Son Death Poem

Poem About Wanting Time To Heal Wounds

My son died in 2012. I am waiting for time to heal my broken heart, but I know that it will never mend. Many people use the cliché, "Things will get better in time," but that does not hold true for me right now. That is why I wrote this poem, in the hopes that others will relate to the notion of loss and time. Thank you.

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My loving son and best friend left me on October 8, 2022. He had a heart of gold and loved his boxer dogs. My heart is broken beyond repair. My only son was 55 years old. He loved his two...

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In Time


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2016 with permission of the Author.

Time cannot erase the sorrow and pain that I feel,
Nor can it make things better
Or force my heart to heal.

Time is now a measure of the days since you've been gone,
Of getting by the best I can,
And trying to be strong.

Time should mend a broken heart.
That's what they say,
But time will never change the fact that you've gone away.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Linda Ferron by Linda Ferron
  • 2 years ago

My loving son and best friend left me on October 8, 2022. He had a heart of gold and loved his boxer dogs. My heart is broken beyond repair. My only son was 55 years old. He loved his two children and five grandchildren. He had lots of friends. Sometimes he would take in a stranger who needed a warm place to stay for the night. His heart was right with God, and I will see him again, and he will give me one of his tight hugs. I miss you, sweet boy. We will meet again soon!

  • Jennifer Stahlman by Jennifer Stahlman
  • 8 years ago

It's been 8 days since my son Steven died. He will forever be 32. It was accidental. He was homeless, trying to stay warm in his car. He died from carbon monoxide poisoning. It is odorless and tasteless. He died in his sleep, so he didn't suffer at all.

  • Marilyn Agustin by Marilyn Agustin
  • 8 years ago

I am sorry to hear about the death of your son. My condolences to you, Jennifer. Be strong for him, because I believe he doesn't want to see you cry. Cheer up and always remember there's a reason why God took him from you early. If you smile right now when you read this, I am sure Steven will also feel happy.

  • Lynn Parsons by Lynn Parsons
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son Jeremy on May 24, 2016. He was 28 years old...he was on his motorcycle when a woman pulled out in front of him and killed him. This poem is exactly how I feel about the loss of my only son! He left behind a beautiful wife and a two year old son, a sister, mom and dad and a very special nephew and so many, many friends. We all miss him so very much!!! So I have to say...Look Twice, Save a Life...Watch for motorcycles!!

  • Pamela Leonard by Pamela Leonard
  • 4 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I also lost my son after a van pulled out in front of him while he was on his motorcycle. He sideswiped her and then flew into oncoming traffic where he hit a pickup truck head on. He was killed instantly. He had just turned 29. He left behind 3 and 5 year old sons.

  • Jodi Garcia by Jodi Garcia
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son, Joshua on 06-01-2016. He was just 27. I go to work, I function. I see my other son, but I never forget. I walk by him every day, as he sits on my shelf. That isn't where by beautiful son should be. I just wish to God he would come to me. I don't want him to be angry that I failed and let him die. Thank you for your beautiful and simple poem.

  • Pam by Pam
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain and thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry I did not reply sooner, but I did not get notification through my settings. I hope that your heart is starting to heal a bit, but know that the pain never goes away. Thank you for sharing.

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