Son Death Poem

Poem About Life Continuing After Death Of Son

My 26-year-old son died from injuries from an auto accident and was an organ donor. The organ donor bracelets phrase, "Life Goes On," inspired me to write this on the 3rd anniversary of his death.

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My heart reaches out to you. I lost my youngest son, Shawn in December of 2013. He would have turned 30 this coming August 9th. Tears fall as I write this, it never gets easier. I talk to...

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Life Goes On

© more by Cheryl McDonald

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

It's true what they say, when a child is born,
a mother's heart is no longer her own.
It runs and skips and giggles and grins,
And crawls in her lap for a kiss on the chin,
But where goes her heart, when that child is gone?
Is it true what they say, that life goes on?

A thousand ninety-five days, and the clock still ticks,
Three whole years, the months - 36.
Does the passage of time mean it should make sense?
Can loss be measured in time increments?
As I yearn for the day when I'll again see my son,
Is it true what they say, that life goes on?

I still breathe in and out and arise every day,
And work, and struggle, and yes, even play.
Things will get better, I've been told many times,
But "different" is the status for those left behind,
Time can't heal all wounds nor break all bonds.
Can it be true what they say, that life goes on?

In the air and wind, I feel your strong embrace,
And your kisses from butterflies that land on my face.
I see your smile in the beams of the sun,
The twinkle of your eyes now shines in Eden,
And I hear your laugh in the lyrics of song,
Is it possibly true, that life goes on?

It's strange to think that your heart still beats,
Inside some stranger, whom I'll never meet.
Does he know he carries a heart of gold,
From my sweet boy, who will never grow old?
So many lives saved by your own,
Yes - it's true what they say, that life goes on.


more by Cheryl McDonald

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Estela Ceniceros by Estela Ceniceros
  • 6 years ago

My son has been gone for 22 years, 2 months, and 3 days, and it still hurts. He was 26. The pain that comes with losing a child never goes away. It becomes part of your life. I have two beautiful daughters, four grandchildren that are my heart, and a wonderful husband, but there is an empty part in my heart that can never be filled by anyone or anything. Every time we make new memories I think if only he were here. Your poem is beautiful and I feel expresses what all mothers feel after a loss so big as losing a child. Thank you for sharing.

  • Paula Eagle by Paula Eagle
  • 6 years ago

My 32-year-old son died just one month ago today. He used to hug me and call me "Mama Dukes" because I like to box. I received his ashes yesterday mailed to me in a box that said "Cremated Remains" in big black letters.
I wonder how the postman felt delivering the package. I know not as devastated as I felt, but still he must have handled the package with care. I had held my son with such care, so much care and yet he slipped away from me. Whenever I think of his birthday, I cry because now I know his death day. Those cremated remains are all I have now to hold. The box is heavy but not like being hugged by him and being called Mama Dukes.

  • Tracey by Tracey
  • 6 years ago

Dear Paula, I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I am also a mother of two sons. My mom lost her son when he was 4 years old, and I know how devastated she was. Many years have passed since that day, but she still talks about him with such love after 40 years. I lost my dad last year and we're still grieving, but to lose a child is the worst. I pray that one day we will be together again, all of us who have lost our loved ones, and I believe we will. God bless you and your son. I know they say time is a great healer, but at the moment you won't see that, and I don't blame you. Peace to you.

  • Virginia Brekhus by Virginia Brekhus
  • 7 years ago

I lost my 27 year old son after a 5 year battle with testicular cancer. It turned out to be a type of cancer they had no research on. He was incredibly smart and funny and wonderful to be around. It happened 2 years ago, and I still cannot stop crying.

  • Wanda Nobles by Wanda Nobles
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son Timothy Tillotson in an SUV rollover where he was ejected even though he was wearing a seatbelt on Feb 2, 2007. He was 19 and my only child. My heart still aches today. He had such a beautiful smile and loved everyone, and everyone loved him. I have had open-heart surgery since this happened. My prayers and thoughts with all the parents who have lost a child. It has been 10 years for me. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem.

  • Evelyn by Evelyn
  • 8 years ago

My heart goes out to you! I lost my 19 year old son 2/28/2007 in a truck accident. He, too, was ejected. It's been a tough 10 years. Praying for you!

  • Sophia Hawker by Sophia Hawker
  • 8 years ago

My beloved son, my first born, Dave, went to be with The Lord on March 3rd 2016, due to a car accident. It's been 4 months now, I feel life is a blur and tasteless, the joy in life has dimmed inside of me. God knows I would have taken his place anytime anywhere, so my beloved Dave, could have a chance for joy, happiness and a family of his own. It's not fair, I don't get it. Only pictures and videos remain of what once was. No amount of sorrow, tears and sadness bring me comfort. Time doesn't heal my broken shattered soul. Mothers were made to hold, kiss, nurture, hug and protect their children but I have failed; I can't take my son's place.
Why do I have to learn to walk thru life without my son? It's a lesson I didn't asked for. How long do I have to wait God? I have to somehow find a way to wait until I see my Dave again. Until then, I will walk thru life with a shattered soul and heart. I miss him more each day,

Sophia Hawker for my angel in Heaven David Catalan. I love you forever.

  • Angie Moodley by Angie Moodley
  • 5 years ago

My heart goes out to you. I lost my darling son, Davy, on 25th Nov 2019. He was my second born. He loved life and lived life to the fullest. He had a beautiful smile and his laughter could be heard all the way down the building corridor. He was only 40 and the most intelligent child. He died of heart and kidney failure. I keep asking myself why did this happen. He was such a wonderful child with a heart of gold, always reaching out to help those in need. Why does God take away the good children and leave evil people behind to destroy the world? I so wish someone could answer me that one question that I keep asking myself. I still cannot believe that my son is gone.

  • Judi Tabler by Judi Tabler
  • 6 years ago

You haven't failed at anything. You are a blessed mom and loved your son faithfully. I see that just from your letter. Our youngest son was killed in a car accident as well. It has been a year. Such a loss changes our lives drastically. Nothing is the same again. I understand, but it will get better. The ache and pain will come and go; and things will never be the same, but it will get better. I never thought I could say that, but it is so. Please accept my sympathy and comfort. It's only a little, but I pray it helps. Sincerely, Judi

  • Jenelle Pena by Jenelle Pena
  • 6 years ago

I'm so sorry you lost your son. I could not even imagine. I lost both of my parents at 32 years old they were both 53 years old, that is hard. I really feel for you. I have tears running down my eyes. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Tina Major by Tina Major
  • 7 years ago

I lost my son in a rollover that caught on fire when he was only 17. My eldest son was in front of him in my truck. It was him who bought the Bronco '11 and had Mikey drive it home. He owned it for 10 minutes. He tried to save him but couldn't get the seatbelt unbuckled. Today is the day he died in 2003. I can't feel better no matter what I try. My heart has been torn out of my chest. They say it gets better with time. I think your brain and your heart gets scar tissue. That's all.

  • Johna Hutchins by Johna Hutchins
  • 8 years ago

I feel the same. I lost my 19 yr old son on August 12, 2015 to an auto accident & it's coming up to 1 yr now. I can't stop crying & can't believe this is my life. I feel I can't go on sometimes. My son Justyn will never get married or have children & he'll never grow into a man, I think most people just don't understand.. I see a counselor every week which does help but I feel my life is frozen & not going anywhere. I don't know if that's cause I don't want things to change. I hope by writing this gives me some comfort.

  • Kathi Morgan by Kathi Morgan
  • 8 years ago

My heart reaches out to you. I lost my youngest son, Shawn in December of 2013. He would have turned 30 this coming August 9th. Tears fall as I write this, it never gets easier. I talk to God every day and lean on Him. That's how I get through. I heard a voice, loud from my heart the morning of my son's funeral. I heard God say, "I am with you". I can't begin to tell you how comforted I was by that. God will always be with us through good times and bad. I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you. God bless and comfort you!

  • Donna Coggin by Donna Coggin
  • 8 years ago

The poem is beautiful. I lost my son Eric Lee at 5:40 a.m. on March 14, 2016. He was 28 years old. He was on his way to work. He leaves behind an 11 year old son (he was a very young dad and a very good one) and his beautiful wife Lauren. Their daughter Annabelle Lea was born April 6, 2016. Eric also was an organ donor (our whole family is). Yes, I guess life does go on. Eric loved being alive!! He did not do drugs, nor did he drink. He played guitar, sang, worked and made friends everywhere he went. My husband and I will be married 4 years this November. The first year we were married, his 34 year old daughter was killed in an auto accident. He had already been dealing with the loss of his son, for 17 years when his daughter was killed. I thought that would be the worst we could possibly go through, I was wrong. All three were organ donors. Yes! Life does go on!

  • Elise Pettett by Elise Pettett, Eastbourne UK
  • 10 years ago

This poem is lovely. I have never lost anyone in my family yet, although my great uncle is dying of a rare case of cancer. He loves poems like this. He is very proud of you and wanted to say thank you for writing this poem. Although I will never understand the full meaning of this poem. I am very grateful that you made him smile, a real smile. Not a fake one.

Many thanks,
Elise Pettett and my great Uncle, David. Xx

  • Miguel Martinez by Miguel Martinez
  • 10 years ago

Nice poem. We lost our son Miguel Roberto (19) last September 21st, by a sudden death. All his dreams of life and our (his parents) can not become real. We feel he is doing well, and try to cope with our new reality, quite a difficult task.
Our condolences to all the parents who have lost a child.
Kind regards,
Miguel & Maggie

  • Jessenia by Jessenia, Clarksville
  • 10 years ago

My 19 year old son was killed and stolen from me forever. My life no longer will be the same I don't know how to live after this.

  • Tanita Whitiora by Tanita Whitiora
  • 8 years ago

My Son too was killed this yr at 16yrs old. I miss him tremendously. This has devastated our family, friends & community. I wonder if life's worth living anymore. I'm so angry. Someone killed my Baby & cannot realize the devastation he has left us all to bare.
I feel your pain.

  • Dorian by Dorian, Maryland/US
  • 9 years ago

Just sending all my love to those of you who have lost your children- so beloved and cherished- and now how you can even put one foot in front of the other must feel beyond hard... Know we care and are humbled by your pain and by your strength. Keep on going, make your child alive for us to get to know, and realize that it will always hurt and nothing will ever be the same... but we do care and will hold you within our hearts...

  • Ashley Harper by Ashley Harper, Ruston LA
  • 10 years ago

My son Trey passed away March 19 2014. I don't know how this life goes on yet but it must. It's been almost three months since I lost him. Not a day goes by that I don't wish god would've taken me instead. I love you Trey!!!!

  • Neela by Neela
  • 4 years ago

I am going through the same situation. We are devastated at the loss of our dear son on April 20th and ask why God didn’t pick me instead of him. Our entire world has changed. Can’t wait to meet him up there. How do I live the rest of my life?

  • Deb Cobb by Deb Cobb, PALMDALE CA
  • 9 years ago

Dear Mz. Harper.

I too lost my son on March 19, 2015. John was only 37 years old. He went quickly and suddenly.
Sincerely, Deb Cobb.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Palm Desert California
  • 10 years ago

I am in search of a prayer to help comfort a friend whose 10 month old died today 5/7/2014 of congenital heart defects. His case was too critical to do a transplant his name is Benjamin. I met his mother Sara on a Facebook page for mother with children with heart defects my son Anthony is two he also has a very similar complex heart like Ben. My boy was lucky he has had three open heart surgeries, his little ticker is a collection of donated vessels and arteries. My little guy is thriving because of the amazing generosity of people like you and your children. I can't thank you enough, this must of been very hard. I am grateful for your strength during the most difficult time, to put another's well being, a stranger most likely, ahead of your grief and give the biggest gift, the gift of life. Please keep little Ben and his mom Sara in your prayers.

  • Bonnie Taylor by Bonnie Taylor, Canada
  • 10 years ago

This poem is beautiful!!I lost my only son on April 24/11 on Easter Sunday. Just went through the 3rd anniversary of his passing, so heartbreaking. Life will never be the same again but it does go on!!

Thank you so much for your poem from all us Mothers who has lost a child. My Son was 32 when he passed away on Christmas Eve 2009. I have written a poem on here as well, called Dance again. Life does go on, doesn't it? But life will never be the same, will it?

  • Heather by Heather
  • 11 years ago

I lost my 21 year old son to suicide on 19/1/2013. It is so hard to comprehend. Thank you for sharing these words.

  • Semmes by Semmes, Alabama
  • 11 years ago

My son was killed Oct. 19 2007, he was 23 on a motorcycle. We buried body parts. That was the hardest thing I have ever went through. He was my world. I know there are a lot of mothers out there that go through what I do. Some days is hard to deal with, others is better, it still hard after 6 yrs. God bless all of you

  • Linda by Linda, Uk
  • 9 years ago

My son also died in a motorcycle accident in June 2006. He was 19 and I never stop missing his smile. God bless, my thoughts are with you.

  • Madeline by Madeline, Canada
  • 11 years ago

I lost my eldest son in a vehicular accident and although it's been 12 months, it still seems like yesterday. Time hasn't healed me...prayer sustains me yet his absence kills me each second of the day. Your poem is all there goes on..

  • Martha Keiser by Martha Keiser, Laredo Texas
  • 11 years ago

Our Precious 18 year old daughter Krizia Lauren Keiser passed away June 6, 2013 one week shy of her 19th birthday. She died of a massive aneurysm, she was an organ donor and was able to gift her pancreas, liver, lungs and kidney and tissue. Krizia was a lovely and charismatic teen who shared loved with all of those she met...she was sweet and caring and loved all animals.
Our baby girl is gone to heaven but has saved 4 lives and with this her legacy will live on.

  • Brandi by Brandi, Gonzales
  • 11 years ago

Cheryl, I found this poem as I was looking for something to give me some peace about my sons death which will be 3 years this Saturday. I also donated his organs and your poem was exactly what I was feeling and wanting to say. You can contact me if you'd like. Us moms who have similar situations could always use another ear and voice who understands what we've been through. Thank you and God Bless!!!

  • Paula Mitchell by Paula Mitchell
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son Adam Michael Mitchell, 08/08/2010. He had a tragic accident that left me to watch my son die, the pain is just unbearable, the horrible way in which he died. He was an amazing 19 year old lad, he was so caring and such a lovely person, everyone loved Adam and not one person had a bad word towards him, He was a funny character and could light up a empty room he just shone so brightly and its not fair that he was taken from me. I miss him more with every passing day but I know one day I will be with him again and that is a day I now live for and look forward to.

  • Missy Guynn by Missy Guynn, Florida
  • 12 years ago

What a beautiful poem. I lost my 20 year old son on New Years Day 2011. His daughter was 10 days old when he passed. We donated his organs. I received 3 letters from his recipients, and there was one that was very special and I hold very dear to my heart. This poem made me feel the same as that letter. Thank you so much for sharing. May God bless and comfort you!!

  • Erica Jones by Erica Jones
  • 12 years ago

My nephew was 19 years old & murdered on 5/18/2012 the day of his graduation. I came across this poem the day before his funeral. When I read it tears just poured down my face. I guess what they say is true God has a way of talking through you through other people. Thank you for your poem I will be reading this tomorrow at his funeral. God Bless & my prayers are with everyone who has lost someone close.

  • Pam Mcmillian by Pam Mcmillian
  • 14 years ago

thank you for the lovely poem I have so many thoughts and words I'd like to express however when I start to write the tears begin to flow, the pain of losing my son still huts. He too was an organ donor. Your poem is just what I needed.
Thank You

  • Waqas Ahmed by Waqas Ahmed
  • 14 years ago

This is appreciable to comfort the sad people with speaking word full of emotions. I had been teacher in one of the school in Kashmir Pakistan when terrifying earthquake 2005 took the lives of many innocents. I remembers the grief of a mother for her only son. her tears and emotions full of grief memorized the immortal love for her son, she felt that all her dreams scattered after the death of her son and she was feeling lonely. her condition was just like the leaves of autumn, the wind teases them to hear their grief.

  • Kim Segale by Kim Segale, Texas
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for writing this poem. My 23 year old son was murdered 51 days ago. Yesterday a cross was erected for him in Our Garden of Angels in Texas. I read your poem during the dedication. We donated his organs as he was pronounced brain dead. He would've wanted that and to me that's the only good thing that can come out of this. Your poem was beautiful and appropriate. God blessed you with a gift for writing.

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