The feeling of unlocalized pain has got to go.
The heavy sadness that you can't trace, so you do things to cope.
How do I trace pain I can not see?
The emotional wounds are the hardest to heal.
You try to talk to somebody and they hear you, but they not really hearing you
You scream out and say I'm hurting.
And they reply we're all hurting but we must continue on doing what we have to do.
Then you realize everyone is hurting but they are not feeling pain because they are numb to it.
But you are not numb to it so you feel the pain.
And you holler out again and say I am hurting.
And they refuse to answer you this time because now you're making a scene.
And no one wants a scene, they just want a fein to keep quiet.
And continue to stay unseen.
So you self medicate in hopes to numb the pain, but no amount of drugs can numb the brain.
So when you come down from your high after your private funeral
Everyone ask are you ok now!
Now that you've gotten your fix? And you say yes because it was a temporary relief
For a good time.
For non short of dime.
But the devil is laughing because he says you will back here again.
One more time with an old friend
And you know the time will come, when your family and friends will see you no more.
But you can't stop what your doing because it will show your soars.
So you cry out one more time, somebody help me please
that's when Jesus comes walking on a cloud saying
Your my friend indeed
Although you know its a hallucinations
It helps you not die when you take your self medication
And he says come with me
You can stop all this
But you've totally surrendered to the devils kiss
He say I know who you are and what you are
Before you was born
I bore your scars
Come to me and I will make it all better
Because next time you see me again
You will not be in the body but in a grave and that is no better
Take my hand and walk with me
I find no fault in you
I can help you understand why you feel so blue
And then you reach out and say
Ok I can do this
But then you have a bad day and realize it was all foolish
Foolish for you to think you could walk a straight and narrow
And the pain of that thought
pierces your heart like a bow and arrow
So the next time you tell someone to get it together
They've tried 55 times
But its hard to unfeel what you feel
And you see what you saw
Drug Addict Trying To Find God
The Cries Of Drug Addicts
Published by Family Friend Poems March 12, 2025 with permission of the Author.