I went by to see her, and visit with her. Also, that same day her daughter was moving her to a different city, where she lived. To be honest, I don't remember the last time I went to visit her before than. I am so glad that I went that day. I always thought there'd be another day to go see her and/or visit with her, but now there won't be. She was my grandfathers second wife. His first wife died in 1952 before I was born in 1964.

These poems even though sad, are also beautiful. I've sat here today trying to find something to ease my heartache, and heartbreak. Reading through them I see a part of her and her life.

My Grandmother fits her closely. She loved her garden and flowers. Today God has gained another rose in his rose garden.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I loved the poem its sad and emotional, but it reminds me of my grandma. Here is my story, I have been with my grandma since I was a baby. She has been around me more than any of my siblings or cousins, so I had become really close to her over the years. just recently my grandma had a stroke, needless to say I dislike hospitals, it's depressing and heartbreaking to be at a hospital for any reason, as she was rushed to the hospital my dad had picked me up for practice, telling me my grandma was being rushed to the hospital. When I got there and walking into her room I could not bare to walk any further then the doorway or the chair next to the door. I saw her laying there all sad looking and in pain and not knowing what had happen to her, as the minutes had gone by I couldn't help myself but stare at my grandma, in shock not knowing how to respond to what had happened. Finally I had looked away to see my mom crying and my dad comforting her. Then they went out in the hall to get a hold of family and friends. I could sense my grandma looking at me from the bed, so I looked up and we made I contact. The sad and lost look in her eyes just about killed me inside, so I couldn't help myself and started to cry. The next day had gone by and my grandma was making some responses to what the nurses had asked and from what my mom had asked by gripping their hands, she would only say ok. my mom came up with the idea of having the phone next to her ear and having her listen to family and friends on the phone. she would just listen to there voices and would only say ok every so minutes she was on the phone with them. as the days went by her condition had worsened she could no longer move anything on the right side of her body, and was no longer taking. The doctors told us that the stroke had basically killed her whole left side of her brain. my mom and my aunts had saw what my grandma had put on her will about being in the hospital and what all they could do for her, she had put on there if there was a way for her to live by knowing her family and friends then she would want that but if she couldn't then she would rather die then living a life with out knowing what had happened and without knowing anyone. so my mom and aunts were going to fill out my grandma's wishes, so they talked to the doctors about what all they could do to fulfill her wishes. since she could no longer respond to anyone or recognize anybody my mom and aunt told us what was going to happen, and what was going to happen was my grandma was going to be taken off all the things that were to keep the swelling of her left side of her brain down and just giving her what she needed to be comfortable to pass away .

  • Zoe by Zoe, Uk
  • 12 years ago

I decided to read this poem at my granny funeral on Sunday. I thought it was great and I loved my granny so much I miss her every day.

  • Tracy by Tracy
  • 12 years ago

We buried my grandma September 2010. She was the most precious person in my life. I know she is happy where she has gone as she lost her youngest daughter to cancer (aged 49) 6 weeks prior to my grandmothers death. I watched my grandmother suffer through this hard times of losing Aunty Wendy and grandma told me that she just wanted to be with her daughter. So it is a bit of relief knowing she is where she is but the loss of her leaving is so hard to cope with.

Grandma I miss you everyday !

  • Eva Mc Evoy by Eva Mc Evoy
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem. My amazing nana died a long time ago. But I still feel the need to talk about her. She died on the 11th of the January 2011. I miss her so much. The main thing I learned from her death was that no matter how hard it is to go on, we must all continue with our lives. Lily (my nana) knew she was going to die since the previous November. All through winter she lived her life to the full, not letting anything stop her. And I love her for that. R.I.P Lily Kavanagh who passed away on January 11th 2011 at 01:19 a.m.
Love from a mourning little grand-daughter, Eva :) xxxx aged 12

  • Samantha. Masterton by Samantha. Masterton, Nz
  • 12 years ago

My grandmother was my "mum"
1997 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and would need radiation and chemo, no one told me a word not even her. May 6th 1999 was the (one of) the worst day of my life, 8:45 am the phone rung it was my mother "Dear, tell the girls she is gone" before my dad had hung up the phone I'd shut out the world and hated it all.

I cry for her & miss her every damn day & always will.

Kathleen Mary Turnbull-Wooller-Tozer
Blessed this world 4-4-1950
Taken from me 6-5-1999

  • Shania by Shania, Uk
  • 12 years ago

My beautiful grandma passed away 6 days ago and she was the most strongest inspirational person I will ever know. What makes this poem so touching is the fact that her name meant rose and she always kept roses inside her house and in her garden, she loved them, they were her favourite flower and she always loved pretty things. When she died, I remember my mom saying everyone's coping but me but I wasn't coping. The only reason I didn't cry was that I felt so empty, I just couldn't believe she was gone, it was so surreal! I just wish I could hear her voice now. She was in so much pain but she was always so positive. She would get up on her feet and act like she was perfectly fine despite the fact she was hurting inside. I wish I could tell her one last time that I love her so much but I know she's up in heaven and she already knows and one day I'll met her and be able to tell her myself. Love you grandma, always on my mind xxxxx

  • Hayleigh by Hayleigh
  • 13 years ago

My grandma died last year the night before we were gonna visit her, my dad called me when I was getting ready that she died in the middle of the night, I didn't cry in front of anyone I just went downstairs to my room and wept, my little brother told me off on how I didn't cry... prick I still cry every so often everytime I think about it :P but I just wished she'd come in my dreams like she did for my mom the night she died ...

  • Indi by Indi, Uk
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. It's really touching especially as I have just lost my grandma. I agree Eva, and you're story is very touching. I am also twelve and my gran died unexpectedly in a car accident in August 2011. She was coming to meet us in Wales but we were 3 hours late, she got tired of waiting for us and as she went back to her car it rolled onto her (she was on a hill). This poem touches my heart and is the perfect description of how it feels after a death.

  • Eva Mc Evoy by Eva Mc Evoy
  • 13 years ago

I was 11 when my mum broke the news about my nana getting cancer. I watched her fading into nothing in the hospital bed. The doctor predicted her to last a year, she lived 7 weeks. Each day I visited her it tore me in two, she forgot who I was. Mum told me that she might not remember my name but she will still love me deep down. She died the 11th of January 2011 at 11:11 in the night. I remember it like it was yesterday. I look at her photo and get so upset because I loved her so much. She was 76, young, I think anyway. I find it hard to speak of her at home and in school. I hate the world for letting a year go by so fast. I am 12 now but as they say in the poem...time does not heal.
The worst thing of all is that the very day she died, the very day I visited her, was the very one and only day I forgot to say I love you, I forgot to say goodbye.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Singapore
  • 13 years ago

I lost my beloved grandma on 19/11/2011, when I read this poem it truly describe my feelings for her. She was a perfect grandma, I'm still grieving for her I do miss her dearly.

  • Shadi by Shadi, Iran
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dear grandmother a couple months ago. She was my best friend and I miss her so much. My life will be so empty without her but she will be in my heart forever. This poem brought tears to my eyes again...I wish She comes to me in my dreams...

  • Katie by Katie, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

My grandma passed away in February and its been really hard, and I love this poem

  • Tania by Tania, Californa
  • 13 years ago

I lost my grandmother on Nov 20,2011. We buried her on Thanksgiving also the day my grandpa had passed away. I am 17 and I was the last one to lay by her side :( she was 92 years old. I miss her so much. I wish she would of stayed longer to see me graduate.

  • Jennifer Gillette by Jennifer Gillette
  • 13 years ago

We buried our best friend, My Grandma a week ago today. This poem has touched me so much. I miss her dearly everyday. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't think of her. I carry her in my heart forever. I know that she is an angel now and that she is with my grandpa. My grandpa passed away when in 1995 and now they are in each others arms once again. My tears fall uncontrollably. I miss and love them both very much!

  • Robin Stwert by Robin Stwert
  • 13 years ago

Well actually my grandmother passed away last year. She truly was an amazing and wonderful woman. Each year at summer vacations we used to spend our day together, we used to have so much fun. every single night she used to read me wonderful stories or maybe about her childhood, though she was really old she used to act all young just to keep me away from worries. And one thing is for sure, that she's the kind of grandmother everyone wants but, the saddest thing is or for the thing I regret now is that I never got a chance to express to her how much I love her...
as I write this tears just won't stop falling... I really love you Granma...

  • Anna Kearley by Anna Kearley, Newfoundland
  • 13 years ago

This poem is really something, My grandmother passed yesterday, she was 90 years old. She was such a wonderful woman ,and I miss her dearly.. But she is now up heaven with my Grandfather, who passed when I was only 7 months old.. I love you so much Grandma & Grandpa.

  • Ebony by Ebony
  • 13 years ago

I remember my granddaddy told me that my grandmother had passed. The one who had raised me up until I was eight had left me. I felt numb and it was so surreal.! I miss you grandma I hope I get to see you again.

  • Alen Thomas by Alen Thomas, India
  • 13 years ago

This is indeed a touching poem. Thank you Miss Victoria L. Payne....

I lost my grandma on the 1st of April 2011.I miss her deeply. She was a lady who just poured out love to her grandchildren. I being the youngest, my grandma loved me dearly and used to pray for me day and night. She was a very active lady and was loved by all. I miss you Grandma and you will always be in my heart....
Your loving grandson,

  • Claudine by Claudine, Ny
  • 14 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes, sounds very much like my own Grandma...She past on Monday, She was gonna be 90 years next month. She is in heaven now I'm sure and though I'm happy that she is at ease with no pain, I am sad because she is gone. She was one of Earths greatest woman kindest and purest of heart I miss you mama.

  • Katelyn Brown by Katelyn Brown, OK
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Great Grandma this morning. She was almost 93, she was one of my heroes because of how hard she fought to stay alive for so many years when she was in so much pain!! I love you grandma!!

  • Aoife Minnock by Aoife Minnock
  • 15 years ago

This poem is brilliant, I lost my Nan in July, these past four months have been the hardest,
keep up the great work, poems help by expressing your feelings.. well done !! keep your head up high :)
take care,

  • unonumous by unonumous
  • 16 years ago

I thought this poem was really touching and I feel for you, your never know how much something means to you until its gone, and we will al have to face that , no matter how strong we think we are

  • Patricia Chaler by Patricia Chaler
  • 16 years ago

Last week I buried my hero, my grandmother was the best she taught me how to fight, to stay strong, and to never give up. tomorrow is my birthday and I don't know what to do, she was my supporter and the one I loved so much. My birthday will be so empty with out her laugh her smile and her hug.

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