Grandmother Death Poem

The Legacy Of A Grandparent

This poem is about the impact of a godly grandparent and the fruit they leave behind.

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I am thankful my poem touched you in some way. Sorry about your lost but remember that love heals wounds, even God's love.

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Grandma's Departure

© more by Lenora McWhorter

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2019 with permission of the Author.

Grandma's room is empty; she moved away.
She departed this life and is gone to stay.
There was no struggle, but with great ease
she closed her eyes and took her leave. 

My Grandma was one sweet, loving soul.
I had no doubt where she would go.
We all knew Grandma walked with God
and bound for heaven to get her reward.

No way we can know the lives she touched
because that gracious soul gave so much.
She would share her flour, sugar or meal
or say a prayer to get your body healed.

We had many talks as she sipped her tea.
She shared years of wisdom with me.
She taught me family values and to be kind,
but she always had Jesus on her mind.

"You need the Lord," is what she would say.
"You can't make it in this world no other way."
Then grandma kneeled and bowed her head
and a stirring prayer she always said.

"Lord Jesus, I want to talk to you awhile
to ask you please bless this precious child."
Then she asked the Lord to watch over me
and to please make me what I ought to be.

My life is shaped by grandma's prayers,
and I'm thankful for her being there.
Her love was evident in so many ways
in her kind words and on her smiling face.

Grandma's leaving is heaven's gain,
but one day I will see her again.
Because the Jesus that Grandma knew,
she made sure I got to know too.


more by Lenora McWhorter

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  • Nicole by Nicole, Gaylesville
  • 4 years ago

I just lost my mamaw over the weekend and this poem sounds just like her and what she would say I'm thankful I had a godly mamaw. I know she is with our Lord.

I am thankful my poem touched you in some way. Sorry about your lost but remember that love heals wounds, even God's love.

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