Grandmother Poem

Poem About Grandma Being An Angel

Some grandmas are so special that they really must be angels!

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I have such a weakness for grandmas. It has to be because of my grandmother. She was the single most influential person in my life. She was my very own angel and I thank God for allowing her...

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Grandma's Wings


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2006 with permission of the Author.

Grandma, I wonder
where you keep your wings.

Are they hung in your closet
with the rest of your things?

Do you put them away
and just use them at night

or give them to Rosie
to polish up bright?

I know you have wings,
for this must be true,

'cause God always gives
them to angels just like you.


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  • Rating 4.45
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

I have such a weakness for grandmas. It has to be because of my grandmother. She was the single most influential person in my life. She was my very own angel and I thank God for allowing her to be in my life. She's been gone for many years now, but she's still here where it counts the most, in my heart.

  • Chloe-Rose Mclenaghan by Chloe-Rose Mclenaghan
  • 5 years ago

Oh my gosh, that story was soooooo touching. My Nana means the world to me, and she is the only one who has been there for me every day. Her warm hugs are comforting. I bet we all think that our Grandmas are angels sent down from heaven to help us and comfort us when no one else can. I hope your Grandma gets better.

  • Maryanne Riley by Maryanne Riley
  • 9 years ago

My grandma is in her 70's and is still alive. Long ago she had a issue with the insides of her stomach as to where one of the insides had to be taken out due to a surgery. But she came out of it and no sooner than she came out of recovery, she stood up to go to the bathroom, then collapsed due to the fact that she had a dizzy spell which made her black out. now she has to take medicine for her lungs due to a tumor, and meds for her heart. I'm scared for her because she's literally a god sent angel. I'm the oldest of the grandkids my hubby says she's a tough cookie she really is. I know that when god comes calling then that's the time that the clock stops ticking. But he also says don't be scared. I can't help it. I love her so very much. I'm thirty nine now and will not be sure how to prepare to mourn her when she dies. the point of my story is no matter how sad i will be can you people tell me how to prepare or how to prepare for the grieving emotions that take place?

  • Jeanice Thompson by Jeanice Thompson, Nabors Alabama
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me down deep. I loved my granny so much she meant the word to me she was always there for me even in my darkest hours of life if it wasn't for her my sister and I would have never even known what it was like to be shown love and human affection. Before she passed I was taking care of her a lot so we spent a lot of time together I used to lay in bed with her at night and we would hold hands and she would say to me . Girl you know you are earning a lot of points in heaven . And sometimes during the day just out of no where she would just look at me and say. Girl you earning them angel wings gosh I miss her so much.

  • Funmi Majek by Funmi Majek
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem so much, a tear dropped off my eyes, but it's sad I can't share it with my granny because she passed away 2 years ago. I miss you so much on till we meet to part no more.

  • Edinburgh by Edinburgh
  • 11 years ago

Hi my granny was 99 years old and she was suffering really bad with Alzheimer's. She was an amazing granny that deserved a heart of gold. She died on the 22nd of December this year. It was Sunday night when she passed away I will always be thinking of you granny. You meant the world to me. Suzannexx

  • Osriel by Osriel, Louisiana
  • 12 years ago

Awwww. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this poem. It's so sweet.
It makes me want to appreciate my own grandmother much more. She's the only other person (other than my mom) who has always been there for me and my brothers. Every single day my grandma would be there when we got home from school. She did a lot of work around the house even when my BEGGED her to stop. I don't think there'll ever be a person like her. I'll try to cherish every single moment I have with her.

  • Joe by Joe, Belfast
  • 12 years ago

I shared this with my Nan an she loved it, she hugged me and said 'I love you so much' how touching.

  • Angel Watson by Angel Watson
  • 12 years ago

My grandma took me and my other 4 siblings in and she adopted me and my little brother. She's nice. My mom and dad got into a lot of trouble so she took us in. People say if it weren't for her we would of been adopted immediately because I was 4 and my brother was 3 months old.

  • Stuart by Stuart
  • 12 years ago

My grandmother has always had a special place deep inside of me,
she's been understanding of my needs - I have autism - she has loved and cared for me when everyone thought I was strange and didn't want to know me. She loved me always...if I could give her one thing in the whole wide world it would be angels wings...but she doesn't need another set because she already has some :)
I think your grandma will love this it is very sweet you are a good writer too x

  • Vonne Bly by Vonne Bly, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

About to turn 75 this month I have been noticing that recently my grandson has somewhat pulled away from me emotionally--and in an effort to understand his hesitancy around me I asked him: "can we meet for our usual baseball game later today?" His response was--"you're a good hitter, and you pitch pretty well too, but Grandma, you just can't run!"

  • Raven Cooper by Raven Cooper
  • 12 years ago

I LOVE this poem. I love my grandma so much. She also loves this poem. God Bless You and everyone who has read this beautiful poem plus people that read it later ~Raven

  • Chole by Chole, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I'm a granddaughter who's grandmother is raising my brother and I and without her I wouldn't be half the young woman I am now at the age of 15.

  • Mary C. by Mary C.
  • 13 years ago

Well, I'm an grandmother so I think some of these poems are really touching. I really think they're pretty good for people to make on the other hand for example they have sad and touching ones funny, cool, plain. They have lots of interesting poems so they are really doing a good job at doing their poem writing and also some poems are good for children to do. So, there's a lot of good poems out there, so have a blessed day!!!!

  • Doug Lancaster by Doug Lancaster, Tucson Arizona
  • 13 years ago

My beloved maternal grandmother just passed away at the age of 86. She was my last living grandparent. She was always so kind and so gracious. Each one of us grandchildren always felt like we were the favorite, even though she and Grandpa made all of us feel that way and we were all loved equally. Whenever Grandma did something nice for me, I would tell her, "Grandma, you've earned your wings." She would smile when I'd say that. I miss her terribly. I can relate to this poem so much--wouldn't be surprised if Grandma had a pair of wings in her closet too! Grandmothers make the world go 'round and no one can convince me otherwise!

  • Seth by Seth
  • 13 years ago

I love my grandma to the deepest part of my heart she means so much to me it feels like I could say those same words and mean it cause only special grandmas get wings

  • Linda A. Young by Linda A. Young, Vineland
  • 13 years ago

I'm a grandma who just started blogging, and I thought many people would be touched by this sweet poem for Poetry Month! I think it would thrill me if my little grandchildren ever said anything like this to me! Thank you!

  • Jessica by Jessica, Florence Alabama
  • 14 years ago

I loved the poem... My grandmother is very sick with cancer and I printed this off to read to her because she has always been there for all of us the whole family!

  • Kaylajo by Kaylajo
  • 14 years ago

We read this poem today at my grandmas funeral she is the angel that kept my family together through the good times and the bad she has now gone to heaven to be with the lord.... we all love you and miss you grandma YOUR ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS..

  • Francis B John by Francis B John
  • 14 years ago

short but very cute, cute enough to touch a grandmas heart

  • Pamela by Pamela
  • 14 years ago

This story touched me because my grandmother stood up and took me in, I do not consider her my grandmother but I do consider her my mother. She loves me unconditionally, still after 38 years. I am so blessed to have her there for me.

  • Whitney Barton by Whitney Barton
  • 15 years ago

I believe in angels. My biological parents could not take care of me and did not want me, so my dad's mom adopted me. I am adopted by my grandparent's, though I consider them my parents because they raised me since I was a year and half old. My grandmother is an angel to me. I like your poem very much. Keep writing,

  • sierra by sierra
  • 16 years ago

I was touched by this poem and shared it with my family and they loved it to!!!!!!!!!

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