Hurting Poem by Teens

Being Broken

I wrote this a few years ago and just found it today. I added some more onto it. I wrote this when I was in a really deep depression, although I still am. My cousin took her life on 2/16/2017, and since she did, I've been struggling a lot. This poem is really important to me, and I just want to share it with people.

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Being deeply sad and depressed can weigh on a person like nothing else. This poem reminds me of my own experiences and of the loneliness that sometimes washes over me when I feel like I'm...

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What Happened?


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2019 with permission of the Author.

What happened to me,
The one I used to be?
Now, when I look at my reflection,
I'm filled with recollection
Of when I was happy and alive,
Loving life and able to thrive.

Now I'm filled with sorrow,
Wondering if I'll make it past tomorrow.
Just looking for a friend
Who won't lead me to the end.
My life has been really tough,
And I know I've had enough.

Been called too many names.
I think I've lost at my own game.
My life has been ripped apart,
And I'm struggling to make a brand-new start.
My parents never taught me about this.
They told me that life was just pure bliss.

I don't deserve to be happy, I know,
But you don't have to keep reminding me so.
Everyone thinks I'm the girl who can't frown,
But I'm only this close to letting myself drown.
I feel my tears in my eyes flow.
I lost myself long ago.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Danielle L. Somack by Danielle L. Somack, Winnipeg
  • 5 years ago

Being deeply sad and depressed can weigh on a person like nothing else. This poem reminds me of my own experiences and of the loneliness that sometimes washes over me when I feel like I'm alone in them. What can a person do when they've lost all that matters, when they've tried and failed to regain their balance, when every promise and every hope and every dream seems to evaporate like it was nothing? I feel like I've lost a lot of my own game most times. And sometimes it feels like it's not a game I'll ever win.

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