What happened to me,
The one I used to be?
Now, when I look at my reflection,
I'm filled with recollection
Of when I was happy and alive,
Loving life and able to thrive.
Now I'm filled with sorrow,
Wondering if I'll make it past tomorrow.
Just looking for a friend
Who won't lead me to the end.
My life has been really tough,
And I know I've had enough.
Been called too many names.
I think I've lost at my own game.
My life has been ripped apart,
And I'm struggling to make a brand-new start.
My parents never taught me about this.
They told me that life was just pure bliss.
I don't deserve to be happy, I know,
But you don't have to keep reminding me so.
Everyone thinks I'm the girl who can't frown,
But I'm only this close to letting myself drown.
I feel my tears in my eyes flow.
I lost myself long ago.
Being Broken
Being deeply sad and depressed can weigh on a person like nothing else. This poem reminds me of my own experiences and of the loneliness that sometimes washes over me when I feel like I'm...
What Happened?
Published by Family Friend Poems September 2019 with permission of the Author.