Son Death Poem

Poem About Death Of 25-Year-Old Son

Tragically, on 9/29/10, my 25-year-old son suddenly collapsed and died. He had been on his own at the time, and it was 12 hours before he was found. It would have been instantaneous the Coroner told us. He wouldn't have known anything about it. I suppose that was said to give us some comfort, but how can you find comfort in the death of your child? I loved my son very much, and knowing I will never see him again is proving almost impossible to come to terms with.

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I do understand that words cannot fill the void or pain you are feeling. I understand the daze of not knowing if you're in a dream. All I can say is time will heal the haze, time will slowly...

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A Picture Of You

© more by Deborah Robinson

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was
When you were here and mine.

I see your smiling eyes
Each morning when I wake.
I talk to you and place a kiss
Upon your lovely face.

How much I miss you being here,
I really cannot say.
The ache is deep inside my heart
And never goes away.

I hear it mentioned often
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain.

I need to feel you constantly,
To get me through the day.
I loved you so very much.
Why did you go away?

The angels came and took you,
That really wasn't fair.
They took my one and only son,
My future life, my heir.

If only they had asked me
If I would take your place.
I would have done so willingly,
Leaving you this world to grace.

You should have had so many years
To watch your life unfold,
And in the midst of this,
Watch me, your Mum, grow old!

I hope you're watching from above,
At the daily tasks I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.


more by Deborah Robinson

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  • Cyndy Reed Stewart by Cyndy Reed Stewart
  • 1 year ago

This poem is so eloquently and simply written that it defies words to describe it. It captures and seals in real time - the feeling of loss, sorrow, love, and longing to be a "Mum." An only son - gone! There is no greater loss than to outlive one's children. This poem helps you to feel that loss from the beginning and for a lifetime. So well done and it applies to those with estranged sons (and daughters) as well. Her expressions are so precise, therapeutic, and authentic that you will feel every inch of her pain. Powerfully written from the heart, mind, and soul.

  • Dusty L Baney by Dusty L Baney
  • 2 years ago

I love this poem, and it touched my heart and made me cry. I lost my two oldest sons on Feb 1, 2015. They passed away in a house fire, and my mother passed a few days later from complications of that fire. I never imagined that I would ever see my children die before me. They are forever 10 and 8. This is like a nightmare that I wish I could awaken from. You wrote a beautiful poem, and I am sorry that we are a part of this club.

  • Rebecca A. Guidry by Rebecca A. Guidry
  • 3 years ago

This poem is beautifully written. I lost my sister about ten years ago. I have witnessed the pain that my mother goes through as well. It is heartbreaking when a child dies before the parent does. No parent expects to bury their child. You only learn to cope with your loss in time, but the pain never goes away. God Bless all parents that have to deal with this tragedy.

My heart was aching as I read this poem. I feel the pain, I know it well. A "mother's grief" is like no other. It pierces the depths of our soul. It's the deepest life-shattering pain we wish we never had but now we NEED to feel! I understand completely. What a truly beautiful poem to your precious, loving son. I walk through my home every day as I kiss all the moments in time of my precious son placed in frames all over my home. I will pray for you. I pray for every single one of us who feel this heartache the rest of our lives. I pray that God will reunite us immediately with our loving children the moment we leave this earth. Beautiful poem, God bless you!

  • Priscilla Lopez by Priscilla Lopez
  • 3 years ago

I lost my son 8-25-21 due to covid. He was an amazing son, Army veteran, father, friend. He was only 25 years old. He only shared 3 years with his daughter. I am so broken, he was my first love, my miracle baby. I feel so cheated, never in a million years did I ever believe this could happen. Even when he fought a month battle in the hospital, I believed God would heal him. That didn't happen. He was my best friend, I saw him every my days are filled with tears and holding on to every memory I have of him and my granddaughter. I was so proud of him; he accomplished so much in his young life. I miss his smile and sense of humor. He was truly beautiful inside and out. My beautiful son, I love you so much! I don't know how I'm supposed to get through life without you.

Dear Priscilla, I have not been well (physically, spiritually, or emotionally) since I lost my son. I am just now trying to reach out to certain people, and I remembered your message that was sent a while back, and I needed to respond to you. Your precious son and you and your granddaughter remain in my prayers. My heart aches for you. God bless you!

Deborah, I read poems you wrote in honor of your precious son, I also lost my precious son, Christopher, on 7/19/2018. He was 37. His death was also sudden we were told and my heart is shattered as your heart is. Our family was so very close. No words. I also have a love for poetry and have been writing poems for years. I just never thought I would write poems about the passing and loss of my precious son Chris. Your poems are beautiful. God bless you, and I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Candiceanng by Candiceanng
  • 3 years ago

I do understand that words cannot fill the void or pain you are feeling. I understand the daze of not knowing if you're in a dream. All I can say is time will heal the haze, time will slowly fill the void. Unfortunately, the pain never fully goes away. I lost my son 5 years 3 months 4 days ago, and the pain has lessened and the void is lighter, but surround yourself with all the people you trust, love, and most of all need.

There are no words that can heal a broken heart or soul. This is what I believe happens when a mother/father who loves their child feels. I pray to my Higher Power every day, and I believe that I will reunite with my son. All I can say or write is have patience, reach out to others, and most of all be held and comforted if that is what you need.

Everyone on this site, I thank you for sharing your stories because it allowed me to not feel alone. I pray for all of the parents and families who have lost a loved one. I pray for peace!

  • Janie Beni by Janie Beni
  • 4 years ago

I lost my 32-year-old son and his 4-year-old son in a tragic accident on the 20th of June. My life is forever changed. I have lost people in my life, but this is extreme. I feel like I'm having trouble breathing and I have a hole in my heart. Don't get me wrong, I'm not curled up in a bed or anything, I'm moving around and living and going with the motions, by I am in a daze, I'm hurting. I don't understand. I want to see him now. I know I will see him again. But when? My grandson was going to be five in July. Just an innocent little boy.

  • Yvonne Silvester by Yvonne Silvester
  • 2 years ago

My heart goes out to you all. I also lost my 32-year-old son in a road traffic collision on the 13th November 21. I understand your pain, daze, numbness and indescribable sadness. To never know why is heartbreaking...

My thoughts are with you all.

  • Debbie by Debbie
  • 4 years ago

I am so sorry for the passing of your son. I too have lost my sweet boy only 26 yrs old . Something bought off the street laced. My heart breaks for us and all of us mothers whose children are taken so easily.

  • Maxine Gil Ulmer by Maxine Gil Ulmer
  • 5 years ago

I lost my son Justin who was 25, on September 14, 2019. His truck rolled over on the freeway and he was killed instantly. There are no words and nothing that anyone can do to make this easier to cope with. I have to take this one day at a time. Some days have been more bearable than others but my life will never be the same. My son was a patient, kind-hearted adult, and everyone that knew him thought the same of him. I miss him so much and I can't wait until I see him again.

  • Pauli by Pauli
  • 5 years ago

I lost my 31-year-old son. It has been two weeks, and I still feel that it’s not true. It’s like I’m watching a sad movie. My husband still waits for his call. Why couldn’t I see you happy, with your own family? Why did you leave so soon? You bought something on the street. You didn’t know that was going to be your last “smoke,” your last breath, your last day. I will miss you and remember you every minute of the life I have left. We will reunite one day wherever our souls go. Love you, Jon.

  • Marisela by Marisela
  • 5 years ago

My son died this past 27th, the day before Thanksgiving. I never felt so much pain in my heart. I loved him so much. he was struggling with drugs on and off but managed to stay sober for long periods of time. I always felt I was going to lose him at some point. And as crazy as it sounds, I spent the last 20 years getting myself ready for that knock on my front door with the news. He was smart, funny, extremely handsome. He had a laugh that was so contagious everyone loved him, and on top of that he had dimples. I’m not sure why this happened; I just have so many emotions going through my head. He confided in me and told me he lived in a constant torment and sometimes wanted to die. I think maybe God wanted him to be happy and took him to haven. My son was 33. My heart goes out to all the people who have lost a son or daughter. I’m praying for all of you. I will forever walk with only half of me.

  • Margie Orr by Margie Orr
  • 5 years ago

My son died in 2017. He was 31 years old. My whole body hurts every day and my mind is constantly thinking about him. My heart is so broken. I will never heal or be able to move on with my life. I cannot mother my 4 other grown children. I am so wrapped up in my own grief. I hate getting out of bed. I have his favorite t-shirt and cap hanging in my bedroom and I sleep with his hockey shirt. I visit his grave (and now my husband's grave) every week and put fresh flowers on it. I scan the cemetery to see if I can see my son, yet he never lets me know he is okay. I often wonder what happens after death, if anything. Maybe we bury our loved ones in a pile of dirt and that's it. I wish I knew he was ok. I wish he would have called me before he relapsed. I wish I could have saved him, and I wish I was with him every single minute of the day. He was sweet, kind, and would help anyone. I miss his jokes. I have no clue what to do with myself. I just keep wishing.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 3 years ago

Margie, you probably won't even see this because you wrote this last year, but when I visited my 21 year old (he would be 23 now) at the grave today, I said the same thing: Show me a sign. I even asked those buried around him to show me a sign. So far, nothing. I am always asking, because I don't want to believe that gone is gone. We were very close, and if it were possible, he would visit us with an unmistakable sign. Some people see spirits; this gives me hope. I, too, find it difficult to be a great mother to my young son. We are not the same anymore. So sorry for your loss.

  • Toni Moreillon by Toni Moreillon
  • 5 years ago

I lost my son at the age of 18. He was getting ready for college, starting a new job, and about to get his braces off. I guess he was not supposed to have an adult life. My son was my only child, and I was a single parent. His father died when he was only 6. He was so smart and so gifted in everything he ever did, and he did a lot in those 18 years. He was my whole life, and I loved him so much. He died suddenly to juvenile diabetes. He has been gone for almost as many years as he lived. My life has never meant anything since he died. I feel I died when he died and I will never be happy again!! I miss him and love him so very much!

  • Jodie George by Jodie George
  • 1 year ago

Your post speaks to me so personally. My son just passed. He was type 1 also. He managed it so well, and I did everything to support him. I am broken.

  • Jodi Naney by Jodi Naney
  • 5 years ago

I lost my firstborn son on April 18,1996, He was only 41 days old. I was 17.... my life my whole world stopped. There isn't a day yet I haven't thought about him. On April 4, 2019 I became grandma to my grandson Jayden. He was born with a congenital heart defect. On April 18, 2019 (same day my son died in 1996) Jayden was taken off life support and on April 22, 2019 he passed away holding my finger. I felt him take his last breath and let go of my finger. It's not fair...I will never understand why. I miss them every second of every day.

  • Tumelo by Tumelo
  • 5 years ago

We recently lost our son on April 12, 2019. We buried him on the April 14. My life is not the same again. I don’t know how to move forward again since everything I did and planned was on him. It’s hard for me and my girlfriend lately. We fight a lot since Omphile left us because we’re angry at everybody. When we see people or a small family of three, we just break down because that was us once up a time. I hope all of you get the strength to heal as time goes on and stay strong. God is with us all.

  • Donna Welch by Donna Welch
  • 5 years ago

I lost my best friend, my son, in September of 2017 at the age of 27. He left behind his 2 beautiful babies, ages 4 and 6. My son passed away in his bedroom and I was out shopping with my daughter. Came home and found him in his bedroom on the floor. I called 911. He was cold to the touch. We were still told to do CPR. They knew he was cold! Later we were told by paramedics he had passed away 2 hours ago. That's how long my daughter and I were out shopping.

  • Tom Pradkac by Tom Pradkac
  • 5 years ago

I lost my son Evan due to a motorcyle accident. He was 26. A parent's worst nightmare came and will never go away. I loved him so much and so did everyone who knew him. I just go through the motions now.

  • Ann Bailey by Ann Bailey
  • 6 years ago

Our son died in 1975 at age 2 years and 3 months. He was admitted to the hospital with gastroenteritis and died 1 1/2 days later. He would have lived if he had been given fluids intravenously, which at that time our small local hospital couldn't do, so the young doctor was told to transfer our son to the larger hospital if his condition deteriorated, which it did, but he wasn't transferred. He was just left with juice from a mug for me to give him. He died from dehydration and septicemia. I was only 18 at the time and put all my trust naturally in the doctor and nursing staff, but they let my son die. In the records of his treatment, lies were told, saying my son had been on an intravenous drip. Two days before his death my son was a strong, healthy child playing on the beach. Yes, I am bitter and will never accept his loss and all the missed years he's been deprived of if he had received all the medical help he should have had. If he got that help and still died, that would have been easier to accept.

  • Jennyvilve Fernandez by Jennyvilve Fernandez
  • 5 years ago

I felt this same pain. I've lost my lil man at the age of 1 and 2 months. It's January 24, 2020 today. He died 4 days ago. We went to the hospital so my baby would be treated for almost dehydrated but no one looked in on him. He died helplessly. If the doctors and staff did something in the beginning, he would still be alive. Sometimes I wish I never went to the hospital. Until now, I'm still locked up with the traumatic moments of losing an angel. Words cannot comfort this grief. It's hard being a mother who buried her own special son.

  • Dave by Dave
  • 6 years ago

We lost our 24 years old son to a gastric cancer recently. Unfortunately, our story is also a story of medical mistreatment and arrogance... And it just pushes us with our unbearable situation to the brink. We did have some wonderful doctors, real experts and exceptional personalities who were doing magic. But quite a few doctors have done the best they could to end our son's story the way it ended. Insufficient alertness and focus that led to months of delayed diagnosis, serious injuries caused during diagnostic procedures that required unnecessary surgeries, heartless communication of tough facts, lightly-taken supervision of questionable approaches of younger colleagues, to-be MDs...

And the hardest thing is - there is so little that can be done to prevent such things in the future. Courts? Well, one has to be naive, not to mention the resources needed. What then? Complaints? Begging? Shouting until dropping? But nothing can bring us our kids back, restore our destroyed lives...

  • Melba by Melba
  • 3 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. My son passed three months ago. He had cancer that had spread to his liver and lungs. The doctors said the cancer could have been evolving for a year or so. How they know these things yet do not know how to cure this dreaded disease by now is baffling to me, and I get so angry. My aunt died almost fifty years ago from cancer, and they still do not have a real cure. Most people with cancer are only given a slim hope of surviving five years. I question the brutal treatments, the uncertainty with which some doctors treat patients. For me many just continue to experiment and I don't think they want to find a cure. Cancer is very profitable to many. My son was a relatively healthy man and had no vices. But COVID came into the scenario and an earlier diagnosis that may have saved his life was postponed. I look at photos of how strong and healthy he looked just two years ago. His doctors failed to see what was going on during pretty extensive yearly physicals.

  • Sheryl Kesti by Sheryl Kesti
  • 6 years ago

It was a warm summer evening. We were on vacation and my son decided to go swimming in a cold lake. He was a good swimmer, but it only takes seconds for his body to be unseen. He drowned, and in a lake full of swimmers, no one saw he was in need. Forty minutes later they found him. I miss my baby, my youngest son who had his whole life before him. July 30th is coming. I loathe this day, for it took my son. My 22 year old, just wanting to relax and enjoy a Sunday evening. Lord, help me get through. Until we meet again.

  • Tina Baker by Tina Baker
  • 7 years ago

I lost my son 3 years ago. It was a shock. He always called every night. I talked to him then said, "Okay, good night. We'll talk tomorrow. I love you." Well, I never heard from him the next day. My youngest son found him. It was heartbreaking to have my son tell me. I collapsed in my son's arms. I miss him so much. So shocking.

  • Maureen Morrow by Maureen Morrow
  • 7 years ago

My cherished 38-year-old daughter died of a massive heart attack this past Thanksgiving. She was a nurse and had just finished her shift. She was not sick before or had any history of heart disease. She was on a ventilator for 6 days. I held her while she took her last breaths. The pain is devastating. We shared a home, and I saw her every day. She was my best friend. The loneliness I feel is unreal. I can't stop crying or hurting. How does one go on living after such a loss?

  • Ursula Scheffel by Ursula Scheffel
  • 6 years ago

I lost my 24-year-old suddenly, due to negligence, a simple infection. I don't think we ever have closure, will always grieve, always cry. Each day is harder than before. He was my reason for living. We shared a business, along with his younger brother, who was his best friend. I am devastated with grief. I feel your pain and hope you find peace, somehow, some way. Your daughter passed doing what she loved, but life is not fair.

  • Karen McKenzie by Karen McKenzie
  • 7 years ago

One breath at a time. It's the most difficult thing you'll ever face in your life, and I don't know if it EVER gets any better!

  • Karen McKenzie by Karen McKenzie
  • 7 years ago

Very hard to go on, but we have no choice! I miss my son every minute of every day. It's the separation that hurts. We know will see him again someday. God had a reason for taking him. When I asked God why, these words come to me: "It's not about you, it's about Allen! It's what was best for him at the time." He asked God to take him home if he wasn't going to change his situation. He had a drug addict wife. The stress he was under because of her killed him. I guess God loves him so much he answered his prayer and took him out of a bad situation. Life will never be the same again!

  • Lorie Bartmas by Lorie Bartmas
  • 7 years ago

In January 2015, my only son was diagnosed with stage four cancer. He was only 23 at the time. The only sign we had was he started choking and was not able to swallow. The tumor had already wrapped around his esophagus, causing him to choke. He had chemo and radiation. He suffered and battled his disease for two years. We lived in Manhattan, and he was in a trial study. The cancer went to his brain, and he became paralyzed, blind, and deaf in his last week. It was unbearable to watch my son suffer and know there was nothing I could do. It's the hardest thing for anyone to have to go through. You have no control, and you can't stop it, but you'd do everything in your power to change it. He passed away on November 6, 2017.

I have experienced a lot of trauma in my life. I lost my father to an accident when I was 12, my mother at 21 to lung cancer, and my brother to suicide. He was 30. My nephew committed suicide four years ago at the age of 18. I feel your pain and the pain of everyone else who has lost a child. God bless you all.

  • Joan Boston by Joan Boston
  • 7 years ago

The ten year anniversary of my son's death is coming soon. I researched online and found this beautiful poem. I hope that it will be acceptable to use this poem for his 10 year anniversary. I will show the author's name. My son was 27 years old when he was killed by a hit and run driver during the holiday season. He had just decorated a beautiful Christmas tree as he did lighting for a production company in LA. He had texted me this: "A Charlie Brown Christmas" as the tree looked pretty bad (lol), BUT when he got done lighting this tree it was totally majestic! He was so full of love, compassion, and he had the most beautiful smile and laugh. I miss him so much. Life has never been the same since his passing. Thank you for letting me share and also for this perfect poem for the 10th anniversary of his passing as I was struggling to come up with the words....

  • Toni Dugdale by Toni Dugdale
  • 7 years ago

My beautiful 27 year old son Mitchell was taken from me on August 4th after collapsing at his girlfriend's house. I was told by the coroner it would have been instantaneous. My heart is aching, and I just want him back. He is my angel, and it's not fair to take him back so soon. I cannot believe that I will not see him again. No mother should have to organize the funeral of a child. No words of comfort will ever be enough.

  • Laurel Biernacki by Laurel Biernacki
  • 6 years ago

I lost my son 11/2/2017. He was unaware that he was ill until it was too late. I didn't get to the hospital in time before he was placed on a ventilator and never woke up after several days. It is not fair, and I can find no reason. I know that he is no longer suffering in pain, but I need him here. That mother to son bond is still with me, and I think that maybe I can feel him now, somehow. I agree, no mother should ever have to attend her own child's funeral and I seriously doubt that I will ever find comfort.

  • Cytonia Williams by Cytonia Williams
  • 7 years ago

I lost my son December 23, 2017, only 4 days ago, and the pain is unbearable. He died in a car accident. He was only 24. He was a great person and the best friend I could ever hope for. I don't think my life will ever be complete now. I hope and pray for the day I get to see him again. I love you so much, Lance Amiel Williams.

  • Suzie Gray by Suzie Gray
  • 7 years ago

I also lost my 27 year old son, Austin, at his girlfriend's house. He was on the computer waiting for her to get off work. He was transcribing his company's film into written word and collapsed on the floor. When she arrived he was gone. The coroner told me it was instantaneous, and I so want to believe her, but my mind still wonders. My beautiful son passed in a dark, quiet home by himself and I couldn't save him. I will never recover from this.

  • Nina Flanagan Allen by Nina Flanagan Allen
  • 7 years ago

I totally get this poem. I had a son that was 31/2 months old and he just never woke up! SIDS they said, but the autopsy also said "perfectly healthy little boy 15lbs." I was totally devastated for years trying to get over guilt and ifs and whys. Till I see him again, I have learned to trust God and his plan. Love this poem. It speaks for me!

  • 7 years ago

Heartbreaking, Nina. Seven months ago I lost my 28 year old son. We talked as he left for work. He collapsed, perfectly healthy. Coroner found nothing wrong. SADS, they say, and I know God lent him to me and took him back, but it has left me devastated beyond belief. Hugs to you.

  • Charlotte Can't Share by Charlotte Can't Share
  • 8 years ago

I've lost two sons, both many years ago (1983, 11 years, leukemia; and 1986, 60 hours old, birth defects). You always wonder what if. I have two others and fostered more. But I wonder if our family life would have been different.

  • Tammy Isbell by Tammy Isbell
  • 8 years ago

My sweet 16 year-old son, Daniel Drake, died in my arms from an asthma attack last Monday (10-10-2016). I called 911 to request Care Flight and told the operator that if they didn't send Care Flight, he would die. I live out in the country with plenty of room for it to land. Daniel died waiting for the helicopter that never came. An ambulance showed up over 35 min. later, but it was too late. My heart is shattered.

  • Donna Ramirez by Donna Ramirez
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry for what happened to your son. I lost my son in 2012. He was my heart and soul. I trusted a friend and he rented a room from me. My son also had a friend that was at my house when tragedy struck. He did not have to die; it was preventable. Those two supposed friends of ours brought heroine into my home. One went and got it, the other one paid for it. The pain, anger, and guilt I feel is immeasurable for not realizing what they did. I could have saved him. If they had told me what they had done I would have done anything to save him. He was my youngest and my favorite. We did everything together. We even went to the Philippines together, the movies, water parks, just everything. My son was 22, too young to die. He died on January 10, 2012, and I have cried every day since. I wanted a boy and that's what I had. It took me a year to get pregnant with him. Now all I do is cry rivers of tears.

  • Maureen Pescaia by Maureen Pescaia
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss! I did not lose a son to an ambulance that arrived too late, but I lost my husband the same way. There's no way to explain how helpless one feels at that moment. My heart is with you.

  • Ida Martinez by Ida Martinez
  • 7 years ago

I read your story and wanted to say I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my 36 year old son 4/10/16. He was in the hospital for a month with an infection. Doctors sent him home even though he still didn’t feel well. He died 2 days later at home. Just like I know your heart is, my heart is also broken. Please accept my sincere condolences.

  • Tara by Tara
  • 8 years ago

I have a son Dylan.
You may not see him nor hear him, but he is here.
I have a son Dylan that laughs and plays.
He watches over me and loves me every day.
Memories of our beautiful life have bound us together forever.
Your hugs and smile will never be forgotten.
I still hear you like it was yesterday.
A week, a month, a year, or a day...
Time is the only thing that keeps us away.
God wipes our tears and knows our hearts.
He will reunite us together and we will never be apart.
I love you....forever.

  • Heather Parry by Heather Parry
  • 8 years ago

My 29 year old son died 2 weeks ago while we were on a family holiday. I found him dead in his apartment. We have no answers, only that he knew nothing about it and was dead before he hit the floor. Your poem has brought me a lot of comfort, and I'm going to read it at my son’s cremation in 2 weeks.

  • Colleen Harewood by Colleen Harewood
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son six months ago to murder. Josh, myself, and his five year old son had Chinese food for dinner and he was going to go visit friends. I never expected that would be the end. The phone rang at 2:36am, now the time I wake up every day. When the police asked if they could come over I knew he was gone. I wasn't prepared for the fact that he was shot to death. I will never be the person I was because so much of me died that day too.

  • Gena Mitchell by Gena Mitchell
  • 8 years ago

I lost my 14 year old son almost 5 years ago. He committed suicide due to relentless bullying. January 20 will be 5 years, and it doesn't get any easier. I miss him dearly. I never got to say goodbye, because by the time we found him hanging in our upstairs bathroom, it was too late.

  • Tammy Martin by Tammy Martin
  • 8 years ago

I don't think I'll ever understand why my son was taken. He was 29 and had his whole life ahead of him with siblings (9 of them) that loved him dearly. On August 17th, my 29 year old son accidentally drowned in Lake Truxten! He was a good swimmer, and it's still a mystery as to what happened. I have regrets about his childhood that can never be erased, and now I will have to live with it for the rest of my life. I love you Son! I'm sorry...

  • Candiceanng by Candiceanng
  • 8 years ago

I understand your loss. My son was killed on August 25, 2016, in Bridgewater, NJ. My son was 29 years old, and he was a very gifted, talented person in art and music. I have to remind myself every day my beautiful son is gone. The reality comes and goes because I feel my mind is blank; I feel like I am in a dream, and I feel like my life has stopped. The son that was killed was gentle, loving, forgiving, and kind hearted. I was so bonded to this child because I had him on Mother's Day in 1987. I was 19 years old, so I grew up because of having him. I am lost and distraught, or should I say beaten down? All I can say to you is mourning a child is the worst experience a mother can feel. I do not know how you are mourning, but for me, I ask people to stay away, do not give condolences, and please understand I need time. I surround myself with very few people and stay to myself. I will pray for you and your family. I am sorry for your loss!

  • Theresa E. Vasquez by Theresa E. Vasquez
  • 8 years ago

There are no words when losing a child. We lost our beloved son (Stephen) in September of 2015. God Bless all of you.

  • Nikola Dennis by Nikola Dennis
  • 8 years ago

You are absolutely correct; no words can describe the loss of a child. My son Donte died within twelve days after we found out that he had a rare blood disease. He had a stroke two weeks earlier and the doctors never diagnosed the stroke, unaware that he had this blood disease until it was too late. The disease caused the stroke, which was determined on the 26th of May, and he died two days later.
I had to take four months off work and also did not want to be bothered with people. I had a lot of people loving on me, but that doesn't matter. I want my son back and I know it's impossible, but I say it every day, every night. I look at his picture all day at work; in fact, it's facing me right now.

We were extremely close and we did everything together. In addition to that, he has helped my husband and me with the raising of our oldest grandchildren who see him as their father. I offer my condolences to everyone who's dealing with a loss. I yearn for my son every day and every second of my life.

  • Nombuso Vilane by Nombuso Vilane
  • 8 years ago

I recently lost my 6 year old son, he fell from the third little boy was brain dead they had to unplug those machines and he didn't breath ..I still cant believe this, it feels like a dream. My little boy was everything you could wish for in a child always happy loved his school work...I cry myself to sleep everyday..I miss him so much..i hope he is happy and pain free..I LOVE YOU SON and I will never forget you Nqubeko Mgidi .Born 23/03/2010 and left us 02/06/2016

  • Karen McKenzie by Karen McKenzie
  • 7 years ago

I wish I could say it gets better, but it doesn't. The only thing that gets me through is the promise from God that I will be with him again someday. That still doesn't take the pain of the separation away. Every day the pain is there and it will not go away till I see him again! I love and miss you so much Allen, my son!

  • Robert Hafner by Robert Hafner
  • 8 years ago

My beautiful 25 year old son Corey took his life on August 3, 2016. He was found in a prayer garden that he and his best friend Jeremy built in the back of his church. My son used a shot gun. No one ever saw it coming. He was loved by everyone and especially by me his father. Corey, served in Iraq with his Marines unit towards the end of the war. People say he might of had PTSD. I really don't know. Corey was the most wonderful son to raise. I always told him he was young, that if I could have of you I would had. I was 1500 miles away when I got that horrible call from his friend Jeremy who found him. He left no notes or reason why he did this. There were over 300 family, friends, his Marine unit, veterans from previous war's. It was a beautiful service. I still sit here asking myself why. Why did he take his own life. Why didn't he cry out to me or his mother or anyone who would listen? I miss his text messages to me when he would just write I love you. I love you Corey

  • Carmen Pisani by Carmen Pisani
  • 5 years ago

I understand your pain. I shall keep you all in my prayers. My son passed away after 15 months battling his cancer - "Lymphoblasting Lymphoma." We did our very best to save him, but God ordained otherwise. May I suggest that you offer your pain for the benefit of those who need help, especially in difficult moments. Thanks. God bless.

  • Susan Anderson by Susan Anderson
  • 7 years ago

I, too, lost my son Jason, a Marine who served for 8 years and did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, on August 23, 2015. He, too, took his own life via a gun and left a note on a computer but only saw part of the note as someone who found him thought to take a picture before the screen saver kicked in and police could not figure out how to access his password protected computer. The parts I saw, he talked about the frustrations he had with the VA. He sent me a text "I love you" right before he took his life around 3:30 in the afternoon. I had firefighters come to my door to give me the news around 8:00 that night. Tomorrow marks two years that part of me died.

  • Paula.  Alcock by Paula. Alcock
  • 8 years ago

On February 20 2016, my 11 year old and I woke up that faithful morning and found my son / his brother deceased. Words cannot explain the pain we are going through at this moment but we knew why Chirs was called home at the tender age of 18. One of Chirs's dream was to serve his country and travel the world, to teach kids overseas to speak English, but his dreams came to an end when he was diagnosed with Epilepsy that killed him emotionally. For Chirs he did not have a 'plan b' , it took a while to adjust to the news that he could not join the military or that he was not able get a drivers license. I will never know what he would have become but he had big dreams and he had a plan. He traveled the world thru reading and research. Chirs was a reader of books always reading and educating himself so even though his life was cut short it was well lived.

  • Linda Young by Linda Young
  • 9 years ago

My son died on the 8th of August 2014 from SADs he was 39years old. I copied this poem onto his birthday card it says all that I want to say. I didn't have chance to say good bye and to tell him how much I loved him and how very proud I was of him . I still find life very very hard I cannot bear to see photos or listen to music , and my grandson who is so like his dad breaks my heart but also lifts my heart . I have not met anyone yet who truly understands the pain and emptyness losing a child can bring

  • Sue by Sue, Suffolk
  • 9 years ago

2015 should have been a wonderful year for myself and my lovely family. My daughter gave birth to our second grandchild, a little girl Called Faith. I was 50 this year and decided to celebrate with a family holiday. We did indeed have a lovely holiday together.
2 weeks later my lovely, blessed life ended. My son was killed in a tragic car accident in which 4 people lost their lives. He was 28 years old.
I had seen him only moments before when he popped home to pick up his watch that he had forgotten to put on, he was happy and laughing, moments later he was gone from this world. Leaving a huge hole in my life and the lives of so many that loved him and called him a friend.
That was in July, I struggle every day, I miss him every day, I cannot let go, his room is the same, photos every where. I try so hard for the rest of my family and our wonderful friends, he was loved and adored by so many people. I just look forward and see nothing more than the emptiness.

  • Patti by Patti
  • 8 years ago

September 20th, 2015, at 11:38pm, the San Joaquin Sheriff initiated a high speed police pursuit on a suspected drunk driver. Two miles into it, the driver lost control and rolled multiple times, landing in a ditch. He and 2 passengers died at the scene. My 16 year old daughter, Rose, was cut out of the car and rushed to the hospital where she died 1-1/2 hours later. Four teenagers were in the car and all of them died. It has been nearly 14 months and my pain is worse than ever. Her room is the same, photos everywhere, and I try hard for the rest of my family and friends, but just as you look forward and see emptiness, I do too. There have been many issues that have arisen between the four families involved, mainly the driver's family lashing out at the families of the 3 passengers, as they refuse to acknowledge that their son's actions caused all of their deaths. Hugs to you. I would love to talk further and am a good listener too. (PS I turned 50 this year.)

  • John David by John David
  • 8 years ago

I, too, lost my beautiful, loving son in 2015 at age 25. He struggled for 9 years with his horrible drug addiction. He was doing very well in the months leading up to his fatal car accident late one evening. He was wearing his seatbelt but driving very fast as he was distraught with his recent setback as well as other concerns with life's many challenges. It has been 18 months, and I have little desire to continue on with my own life without my best friend. He was my everything. We lived together and shared our lives together. This state of depression I am in is overwhelming for me to deal with. He was all I had.

  • Victoria De La Rosa by Victoria De La Rosa
  • 8 years ago

So sorrry for your loss I too lost my son he was 31 at the time! Yes is very hard and no you never get over losing a child but I promise that as time goes by it at least becomes bearable! These lost children are our angels in heaven! Blessings to you!!

  • Tracey Smallwood by Tracey Smallwood, Stoke On Trent
  • 9 years ago

I feel every word you are saying I also lost my 28 year old son in a car accident .. my whole life is meaningless and empty . Everyday is a constant battle to get up and do a day ..

  • Joanne Whearity by Joanne Whearity
  • 10 years ago

I too lost my youngest son Oliver on the 26th June 2010. Sudden Unexpected Death alone in his sleep. God only knows how me and my husband and eldest son have survived. He was only 22...He had mild epilepsy but was to all intents and purposes totally without symptoms or disability. God can be cruel.

  • Felecia Marie Langston by Felecia Marie Langston
  • 8 years ago

To Joanne and others who lost their child. I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. Although my precious son was only 2, he also died of a sudden death on July 30th 1993 on a camping trip to the beach. We discovered later he had a cold virus and it had settled in his heart. He died of Myocarditis. No signs and no warnings. He died in my arms and I couldn't let him go. I knew I couldn't go on and was going to end my own life. I know God intervened because I was so confused and so angry. I blamed God, but I now know that "unforeseen occurrences befall us all." He promises us all a chance to see them again. A time when there will be no more death, no more pain, no more sorrow. (Rev. 21, 3,4) Our children will be resurrected and we can hold them and love them once again. Still today my heart is still broken, but I have to go on and be there. He will need me. I make sure others know I love them each day. God knows your pain. He will help you each day. I pray for peace for you all.

  • Luton Bedfordshire by Luton Bedfordshire
  • 10 years ago

My 23 year old son died when the motorcycle he was riding collided with a car. I doubt we will ever know why. He was a good rider and experienced driver. They think he died instantly and didn't suffer. He had just secured his first job as a drummer full time, his life was about to start, and now he is gone. It was only 16 weeks ago.... 18/10/14 And I'm not even beginning to comprehend life without him. All I know is that I am broken beyond repair, and sad beyond measure. This poem describes it perfectly. I'm so sorry for your tragic loss.

  • Daisy Dongieux Austin by Daisy Dongieux Austin, Texas
  • 9 years ago

Oh Luton, I am so sorry. I have a similar story. I lost my son Crayvon Corpening 2 weeks ago. He was on his way to his friend's when a truck pulled out in front of him and he had no time to stop. I still have not heard if he died instantly but no ambulance was called, so I have a feeling that he did. My son was only 20 yrs old and the light of my life. He was funny & loving and so full of life. He had huge dreams and had just landed his dream job selling motorcycles 6 weeks earlier.
I hope this pain eases. I am finding it so hard to sleep, wake up or get going in my normal routine. I loved this poem. He wrote poetry too & I wish I could write my own.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 10 years ago

Looking for poems and quotes to help my parents get through the day. My parents also lost their only son last year 10/09/14 in a motorcycle accident. He had just turned 21 two months before. Everyday is hard and seems to be getting harder. Since he passed we have been getting signs that he is still around and though he isn't here physically he ever left our side. There are also songs that help us get through the day, like listening to
'dani and lizzy' dancing in the sky.

  • Katrina Graham by Katrina Graham, Tulsa Ok
  • 10 years ago

9 years ago my son was killed in Iraq. He was my only living child. I never thought I'd be the one out of all of the parents that would top the hill and see the military vehicle there to tell me my son was gone. I screamed and screamed. You don't understand, he was my world. I miss him every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year. I will always miss him.

  • Linda by Linda, Oregon
  • 10 years ago

I am also a mourning mother of a 27 year old son. It happened only yesterday, I am in so much pain. You cannot breathe as you just know you will die before you wake up. He fell asleep at the wheel, hit a tree and if you do need to thank God for any of this, this is what I would list:
I thank you, Lord, that he never knew what was happening to him, nor had to lie helplessly dying alone,
I thank you, Lord, that he was found only 3 weeks after I reported him missing. I did not have to wait months, years or never knowing what happened.
I cannot imagine parents going to their graves never knowing. who says there are worse things than death. Just ask a grieving parent.
I did say he only died yesterday, that's not quite accurate. It has been 15 years but my heart has never gotten past the first day. After time, you just have to learn to get out of bed and put one foot forward...
If the world ever needed another holiday, it should be a "Grievance for Parent's Day"

  • A Friend by A Friend, Pennsylvania
  • 9 years ago

Sorry for your loss Linda, just last week a very good friend died in the same manner. He was only 22 years old. It was a week ago, but it still feels like I just got the news an hour ago. I thought that the funeral would give some sort of closure to it and would help me to begin to move on, but it just isn't the case. When I first heard from another friend I didn't think it could be true, he and I hadn't been as close the past few years. But I just saw him a few weeks ago, he was leaving as I was coming, we passed with a simple wave and a nod. Looking back now I wish I would have stopped him and just talked to him, no matter what it was about just anything. I would give anything to talk to him again. I was driving yesterday in the car and had to turn the radio off, every song that comes on is connected to a memory and it is just too much. I don't want to forget him, he was a happy and generous person. It isn't fair...thank you for sharing your story Linda and I am sorry for your loss.

  • Sissy Shephard by Sissy Shephard, Lewisville
  • 10 years ago

I also lost my handsome 26 years old son almost a year ago. He died suddenly on Saturday, October 5, 2013; 10 days before he was to turn 27. His roommate found him dead in his bathroom that day. I got a call from the ER in the town where he lived just 20 minutes away saying that he had been brought in unresponsive at 7:20 that morning and was pronounced dead a few minutes later. Just like that. He was here one day, gone the next. My only comfort is that we had dinner together the night before he died and I had the chance to tell him how much I love him and give him the usual hug and kisses on both cheeks as we always did when we parted. He left telling me "I love you more and I will see you on Monday!" The last words I heard uttered from his mouth. The last hug and kiss. Had I known that was going to be the last time I would see my son, I would have held on to him tighter...a few minutes longer and kissed him one more time. Life will never be the same. Nothing prepares you for the loss of a child. Nothing. I will never be whole again. My heart won't ever be mended. Time doesn't heal a broken heart after the death of a child. We learn to live with the pain. We take one day at a time. You pray a lot and you lean on your family and friends for support. I love you forever, miss you always son, Michael Shephard.

  • Debi Buchanan by Debi Buchanan, Cashiers
  • 10 years ago

I lost my youngest son Jason Aaron Mathes on June 1, 2012 due to an ATV accident. He was 30 years old with a wife and four children, the youngest was not even a year old. As a mother your greatest fear is losing a child. I am a paramedic and I was working the day of his accident. Only by God's Grace was I on another call when the second crew was paged out to his accident. I knew it was my son and I started calling his cellphone but I knew he wouldn't answer. Unfortunately I heard everything that was happening over the radio. When they drove up to where he was I heard CPR in progress and I knew in my head he was gone but my heart was pleading for God to let me keep him! He had a smile that was contagious and he was loved by everyone! I miss him bouncing through the door yelling hey mom where ya at, or finding parts for his cars on eBay and saying mom will you order this for me and I'll pay you back on Friday! He was such a good dad and his kids still miss their Dada! There were over 500 people who came to his visitation! I miss everything about him and I am still lost without him! It still feels like it was yesterday to me! I am forever changed and still looking for my new normal. All I can say is God Bless all of you who have lost a child. My heart, love and prayers go out to each one of you! Jason, Moma loves and misses you more every day! Until we meet again son watch over us and know that you are in my heart because part of me went with you!!

  • Abhishek by Abhishek, India
  • 10 years ago

I lost my twin newborn sons on 20 June 2014. They struggled a lot for a breath before me and I saw them dying helplessly.
Thank you so much sir for this poem which made them alive once again for a moment.

  • Barbara Crocker by Barbara Crocker, Colorado
  • 10 years ago

It has been 1 1/2 years since our youngest son stepped into heaven at age 21 Christmas morning 2012. Adam had surgery and radiation for a brain tumor, but within 6 months our handsome son was in hospice in our home. He knew and we knew the end was near. He was at peace with all of us and was unafraid to meet His Maker and Teacher because he trusted in Jesus as his Savior. Although we all miss Adam greatly, a parent's heart may be the most grieved when their child passes. I have read all of the posts following the lovely poem written as a tribute to the author's son: the grief of so many is nearly unbearable. As a Christian, I know that my great hope does not exist in this temporal world, yet the pain does persist and will be life-long. Time does help. Looking heavenward definitely helps. Adam's last words to me in a surreal, supernatural dream were "Unspeakable joy, Mom.' Knowing that heaven is real has brought me the most comfort.

  • Nicole Binion by Nicole Binion, Warren Ohio
  • 10 years ago

I lost my son 10 months ago he was 16 and my oldest son and my baby boy from a asthma attack and the hospital took over 6 minutes to come out to the car to stare at my son and the doctor says he is in a cardiac arrest, is he on heroin, never did CPR or gave him oxygen. It was to late when the doctor took him in the hospital and then try to bring my son back the worst day of my life Sept. 14 2013 and my life hasn't been the same since. If it wasn't for my younger 2 I would be with Marquise.....and this poem is beautiful

  • Gina by Gina, North Carolina
  • 9 years ago

My heart is broken for you!! I have no faith in the medical industry at this point in time and these are exactly the reasons why!! I'm terribly sorry for your pain... No mother should EVER have to live through the death of a child. It's just horrific.

  • Indianapolis by Indianapolis, In
  • 10 years ago

Eighteen days ago, my life changed forever. On June 8, 2014, my 29 year old youngest of two sons Derek told his two daughters that he was going to take a nap on my bed for a few minutes. I went to my room after he had laid down an notice I didn't hear him breathing but thought he was asleep. I left the room, but came back about 15 minutes or so later to get him up and discovered he had lain across my bed and died rather suddenly and unexpectedly. People keep telling me that the pain eases up. But, I see his face when I discovered his still body across my bed. I still see his lifeless body as they took him from the house. I don't know how I'm suppose to keep living without his laughter, and the sound of his voice. He was the spark, the light of our family. I keep trying not to think about my son but he is there in my front brain. Your poem says so elegantly what's going on in my mind and heart. I selfishly want my son back. I miss him so much. 18 days. When do I stop counting the days.

  • Yvetta Brown by Yvetta Brown
  • 10 years ago

Our son and only child David died of a gunshot to the face from a twelve gauge shot gun on February 17, 2010 and died almost immediately in front of his dad and I. We miss him so much and I wish every day if only I could see him one more time. I share your pain and thank you for these words. They are very comforting. Stay well

  • Abby by Abby
  • 8 years ago

Hello Yvette. My youngest son of 24 years old was murdered in my driveway shot with a machine gun (mitraillette). My house is armed with cameras. And yet I could see the horror and yet cannot identify him. This happened September 18, 2015. I am living in hell since that day, and for the rest of my life.

  • Sharon Brown by Sharon Brown, Ojai
  • 10 years ago

My son fought Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease, to his final breath on Oct. 18, 2013 at the age of 23. As most of you a numbness comes with loss. Our brains and hearts were not programmed for the loss of a child. I feel as if I am caught in a nightmare and tell myself to wake up so I can hear Zack say "I Love You Mom" and get a big Hug. My heart is broken and things will never be the same. The pain remains deep within my Heart and Soul. Nothing will ever be the same. A piece of my heart went with you so you did not go alone. Tears flow, sometimes out of nowhere, sometimes from memories or for the hopes held for what should have been your future.
You did not get to experience being a Dad and you loved babies, you would have been the best Daddy. Your zest for life was immense and you were grateful for each day. Taken too soon. No more birthdays you will remain "Forever Young". I Love You Zack, To The Moon and Back, Forever and Beyond-Mom.

  • Kads by Kads, Calgary
  • 10 years ago

I lost my 18 month son in 2008. In his brief time he brought to me and my family love and joy in profound and copious measures. Loved him and will love him forever with every heart beat. The grief and pain that I go through everyday is a mirror image and reflection of yours and I try to fill it with the lovely memories and his awesome smile. Your words
"I hear it mentioned often,
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain"
are very dear. God bless you.

  • Sheryl by Sheryl
  • 10 years ago

I lost my 23 year old to a heroin overdose. Found him in bed passed away. Doing CPR and screaming for him to breathe as husband called 911. I'm so grateful for the 23 years I had with him and that he died in his house, in his own bed but he was my best friend and can't get over the loss. Now have complicated grief disorder, post traumatic shock and severe deep depression. can't work in 7 mos. now and can't stop crying over deepest lost I'll ever know. He was so kind and compassionate and loved me so much. I know he's in heaven! 'Wish I was with him. The pain never stops!

  • Eric Brown by Eric Brown, Frisco Texas
  • 11 years ago

My son died December 14, 2103, he was 15. . .

If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. I miss you my dear son. I love you and pray that you may know how much you are loved by those you have left behind. I pray God cradles you and protects you now. I am so sorry I could not. I miss you everyday in so many ways. Go in peace my sweet beloved son. . .

With all my love Monty. . . your dad

  • Rosemary Pino by Rosemary Pino, New Mexico
  • 11 years ago

On the February 29, 2008 I lost my son he was only 11 years old. He was at school and he got hit head and it caused an aneurysm. They tried to go in to fix it didn't work. So he got a stroke and he landed up brain dead. So the next day they unplugged all the machines. 2 minutes later he was gone. Every day get harder. He had a twin sister. Reading these story really helps me because there others that went thought the losses. Thanks to you all.

  • Emma Miller by Emma Miller, Millersburg
  • 11 years ago

To all the hurting parents that have had a son go to his final resting place. My youngest son of 4 kids (3 sons and 1 daughter) was killed on June, 17th in a car accident when 3 teen age boys went out for a peaceful Sunday noon lunch after church. Their life and our whole families lives have changed forever. He was a passenger in the front seat and had had just told his buddys to make sure to make sure they all had there seat buckles on, not sure did he have his buckle on because he was thrown out of the car. The other boys thought he had his buckle on but because he was thrown out the officals think he didn't, but that's niether here nor there - his death was coded as basil skull fracture - he was killed june 17, 2012 -at the age of 17 - born Jan 7, 1995 - he was always looking out for the underdog and the less fourtent. He loved young kids they all remember him with the big kids that gives high fives. I am honered to be a mother of an angel - hugs to alll !

  • Sherry by Sherry, Columbus
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son, Richard, on Sep. 28, 2013 of an apparent accidental drug overdose of heroin, cocaine and Xanax. He was just 18, enrolled in a scholar program at the State College and worked 2 part time jobs. He was a brilliant, quiet, polite young man with so much to offer. I still am in shock knowing that he even took those drugs let alone knowing he took enough to end his life. He had been out late the night before. My last text from his was him apologizing for coming home late. I found him in his bed that morning. It was so surreal, as I gave him CPR while calling 9-11. As all the parents on this site can attest to, it is a pain that can't be described. A part of my life is gone, never to be found again. I may see small rays of sunshine again, but never will there be joy. I miss my son so much, I can't even put it into words. I just try to get through each day, and it is very, very hard. I pray for all of us to find strength in each other to help ease our unbearable pain.

  • Lisa, Ohio by Lisa, Ohio
  • 8 years ago

I lost my only son Andrew, age 34, on May 15, 2016. He was found unresponsive early that morning after drinking the night before. He also had an accidental overdose of Xanax and hydrocodone. He also suffered from cardiomyopathy and he died in his sleep.

He left behind his beautiful wife, five beautiful children, tons of friends and family that love him dearly and miss him every day. Andy loved life, was always kind to people, helped others, and was always a giving person and hard worker at his job.

It's been four months since he left this earth, but it seems longer, and I miss him every day. I go to put flowers on his grave, talk to him, look up to the sky and know he is in Heaven. Why this happened I will never understand, but I know the Lord took him home for a reason, and he is in Heaven watching over all of his children, family and doing something very important for God. Until I see him again one day, Andy you are forever in my heart.

  • Sue by Sue, WI
  • 11 years ago

My youngest son, Michael age 33 left this world two days after Christmas on 12/27/2013. He was found at home by his father and the cause of death is still under investigation. I know in my heart that he overdosed. He had been clean for over one year and was looking forward to regaining custody of his two youngest children ages 4 and 5. Christmas was the happiest day for my family. When I left to return his children to foster care, Michael kissed me on the lips, usually he just kissed my cheek. I will cherish that kiss forever. Now I do not know if I will ever be able to celebrate again. Michael's father brother and sister are not handling this tragic event well. I understand that God has a plan for everything He creates, but right now my heart is so broken. Part of me is gone forever. Rest in peace Michael, Michael Motorcycle. I will love you always.

  • Lilongwe by Lilongwe, Malawi
  • 11 years ago

I lost my 4 days old son Leeron Jeremy on the 7th of January 2013 and today it's exactly one year. I miss him everyday, and all I do now is wish he was here. I know my life would never be the same without him but I know he is safe in Gods hands, everything happens for a reason. Rest in peace my son. I love you so much

  • Dianne Trinidad by Dianne Trinidad
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son Russel in April 2013. He was the perfect son a mother could ask for, words cannot begin to explain the pain and heart ache me and my daughter Rachael are feeling. To all the parents who have lost a child keep praying it;s the only healer. The words of this poem explains exactly how I feel. Reign in heaven son till we meet again. Thank you.

  • Ann by Ann, Northern Ireland
  • 11 years ago

Our vibrant, inspirational, loving and much loved son went to be with the Lord in March 2007 - also aged only 25. He died after a short and unforgettable illness.
The gut wrenching pain of missing him is still deep and often unbearable. He is talked about so often - still so much part of our little family - the memories of his precious amazing life, which was dedicated to Christ, go on like the ripples when a stone is thrown into water. We thank God for the legacy and testimony of the impact he had on so many for good and for God. We look forward one day to seeing him again in Heaven, where we will never be separated again. We live our lives by the BUT GOD.... He knows best and we trust Him even when we don't understand. God bless all of you mums and dads who have had to part with your sons or daughters. When parents die, we become orphans. When our spouse dies, we become a widow or a widower. When our child or our sibling dies - there is no word to described it!!

  • Elaine Zamora by Elaine Zamora
  • 11 years ago

Your poem is beautiful. I lost my son on September 24, 2013 he was 17 years old he shot himself 5 day's before his 18th birthday. We don't know why he did this I have so many unanswered questions. This poem is exactly how I feel. I have so much pain in my heart, he will never be forgotten and will be in my heart always. I am very sorry for all the losses.

  • Bobbi B. Wellington by Bobbi B. Wellington, Mo.
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son 1-9-13 in a horrific car wreck. He was 3 miles from home. A women hit him head on. My son was 18 the youngest of 4 children. He was gone an hour and a half and they had already transported him to the funeral home before my husband and I found out. I feel like my whole world has came to an abrupt stop. I can't seem to get past it. The images of him and his car haunt me daily. I look at his pictures and think about what his future could have been. He had so much potential, and in an instant it was taken away. You are so right in saying that it's not fair and I would have traded him places in a heartbeat. I miss him so much that I hurt daily and sometimes I can't even concentrate. Thank you for writing this poem, it's absolutely beautiful and has so much truth. I miss and love you so much son. I can't wait for the day I get to see you and hold you in my arms again.

  • Marion by Marion, Tunbridge Wells
  • 11 years ago

I have found great comfort on reading this poem. I have just lost my only son Peter following death by suicide. His marriage was ending, his home was sold and he was bankrupt. He was too proud to ask for help even though we offered it, he was unable to take it. This was on June 15, 2013. I am left with a wonderful little grandson of 15 and all the love in the world for my darling son.

  • Kathy by Kathy, Las Vegas
  • 11 years ago

Your poem touched my heart, Thank you. Beautiful. I lost 11 Month old Danny Jr in 1978, Dennis Michael 28 years young. The days, seem long, the nights lonely. Not a day goes by without them in my heart. 2 miscarriages, that years ago, were never talked about. I carry them with me also. I also find comfort knowing one day we shall be together again. So many tears and pain that we keep inside, and show others only a smile. Sending Hugs, and Prayer's to each of you. Thank you Kathy

  • Vickie Granberry by Vickie Granberry
  • 11 years ago

Your poem is an exact refection of my feelings. I lost my only son and only child on September 28, 2006. He was alone and wasn't found until 14-15 hours later. He was 28 years old. There are days that my heart hurts so badly that I just don't think I can stand it. I miss him more than words could ever convey and he is in my thoughts daily. You don't ever get over this kind of just have to learn to get through it and it is a step by step journey that is so difficult. I find comfort in my faith in God's promise that I will again be with my wonderful son.

  • Sharon Solomon by Sharon Solomon, Jordan
  • 11 years ago

It is so painful even to mention it...I lost my only son Shadi on Oct 25 2012 to a long battle with a genetic disease for 16 years & 10 months. He was a living saint he knew no sins he lost his sight at the age of 6 and kept having complications but he never blamed anyone for his problems. He never even said GOD 'why me?'. Everyone who saw him fell in love with him and used to pray for him to heal. I still cannot believe he is gone I miss touching his soft face like an angel. My heart cries for him all the time and wishes he comes back to me. I have lost the will to live anymore I just want to go where he is, as for 16 years & 10 months he was in my arms and I can't see my life without him in it. I don't know how could I even breathe after his heart stopped. Take me Lord to my baby.

  • Reva M. by Reva M.
  • 11 years ago

William was murdered.

He was a son, brother and dad. He was shot five times, once in the head the four times in the torso. William was 25 years old. He was a "good kid", literally. He raced cars, traveled with his Nana, looked after his older sister. At 25, William was ready to accept his job with Area 51. He accepted his responsibility as a father, and gladly accepted his role as soon to be "step father".

William was murdered on November 21st, 2012.

His mother phoned me screaming "WILLIAM IS DEAD". Those words will haunt me forever. Life has changed, everyone changed.....

  • Peggy Rickard by Peggy Rickard, Lewiston Ny
  • 11 years ago

My beautiful son Jesse died on January 10th 2013. I found him lying on his bedroom floor and he was dying. He was 16 years old and my baby boy. I had 5 days with him on life-support which gave me time to say good bye and to touch his warm body. My life will never be the same. I am having a hard time with this.

  • Gerry by Gerry, NY
  • 11 years ago

My son Eric 'RIC' was killed on Sept. 8th 2009 by a drunk driver. He was 43.
The man who took my sons life was three times over the legal alcohol limit, it was 7:22 a.m. To wake up everyday knowing I will never hear I love you mom anymore because of one man's careless and reckless behavior makes me sick. My son had so much living to do, children to raise and will never get to see his girls accomplishments.
All I have now are memories, photos and some ashes behind a glass china cabinet door. Your poem hit me hard as I wish God would have taken me instead. Ric was my only son and only child. God be with you and thank you for putting these feelings into words. I just need to say I love you honey, be with God and RIP. We will be together again.

  • Karen Parkins by Karen Parkins
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this poem that is beautifully written. I as well lost my son Justin Michael Chandler. He was 23 yrs old and passed on Dec. 31, 2011. We were so very close and I begged him not to leave. But he promised he would be back shortly, and with a kiss and big hug I said, "please be careful Justin" and a returned response " mom I'll be okay, I promise", I really believed I would see my baby later that night. Well, I didn't. My Justin passed away from accidental overdose. Justin was so cute, funny and loved people. So, I am sorry for everyone's losses because I do know your pain!! LI thank you for sharing your story, you have helped me know there is someone is out there that can relate to my pain. My Justin was so giving, loving and my best friend!!!!! So perfect, always taking the positive out of something even if it was negative. I think about him first thing every morning and last thing before I go to sleep. I can't wait to see you my angel, I love you baby!

  • Molly by Molly, WV
  • 12 years ago

My beautiful brilliant son Shane ended his life on March 16, 2009. Now four years later I sit here sobbing. The pain will never go away I know. It just ebbs and flows. My little two year old grandson was here yesterday. He looked at one of the many photos of Shane and asked, "Who's that?" I told him it was his Uncle Shane. He asked, "Where'd Shane go?" I didn't know what to say and was afraid I would break down. Then Ronan settled it himself and said with knowledge beyond his years, "Shane's at Shane's house."
If you google "Nathan Shane Straight memorial" you can see the web site I made to honor him.

  • Yolizma by Yolizma, Brownsville
  • 12 years ago

Me. like all of you, lost my son. He was the youngest of four boys and only 25 years of age. My son was run over and killed on March 18, 2012 while he was running practicing for a marathon. It's so terrible to loose a son. Me, like you, wish it was me and not him. He had gone twice to Iraq. He was a Marine. He had a baby boy who was only nine months old and a beautiful wife he had married one month before his death. He was my support and my love, he was always there for me. How can you live a life after your son's sudden death? The love of my other three boys and grandchildren help me cope with this pain. I love them so much.

Thank you for such a beautiful poem and thank you mothers for sharing with me your pain. I really miss my sweet son! I just ask myself why? Why him? But there's not a response.

  • Wendy Englund by Wendy Englund, Minnesota
  • 12 years ago

My son Andy passed on 12/21/12 from a car accident
I don't even have the words. My heart is broken.
I tell myself to breath and take one step at a time. Nothing will ever be the same. I miss him so much. Your poem is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  • Elaine by Elaine, Northern Ireland
  • 12 years ago

I have three sons, all of them so precious. One of the hardest things is actually when strangers ask how many children do you have? What do you say? It's also surprising how many times people ask that question! My oldest son Andrew aged 31, died on the 26th February 2012. Diagnosed with Cancer on the 9th February, it was such a shock... I just wish I had gone first. This is a beautiful poem. Thank you x

  • Ashford by Ashford, Kent. England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my eldest son Kieron on 25th September 2012. Exactly 2 months ago today. He would be 19 on new years eve. He suffered heart failure after inhaling aerosols.
This poem is scary how close it is to how I feel. Even down to the talking to his picture.
We didn't have enough room for everyone at the funeral so his friends gathered together and organized a memorial for him for the day after at their local youth centre where Kieron spent a lot of his time. Everyone did tributes, either by poems, readings or by singing his favourite songs. It was lovely. They also bought in lots of their own photos, most of which I'd never seen as they were taken by mobiles at the time. One girl in his year at school painted a portrait of him which is just stunning. I now have it hanging in my lounge with a quote beside it. It reads "a picture is worth a thousand words, but the memories are priceless".
This poem is just beautiful, thank you. X

  • Gladie Kazaluckas by Gladie Kazaluckas
  • 12 years ago

My only son Joshua died of a Heart attack suddenly on Dec 23, 2006 at the age of 24. I still miss him as much today as the day he died. Your poem speaks everything I feel about his absence. It will be 6 years and the ache is just as raw. I lost his Sister as an infant and I raised him as a Single parent so I am left alone with no Grandchildren to look forward to. Thank you for writing this poem.

  • Dorothy by Dorothy, Bryantown Maryland
  • 12 years ago

My son Donnell 34 is dying of ALS. He cries everyday he wakes up because he does not want to be here. Donnell went from 350 pounds down to 160 pounds now, right in front of my eyes. He is my best friend and I am very afraid of what I may do or say when the time come. My stepdaughter have stolen all of his pictures. She is trying to make the funeral arrangement also behind my back. I have to be home with my son all the time because he like a new born baby. He has become trip in his body and the only thing that works is his brain pretty much. My husband is a juke, I told him that we are to do this together. She always has her nose up into to everything, with two kids, work in the gov. and homeless because she do not like paying bills. It's so hard to enjoy the last day with my son. Afraid very afraid. Your poem sums up how I feel thank you.

  • Josephine Rice by Josephine Rice, Belfast N Ireland
  • 12 years ago

My only son Michael suffered a massive heart attack on 25th August 2012 and was declared clinically brain dead on 26th August which was his 45th birthday. He passed away on 27th August the day before my 67th birthday and life will never be the same without him. This poem sums up exactly how I feel and my thoughts and prayers go out to every mother who has lost her son.

  • Kim Arnold by Kim Arnold, Hereford Uk
  • 12 years ago

My beautiful son Luke sadly died 22/07/2012. Luke is 26 yrs old & he was & still is my world. He had been dead all alone for 12 hours, not being able to be there to save him or hold him in my arms is so soul destroying. I cannot bear the thought of him being all alone for so long. We have after 12 weeks been told results from his autopsy showed no drugs or alcohol, but they think anaphylactic shock. We are still waiting on what the pathologist thinks. I dread them not being able to tell me what caused my sons death, I don't think I can cope never knowing. For the first few months I felt like I was living in the dark on the other side with thoughts of suicide to comfort me. When I buried him I was going to go to him to hold him & love him. I ache so much to touch him, but I knew I had to stay for my youngest because I love him so much to, but he is the only reason I am here. I live this sad life for him but no longer for me. I cry every day & LOVE MY SON WITH ALL MY HEART & I THANK YOU FOR YOUR POEM.

  • Lisa Varalli by Lisa Varalli, Phila
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son Michael Spurlock on February 7th 1999 due to a drunk driver. The ironic part was it was his best friend. Robert was drunk and driving my son home from work, a trip that should have only taken 10 minutes. Robert reached speeds exceeding 117 mph when he lost control of the car and crashed into a utility pole. The worst part was Robert fled the scene without calling 911. Robert was convicted and served 6 years 1 week for that decision that took my only son. I live life, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, feel, or just want to hear him say "Mom".

  • Lynne Alas by Lynne Alas, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

My second born son, Jarrod, died Sept. 24, 2012.....16 days ago. He was 24 years old. Two young men his age were angry with him and waited for him outside of work where they shot him multiple times. Once in my baby's beautiful face! He was so very handsome, not a fighter, ever the peace maker, he probably didn't think twice about those guys that were angry with him. It was senseless! The pain is so intense and I cringe each time someone says, "I know how you feel, I lost my dad, grandmother, cousin, etc." and I want to say , "No, you have absolutely no idea how I feel!" this poem was helpful but even more so reading of others who have put into words what I feel because, unfortunately, they have felt it too. I am just now finding how little things, like a picture with me, can bring me some comfort, but that is fleeting because I hurt in my soul and there is just no escape from the pain. I will never hear him say, "My pretty mama" again. Thank Everyone for sharing.

  • Carol Caldwell by Carol Caldwell
  • 12 years ago

Sadly, we have a common bond. It touches my heart to read your stories. I share your pain. My first born, Chad (24) was KIA in Mosul, Iraq, 30 April '08. He was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army. He left behind two young sons. I think of him every day. Time seems to stand still...I can't believe it has been almost 4 1/2 years. Hang on to the memories and your child will live forever with in you. Always in my heart and always on my mind...Miss you My SonShine!

  • Ginger Ross by Ginger Ross
  • 12 years ago

This poem expressed many of the feelings I have everyday after losing my 21 year old son, January 7, 2011. He died unexpectedly and totally by accident. The times we had I will cherish forever and as I look at his pictures, they are good reminders of the times we shared. So many times I wish I had taken more pictures at more events, family gatherings, more of his activities, or those quirky funny faces he made... some of the moments I now only have as a memory. Your poem reminds us that the pictures are what we have left to hold on to. The pain is hard to endure but the pictures help us to remember those precious times and keep the memories alive. Thank you for sharing your poem. And my heart goes out to all those who have lost loved ones too soon.

  • West Palm Beach by West Palm Beach, Fl
  • 12 years ago

My son's birthday is today and it's been 28 years since he was born and although he was only 10 weeks old and past due to crib death there is not a day, a smell, a season or a holiday that goes by that I don't think of him and what he would look like or his accomplishments he would have made or his family to be. I can only think like the poem says that God needed some rosebuds in heaven for his garden and trust in Jesus and why he was taken from us. Now 28 years later he has a sister and two bothers and a niece and a nephew and I feel very blessed to have them in my life. I am thankful for the time we had with him. Happy birthday Jason Blake Screen, you are missed everyday of my life.

Love your Mom

  • Tammy Lorenz. Tacoma by Tammy Lorenz. Tacoma, Washington
  • 12 years ago

My 25 year old son committed suicide September 30, 2012 I lost my 66 year old dad 2 days before my birthday 3/20/2012, from a routine colonoscopy still recovering from loosing my dad and now my son the pain in unbearable. This poem hits every point I would make about him, but in my state of mind right now I wouldn't be able to get such a great poem put together like this........R.I.P MICHAEL ALWAYS IN MY HEART ALWAYS ON MY MIND AND NEVER FORGOTTEN...

  • Jane by Jane, Campbell River B.C.
  • 12 years ago

I lost my son Kyle last year Oct.21, 2011 to a preventable roofing accident at work. He had just turned 25!! It seems like yesterday, and I will never get over it. The emptiness inside is very painful. I cry everyday and miss him so much. Your poem says it all. Thank you, God Bless everyone who has lost a child <3

  • Wendy Barrios by Wendy Barrios, Amite Louisiana
  • 12 years ago

My co-worker lost her 3 year old son in a drowning accident at a Florida hotel this weekend while on a family vacation. I posted this on her Facebook page and she loved it so much that she asked me to read it tonight at his services. Thank you for writing something that she can connect to during this very hard time.

  • Anna Smith by Anna Smith, Brewster
  • 12 years ago

My son Matthew was 23 died on 6/28/11 in a small plane crash. I miss him every day and this poem was true to my heart. Although he was not my only child my heart still has a hole where he belongs. I am hoping there is a heaven where we will meet again with my father. There is not a single day that I do not think about my son Matthew and there will never be a day I won't think about him. Some people do not understand but I do not care. I loved/love him soooo much. I will never hear him say he is having a baby or getting married which hurts so much. Thank you for this poem.


  • Darcelle Thompson by Darcelle Thompson
  • 12 years ago

We lost our son Brent D. Small on Saturday, September 1, 2012. I cannot begin to describe those feelings. It just happened so suddenly. I read the poem and found that I had the same feelings. I also read other stories and I am so sorry for their loss as well. What I do know about our loss is that we will meet again and that God does not make mistakes. Yes, each day & each hour is so painful. My heart hurts. I cry everyday and my life is forever changed. I remember all of our times together, and how he lived and loved life and that makes me smile. We had such a loving relationship and I was proud to have him as my son. He had a uniqueness & the ability to touch everyone whom he met. He was such a blessing. God had to claim his angel and just remember, God needs some young people in Heaven too. I will always have Brent in my heart, just as he has taken a part of my heart as well. He is securing my spot until we see each other again. BRENT WE LOVE YOU. OUR LOSS IS HEAVEN'S GAIN!!

  • Kim Schwind by Kim Schwind
  • 12 years ago

We lost our son Robert 'Rob' Schwind on 6/4/2007. He was 26 at the most exciting part of his life. He was struck and killed when a distracted teenage girl driver turned left across traffic into the path of his motorcycle. He never had a chance to avoid the tragedy. We hope and pray he was taken immediately, my heart continues to ache with the thought he died in pain.
Rob and his Dad had just started a new electrical installation company and that died that day too. Rob had the credentials. Rob was a beautiful person loved by many. 57 motorcycles escorted him from the church to his final rest. Over 300 of his friends stopped to see him, signing the guest registry.
His loss was profound and felt in our community. A memorial ride brought out hundreds of motorcyclists three days after his death and continues annually.
All because a young inexperienced driver, more concerned about buying sunglasses at 9 pm than pausing to take a second to look, turned at an intersection.

  • Laura Battin by Laura Battin, Oregon
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 21 yr old son 5/2/12 Joey's smile will live in my heart forever. God willing I will see him soon.

  • Dee S by Dee S, GA
  • 12 years ago

My son Ja'marcus went home to heaven on June the 9th. He was attending Auburn University in Alabama. There was a fight he was trying to break it up and the guy shot my son and two other young men multiple times. I miss him so much he was my gentle giant. I hurt so bad I can't describe it. He was loved by so many. I will never ever forget him he took apart of me with him.

  • Oralia Texas by Oralia Texas
  • 12 years ago

I lost my oldest son 5/3/11 and every day that goes by I miss him more and more, gone too soon is what every one says, your poem also made me feel that I am not alone. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  • Amy P by Amy P, Wyoming
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 3 month old son in a car accident on July 12th 2012. I found your poem and it made me feel not so alone. Thanks

  • Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

I was looking for a poem to say at the 1 year memorial gathering I am having for my son, Gregory. It will be one year on Friday, as he was killed in a motorcycle accident on 7/27/11. He was only 23 and loved by hundreds of people already. I could not see him, as he could only be identified by the cross tattoo on his back. I hurt and ache everyday since, some worse than others and the tears actually burn. I just can't imagine a future without my only son but my daughter needs me here. I just want to give him one last kiss and hug. No one, I mean no one understands this suffering but you beautiful parents here. All I can do is pray to survive this tragedy. I pray for all of us and our children everyday. I am so blessed to have had Gregory for those 23 years.
Thank you,

  • Sheila B. by Sheila B., Indiana
  • 12 years ago

My son Matthew drowned on his 29th birthday May 26, 2012. . My daughter answered the phone the evening my son passed. She couldn't' understand what the young man was saying about Matt. She handed me the phone and I heard," we couldn't find him." His best friend couldn't control himself. I said your just joking he said he wasn't. I asked where my son was he said they took him to the hospital. I called the hospital and asked about my son. They forwarded me to another person. I kept asking, "Is he gone." She kept saying, "I'm sorry." Not thinking I kept asking, then it hit me. He was gone. When I got to the hospital I was told I would be the only one allowed to see him and that I couldn't touch him. Worst moment of my life! Now I wait for answers, his co-worker and friend has been charged in his death. Life just getting tougher he left 3 children. They are beautiful as was Matt. I don't know why I sought out this site but your poem has touched me to my core. Thank you

  • Heather by Heather
  • 12 years ago

Dear Deborah
This poem has touched my heart. My son passed away in July 2002, aged 13 years. Tomorrow would have been his 23rd birthday. I would appreciate borrowing your beautiful words, if allowed, to leave a note of remembrance for him. His name was Ben also. You have a very special gift to be able to word such emotions and sentiments so beautifully. I would like to be able to tell you that time heals the wounds however, my experience is such that time simply teaches us how to live with the wounds. My heart goes out to you and everyone here who has lost a son.
God speed

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Bronx
  • 12 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I lost my baby on July 4th 2003 he was 2 1/2 . I was in the hospital right above the boat show for the fireworks in NYC, perfect view that became the worse day of my life, trusting the doctors that end up taking my babies life. I held my lifeless baby as the fireworks went off at 9 pm. Every one celebrating Independence Day and it was the worse day of my life till today. I miss and love him soooo much love you Christopher waiting for the day to hold you in my arms again

  • Andy Lanzing by Andy Lanzing
  • 12 years ago

On 01/12/2009, I received a phone call at work that told me our 22-year old son Matt had been taken from us. He was found dead in his apartment in Ithaca, NY. He was a senior at Cornell University and had just returned from spending Christmas with us - his family - only 2 days earlier. He was the 1st of his roommates to return that weekend, so he had been alone at the time of his death and about 36 hours had passed before he was found.

As his birthday (July 3rd) approaches, however, sadness often overtakes us and so I write this message as a means of reminding myself (and our family) what a truly special person Matthew was and how blessed I was to have such a son.

Your poem truly catches the essence of living with this unique type of loss and I thank you for sharing it with us all. Bless you.

  • Chris by Chris, Greenwood
  • 12 years ago

Tomorrow will be five years since my two-year-old son passed away in a drowning accident. His mother (my ex) was not paying attention and he walked right out of the house and jumped into the swimming pool of the guy she left me for. My heart weeps for my son, my soul burns for justice and revenge, yet it is more pain from knowing that as you mentioned in your poem, the loss of years promised and the fact that he was my EVERYTHING takes precedence over all other emotions and factors. I still struggle with learning how to live without him as my ONLY reason for existence. The greatest thing I have ever done (AND EVER WILL DO) was to create such a beautiful and loving child. He was perfect and a rather large piece of me died with him. Thank you for putting into words the legions of feelings and emotions that are, quite honestly, sometimes impossible to explain. May God bless you and watch over you in the coming days and years.

  • Australia by Australia
  • 12 years ago

I was going through Poems for my mother and found this and as we lost our 37 year old son it caught my eyes. I miss him every day and we have photos around our house which we always had but it can not replace our beautiful JA

  • Mary by Mary, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

Thanks, Deborah, for sharing your poem. And thanks to everyone for sharing their stories. It helps, somehow, to feel less alone in my pain. I lost my only child, my son, when he was 29. It was almost 3 years ago, but I suspect it will never stop feeling like yesterday. And the truth is, as much as it hurts, I don't want it to stop feeling like yesterday. I don't want it to ever feel like years and years and years since I have seen my son.

It is so impossible to really explain it to others - the soul-crushing, overwhelming pain of this. I know everyone thinks I am doing very well, because on the surface, I am functioning fairly normally and well these days. But in truth, I am never, ever, OK, and always feel a split second away from screaming.

  • Janelle by Janelle, Hurstbridge
  • 12 years ago

It has been 3 months since my son Ashley left us, to go to heaven, he was just 23 yrs old. We miss him so much and love him, think of him every day. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a child, the most unbearable pain. Our lives go on, forever changed! The hardest thing to bear, to know we can never hug them or see them, be comforted in the fact there beautiful spirit is all around. His spirit free, forever loved and missed by those who knew him. In my heart forever <3

  • Val by Val, Carletonville
  • 12 years ago

Love the poem! One of our twin sons aged 34, was shot dead in a hijacking in SA on 3rd February 2012. He had just arrived back from Cape Town after a very successful week. They took his car, abandoned it 3 Kilos down the road and fled. Being in South Africa very little is being done by the police to track down these murdering criminals. How do we get closure when this scum is out there???

  • Marti by Marti, Havre De Grace Md
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son, Mikey on February 23, 2012. Mikey was 15 he left behind his dad, me and his sister. I miss him more and more everyday. So far we only know that it is suspicious death. His biological father and step mother found him in their home. I just do not know what to do with out him.

  • Chris Friesen by Chris Friesen, Boise
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son on June 5,2011. Andy was 34 years old. He committed suicide by using a gun and blew his head off. He had texted me earlier in the day asking me to forgive him for any and all pain he ever caused me. I'm so lost without him. He was a veteran of the Iraq war and was in treatment with our local V.A. They had no clue he was about to do this. He leaves behind a 8 year old little girl. I feel as if I've lost my mind, I cry all the time, and I write him all the time. And I constantly ask God why him? But then I realize that is a question I can have the answer for. Your Poem says it all, Thank you so much.

  • Tanya Jones by Tanya Jones, Oxon Hill
  • 12 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. I lost the Joy of my life, my only child Marcel who was 22 years old on November 24, 2008 because someone wanted to try out their new gun. Reading this poem was as if I wrote it myself. My son's picture is the first face I see when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep. I also kiss his picture everyday. I do not know how it truly feels to lose a child, from the time I was told I went numb and have been that way ever since. I cannot cry and really miss him very much.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, USA
  • 12 years ago

I want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I lost my only son almost 7 weeks ago he was 22. It was sudden and I still have no answers. This pain is just unbearable :( I am sad to see so many others are enduring this heart wrenching pain. My love and prayers go out to all of you.

  • Pam Macvittie by Pam Macvittie, North Tonawanda
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son Frankie on April 23,1988 he was 24 years old engaged to be married .He had a massive brain aneurysm. I had just talked to him that afternoon I had no idea those would be the last words I would ever hear. I miss him every day.

  • Ron by Ron, Santa Rosa Ca
  • 12 years ago

On April 4th 2012 I lost my son Bret at the young age of 23 from an accidental prescription drug overdose. Bret was a wonderful son and friend. He recently graduated from college and started a new job. I miss him every minute and am struggling day to day. Thankfully I have a wonderful daughter and wife to be here for. Your poem touched me! I am sorry for your loss.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

I lost my beloved son Patrick Daniel 17 months ago and I just cannot get over it. Patrick had so much love in him, and was so popular his friends set up a R.I.P page on Facebook that I take great comfort in reading, but still I hurt so much I put on a brave face but deep down I do not want to be here I just want to see Patrick again. My father passed away after a very short illness 7 months ago and I take comfort that he is away to look after Patrick who was only 27 years old. I miss them both very much but feel guilty that I don't think of my father as much as I should. Patrick I cannot get him out my head he is so sadly missed and I love him so so much.

  • Valmy by Valmy, Denver Colorado
  • 12 years ago

I just read this beautiful poem and immediately felt your pain. On 04/20/2012 it was 18 years ago that I lost my son who was only 2 1/2 years old and would have been 3 on 07/07/1994. He died from an accidental gunshot wound, and it was easily the most horrible day in my life. I too spoke to people who said time would heal, and I didn't believe time would ever heal me. Today I feel my son all around me and I am so thankful that I know he is with God. He has blessed me many times during all of these years and has let me know that he is with me always. I use to believe that death was so bad, but I learned after reading "Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back" that it is a most joyous and comforting place to be with God. Please read this book and I hope it leaves you crying with joy and imagining our loved ones peace and happiness, we will be with then one day. Thank you for sharing your poem and everyone for sharing your stories. Be Blessed

  • Debbie by Debbie, South Wales Uk
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son on the 12/02/2002 in a road traffic accident four days before his birthday he was 23 yrs old. The grief I'm feeling is unbearable it's like a physical pain that doesn't go away. I find it so hard to understand why he was taken so young. He had a beautiful son who was only 3 months old with his girlfriend who he will never see growing up. I know I have to keep going for the rest of my family especially my daughter and grandson but all I can think of is being with him. The thought of spending the rest of my life without him near me and never hearing the sound of his voice again is breaking my heart.

  • Naina by Naina
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only son Nikesh, 31 years of age with my daughter in law Parul, who was only 25 years old. They were travelling together in a car to Mombasa with their little baby girl Jeeya, who was only 13 months then. This all happened on 7th January 2011.
Both of them left me with Jeeya. Life hasn't been same ever since. I have to live for Jeeya, though from inside I want to go away to my son. The pain of missing them is getting worse day by day. I wait for them everyday, I talk to their pictures. Why did they leave me so early, I cant even ask god BUT I MISS THEM TOO MUCH IT IS VERY PAINFUL.

  • Cynthia by Cynthia, Ca
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much for this poem, I lost my son 15 days ago and my heart is in pieces, but your poem did put a smile on my face and explained exactly how I feel about my son, wish I had your talent Thank you

  • Susan by Susan, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I pray for God's grace for all these tragedies and those yet to be posted. I have read each story with much burden for each family member. I have only one son, 31 and I am blessed that he is still with me. I read and write this because I have friends who have lost their son, one only few weeks ago. I read her grief and am at a loss to help her cope. I do not know the loss of a child and thank God daily for His mercy. I would very much like to share this poem with her on Facebook, but see it is copywritten. But I do believe she may benefit from the precious words you have penned from your heart. Please email me your permission. For now I will post your website. Thank you. May you all find comfort in God's grace. As much as you want your son with you, know that God gave His son for us and that through Him we may receive God's gift of His great resurrection and be reunited again. Only God can carry your burden of grief. Praying for each of you.

  • Stefanie Walfield by Stefanie Walfield, Alabama
  • 12 years ago

On April 11, 2001, I lost my first born, Dante Lansing, to meningitis. A truly horrid disease. He was two weeks shy of his third birthday. He loved vanilla bean ice cream, Scooby Doo and Toy Story I and II and me. I miss his sweet smile, wonderful laugh and hugs and kisses. There is not a day that goes by that he is not on my mind. What hurts the most , is the pain never goes away, never goes away. I know God doesn't put more on you than you can handle, but sometimes I wonder, how strong He truly believes me to be. It's been eleven years, and it seems like yesterday that he left. I'm still so sad, some times more than others, but I mask it very well with the help of grief counseling. But the truth is, I'm still really pissed off, I want to punch someone or something and scream until the pain goes away, but it never goes away, never goes away.

  • Charlene Mason by Charlene Mason
  • 12 years ago

On April 10, 1987, God gave us a son, a grandson, a brother a nephew, a friend and his name was Jonathan Mason-Davis. Not only was he a blessing to us, he was a blessing to everyone who knew him. He never gave our family a moment of trouble. Simply put, Jonathan was a good boy who grew up to be a loving, honest, trustworthy, goal-oriented young man. Yet, twenty years later, when he was a sophomore at Ohio University Chillicothe, God re-claimed his child on February 4, 2008 while doing what he loved. He was at basketball practice and had just gone down the court to make a lay up and when he turned to run back he collapsed to his knees. He was a victim of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; some people call this an enlarged heart or athlete's heart. Jonathan suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while playing basketball. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. This poem reminds me of how much I love and miss him today!

  • Jim Meinert by Jim Meinert
  • 12 years ago

On April 4th , 7 years ago I lost my oldest son in a car accident. His younger brother was in the car also unhurt. I will never forget that day. My son Eric had a baby boy 3 years ago and named him after his big brother and now my grandson who will be 3 this month looks so much like his uncle that he won't ever meet. Although he's gone he won't be forgotten. I don't always understand everything but I try to believe that it was for some good reason that god called him home so early. Always loved and missed each day!

  • Debbie by Debbie, Alberta
  • 13 years ago

My son Jonathan died as a result of an ATV accident on August 1st, 2010. My father had just passed away from a heart attack two days prior. My fiancé and I were to be married August 7, 2010, and our entire family was to celebrate my grandmother's 100th birthday the next day.
As it was, I buried my father August 4th, Jonathan's funeral was August 5th, we carried on with the wedding on Saturday, August 7th and still managed to host my grandma's 100th birthday on August 8th.
We do not know what life has in store for us, and I am trying to live my life to honor both my father and my son.
Today would have been my son's 27th birthday.
Thank you for your poem from the heart. I find great comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my grief.
I call these saddest of days my HEALING days, as I take the time to remember my precious son and all the joy he brought to me and our family.
God Bless You All

  • Gill Chapman by Gill Chapman, Northern Ireland
  • 13 years ago

The words in your Poem really touched my heart. My first child, a boy died at 5 months, we waited 7 years for Darren to come along, we cherished him so much after losing Paul, but only a few weeks ago in January 2012 Darren committed Suicide, our lives have changed forever, both our children gone now, I'm 61 years old, I'm too old to have another child, our hearts are broken, how on earth can we live without our children, How? Darren was only 36 years old.

  • Riverhead New York by Riverhead New York
  • 13 years ago

Let me start by saying I'm sorry to hear about all your losses. My son Albert was my oldest son he took his life in 2004. The day he was born was one of the best days of my life. The day I got that phone call it was like this can't be happening to me not my sweet Albert. I have to go on every day and live and not see him I still wait for this nightmare to be over I starting to realize that a lot of time has passed and I keep saying were was I. It's like you're in daze a lot of times I feel like I'm drowning and I can't get air or when I wake up everyday upset because my Albert's not here to kiss me on my forehead anymore and seeing him laugh when he said mommy I love you more then peanut and jelly and I always would give him this look I said YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE P&J boy he would laugh and laugh and I cry everyday for Albert I'm trying to come back its just really sad that he is gone I will never forget my sweet ALBERT love & miss you mommy in my heart and soul and mind ooooooxxxxxx

  • Tammy Heck by Tammy Heck, Middlesboro
  • 13 years ago

I loved your poem. I lost my one and only son Jonathan Lane. It will be 5 years March 27th 2012. It wasn't even investigated they automatically said it was suicide, But I know better. My son was a happy kid, having trouble with a girl friend but still happy, He loved life to much to hurt himself. He was only sixteen. Someday the truth will come out.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Brisbane
  • 13 years ago

My son went missing on 27th October, 2003. He was missing for 5 years and 8 months before his remains were found. Your poem has put into words the way I feel. It will be nine years this October since I saw my beautiful boy. I have many many photos but the one thing I crave most is new photos of him - something I can never have. I love to hear people talk about him, sadly most people think they are doing the right thing by not mentioning his name, in case it upsets me. Truth is all I want is to hear him spoken about, it makes me feel like he is still here. I miss him with all my heart. Tomorrow is his birthday, he would be 28 and I find myself wondering if he would have a wife, children and what it would be like to have my whole family, complete with my only son. I would love to tell you that the pain eases, sorry I can't, because it doesn't. I do believe however as long as he is spoken about he is with me in some small way. Miss you Luke and Happy Birthday my darling boy.

  • Karen by Karen, Connecticut
  • 13 years ago

My son, age 27, took his own life on April 25, 2011. He committed suicide. My life is forever changed. People call me a survivor of I am collateral damage... I am not surviving his suicide...I am forever changed by it.

  • Kat by Kat, Nevada
  • 13 years ago

I enjoyed your poem, and read all these sad and inspiring stories, I lost my beloved brother Leon on December 23, 2011. He died of a heart condition none of us were aware of, suddenly and unexpectedly, I can understand your pain, I still don't understand and never will, I found him passed away in the morning, it was the hardest thing I had to see and deal with, I tried so hard to save him, but it was too late. I miss him so much it will be two months tomorrow and the pain is unbearable; the hole in my heart is void; and my soul aches, I know me and my family will never get over this and I know by seeing your testimonies, I know you all say that we'll be with them someday, but selfishly I WANT HIM HERE WITH US < ME NOW ! I love you bro, you were my best friend and still are, you have my heart forever more.. <3 love for ever your sis
Please be happy and safe, please wait for me and make sure I find you when we meet again one sweet day <3 I LOVE YOU MORE THEN I CAN SCREAM ; RIP my angel

  • Kilmberly by Kilmberly
  • 13 years ago

I lost my beautiful son on 11/19/12 and this poem spoke to me. It was a tragic accident and my heart will forever be broken!! I will always love him and miss him. Thank you for sharing your heart touching poem.

  • Mary by Mary, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

My 17 year old son, Thomas, collapsed and died on January 29, 2011. His death was from an enlarged heart that was not diagnosed. He was in the 12th grade in high school and had been accepted to every college he applied to. He wanted to be a physical therapist so he could help others. Thomas was an honor roll student, starter on the football team and took 3rd place for the state power lifting tournament. He loved God, his family and his friends. He is enjoying the glory that only our Father can give to him now. Thank you for sharing your poem.

  • Violeta by Violeta
  • 13 years ago

Sorry To hear about you loss. I lost my son Enrik on 8th of April 2011 in car accident, he was a passenger in car, he was 19 years old. I just feel so lost without him, I don't know how I'm still here. But I don't understand why people say that everything happens for a reason. I don't know any reason why my precious son died, he was such a lovely young boy and loved by everyone. We miss you so much Enrik xxxxxxxxxxx. Thanks for your poem, it was beautiful.

  • Jo Mckenzie by Jo Mckenzie, Garfield Hts
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only son July 11, 2010. It was the worst day of my life. your poem touched my heart in places I never knew I had. Today is his birthday, he would have been 23 years old. He passed away from an accidental overdose. Wrong place wrong time. My son did not do drugs. I wish we could have saved him. We weres 15 minutes too late. If we would have known the reason he quit breathing from finding him, we would have saved him, but we did not know he was injected. I miss my son so much. It's so hard being with out him. There's day where I rather sleep all day, there's days where I can't move, all I do is cry. I do not have the energy to work anymore. I can't accept the fact he's gone, and to be honest I never will. Thanks for your poem, it was beautiful.

  • Paul Pollard by Paul Pollard, London.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only child Chris on the 19.11.11. in a road accident. He was ran over and killed by a car driver on an unlit winding country road. Chris only knows why he was there and what really happened that night. I so wish I knew, it would ease the pain I am sure. It is hard to comprehend that I will never see him ever again. I try to console myself with the thoughts that as a single parent I spent so much time with him in his first 25 years that that will somehow make up for the loss of being with him the rest of my life, but somehow it doesn't seem to work in my head that way. I just feel so lost with him not here, more of my life has been lived as a parent than not, what do I do????

  • Marina Rocha by Marina Rocha, San Jose CA
  • 13 years ago

I lost my oldest son Martin Jr. age 24 years on 2-22-11 he was in a single car accident. They said he didn't suffer he died on impact. As if that made me feel better. At first I was able to count my blessing because three of my sons were in the car and one decided to walk home from the mall and my youngest son survived the accident with only a few scratches. I have pictures of Junior every where home, car, work I miss him sooo much...This poem was right on how I feel..were coming on one year since he left us, I know he's with the Lord because he was a good son, always willing to lend a helping hand and could light up a room with his beautiful smile, but I feel worse lately knowing that his one year anniversary is next month. I cant stop thinking of the accident and the days that followed the accident and I cry and cry...

  • Sharon by Sharon, SC
  • 13 years ago

My son was called to be with the Lord 1/8/2012. It has been 16 days of the most unbearable pain. My son is 24 years old and has two (2) sons. My oldest grandson will be 6 in May. My son and grandson lived with me. He had custody of his son since he was an infant. His bio mom never really bonded with him. She has since remarried and the day after my sons death they went to the child support office and asked if they had to continue to pay CS. They are interested in purely what benefits are available to them. I have not been able to cope with my sons passing and now have to deal with possibly losing my grandson too. Pray with me and Thank you for the poem.

  • Debbie Turner by Debbie Turner, Azle Texas
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son on Sept. 11th 1989, He was 15, it seemed like a normal day but raining. He had asked if he could take his sister to junior high and then him onto senior high. I told him No, brakes aren't fixed, windshield wipers need replacement and few other things and said that's why your working at the Dairy Queen after school to have the money to make your car drivable. So both of you get on the bus like you're suppose to.
After work I walked into my house and heard my son's stereo just blasting as loud as it could get. Well like every other mother I bust into his room to get onto him about the loud noise. And then I found him where he had stuck a 410 shoot gun in his mouth and blew his head off. I ran out screaming and about a few minutes later my boyfriend drove up and I told him what I found and then I just collapsed to the ground. My son will would of been 39 this year and I miss him more then words or poems can say. God bless every one of you who have lost a child.

  • Maria Monsibais by Maria Monsibais
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son Hector Gastinell JR. to a car terrible car accident. He was only 22 it's going to be four years this Feb. 26. He was my youngest of four children. My pain is still fresh like it just happened yesterday. Every year we get together to honor his life and I put a picture, flowers and a poem on the pole where the accident happened. I put flowers on Christmas day and someone took them down. Not only do I have to deal with my grief I have to deal with the Mother of the boy who hit my son. She told me that my son was no good and did not deserve me putting flowers on the pole and then told me to take my business across the street where the cemetery was at. What is worse is that she keeps taking the items off the pole. I don't want to be negative and blame anyone. But how can someone be so cruel? My son was a wonderful father he had a son with Down's syndrome and God does not give gifts like that to bad people. By the way her son lived.

  • Mark by Mark, Ny
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only son Nicholas on March 1st 2004, he was 21. Nicholas was born with Cooley's Anemia which eventually took his life...I loved your poem so much. I am always trying to put into words how I feel and although inside I know how I never comes out right when I begin to write....what you wrote was so perfect...I hope you don't mind me using pieces of it in a tribute page to my son for a charity event...thank you for such a beautiful poem

  • Ann Dinanauth by Ann Dinanauth
  • 13 years ago

My only son, Bishnu Dinanauth was killed in a car accident on the Southern State Parkway on 07/10/2011. He was driving when another car that lost control hit his car and sent him to a tree where he died. The other guy got away scot free with no injuries, just a damaged car. He lives a normal life while my son is dead and gone. My family and me are suffering beyond. My son was all our hope he was honest, sincere, kind, hard working and really good to everyone. Every word of this poem is true. Mothers feel this terrible pain forever.

  • Theresa McCoy by Theresa McCoy
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only son 1-31-2009. His name was Joshua. I found him 6 hrs. after he died, so they say. I was at work and came home and found him. He died suddenly of a heart attack, he was 24 years old. I can relate to you. It's been almost 3 years and the pain never, ever goes away.

  • Patti by Patti, MS
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only son Jason, 10-31-2006. He is my best friend, I journal. I always said if anything ever happened to my baby you'd have to put me in a nuthouse. Well I did go for a week. I am so blessed as my son left me with so many gifts, a poem Jay wrote in Aug. for my birthday
"Mom when you wake up in the morning,
know that the sun is shining just for you,
and when you hear the birds singing know they're singing a song just for you mom.
and when you go to bed at night know that you have plenty, plenty, plenty to be thankful for.

We waited 5 years to have my precious son, and I never missed a moment with him. At Disney when he said look mom, I'm getting hair under my arms! to the envelope reading "open this when you feel down" my baby was to turn 30 on Dec. 15th, a bicentennial baby. Jason dealt with bipolar and a dad issue, I buy big red balloons and send them off to heaven as I know Jesus gave Jay the dad/Father he wanted. they said homicide, I put it in God's hands as I do my mental being, just thanking God for strength and Jason my BIGGEST blessing on earth. I tell people when they say, I lost my brother, parent etc. DO NOT EVER MAKE THAT STATEMENT TO A PARENT WHO HAS LOST THEIR CHILD, GOD FORBID YOU SHOULD HAVE TO EVER HAVE YOUR LIFE CHANGED LIKE YOU CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE. to all of US, just pray! Close your eyes and remember the hearty laughter, the tight squeezes, all the I Love You Mom's and thank God for loaning us our loved one. SIGN. WILL NEVER STOP MISSING MY LOVING BEAUTIFUL TALENTED SON.

  • Wanda Sharp by Wanda Sharp, Junction Texas
  • 13 years ago

I can relate to this poem so much in 2006 I lost a son by drowning and the sure surprise has been an never ending nightmare and then in 2009 I lost another son to a fatal car crash and then again just beyond belief so I truly in my heart can hear her poem in every breath I take. Thanks for such a beautiful poem, and god bless

  • Tina Mayfield by Tina Mayfield, Manteca
  • 13 years ago

My Son Michael died on 11/17/2011 he was only 22 yrs old, the day my heart died as well.....the pain and emptiness that I feel there are no words to describe.. I know they say that time will heal my heart, but how can that be so, to lose a child, I think of him day and night. I know that I have to pull myself together and I have to continue on for my youngest son Adam 15. Thank you for this poem this describes how I feel .We always assume that Parents will always go before there children...but we know this is not always so, and for those of you that have lost a child my HEART aches for you.. God Bless

  • Rita Agee by Rita Agee
  • 13 years ago

My mom lost her son on March 18th 2008, in a fatal car accident, he was 29 yrs.old. I read the poem which was moving to my soul.

  • Brad Kennett Sr by Brad Kennett Sr
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Grandson on 10/2/11 He was only 13 years old, He was born 10/31/97. He was playing hide and seek and got inside a bean-bag. My daughter found him. when she called to tell me and her Mother she was crying so mush I couldn't understand until she said Ian had died, My legs gave out. My grandson spent his summers with me on the lakes and mountains of Maine where we fished, hiked or just went down the lake for evening rides in the boat, I think about all the FIRSTs he'll never do like his first kiss, first car, first love,, He played the violin and the French horn, I hurt So bad, I hurt for my daughter she'll hurt for the rest of her life. If your reading this you may have lost a child I'm sorry for you and all the pain, He was my grandson and it's been almost 2 months now, he's the first thought I have when I wake up in the morning and my last thought before I go to sleep I'm missing my Ian so much..Bless you

  • Pam by Pam, Spring Grove
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son Eric, 24, on 11/28/2010, 3 months before he was to marry his fiance. He was killed by a drunk driver, who thankfully was arrested and will be facing trial soon. This past year has been the worst imaginable and the only reason I go on is for my daughter Sam, 20. Your poem captured so many of the feelings I have. I am sorry for your loss and everyone's here. I do have to comment on the poster Maddie, that said "she has experienced loss and remember your son is in a better place now". PLEASE do not ever say that to a grieving parent ever again! The only place a parent wants their child is with them.

  • Festus Mo by Festus Mo
  • 13 years ago

I lost my middle son at age of 23, on June 25, 2008 to suicide. That morning I received the phone call will always haunt me for the rest of my life. There isn't a day go by that I don't recall that terrible call. Andrew lived away from home and I had no idea that he would have ever done this. I was aware of him having a hard time dealing with his brother, (my oldest son) returning home from the military and suffers from PTSD. Its a big struggle. Andrew was not only my son, but we were best friends. I was in IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) for 18 months and have finally come to terms that this is what Andrew wanted, no one made him do it. I miss him so very bad. I am always looking for poems for loss of a son, and this is one of the best I have read. Parents are always suppose to go before there children. I wish I had the chance to say goodbye...........

  • Sherry by Sherry, SC
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only child (son) on June 20, 2009, in a car accident, he was only 22. I remember whenever I would read in the paper or see on the news about parents losing their child, I just felt such horrible sadness about what they must be going thru and thought to myself there is no way I could deal with losing my child. Then my worst fear came true and honestly I don't know how I'm still here. The only thing I think about is being with him. I don't know what my purpose is anymore. I feel empty...I feel myself going back in time almost as if I think I can change time so that my son's accident can be avoided and then he could be here with me again. This is just so wrong that our children die before's just wrong.

  • Suresh C by Suresh C, UAE
  • 13 years ago

Your poem is heart throbbing, I lost my one and only beloved son Sampath in an accident on 12th July 2010, after we celebrated his 8th birthday on 2nd July. We are facing the worst time in our life. Your poem says everything that I feel. We are all facing the crucial situation in life, pray to god almighty to give strength and peace to pull through the days.

  • Sherie Morgan by Sherie Morgan, MI
  • 13 years ago

My only son died on July 12, 1989 in a single car accident on a dirt road. He had just turned 17, he would be 39 yrs old today. As I read this heart wrenching poem, I remember oh so well how I would have gladly traded my life for his. Yet after all these years when I see a picture of my son or someone brings up a story about him, I am still racked with this deep pain that goes to the very core of my soul, a place inside you that you never knew existed, this place so deep that only a parent who lost a child knows about. Yes, time does ease the pain as life goes on. But you will never ever be the same. How could you be, when a part of you is no longer with you, that defies the circle of life. I no longer think of him a thousand times a day, maybe only a few times now, which kind of makes me sad. I feel I'm loosing an old companion, the constant called "thought and pain". What has helped me through this is that knowing that everything happens for a reason. Everyone's story here is dealing with fresh pain that my heart so aches for all of you, .... and mine.

  • Jana Casborn by Jana Casborn, Fairfield CA
  • 13 years ago

I lost my youngest son Benjamin S. Colvin on 10/10/10 he was only nineteen years young my heart aches. Thank you for sharing your poem..broken hearted.

  • Jim & Roberta by Jim & Roberta
  • 13 years ago

Our only son JIMMY, passed away August 18th, 2005...He was 13....he died the day before his 14th birthday. He was diagnosed with Leukemia, when he was 11, Make-A-Wish granted him a wish, and he wanted to go to Disney World in Florida, and we did. He never complained, he was a brave boy, he asked me one day "Mom, what did I do to get this?" my heart just broke...and I hardly could answer him, his sister had her first baby and she named him after her brother..we are blessed in so many ways, that God chose us to have and hold one of his precious angels, I have a decal on my back window of my car, it reads...."I once held an ANGEL in my arms and Jimmy is his name."

  • Ernestine Ross by Ernestine Ross, Lackawaxen
  • 13 years ago

As I write this note, my heart is breaking. I lost my 44 year old son on 10/23/2010.
I was communicating with him on Skype early in the morning of his death and he died in front of me. Your poem is so beautiful and expressed my feelings in a manner I was unable to. I will treasure it for the rest of my life.

  • Paradise California by Paradise California
  • 13 years ago

My oldest son died suddenly on April 11, 2011, he was 24 years old 10 months and 4 days old. He was found in his room by my Mom (his grandmother) and after months of waiting we still don't know why, it's listed as unknown. Your poem was wonderful and explains just how I feel. I get up each day and every night that I go to bed I wonder how I made it through the day. I miss him terribly and cannot believe that this is now the reality of my life. So thank you for sharing this, it helps to read what others are experiencing to know that I am not alone and somebody out there understands.

  • Diane Anderson by Diane Anderson
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son Billy, the oldest of three boys to a car accident on July 10. 2011. It was about 13 hours later before he was found by his best friend.
I have had the worst time dealing with his lost and your poem says everything that I feel. I and very tired of people telling me that it will get easier with time, I don't see how that will happen. Thank you very much for your worlds of comfort.

  • Sandra Botsford by Sandra Botsford
  • 13 years ago

We lost our only son, Jay, and youngest at the age of 26 on September 8, 2010. He was apparently jogging and was found off of the path with dirt on both of his knees. They said it appeared as if he had just laid back. After 7 months, the coroners were unable to find any reason for his passing. We understand your pain. It would have been his 27th birthday in two days. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Only one who has lost a child can truly understand the constant pain of the loss but we await our glorious reunion one day in heaven.

  • Lesley Whitcomb by Lesley Whitcomb, England Uk
  • 13 years ago

My son died on the 28th May 2011. He was in work. He was sitting having a rest break. Stood up, collapsed and died. So quick, So sudden. He couldn't be revived. He was my eldest of 2 sons. 31. He will be 32 on 25th August. Your story mirrors mine so much. Your words, if you had been asked if you would take his place. So many times I have said the same. I wish they had taken me instead of him. Reading your poem has given me comfort. Knowing someone else shares a similar pain. The UNBEARABLE PAIN of loosing a 'CHILD'.

  • Denise Jackowski by Denise Jackowski, Muskegon MI
  • 13 years ago

I just lost my 22 year old son Justin who was living in Colorado very unexpectedly on June 28, 2011. He was my baby. I just want to let you know that your poem touched my heart that aches so much. It is so hard for me to go on each day. I know my life will never be the same. I am filled with so much grief.

  • Connie Bausman by Connie Bausman, Jackson TN
  • 13 years ago

Lost my oldest son Dan, 46 on 5/31/11 in a industrial accident and we can't sue. My heart is broken and I don't want to go on. I can't get past 5/31 how do you go on with life. I miss him so much, still so angry can't cope. Still cry all time pain never goes away.

  • Gena Vallejo by Gena Vallejo, OH
  • 13 years ago

WOW This really got to me I lost my 25 year old son on 12-31-10 with a bullet to his head in front of my face and I still can't manage to get the images out of my head. I hurt so very much to wake up every day and not have my first born here but your poem has given me more strength to keep going. I have pictures of my son all over my house and I look and smile at him cause that's the only thing that comforts me. And I keep praying to God to comfort my pain and also comfort all the mothers that lost their child...

  • Marietta Ripley by Marietta Ripley, New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

My Johnnie died suddenly on Nov. 18 2010, your poem explains my hurt. He was only 35, had a wife and daughter and living the American dream, he was my only son and oldest of three. The pain will never stop.

  • Diane by Diane, Connecticut
  • 13 years ago

My son Ziggy died suddenly and unexpectedly on June 30,2011. He was 31 years old and just starting his life and career as a RN. He was the eldest of my three sons. I found him hours later after he had died. Your poem touched my heart and soul. Sums up the emotions of all grieving Moms. May we find some comfort knowing there are others who know our pain. Peace and love to you all.

  • Karina by Karina, Massachusetts
  • 13 years ago

My son Derek passed away 12/29/2009. He would be 3 years old on July 7th and there is never, ever a day that goes by that I don't miss him, think of him or look at his pictures. Your poem is perfect. I am sorry for everyone on this page.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Scottsdale
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Middle son Joshua in a fatal car accident July 20th 2007, one month after his 18th birthday... My heart hurts every day, he just had a birthday June 20th and turned 22 this year... Not sure if my heart will ever heal... I want him back, It's not fair he had to die so young. Thank you for sharing this poem... and I'm so sorry for your loss..

  • Anna by Anna, Luling
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son Derian 6/6/2010 to cancer. Not having any control of your child leaving "home" is the worst feeling, he passed away with me by his side. I'm still healing. I felt his last heart beat and it is the most painful moment I've ever had in my life. He had just turned 8 years old on 4/26/2010. I miss him and love him very much everyday!

  • Manchester by Manchester
  • 13 years ago

my son was found dead 7/5/2011, age 28 years, we have got no answers to how he died, just that it's suspicious, we have got to wait for an inquest. My heart is breaking, and your poem is just how I feel, it's beautiful,

  • Mrs.Swaraj Yadav by Mrs.Swaraj Yadav
  • 13 years ago


It was tragic end of my son's life. His death is still an unsolved mystery for me. Though it was ruled as suicide by the police of Goa. Mystery in the sense, because I did not find any reason of committing suicide by my son till today. Though I am trying every hook and corner to convince me, but I failed.

  • Mary Carney by Mary Carney
  • 13 years ago

I lost one of my two sons on Jan 13,2011. I miss him so much; some days are so unbearable--thanks for putting in to words some of the things I feel--and now our children are a part of our future not our past and we will see them again

  • Maddie by Maddie, Australia
  • 13 years ago

Wow! This poem is beautiful no doubt, but still.. So sad. I must say your poem touched my heart. It must have been so hard losing your son, I know what it is like to lose someone so close to you and it really is terrible. Death is horrible no doubt, but your son is in a better place now and I'm sure he is looking down on you and sending you little signs to show he is still around, if not in flesh and blood then in spirit.

  • Carol Dillon by Carol Dillon, Wintersville
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son on 9/17/2008. He was 27 and he also died suddenly and I found him hours after he had died. Your poem touched my heart as I also miss my son so much. He was my only child, too.

  • Natasha Il by Natasha Il
  • 14 years ago

My 5 yr old son passed away on June 10 2010. He would have been 6 on July 7th. it was the worst day of my life.. finding him gone in his bed giving him CPR hearing the gurgling in his throat..not being able to bring him back was the worst. I miss him so bad. It hurts more and more everyday beautiful poem thank you

  • Donna Lantz .Florida by Donna Lantz .Florida
  • 14 years ago

I lost my wonderful son on June 19 2010 in a terrible car accident I didn't get to see or touch him didn't get to really say goodbye. I still see awful images in my mind all the time one day I hope those go away. I know he is with God now but I still want him Back how do you keep going??? My son was US Army Sergeant stationed in FT Bliss doing all the right things in life and to go so young makes no sense to me...I keep praying

I lost my one and only son 6 days and 1 year after your beloved son died. You put into words exactly how I feel and I love you for it!

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