Depression Poem

Poem About Winning The Battle Over Self-Harm

This poem is about my battle with depression at the age of 16. I didn't know how to deal and cope with my feelings properly, so I did what many people who feel alone and want to punish themselves do--I self-destructed. Once I got therapy, writing poems about my experiences really helped. I regret what I did, but as this poem explains, it shows that no matter how low you get, you must remember you're not alone and you can survive.

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Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my poem. It really means a lot to hear that it helps you. I was worried initially to share my poem so publicly as it was...

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2015 with permission of the Author.

Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.
When I was so low, I cut with a blade
To punish my body for being a mess,
Though here is my testament, I must confess...

That seeing these scars left on my arms, legs, and chest
Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest;
I feel guilty inside for leaving this token.
Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.

But seeing these scars helps me see
That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.
So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,
To show all these demons what they're doing is not right.

You won the battle of good versus bad.
You are still alive and are no longer sad.
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.
I got through my hate and beat my self-rival.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Addison Palsok by Addison Palsok
  • 1 month ago

I just want to say that this poems meant a lot to me. I have struggled with self harm for 8 years and this poem helped me see the light shining through the darkness. I know that this poem touched a lot of people and it really helped me see that I could end my self harm if I just tried. Thank you.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 1 month ago

Hi Addison,

Ah thank you so much for your really kind comment on my poem. It means such a lot to me and it is so moving to hear that this poem has helped you and I'm so pleased it has. I hope it reminds you that you are absolutely not alone in your journey and there's lots of us out there who have either previously experienced battles like this or who are currently going through them and who are rooting for you in your journey! Wishing you all the best with everything.

  • Sarah McClure by Sarah McClure
  • 10 months ago

I have struggled with self harm for years and on going but reading this poem, no matter how many times, always helps me. Thank you for making it for others to see!

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 10 months ago

Hi Sarah,

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my poem. It really means a lot to hear that it helps you. I was worried initially to share my poem so publicly as it was sharing my most vulnerable feelings, so the fact it resonates with others on their journeys and has been able to bring even the smallest bit of help too, makes me so glad that I did decide to share it.

Wishing you all the very best!

  • Berkley S. Arnold by Berkley S. Arnold
  • 2 years ago

Did I write this? I feel like this is so for me. It word for word explains what has been done, and I love it. I love this poem, and we all go through hard times, but I'm glad that we overcome them at one point or another.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 2 years ago


Thank you so much for your comment on my poem. It means alot to me that others who have gone on their own similar, difficult journeys can resonate with it and draw strength from it to know that we can overcome and win our battles. The journey isn't always easy, but we can get there. That was such an important message for me to share. Wishing you all the best!

  • Shia by Shia
  • 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for sharing your story. It means a lot for you to share! I have self-harmed 5 times trying to relieve the pain that I was feeling every day between me being bullied and going through things at home. Today I may not be dealing with bullying but still dealing with things at home. I was 14 when I started to self-harm, and I did not stop until the age of 23. Now I am 25. I have not self-harmed because I realize it is really not making things better for me. I still have the pain and realize that I have too much to live for - my career in Paramedic and friends who are there for me. But I self-harmed because I thought it will relieve the pain I was feeling. I felt so alone. I felt dead inside and no one was there to pick me back up, but I realize it is not what I want to keep doing. Thanks for sharing. It relates so well.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 3 years ago

Hi Shia,
Thank you so much for your comment on my poem. I really appreciate you sharing your story with me and am glad you could relate to my poem. You should be really proud of yourself for the battle you've been fighting. I'm so pleased to hear you have supportive friends around you and a really wonderful job that you do that helps so many people. Keep on fighting - you've got this! Wishing you all the best with everything!

  • Cade by Cade
  • 3 years ago

I just discovered this site a few weeks ago, and reading poems like this make me feel like I'm not alone. I have tried to kill myself more than 20 times, every time it failed. And I'm kinda happy they failed because I have a reason for living now. But I struggle with self-harm every day. I cut almost every day. I have scars on my thighs, arms, wrists, hands, stomach, and my chest.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 3 years ago

Hi Cade, thank you so much for commenting on my poem. When I initially wrote it, it was as another way of expressing my pain. However, I never imagined how many people would be brave enough to share their stories with me of similar experiences they've been going through, so I hope this shows you that you are not alone. I'm so glad to hear you have found your reason for living. This poem is very much about trying to battle our inner demons. It's a journey that isn't always easy, but it can be done. Take it day by day. I wrote this poem 11 years ago now. The journey was a process, but I eventually got there, and I now have a family of my own. Hang on to your reasons for living, and I hope my poem serves as a reminder along the way that you can do it! Wishing you all the best with everything! Never forget how brilliant you are!

  • Meagan Ertle by Meagan Ertle
  • 3 years ago

Wow. I just read this and cried because I deal with this personally. The line about punishing yourself hit me and let me feel like I wasn't the only one who does it for punishment. Wow. So powerful.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 3 years ago

Thanks Meagan, I really appreciate your comment on my poem, and I hope you found it reassuring that you're not alone. Your comment means a lot to me, and I wish you all the very best!

  • Preeti Bh Bharaj by Preeti Bh Bharaj, united arab emirates, Sharjah
  • 5 years ago

It's a beautiful poem. I've self-harmed, too, until someone special taught me my value. You truly do not understand how self-harming is until you've gone through it. My depression is now affecting me physically too. I don't know how to express my feeling to anyone. My friends also do but now it is only me who does it. My friends scream at me and ask why did you do it? But I never tell them the truth. I really like your poem. I also write poetry, but yours is nice.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 4 years ago

Hi Preeti,
I really appreciate your comment on my poem. I'm sorry to hear that you have also experienced self-harm & depression. It certainly isn't easy. I've found poetry to be one of the best outlets for my pain and sadness, and I'm pleased to hear that you too write poetry. Poetry can also really help inspire others as well as help those sharing similar experiences. Take each day as it comes and remember how amazing you are. Wishing you all the best with everything.

  • Signe by Signe, Sweden
  • 5 years ago

Tonight I harmed myself with a razor. It was the first time that I have ever done something like that. I'm here all alone in my bedroom not knowing what else to think if myself. I'm disappointed, disgusted, but mostly afraid of what else I'm capable of. It's just a tiny scar on my thigh after all, it's nothing but still, who am I? And why can't I be happy?

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 5 years ago

Hi, I first of all want to thank you for being so honest and open with me. Secondly, I want to stress how important it is to talk to those around you, whether it be friends, family or just someone you trust. It may feel like you aren't able to, but this will allow your voice to be heard. Please don't try to face this battle alone. You have all my good thoughts! Many thanks!

  • Beau D. Watson by Beau D. Watson
  • 5 years ago

I want to thank you for sharing your experience. I still struggle with my pain, and it hurt me to be able to associate with your poem, but the end made me smile even though I was crying. Thank you.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 5 years ago

Hi Beau,
Thank you for your comment on my poem. It means a lot to me that you could resonate with it and that it made you smile, even through your pain. I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling, but I hope the poem helps you to remember you are amazing and a fighter! Wishing you all the best!

  • Vedanshi Jha by Vedanshi Jha
  • 5 years ago

I am struggling with self-harm. I have no motive left in life. My depression has come to a point where it is now affecting me physically too. Even when I am not hurting myself physically, depression is hurting me physically. I write a little poetry too.

  • Amy by Amy
  • 5 years ago

I know how are exactly feeling because I have been and was going through it recently. Turning to poetry and stories has helped to get me through.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 5 years ago

Hi Vedanshi,
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my poem and share your experiences with me. I am sorry to hear you have been going through this. It is really difficult, but I would definitely say from experience that writing poems can be a helpful outlet for some of the pain. I've found poems are a good way of also sharing and relating to others' experiences. I wish you all the best with everything.

  • Taylor K by Taylor K
  • 6 years ago

I am still struggling with self-harm and have not found my value yet. I write a little poetry, but it is not all that good. Your poem is beautiful. It is real, which is very important to me. Thank you.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

Hey Taylor,
I really appreciate your comment on my poem. Thank you so much. When I experienced self-harm I really found poetry to be my outlet and a bit like a lifeline because it was another place I could express myself with 100% honesty and truth. I must share that I didn't think I was very good at writing poetry either. I still don't to the point where still to this day none of my family and friends know I even write (except one). But I found the beauty of poetry is that it doesn't really matter how it's structured or if we consider it to be well-written or not. The beauty comes from what the poems you write mean to you and the feelings we express through it. The point I'm trying to make is don't give up. I'm sure your poems are great because they are important to you. I wish you all the very best, and I really hope you find your value. I promise you, you have it!

  • Carrie by Carrie
  • 6 years ago

I love your poem. Oh my, it hit home! Keep writing; do not stop. God gives us all a gift to bless others. Yours is writing!

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

That is so kind of you to say, Carrie. Thank you so much! It's so nice to hear you loved the poem. I keep hitting road blocks in my writing, but your comment has inspired me to keep going! Thank you!

I have struggled with self-harm for years. I now consider myself to be in recovery, as I haven't cut or burned myself intentionally for a little over 4 months. I am reminded every day of what I overcame by the scars on my body, and sometimes, in all honesty, I hate them. I feel like they make me different and marked as someone who is “bad,” but I know absolutely none of this is true. Scars show where you've been, not where you're going, and just because I wear some of my past on the outside doesn't make me different. This poem was empowering to me. Thank you.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

Thank you so much for being so open and sharing your story with me. I am so glad to hear my poem helped you feel empowered. I remember despising my scars at first too, but I love that you said scars show where you've been, not where you're going, because I couldn't agree more. I used to hate going out through fear of what people would think, but gradually I put my focus on my future instead. Wishing you all the very best!

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

I feel depression is day by day converting into an epidemic. There is a dire need of such poems to save people against these demons. So the effort should continue to help people through poems. Please keep up your efforts. ~Subhash Bansal

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

That's so kind of you to say. Thank you so much. Your comment actually came at a time when I was wondering whether I should continue writing poems or not, so I'm really grateful to you for sharing this with me. I 100% agree that poetry is a way that we can all come together and share our stories on our own personal battles with depression. Particularly with the world being as it is right now and mental health being such a huge part of lots of people's lives.

  • Adebah Khan by Adebah Khan
  • 6 years ago

It's a beautiful poem. I've self-harmed, too, until someone special taught me my value. You truly do not understand how self-harming is until you've gone through it.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your comment on my poem I really appreciate it. I'm so glad you had someone in your life to remind you of your worth and value.

  • Jolene Cribbs by Jolene Cribbs
  • 6 years ago

This is so relatable. I'm 14 and I've tried killing myself 3 times, and it hurts less each time, and nobody understands that unless they come face to face with the struggles of self-hate and depression. Beautifully written, packed full of emotion. I'm so proud to be sided with people like this.

  • Laine C. by Laine C.
  • 5 years ago

Hey Jolene, you posted this a year ago, which means you're 15 now. I read your comment, and it hurt. I get what you're going through. I've never tried to kill myself to the point where I could've actually died, but I cut and have had serious thoughts about over-dosing and just ending it all. I'm also 15, and I get the struggles that us teenagers have to face today. People saying hurtful things in every sentence, giving no thought to how the other person may feel. I'm growing up in a house of eight people, and they all hate me with a burning passion. I feel alone and useless and unimportant most of the time. But I know that someday things might get better. I hope that you're doing a lot better now than you were when you posted this comment.

  • Ellamae by Ellamae
  • 6 years ago

I have been going through self-harm since I was 12, and I'm nearly 14, so I have been going through this for 2 years, and nobody knows I'm going through it. This year I have tried to kill myself 4 times, but my body just won't give up. People who are going through this should stick together because we all understand, have the same pain, and can be there for each other.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

Hi, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my poem. Thank you also for sharing your story with me. It really means a lot that you were able to relate to my poem in some way. I wish you all the very best with everything.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 6 years ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my poem. It really means a lot to me to know my poem is relatable to those going through a similar experience to that which I did. Going through the battle of self-hate and depression can be extremely lonely. In fact, it wasn't until I published this poem that I started speaking to others out there who were going through their very own battles. I hope this poem will serve as a reminder that you are a fighter and that there are people out there who do understand. Although everyone's experience with depression and self-hate is different. Remember, you are never truly alone. I wish you all the best with everything.

  • Jada Kinsinger by Jada Kinsinger
  • 7 years ago

I absolutely admire your poem. I can relate to it so much. It's like someone knows what I'm going through and I can feel their pain. It's just an amazing poem that can reach out to so many people. It touched my heart and made me realize that I should give life a try instead of giving up and losing the battle. It made me feel like I'm a strong person that I've gotten this far and am still fighting through it.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 7 years ago

Hi, thank you so much for the lovely things you've said about my poem. It really means the world to me that you could relate to it and that it has helped to inspire you and remind you what a strong person you are for fighting your battles and for getting this far. It's not always easy, but I hope this poem can continue to help remind you what a strong person you truly are and will help inspire you to keep up the fight. Wishing you all the best with everything.

  • Jinan by Jinan
  • 7 years ago

This poem nearly brought me to tears as it is relatable. I cut, and that poem just summarized my thoughts. I hope that many others can relate to this, and thank you because I know that someone out there sadly understands.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 7 years ago

Hi, thank you so much for your comment on my poem. I really appreciate it. Initially when I was posting this poem, I was scared because up until that point I hadn't shared my thoughts and feelings with anyone and had felt really alone. However, since publishing it I have learned that I actually wasn't alone at all, and sadly there are many others going through their own self-harm battles and struggles with self-demons. I'm glad that you could relate to this poem in some way. I wish you all the best.

  • Nicole by Nicole
  • 8 years ago

I'm going through this at the moment. I cut and nobody notices. I feel sad and sometimes have the urge to end my life. At the age of nine I was sexually abused and I'm told this is the cause. Your poem is inspiring to me and some others. I am glad you got through that hard part of you life.

  • Laura R by Laura R Poet
  • 8 years ago

Hi, thank you so much for your comment on my poem. It means a lot, particularly as I wrote this poem during one of the darkest periods in my life. Thank you also for sharing your story with me. I'm glad that you found this poem inspiring in some way. When I experienced self-harm and suicidal thoughts it felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. It can be a very lonely, sad and difficult time. However, very slowly I stopped experiencing the urges to self-harm and end my life. There were a lot of setbacks, and sometimes there still are, but I try to keep moving forward day by day and wish the same for you, too.

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