Depression Poem

Poem About Demons Inside

This poem is sort of about me and my demons, although I've never actually gone to a bridge to jump off it. I find comfort in writing about how I feel because generally it helps people to understand how I feel as well. It's hard to show people how we feel, so I choose to express myself through art, music and writing. I hope you enjoy my poem as much as I did writing it. Stay strong.

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This is such an inspiring poem. I am a seventh grader with depression and it is because of my loving boyfriend that I am still alive. Please, anyone who is depressed, know that there is...

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Demons Of Darkness


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

She stood on the bridge
In silence and fear,
For the demons of darkness
Had driven her here.

They cut her heart
Right out of her chest,
Making her believe
That the demons knew best.

They were always there,
Sometimes just out of sight,
Waiting in the background
Till the time was right.

These demons were destructive,
Knocking down the life she knew,
Hating everything about her;
She hated herself, too.

These demons can't be seen,
But they're far from fairy tales.
They live inside your mind;
Their evilness prevails.

So on the bridge she stood,
About to end the fight.
Then she stopped and thought
I'll fight them one more night.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lotus by Lotus
  • 3 years ago

This is a great poem. I dealt with demons myself and just like the girl, I always go back to fight the demons. I just hope that everyone who has to deal with these demons always stays another day to fight. No matter how dark life will be, I hope you will be able find the light. Just know that if you're reading this...I love you and please stay strong!

Amazing poem. So sad but also raw. It makes me wonder if you're okay now. Very relatable to me and I'm sure many others. The demon analogy was perfect. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work. You're a wonderful writer.

  • Alyena R. Robinson by Alyena R. Robinson
  • 4 years ago

This poem describes how I live each and every day. Sometimes I get too close to the edge of the bridge, though. I have tried to stab myself with a fishhook and burn myself with hot glue. Do you know what the saddest part is? Nobody noticed I was trying to die.

  • Alexis Singleton by Alexis Singleton
  • 5 years ago

Depression is like a war you either win or die trying. I lost my dad to it, and I’m losing myself to it. My best friend hates me, and my mom doesn’t want me. She put me in a group home. Everyone says I’m meant to be here, but life is hard for me.

  • Zaeli Landis by Zaeli Landis
  • 5 years ago

Alexis, I know how you feel. My mother hates me too. My father didn't want to see me for Christmas or my birthday that is coming up very soon. My mother body shames me every single day, and when I do see my father, he tries to convince me to leave town and live with him for Child Support money - so he wants to use me for the money. My mom thinks I'm a depressed lesbian, which I'm not. I'm bi - there is a difference. I had wanted to kill myself, but I could never leave the love of my life, Jewel. She changed my life. She made me want to be here.

  • Sherrel Stringfield by Sherrel Stringfield
  • 5 years ago

Years from now, the stuff you're facing now won't even be torturing your mental health. The sad thing is complete strangers understand and help you more than your friends and family.

  • Dolor by Dolor
  • 5 years ago

I know these demons, too. Every day I battle them. It's a new battle with each dawn. Stay strong and keep fighting.

  • Fiona Clark by Fiona Clark
  • 5 years ago

This is such an inspiring poem. I understand exactly as well. People think they're just emotions, but they're so much more. It's like a constant battle in your own head.

  • Mitza by Mitza
  • 6 years ago

I'm just as same as you! I'm also a seventh-grade girl and have my best friend by my side at all times. He has helped me through a bad event in my life just last year. He is great, and I also have interests in music, art, and writing. I mostly draw as a coping skill to lose the demons.

  • Ciara Padilla by Ciara Padilla
  • 6 years ago

This was a very touching poem. I used to struggle with depression a few years back, and sometimes I still do. But I really felt like your poem inspired me to keep fighting and to know that there are others like me who have the same story to share. Thank you for your inspirational words.

  • Adriana Rodriguez by Adriana Rodriguez
  • 5 years ago

Hey, I hope you are doing okay. I used to live in sadness and frustration, and I am here to tell you that God changed my life. Jesus Christ gave me the hope to continue breathing. The enemy is a liar. He lied and said I was going to stay like this for the rest of my life. All I am saying is that there is someone who loves you and wishes the best for you. There is someone who listens to your cries. There is someone who truly knows you more than anyone on this earth. He has great plans for you; do not let the enemy take your destiny and your purpose. Jeremiah 29:11: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" I cannot convince you to do anything, but I pray that the Lord can come to you in a very special way. God bless your soul!

  • Ana Malikah by Ana Malikah
  • 6 years ago

This poem is really touching. It got me right in the heart because it also shows what I've been going through. I'm in a world full of depression and sadness, alone and broken-hearted. You're alive, but you're dead at the same time. This poem is really sad and awesome. Your story touches me right in the heart, and I'm so, so sorry for what you have been going through. The world of depression is really dark. I've been living in that world for 6 years, and it's really painful.

  • Zaeli Landis by Zaeli Landis
  • 6 years ago

Hi, I’m Zaeli Landis. I honestly wanted to cry about this poem. I have also been upon the ledge of a "bridge," but then I met my loving friend Jewel. She means the world to me. She pulled me from that bridge, but now she's moving, and I'll be alone. We had everything planned, and now I’ll never see her again.

  • Crystal Villacis by Crystal Villacis
  • 6 years ago

I have suffered from depression since I was very young. My father was abusive. I also had friend issues, and my crush didn't like me, so that made me really sad. Now I just turned 13, and I still have depression.

  • Kiernan Cooper by Kiernan Cooper
  • 5 years ago

I understand what you are going through. I'm 17 and I have never met my father. He chose drugs over me. My mom lives in a different state. I live with my aunt and uncle who treat me differently from their kids. My crush considers me as a friend and keeps going for a guy who uses her as the rebound girl. But she still cares about me and I promise there are people who care and it will get easier. It will take a while, but it does. I've had depression since I was 12 but I'm no longer as suicidal as I was.

Crystal, I am sorry about your dad and your crush. I am also thirteen. I don't think my crush even knows I exist. I suggest therapy to deal with your depression. It has helped many of my friends. It never hurts to try.

  • Zaeli Landis by Zaeli Landis
  • 6 years ago

I’m truly sorry about your dad being abusive. I’m also 13, and depression is a hard thing to deal with, but you shouldn’t bottle it up. I’ve learned that. And it’s okay if you have friend issues; I do, too. I know how it feels to have no friends.

  • Georgia McGregor by Georgia McGregor
  • 6 years ago

I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. This poem made me realize that I'm not alone. I have been dealing with depression since I was five because my dad left me with my mum and younger sister. I was sad because I was close to my dad. Now I'm 13 and have troubles trusting people.

  • Zenidog by Zenidog
  • 6 years ago

Hi Olivia,
This poem really touched me because it reminds me of my crush who has told me everything about her depression. I could really see her being the person in this poem. I'm happy to find this, and keep up the good work on your poems.

  • Jaqueline by Jaqueline
  • 6 years ago

Hi, my name is Jaqueline, but you can call me Jackie. I had once lost myself. I stole from one special person. It was hard to tell that person, and they knew it was me. They started to make me feel like I wasn't loved, and I felt so empty, like I was alone and that no one would understand me. As I moved on or as I tried to, things got worse and they looked at me so differently, like they didn't know me. I asked them if they still loved me, but they ignored me and walked away. I realized I messed up and that had their heart in my hand and dropped it. I didn't think it would be so bad, but it broke me. Until this day I'm still depressed. I hate that I can't live normally anymore because of one crime I did.

  • Judi Tabler by Judi Tabler
  • 6 years ago

Honey you are suffering because of another person treating you cruelly and unjustly. You have repented of whatever you did. God forgives us when we are sorry for our mistakes. Your grief and depression are tormenting you because of your special person's angry and mean heart. Forgive that person. That's the key. Know you are clean, and go on with your life. You are a winner!

  • Regina by Regina
  • 6 years ago

To Jackie, I have done the same thing as you. Once you have gone to this person and confessed and asked for forgiveness, you have done all your work. I'm not sure if it's possible for you to pay them back. It is up the them to forgive and move on. They should realize it was hard for you to go to them and confess, say you are sorry and ask for forgiveness. Now you know you have to let it go. God Bless.

  • Braden Riley by Braden Riley
  • 6 years ago

Hey, I'm a 15-year-old boy. I know how it feels. I suffer from bipolar depression. I have done many things that make me feel worse about myself. It is hard to wake up in the morning knowing that you are small in a big world, and it hurts to think that you are unloved and that everybody wants you dead. It hurts when all you want is a real relationship with a girl but all they want is sex. I know what it feels like to have bad things happen. I've lost both of my brothers in the past four months. It hurts so bad I can't really get up in the morning. My little brother was 11 when he got hit by a drunk driver. I was there. I saw him die in my arms. My older brother was 22. He drank himself to death. I was with him earlier that night. Today is May 1, 2018. He died the 29th of April 2018. It hurts to think the only people I trusted and loved are gone.

  • Ali Glass by Ali Glass
  • 5 years ago

I know how you feel. There is so much hatred in the world and we are left wondering if there is any love out there. My own family hates me, and I think they would be happy if I were dead. There are also good days out there too.

  • Zaeli Landis by Zaeli Landis
  • 6 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. I have bipolar depression. I've lost too many people I loved. In the morning I used to spend about 20 minutes covering my face in foundation and makeup to cover my depression. I now don't wear as much makeup thanks to my loving friend Jewel. I love her so much, but now she's moving to Florida. In about a year I'll be all alone again!

  • Srishti Chawla by Srishti Chawla
  • 6 years ago

Hey Brandon! I hope you're doing better. Dude, I actually just wanted to tell you that I understand what you feel when you lose your loved ones. I lost someone. I even lost hope that I could continue living. He was the only one who used to help me when I struggled in this cruel world, including dealing with my torturous family. Just remember always, whenever you feel like you are alone and no one is there by your side, don't forget there is someone somewhere who wants you to be happy and misses you. All the best, don't lose hope, buddy!

  • Suzaan by Suzaan
  • 6 years ago

I’ve been going through depression for the last 15 years because of many things. Can’t just point to one problem. This poem just expressed what goes through my mind and all the screaming, sobbing, and heartaches. So many times I’ve stood by that “bridge,” hoping to put an end to this relentless heartache but decided to give life one more chance to love me. I posted this on my blog so I can read it over and over and tell myself it’s okay. I pray to God for hope all the time.

  • Johnny Avancr Jr by Johnny Avancr Jr
  • 7 years ago

I have a lot of demons, scars, and pain. This poem touched them all. The one thing that I never counted on was the lady I was married to being the worst demon I would ever come up against. As I read these poems, it's almost as though she's written them and they were meant for me. The thing she failed to realize was that the truth would have taken her so much further. I'll fight my demons with real love and respect and hope that the 20 years I wasted there will come back to me in the future. Sorry so blunt, but I guess that's what pain feels like.

  • Jacob Moore by Jacob Moore
  • 6 years ago

I feel you, but it'll get better, I promise. You just have to endure the pain.

  • Jim Hayes by Jim Hayes
  • 7 years ago

Fortunately, I do not have problems with depression or suicidal thoughts, except for some brief flashes in the past that I suspect many people have experienced. However, I found the author's comment regarding finding escape in music, art, and writing interesting because I do the same. For me, I suppose, it is to maintain balance.

  • Itz_Alys by Itz_Alys, Uk
  • 7 years ago

This was amazing, and it reminded me how I feel every day. It really made me feel better by saying to myself, ''You are not alone,'' and, ''You will get through this.'' So I thank you for reminding me there is much more to life than it seems.

  • Piper Rebecca Fry by Piper Rebecca Fry
  • 7 years ago

This is an amazing poem! I was touched because this was kind of like me when I was little. Great poem.

Very sad but very well executed. I, myself, just finished a poem about suicide. It's a very relatable work of art you have submitted, and there is so much truth in it. I appreciate that more than you know. I hope the writing helps the hurt you're obviously feeling. It's cathartic to me, and I pray the same for you. You're a good writer. Keep it up.

  • Ajisafe K. Niceman by Ajisafe K. Niceman
  • 7 years ago

This is great work of art! You vividly put feelings into words. You know that's quite not easy to do. Your poem is a good work of art. And I'm glad you won your demons. I'm a poet, and I know what it takes to put feelings into words. Fly!

  • TGM by TGM, great white north
  • 7 years ago

Hi, your story I found it somewhat disturbing. If I'm reading you correctly, you're having demonic issues? I truly hope I'm wrong for your sake. There are lots of demons, and like any army, they to hold rank. You seem terrified from what I read. That tore straight to my heart. I pray you find Jesus.

  • Karen G. by Karen G.
  • 7 years ago

By "demons," I think the author is referring to internal conflict and pressure (whether societal or personal). "Demon" is more figurative and is used to give her internal struggles a physical form. By creating a physical form for her struggles, it gives the reader, not only an emotional aspect, but also a physical one. The reader can almost pictures her "demons" sitting on her shoulder taunting her. Her reference to demons is not demonic but poetic. The author does a wonderful job of creating an emotional reaction by using relatable subject matter. Many people, especially those who struggle with depression and anxiety, often have struggles so large they feel like physical enemies or demons. I think this poem is a way of conquering some of the author's struggles by putting her pain into words.

  • Jenny Morris by Jenny Morris
  • 7 years ago

Lots of people refer to their depression as demons. It's called a metaphor.

  • Mize Skywalker by Mize Skywalker
  • 7 years ago

I understand what you are saying. I haven't told anyone how I feel yet. They don't understand or don't care, and I don't want to bother them. If these things could just....stop....go away over night. I have so much more important things to do than staying in bed.

  • Gracelynn Tenaglia by Gracelynn Tenaglia
  • 7 years ago

You wrote the words that I often think. Depression is a terrible disease. It takes you hostage and leaves you lonely. Most people don't understand. Snap out of it! I wish I could.

  • Brandon Ray Echard by Brandon Ray Echard
  • 7 years ago

I understand exactly as well. I'm almost 24, and just last week I got diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. It's stuff that's happened to me over the years and just built up. I finally broke down. People think they're just emotions, but they're so much more. It's like a constant battle in your own head. You think all the time. You can't think straight, and it slowly eats you away, and then next thing you know, you're not the same person. I noticed I needed help. I hate being alone. I have no one to talk to, or people think I'm crazy, but you can only hold it in for so long. Honestly, no one understands until it happens to them. But it has finally broken me.

  • Aiden McGrath by Aiden McGrath
  • 7 years ago

Yes, lots of us with depression have the same thoughts. I'm glad someone said what we were all thinking. Thank you.

  • Princess14656 by Princess14656
  • 7 years ago

I was touched by this story. It speaks to me very much. I get that way too, but then I get over it.

  • Poppet7863_ by Poppet7863_, Johannesburg SA
  • 7 years ago

I absolutely love this! It's so simple yet so detailed and touching. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece with us!

  • Leah Adams by Leah Adams
  • 7 years ago

So touching. Thank you for putting into words what so many of us feel. Xxx

  • Franchesca Mia R. Tortoza by Franchesca Mia R. Tortoza, Philippines, Antipolo City
  • 8 years ago

This is an amazing poem. I really can relate to it, as I have only realized that I have had depression for half my life now!! Keep writing; you are amazing.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 8 years ago

This poem seriously touched me. I am 19 and have been struggling with depression for six years now. I have been in a situation similar to that described in the poem a few times, but I'm still here thanks to my friends and family. I also find that writing helps me a lot. I have written poems about depression before but have never had the courage to share them. Maybe I can now. Thanks for this amazing poem.

  • Maria D. Orendain by Maria D. Orendain
  • 8 years ago

I'm 17 years old. I battle with grief and depression. I lost 2 cousins. One passed away last year and the other this month. This poem is so amazing. I can relate to the struggle of battling the demons everyday. This year was so terrible, and now I have to go another year with the pain. I don't know how I'll do it, but this poem gives me a little sense of hope.

  • Maddy Raye by Maddy Raye
  • 8 years ago

Hi, I'm only 14 years old, and I'm a victim of depression. I went down a dark road and when I read this poem, it showed me there is light in the end. I also wanted to say if anyone who is depressed needs anyone to talk to, I'm here to listen. I may be young, but I understand. I understand what you may think people don't. Know people care. It may not feel like it, but they do.

  • Ali Glass by Ali Glass
  • 5 years ago

Hey Maddy, I'm a victim of depression. It got bad when my mom died in March of 2016. It's been three years since she died. I also lost my brother in 2011 to suicide, and I'm still grieving for both of them. Sometimes I'll just start to cry, and some days I don't want to get out of bed. Thanks for listening. Like you said, it seems like people just don't care.

  • Zaeli Landis by Zaeli Landis
  • 6 years ago

Hi Maddy, I'm a victim of bipolar depression, but I don't want to tell my friends. I'm afraid they'll think differently of me. What should I do? I cover it up when I'm with them, and it just makes me feel worse! I try to hide and people call me crazy and psycho. I don't know how to tell them. Will they understand? I sometimes just cry, and I don't know why I'm afraid.

  • Frank Moola by Frank Moola
  • 8 years ago

This poem is amazing and its such an inspiration to people in similar situations. I have been a victim of depression but not to an extent of ending my life, but this poem proves to be a light that wears out all dark dots of negative approaches in life.

  • Haley Wile by Haley Wile
  • 8 years ago

This is such an inspiring poem. I am a seventh grader with depression and it is because of my loving boyfriend that I am still alive. Please, anyone who is depressed, know that there is someone out there for you. It may be someone not in your family. For me it is my boyfriend. You have someone too. These times are hard, but so is your resilience. You CAN take control of yourself.

  • by
  • 5 years ago

Depression never leaves. My friends lied to me and they used me. I was raped as a seven-year-old, ad two years ago my other cousin tried to rape me.

  • Laura Trevino by Laura Trevino
  • 6 years ago

Your so, so young and your soul so alive. I hope that others will be inspired. You led me to think and understand and turn my life's next page. I still grieve. I still hurt. Will it ever go away?

  • Mika by Mika, Seattle, WA
  • 9 years ago

This was a beautiful poem. It gets the message across well and is very relatable. I would love to find more of your poems or follow you on any social sites if you have them. We are presenting poems in class of ones we find touching and I am going to share yours.

Stay strong and tell them you are better

  • Jade by Jade
  • 9 years ago

Wow such truth! I can relate. Thankfully there is a solution. Demons can't stand Jesus. The very name will probably make them upset inside you, causing you to feel uneasy at the sound. He is the only way to heaven. He is the light. The light breaks up the darkness. When you turn on a light the darkness can't be. And that is how Jesus is and he sets the slaves free.

  • Kathy M. Stringer by Kathy M. Stringer, Texas
  • 8 years ago

I can relate also. You touched me with your story. Well said. Always believe in the One who believed in you.

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