Grandmother Death Poem

Thank You For The Gift Of Love Poem

A tribute to a grandmother who has passed away. She was the strength of the family and will always be remembered for her kind and loving ways.

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My grandma passed away on October 28th at 1:27 a.m. It was really, really hard to see my grandmother leave us. I know she is in a better place, but I would love for her to have stayed with...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Thank you for the gift of love.
Now you're sharing it up above.
You had many things to say,
All in a caring way.
You always saw good in everyone,
No matter what they've done.
You were always the one we could all lean on,
Even though it must have felt like a ton.
You were always the strength of the family.
Now we must let you rest calmly.
We say goodbye,
As tears roll down our eyes.
I know your place in heaven has a good view.
You're telling God
I need to keep an eye on a few.
I know you will always be in our hearts and minds.
So Grandma,
I must go, but I'll never forget you're one of a kind.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nelly Kariuki by Nelly Kariuki
  • 5 years ago

My grandma passed away yesterday. I spent some time with her before we could take her away to the mortuary. I never felt like leaving her alone. I couldn't help but imagine how lonely she would feel over there. I never wanted to leave her, not for a single moment, and now I can't stop crying because I had to let her go and I am never going to see her again.

  • Suzan Nicole Boughton by Suzan Nicole Boughton
  • 8 years ago

My grandma passed away on October 28th at 1:27 a.m. It was really, really hard to see my grandmother leave us. I know she is in a better place, but I would love for her to have stayed with our family. She was a great grandmother. She is gone but never forgotten and loved by many. Grandma, I love you, and I know you all are watching over us...

  • Joseph D'souza by Joseph D'souza
  • 9 years ago

My Grandmother has just passed away a month ago. I am really missing her she was everything for me and I'm truly inspired and touched by this poem.

  • Tonya Ramsey by Tonya Ramsey
  • 10 years ago

My grandma passed away 2 days ago...and she has taught me so much. I watched her go. It was hard for me I know. Grandma Ramsey, thank you for the gift of love that you have taught me. I will truly miss you! <3

  • Ali Shah by Ali Shah, Dubai
  • 10 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a poem, I considered only myself whose beloved grandma left, but feel light to know that some other are also like me on the planet earth :(
I can't forget my love of grandmother. :(

  • S.G. by S.G.
  • 11 years ago

My grandmother just passed away yesterday and it is really hard. I have a strong faith in God and I know that she is in a better place, but I just feel a strong void. She has been a big part of my life forever and she will truly be missed.

I do know that it was a blessing to have her here for 82 years. Such a wonderful woman and blessing to many. Thank you for sharing this poem. It's beautiful and it describes my grandmother.

  • Rjay by Rjay
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my grandmother 9 hours ago, and all I have done is nothing but cry. She was more than a grandma to me and my little sister, for we saw her as our mom. She was the one that raised the both of us, so to me it like I've lost 2 people. and on top of that I won't make it back in time to see her off for I'm thousands of miles away. But, reading this poem made me feel like she is in a better place with god I hope its alright if I use this poem for her.

  • Mills by Mills, Port Harcourt
  • 11 years ago

It seems like yesterday when I went to see her in the village. Seems just like yesterday when she gave me a 10 naira note that I valued so much more than even the 1000 naira notes I had. The news of your death stung my heart so much like as though I've known and seen you everyday of my life. I might not have known you too well or had a closer relationship with you but I want to thank you for bringing up a girl that would later be my mother. Thanks for your gift of love. As I say goodbye, I know your place in heaven has a good view so you can keep an eye on us. Till we meet in Heaven's city to part no more. RIP

  • Nontsikelelo Shongwe by Nontsikelelo Shongwe
  • 11 years ago

Today is exactly one month since my Grandmother passed away :'( She was sick for years but it never hit me that one day she would ever leave us.
This poem just brought it all back: the pain, the tears, the funeral...
I never knew I could hurt like this and I know, she's in a good better place now :)

I miss her, a lot.
Rest In Peace Ndwandwe.

  • Jessilyn by Jessilyn, California
  • 11 years ago

My grandmother passed away on February 6, 2007. I was only seven but I still remember that day like it was yesterday. My grandmother always told the truth and was always nice to everyone. Me and my grandmother were very close and this poem meant so much to me. Thank You!!!!!

  • Keniyah by Keniyah, Birmingham
  • 11 years ago

My grandmother passed away just yesterday and I was heart broken but after reading this poem I know she's in a better place.

  • Dirgny by Dirgny, Caracas
  • 11 years ago

My Rose just went to be with God last night, although, I know 100% that she is in a perfect world fill with love and no suffering. My soul is empty and my spirit crush.
My Rose, I love so much, you were my gramma, my mother, my friend and I will treasure all our memories together until I see you in heaven. LOVE you

  • Sable by Sable, Detroit Michigan
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Madea 2 years ago today is her Birthday 1/15, But the Memories I have help me to carry on she was my mother, my best friend.

  • Dolyn Govender by Dolyn Govender, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Grandma almost a year now. I miss her so much its unreal. This poem depicts exactly the person my grandma was, well I guess all grandma's are extremely special to their grandkids. I'm just blessed to have had a person like Her in my life. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, I'm going to use it for Her ceremony card.

  • Lagos by Lagos
  • 12 years ago

Yes, this poem was indeed helpful. I saw the picture of my grandma in the poem and that gave me the courage to say to myself that mama is right there in heaven where she could express more of her love to us her children. Thanks so much for your consoling words.

  • Hanan by Hanan, Syria
  • 12 years ago

My grandma passed away on April 17, 2012. That was on my father's birthday. It was a real shock.
I want to say that who ever still has a grandma is really lucky because you never know how she is really special to you until you never see her again. Really thanks for who wrote this poem. I hope that my story helps girls my age know how much having a grandma is important in our lives.

  • Jeandri by Jeandri
  • 12 years ago

My granny passed away exactly 21 days ago, she was such a big part of my life, this poem was used in the funeral program, thank you as this poem has touched me and my family, who is all still in grief. Losing her was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

  • Marissa by Marissa, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

A year ago I lost my grandma and reading this poem sounds just exactly like her. She was the most amazing person in our lives. Thanks for sharing this poem.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Ontario
  • 12 years ago

My Grandma passed about on Sunday and her Funeral is tomorrow totally hit home for me, its so true and sums up an amazing women who's now an Angel up in Heaven I love you forever G ma xoxox

  • Tori. Vancouver by Tori. Vancouver
  • 13 years ago

Some of these poems really helped. I lost my grandma from cancer only 10 days ago and reading these really helped. Thanks.

  • Travis D Cook by Travis D Cook, Olivehurst
  • 13 years ago

I have always have and always will love my grandma. The 1st time she went into the hospital, her stomach hurt. She came back. She went to the hospital again. She found out she had ovarian cancer. She came home. She went back again. She went into the E.R. That very night we were going to sleep at the hospital. We didn't. The next day, we went to our local swap-meet. We got a call from my uncle. She isn't going to make it. that very minute my dad called my brother. That day on September 21 at 2:02 pm. She walked with Jesus at the gates of Heaven. We went to her appt. to clean it out. My used to be "uncle", hocked all of her jewelry. she had thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. I wish she was still here. May you rest in peace Grandma Leonda Cook. :(..

  • Lisa Martinez by Lisa Martinez, El Cajon Ca
  • 13 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. It really touches my heart. My Grandma will have been gone three years on the 22nd of February. I was looking for some beautiful poems to put together as a remembrance for my sons and myself as well. We love you Grandma now and forever you will never leave our hearts.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Canada
  • 13 years ago

My loving grandma passed away on the 27 of December. Two days after Christmas. She died from lung cancer (stage 4).
I never realized it at the time that she was going to a better place until I read this poem ! She won't have to suffer anymore and she will be with our creator God. She won't just be looking over me but also my family.
It will be hard spending the rest of my life without her but I know I will get to see her again someday. I love you much Nanny Louise.

  • Khusto by Khusto, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

My beautiful grandmother passed away two weeks ago. Reading this made me realize how much I miss her. There is so much that I wanted her to see, experience and share in with me. She raised me, it feels like her death has taken a part of me with her. I know she's in a better place but life without her is hard due her physical absence. Love you so much Koko.

  • Haley by Haley, TX
  • 13 years ago

My grandma passed away 3 days ago and she wanted me to speak at her funeral. I will be reading this poem at her funeral in a few days and It will be tough but this poem explains her perfectly! thanks!

  • Olivia Norhrup by Olivia Norhrup, Jacksonville NC
  • 14 years ago

Grandma I miss you with all my heart, I wish that we weren't a part... I miss the way you'd pat my back and rub my face with each embrace... I miss hugging you and squeezing your belly, how I loved laying across it.. I wish I had one more day with you, to hold you again before having to let you go... I hope you know how much I love you and I'm still gonna take that walk with you hand and hand, so wait for me.. when my time does come we'll look for each other in gods kingdom.

  • Denise by Denise, California
  • 14 years ago

Your poem really touched me. Thank you for sharing it. My nana will be gone 10 years next month. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. Your poem felt as though you were describing my nana perfectly..

  • Ellyn by Ellyn, Bay St Louis
  • 14 years ago

My grandmother passed 4 years ago today and this has touched my heart and soul!! I'm still not over it!! Thanks for sharing :)

  • Sarah Brenner by Sarah Brenner
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me because my grandma passed away 7 years ago and this is the anniversary of her death and this poem made my day.

  • Tania Luciannio by Tania Luciannio
  • 14 years ago

This poem was exactly what I was looking for when my Nan passed away, I wanted something special to say about her at the wake, and this poem achieved this, all my family and friends said thank you too after reading it out loud because it sounded like something Nan would say at the gates of heaven. thank you so very much.

  • Haley Ward by Haley Ward
  • 14 years ago

This story has touched my heart my grandmother passed away 2 months ago and now when I want to grieve I will look back at this poem.

Thank you!

  • Sophia by Sophia
  • 15 years ago

An extremely beautiful poem. My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. She was my whole world. Coping with this big loss has not been easy. Your words made my heart melt. Thank You!

  • Kara by Kara
  • 15 years ago

Your poem is beautiful! I'm dealing with the lost of my grandma and your poem helped a lot. Thanks for sharing it.

  • Cassidy by Cassidy
  • 16 years ago

I just lost my grandmother a month ago and it still feels like it was yesterday. I spent the last year taking care of her and she became my best friend, losing her was something I wasn't ready for, I don't think anyone is, but your poem has touched my heart.

  • kristina by kristina
  • 16 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this poem. My Grandma died a couple days ago and reading this touched my heart!

  • phillip mabry by phillip mabry
  • 16 years ago

This poem has really touched my heart. My Grandmother passed away 6 days ago and this poem has really been instrumental in my being able to cope and deal with this situation. Thanks.

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