Son Death Poem

Letter From God After Death Of Son

My son was disabled from birth and was so courageous in his fight to live his life to the fullest. God blessed me and trusted me to care for my son in every way that a parent should. Our son taught us lessons far beyond his short life, but now our Lord has called him to be peaceful and to experience a rest that the physical life did not offer. I did my best as his mother while I was able to hold, nurture, care, and love him. Now I trust that God is taking care of him. My son is blessed.

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I lost my oldest son, Kegin, on June 29, 2020, in a vehicle accident down the street from his home. He was 22 years old. He and 3 other souls were taken in a single vehicle car accident. They...

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When God Comforted Me


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

From heaven he was delivered
As a baby unto you,
When God said to me softly
I'm trusting you to do
Everything that's needed
To nurture and to love.
He's your little angel
Sent from me above.

You see...spirits cannot be
Held, hugged, or kissed.
The body that was his vessel
Is what you'll surely miss,
But his spirit that I shared with you
On that one special day,
That is what I promise
To never take away.

So he is back in heaven now
The earth was not his place.
He taught you all he could
About dignity and grace,
So as you grieve and weep
To see him once again,
I promise he's waiting here
When you get to heaven.


visit Colleen Mclean's site

  • Stories 42
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sue Ralston by Sue Ralston
  • 3 years ago

We very recently lost out 41-year-old son in a horrible accident. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him, which is tearing us apart. He is in heaven now, with other loved ones. The good Lord has much better things in store for him. This is the only way I can find any comfort in his passing, but I know one day we will all be reunited again. Oh, what a glorious day that will be! Thank you for your beautiful poem. It stirred my soul! GOD BLESS YOU!

  • Dalanda James by Dalanda James
  • 3 years ago

I will lost my son to gun violence 08/02/15, six years ago, he was only 25. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It still feels like it was yesterday. My heart still aches for him .

  • Anne Rollins by Anne Rollins
  • 4 years ago

My only child, Christopher, had been a health nut for a few years, even asking for seconds of vegetables. He led an outdoor life with many friends, along with his Siberian Husky. He had friends of different religions and ethnicities who ranged in age from 9 to an 80-year-old man. His life changed when he decided to spend more time at home with me, saying he was tired. Turned out he had Hodgkin’s Disease for which he was treated with chemotherapy that caused him to vomit. For a year and a half, I watched him deteriorate quickly. One of his doctors asked my permission to use Christopher with a variety of chemo, but I refused because when asked if there was a chance he could be cured, he said, "No." Was I wrong? Christopher John was just 21 years old when he passed, and I am still devastated. If anyone is interested, check out The Worldwide Cemetery, which is a wonderful site that you can visit anytime, add pictures and send messages. Friends and relatives can also send pictures and messages.

  • Linda Snyman by Linda Snyman
  • 5 years ago

My son, Chris, 22 years, died on February 17, 2019, in a car accident along with 2 of his friends. February 21 was his 23rd birthday and also his memorial service. You never get over the death of your child; you just learn to live with it. The one thing that leaves me so powerless is the thought of never seeing his beautiful face again or hearing him you, my mother.

  • Pamela Kerr Lessor by Pamela Kerr Lessor
  • 4 years ago

My son Bradley transitioned on July 12, 2020. He was 27 years old. He was an only child. Bradley was ASD and struggled with health issues. He was doing well and putting his life together. He died peacefully in his sleep. Sunday will be his service. It will be limited due to Covid concerns. This is the hardest pain and deepest sorrow that I have endured. I know his soul goes on. I appreciate all the love and kindness in his memory. Gone too soon. Forever in my heart.

  • Sharon J Spivak by Sharon J Spivak, North Carolina
  • 5 years ago

My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine what you and your family have endured, and I'm so very sorry that you've had to suffer through this, and yet your poem is so gentle and loving. It truly reads like a prayer written by Divine Source. How interesting you did not turn your back on whatever word you use for God - Source, Universe, the One. Many do. I am in awe that you have come through this, been able to nurture your family and allow your feelings to be so beautifully woven into the words of this poem. May the memory of your son be a blessing. Please know that you are a blessing to the rest of us.

  • Lorraine Ewing by Lorraine Ewing
  • 5 years ago

Almost 2 years ago, on July 2, 2017, our little town lost 4 boys: Billy, Dustin, Austin, and Keith. They ran a stop sign at 3:45 in the morning and crashed into an oncoming car. Both rolled. The boys' car caught on fire.

  • Margariet by Margariet
  • 5 years ago

We lost our amazing son on 6/7/2017 in a fatal car accident. He was only 20 years and 20 days young. Our hearts that are shattered in so many pieces. In a few days he would have been 22...but now he will be 20 forever. Miss my darling AJ more than any words can him to eternity...

  • Rahab K Mukiama by Rahab K Mukiama
  • 5 years ago

My name is Pastor Rahab K. Mukiama. My son, Chris, committed suicide by hanging on 3/17/2019. While it has been very difficult for our family, we take comfort in God's word and promises. I have found comfort in verses. Psalms 139:6 "Our days are numbered..." Romans 8:28 "Everything works for good to those those who love God and are called according to His purposes and pleasure." God creates each person for a purpose, after which you leave earth. This is God's secret. Deut 29:29 says, "Secret things belong to our God." Those who die in Christ Jesus, though the physical body dies, they live. And like Lazarus and Abraham who believed God and went to heaven when they died, my son is also in heaven being ministered by the angels to wipe away his suffering. My son was born again on March 13, 2013. My happiness is that my son is with God. At times when I miss him, I ask God to tell my son that I still love him in death. And I look forward to when we shall be united in heaven. I will cherish him forever.

  • Debbie by Debbie
  • 4 years ago

I lost my son forever in April 2020. I won’t ever understand. I ask that Lord to help me understand the things I cannot ever undo or fix as a mother. I have tried so hard to go to his grave, and I ask him what he’s doing there. I look at a Mass card and ask I ask, “What are you doing here?” The family is broken. No words to explain the feelings I know you experience.

  • Diana Ayers by Diana Ayers
  • 6 years ago

Twenty-two years ago this month I lost my son to a gunshot wound to the right side of his neck. He was 16, one month from turning 17 to the day. He had gone to stay all night with a friend and was not seen alive by his family after that night. It was a weekend for a couple's retreat from what I was told. They had gone to Busch Gardens without me giving him permission. The next thing I heard was my son was missing he hadn't shown up for his shift. It was then I knew it would end in tragedy, and sure enough the next day we found him in a field posed with a rifle in his hand by a stack of rotting sweet potatoes. It later came out at bus stop that friends had killed him, but it didn't matter to the police. They wouldn't believe the girl who overheard, saying she was bipolar. I asked why they believe crackheads as informants. I talked to anyone still to this day that might be able to help in my quest to honor my son by friends who aren't as true as they said.

  • Maria Martinez by Maria Martinez
  • 5 years ago

I lost my 26 year old son. My only son out of 6 kids. It was just two months ago. It's been so hard for me to see him in pictures. At times I feel like I can't do this. I'm surrounded by all my daughters, so why do I feel so alone? Please tell me that it will get better because right now I am so heartbroken.

  • Joan Kisska by Joan Kisska
  • 6 years ago

Our Kevin passed away on January 28, 2017. It was also a daughter's birthday. Thirty-seven years ago, when he was baptized and the priest asked for his name, this same daughter replied, "God has given us a gift from heaven and we are going to call him Kevin." Now we say, "Kevin went to heaven at the age of thirty-seven." His birthday would have been 2 weeks later on February 14th and on his calendar he had written, "Save the date, I just can't wait, today I will be thirty-eight!!" Last year on his first anniversary of passing, I heard in my mind, "Please don't whine, I am fine. I wasn't meant to be thirty-nine!" This year I am hearing, "Lordy, Lordy, I won't turn forty!!" No, Kevin, you will be forever thirty-seven and we treasure every single moment of them....

  • Bill H by Bill H
  • 3 years ago

Joan, Steve and family,
I only recently heard about Kevin's death. I am so sorry I was not able to convey my respects at that time - I remember gratefully your kindness and help when Brian died.
I understand your sadness, and I pray for your family.

  • Consolata Wangui by Consolata Wangui
  • 6 years ago

I lost my 26-year-old son Kevin on August 25, 2017, through a tragic road accident. He was coming home with friends and they had an accident near home. The car rolled, and among his four friends he was the only one who died. My life is never the same. I think about him daily and cry over a young life snatched from us. As the anniversary comes near, my heart is broken, and I feel like it's just yesterday. The pain is all over again. I know most parents go through that pain, so I am not alone. Your stories of working through your grief encourages me. I have two more children whom I love and thank God for daily. They are every day grieving the loss of their big brother. Therapy has really helped them to journey on despite their pain and many questions. As time goes, we will learn to live our "new normal" without our loved ones and keeping their memories hidden deep in our hearts since no one will ever take that from us.

  • Jeovana Sullivan by Jeovana Sullivan
  • 2 years ago

I lost my oldest son, Kegin, on June 29, 2020, in a vehicle accident down the street from his home. He was 22 years old. He and 3 other souls were taken in a single vehicle car accident. They slammed into a tree. My life will never be the same. I have 4 more children to care for.
I often find myself "absent" or an empty shell to my children. As time goes on, I feel so suffocated that I haven't seen or heard his voice. How can life keep moving on? It doesn't seem fair.
I do find a small percentage of comfort in hearing that I'm not a alone. But I'd much rather not be in this lonely club. I know we will be reunited. I just hate how I don't know how much longer until I am able to stop hurting and be able to see him.

  • 5 years ago

I lost my son, my only child, Kevin (32), in a motorcycle accident on July 10, 2019. He was such a fine young man, beloved son, wonderful dad and a loyal friend. He is sorely missed. Love you, Kevin.

  • Rachel by Rachel
  • 5 years ago

I lost my only son Kevin at the age of 15 on April 22, 2016, to blood cancer. I know how you feel. I, too, feel so broken at times and console myself by reading these quotes. Hold on; we will all meet them one day in heaven.

  • Tom Pradkac by Tom Pradkac
  • 6 years ago

So sorry for your loss. I understand completely how you feel. I lost my 26-year-old son due to a motorcycle crash. Things will never be the same for me. We are in this together. God bless us.

  • Julie Beard by Julie Beard
  • 6 years ago

My son, Jordan, was taken from us in a tragic accident while on his first lad's holiday. He was 20 years. He was my eldest son and first born child. The 10-year anniversary of his passing is coming, and the sadness and pain and utter disbelief is still with me. The pain and sadness is so utterly unbearable. My life changed forever. My mind still says, "Why him, why me?" I just live each day as it comes the best I can, if only for my other precious son, Ryan, who is my rock and keeps me going until the day I can reach my precious Jordan.

  • Ross Thompson by Ross Thompson
  • 7 years ago

John (JT), it has been 12 year exactly to the last time we saw you. If I had known, I would not have let you go to Toowoomba that day. I still see you waving good-bye with your arm out the window of the car, the car that would steal your life. I miss you so much!

  • Vanessa by Vanessa
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mentally and physically handicapped son, Adam, 3 weeks ago. God gave him to me to love unconditionally, and I did. I feel empty. I know he is now an angel without limitations. He was also blind but opened my and my family's eyes to a beautiful person. I love you, Adam.

  • Sylvia Mumba by Sylvia Mumba
  • 4 years ago

I feel your pain as I also had an elder brother who was mentally ill and we loved him. He was beaten and left in the bush to die, but a good Samaritan found him and took him to the hospital where we found him, but 3 days later he died of internal injuries. My heart still bleeds. It's 5 years now on the 6th of June.

  • Daniel Dean Moya Jr by Daniel Dean Moya Jr
  • 8 years ago

My son, Daniel, died January 17, 2016. He was 30 years old. He had a lot of medical problems but what took him from us was the medication given to him by a doctor after a hospital stay. He suffered with seizures, a lot. And was given a medicine to help him sleep and he never woke up from that. The pain of losing him lives with us every day. He was a kind and giving person, always helping others who needed help. We miss him so very much. He will always be remembered as a big part of our family with much love, pride and memories.

  • Susmita Goswami by Susmita Goswami
  • 7 years ago

I can feel your pain because I lost my 21 year old son on July 9, 2017. He had cancer and suffered a lot. He knew he would most likely die, and I can’t get over the trauma of seeing his immense pain and helplessness. But he was extremely courageous and constantly gave me courage that everything will be fine. He was a good student of computer science. He had a lot of dreams that he will not be able to fulfill now. I don’t know how I am surviving. Maybe I have to stay alive for my elder son, but inside I feel I am dying every single moment. I know you are also feeling the same. I can’t say that with time we (the grieving mothers) might be able to cope with the loss, because I know it will never happen. Time doesn’t heal the grief of a lost son. It just teachers us to live with the pain.

  • Cathi Morse by Cathi Morse
  • 7 years ago

My son just passed on May 2, 2017 this week, age 34. Complicated by kidney disease. My daughter donated a kidney years ago, and he was doing great, until his doctor gave him Lipitor. Within weeks his kidney failed, and my son suffered horribly for the next 13 years! I feel your loss as mine!

  • Katrinka Nance by Katrinka Nance
  • 8 years ago

My son died on June 13, 2015 while on a canoeing trip with friends at Buffalo River here in Tennessee. William Harris was his name. He was a fun loving person. He drowned at the tender age of 19. He was my middle child. I finally found peace in knowing that Will was okay. Yes, I was in denial that my son was dead but God allowed me grace and mercy to live on.

  • Lorie Sanders by Lorie Sanders
  • 8 years ago

My 16 year young son died September 10, 2016. He was in a single vehicle accident. I find myself with so many feelings. I, too, seem in denial some days. But days like today there is no denying. My son is not here to ask me what I'm cooking. My son is not here to bring his sweetheart over for dinner. I could go on and on, yet I have 2 daughters.

  • Mable Ann Murphy by Mable Ann Murphy
  • 8 years ago

I hope your pain goes away and only wonderful memories remain. God bless your family.

  • Victoria De La Rosa by Victoria De La Rosa
  • 8 years ago

Today is my son's birthday! He left this world 13 yrs ago, and I think about him every single day of my life! To this day I also feel guilty, you see my husband and I were in Europe when he passed! He was a juvenile diabetic but I never thought in a million years that he would die! He was gone fast, suffered a heart attack. He was young, handsome, smart, a beautiful soul! I miss him terribly!

  • Toni Moreillon by Toni Moreillon
  • 5 years ago

I am so very sorry for the death of your son. I just wanted to say I lost my only son and child to juvenile diabetes. He was diagnosed at age 5 and he did so good all the way till the day he died. I can't believe diabetes killed him. It just happened so quick and he was air cared and never woke for six days at which time I had to let him go for his brain was, you know.

  • Sherise Pelizzari by Sherise Pelizzari
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son on July 22, 2010 to suicide, he was 24 years old. He was my soulmate, the love and joy of my life. It's been almost 6 years and I still don't know the reason why. I feel so guilty that I didn't see anything . I was his mother and should have seen something. I still go to therapy every other week. Everyday continues to take great effort to face and get through.

  • Wanda Douglas by Wanda Douglas
  • 3 years ago

I understand your pain as well. I lost my son T.J. to suicide three years ago. He was artistic and had a intellectual disability. He was 23. Yes, it's as if it happened yesterday for me. Unfortunately, I just lost another son on November 2, 2021, to the same tragic incident, suicide. I haven't laid him to rest yet. I'm numb. He was 30 years old and had a daughter, but the hurt and guilt of not being able to save his brother ate him up. I thank God I have another son, my oldest. We hold each other up.

  • Erma by Erma
  • 7 years ago

Praying for your heart to one day heal. Your son is now your guardian angel. Blessings to you.

  • Danielle by Danielle
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son 4-6-16. Almost a year ago. It has been a daze. My son was a paranoid schizophrenic. He was the sweetest, most loving person. I constantly think what could I have done differently? He went from "normal" to dead in one year and 4 months. I thought it was the drugs he had done. I thought he would be ok. Never in my wildest fears did I think he would die at 22. I'm sorry for your loss.

  • Fran R by Fran R
  • 8 years ago

Dear Sherise, your submission touched me. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your son. Truly, I know your pain. I am right now packing a bag to travel from Michigan to Las Vegas to attend the funeral of my 47-year-old son who took his life on December 6. I am going through motions in numbness. This tragedy has been a long time coming as he had had a very long history of mental illness, complete with a bi-polar diagnosis, drugs, alcohol abuse. And, I believe, the treatment with many, many dangerous psychotropic prescriptions that may have made it worse .... who knows? All I know is that he is gone, and I pray to God that he is at last at peace. He was married to a lovely women and the father of two great kids, who are of course, devastated. I truly believe, Sherise, that our sons are in a much better place. I pray for your comfort, and I thank you for your contribution to this forum which allowed me to offer a tiny bit of comfort to you. God bless you.

  • Jersey City, NJ by Jersey City, NJ
  • 8 years ago

I was very touched by this poem I had no idea words of comfort were titled in such dialogue. I lost my only child (son) on June 26, 2012. Jermar drowned while visiting family. My entire world changed the numbness you endure. And such pain you wouldn't want anyone to endure. Reading poems and hearing others experience gives me comfort because I understand that I am no longer alone.

  • Carmen Compean by Carmen Compean
  • 8 years ago

I can relate to this story. I lost my son last year on July 30th 2015, he also drowned. He was going to start his 3rd year of college. He came home to visit, he lived in San Marcos and he was so happy to be home. He went hiking with his cousin in Palos Verdes and ended up jumping in the water, and never made it home. I miss him so much, he was my youngest of 3 kids, 20yrs old. He was full of life, he loved an respected everyone. All my family is devastated and were trying to move forward. By reading all these stories it does help to know, I'm not the only one hurting. My faith is very strong and I know 1 day I will be reunited with my beautiful son Ricky, I love you baby.

  • Carla A Tanner by Carla A Tanner, Texas.Temple.United States
  • 9 years ago

January 5,2015
Woke up early for work. Walked into room go find my son dead. Unbelievable to me, I was thinking I was dreaming. Was the worst day of my life. I cried every night for a year. Couldn't understand why him? In February 2007 he had a inflection in his brain. May of that year caused him to start having seizures. He was never the same. Became depressed. He felt he couldn't do nothing anymore. Had a seizure every month every year till the day it took him out. I just pray for strength everyday to endure this. He was my only son.. This is something I will never get over. I don't think I will ever sleep the way I used to. Lots of sleepless night.

  • Nyora by Nyora, San Francisco Bay Area
  • 9 years ago

My son passed away January 5 2010 from a seizure. I totally feel for you. I have a lot of guilt because I knew he was seizing yet I did not rush him to the hospital. He used to get a seizure then fall asleep to later wake up tired but over the seizure. Well. He was DEAD and I could not believe it. Six years still I do not think I will ever get over it. Sometimes the realizing that he is gone forever gets so deep in my soul I get hot all over and I cannot breath.

I am telling you this to let you know that you are not alone. Though you will never be the same, you will get better as time goes by. I pray for you to get better. Your heart is newly very bruised. I send you warm thoughts and love - although I do not know you. But I know you cause I know your pain.

  • Marion by Marion, NJ
  • 9 years ago

My son, Jacob, was born with multiple birth defects and not expected to survive. He did and graced this earth for 18 years. He was my right arm, my sidekick, my buddy. I loved him more than I ever thought it possible to love another person and I hope he knew that! On the morning of October 13, 2013 I went into his room because he had not yet gotten up and that was unlike him. My youngest son entered the room with me and we found Jacob lying on the floor. He was already gone and had been for a while. He was dusky and cool to the touch and my whole world imploded. To this day, I cannot get that picture out of my head. I am still so angry at God for taking him back. I am so lost and hurting. And at the beginning, I was suicidal. I am no longer suicidal, but losing him has broken me. Your poem touches me perfectly. I am hopeful I will see him again one day, but there is a part of me that is afraid the end is just the end. Your words help me remain on track with the thought of Heaven.

  • Colleen Mclean by Colleen Mclean Poet
  • 9 years ago

I was graced with this poem the morning of my sons funeral. I had cried for the days following his death, asking God why? We all knew that my son Shawn would not live to be an old man. At one year old he was diagnosed with Marfans Syndrome. We all just thought modern medicine would give him greater chances to survive. He was 28, intelligent, caring, as independent as he could be. On March 18, 2012 while in the hospital, my son passed. I was depressed, angry, confused. How could he die while in the hospital with all the technology that I depended on to keep him healthy? God knew my son had enough. When I woke up that morning of his funeral I had this poem given to me by God. Words that were in my mind as the answer to why. Anxiously I wrote down the words and read it at his funeral. I am happy that it brought you comfort as well. God bless you and everyone that looses a child. It is so painful but I wish great comfort to anyone who experiences it.

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