Son Death Poem

Message From Son In Heaven

A departed son's Message to his Mom and Dad reassuring them that he is in heaven and they shouldn't be in so much pain.

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So sorry for your loss. I am a mother of a daughter who also committed suicide. My husband and I are now raising her oldest daughter, and the 3 younger ones are with their dad. What was sad...

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I'm Sorry Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry mom, for the things I put you through
I'm sorry mom, for not doing the things you wanted me to do
I'm sorry mom, for leaving you so soon
I'm sorry mom, for that call you got that afternoon
Leaving you was, the last thought on mind
Just like so many, I guess it was just my time

I thought about you, the last minutes of my life
I thought about my son and I even thought about my wife
But momma I can imagine, how this must be for you
Because I see you, when you are alone
When nobody else does

I don't want you to feel so much pain
There's really no one to blame
Tell dad to stop grieving
I see his pain as well

I almost didn't make it in
Ya'll know the life I live
But I had a second chance
And the Lord heard my prayer

My life wasn't taking instantly
I had time to repent
I asked the Lord to wash my sins
And show me a better way
He opens up new doors for me
And here is where I stay
So tell everyone who doubted me
I made it anyway

I'm sorry mom for leaving you, without saying goodbye
I'm sorry mom for hurting you, I still see you cry
I'm sorry mom, but be happy, I got my wings it's true
Something no one ever thought,
So the next time I see you crying, it's my wing that will be holding you

I'm so sorry mom, and I will always, always love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rhonda by Rhonda
  • 8 years ago

I'm a mother of three boys. My first born son's name is Bobby, my second son is named Kenny, and my third son is named Chris. In 2004 I lost my first born in car accident. Now, Feb 26, 2017, I lost my second son. He was hit by two cars and now he joins with his brother in heaven. I've read I'm sorry Mom poems. That's how I feel for my second son would say.

  • Zonda Davis by Zonda Davis Poet
  • 2 years ago

I hope my poetry was able to give you a little comfort.

  • Gixxacath by Gixxacath
  • 7 years ago

My heart goes out to you, Rhonda. Gone too soon, this is true. But spirits live on. Your sons will never leave your side. Believe me, this is true, for love cannot be taken away. The love they have for you, close your eyes and think of them. They'll feel no pain ever again. Your heart cannot be fixed again, but one day you will see them but not for a long time, my dear. Until the day comes, they are with you every day.

  • Doranne Spano by Doranne Spano
  • 8 years ago

My youngest daughter, Cyndi, was found dead by her roommate on May 17, 2016. I was notified by a sheriff deputy coming to my door and confirming who I was. He asked me if Cyndi was my daughter. When I confirmed it, he then told me that he was very sorry to inform me that she had been found dead by her roommate. He made sure there was someone with me, gave me the name of the officer handling the case, and asked if there was anything he could do for me. I told him no and he left. I then called my son and told him. I then lost control.

Cyndi was 38. She died a month before her 39th birthday. She left 2 children: a boy of 19, Darian, who was living with David. A daughter, Brianna, 10, who had spent Mother's Day weekend with her. Darian had to make the arrangements. This poem really hits home as I was close to Cyndi. I feel like someone ripped out a big piece of my heart. I feel that I have to go on for my 2 grandchildren who live within 20 minutes from me and are all I have left of her.

  • Laura by Laura
  • 9 years ago

This was a great poem, however, I feel exactly opposite. I think my son Josh, murdered for his truck was saying Thank you mommy. Thank you for telling me about Jesus. Thank you for loving him and introducing him to me. Thank you that I know where I am going. Thank you for giving me your all. Thank you for unconditional love. Thank you that I am going home forever. Thank you for allowing me to go. I will see you soon. Thank you mommy.

  • Lucy by Lucy, Germany
  • 10 years ago

We lost my Grandma 9 years ago. I was only 4 years old but I remember that horrible day. She had Krebs and the Doctor told her that she only had six weeks to life. This six weeks we visit her in the hospital every two days. At her funeral I understand that she'll never come back and I cried so much. I miss her so much and when I read the poem, seems it like my mom talks to my Grandma. R.I.P

  • Dillon D by Dillon D
  • 10 years ago

I know you are all suffering and I learn a little from every ones input. I feel almost foolish for still being so affected, but I just can't find comfort or mental well being. I was waiting for my dad brother and mother to pick me up from the airport when I was almost 12. They were killed on the way to come get me. The obvious guilt and blame of myself followed but even now as a grown man I feel it. I am not able to celebrate any holidays, or feel whole, or like I could be a father, husband ,or lover to has helped make me a hot soupy mess. I am touched and moved at the woman who gave birth to their loss being so kind and helpful:) You are beautiful examples of just how precious the undervalued and under-appreciated roles that woman play in our emotional well being truly is. All the while it's the woman who bear the brunt of the emotional abuse. Big hugs all you woman out there, keeping the rest of us strong enough to keep moving on.

  • Ashlynn Magnolia Mississippi by Ashlynn Magnolia Mississippi
  • 11 years ago

I read this poem and thought of my father lost and never to return I miss him and even though this is about a brother it made me think of him.

  • Catherine Conlon by Catherine Conlon, Ireland
  • 11 years ago

I lost my 20 year old daughter to suicide 2 years ago and I'm still in a state of loss, her anniversary is on the 5th of September and I can feel it coming. I can't seem to catch my breath and when I read these poems it allowed me to release some of the grief I'm holding. I'm lost and cannot find myself. I do not know who I am as a Mother because I could not help my daughter. She couldn't take the grief when her father died to suicide, he took all the good out of her. I am finding it very hard to keep going and this poem helped so much. Thank you.

  • Debra Ojeda by Debra Ojeda
  • 8 years ago

So sorry for your loss. I am a mother of a daughter who also committed suicide. My husband and I are now raising her oldest daughter, and the 3 younger ones are with their dad. What was sad is that she and we were at odds at the time. I find my strength in Jesus! l have realized that when someone has made the decision to do that not even us as mothers can stop them. Please remember that you were her mother for 20 years, and remember the little girl years when she was her happiest and loved you the most purely.
As they go through teen years into young adults things change. I'll be praying for you.

  • Christine by Christine
  • 11 years ago

My daughter Yasmein pass away last November in a car accident. My beautiful daughter was only 14 years old. Gone too young. My life is so empty without my beautiful daughter.

  • Tonya by Tonya, GA
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem...I have a friend I go to church with. We walk 2 to 4 miles every day, and when we would walk we would pray for her 34 year old son to get his heart right with god and to do better in life. Well on Saturday March 23 2013, he was on his way to his mom's house and ended up in a crash that killed him. It had been so hard to see her go through all of this, and when I saw your poem I wrote it down and gave her a copy. She read it and said, this came straight from Brad's mouth; so I am so glad you posted this poem. Thanks

  • Demetrius by Demetrius, Las Vegas
  • 12 years ago

My friend was 14 years old. We hated each other in middle school, but then we became friends. One day after school while we were at home some drunk driver wasn't paying attention to the road and he ran him over his body was separated from his bike. I didn't know what to for years I've sworn revenge and the I gave it up because I wanted my friend to rest in peace. It's just I miss him so much and I'll do anything just to see him again, but I will when it is my time to go then we will never be separated again.

  • June Cassell by June Cassell, Middleburg
  • 12 years ago

I'm in tears as I write this. I just lost my older son Ralph Oct.27th 2012. He was 44 years old. He was my second son, I lost my first son at birth. I had Ralph two years later. So he was like my first that everyone knew. When I was reading the poem, it was like Ralph was talking to me just what you wrote. I told my Daughter about this poem I read at 1:30 this morning. I told her it hit me so hard I couldn't leave a note to you. That I was so sorry for your lost but I knew what you was going through. God Bless you and be with you always. Thank you so much for writing it.

  • Tammy by Tammy, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

I am in tears as I write this. It has been less than a month since I lost my son Marty on 9-27-12. He was only 31 years old and my first born and only son. If he were here now this poem would be his exact words to me. Thank you so much for sharing this poem for it has truly helped me today with my grieving.

  • Paula Sue by Paula Sue, Las Vegas Nevada
  • 10 years ago

Tears have fallen everyday for 9 long years. My niece was 24 and died from diabetes needing a heart and kidneys. It's ok to cry it's ok be with the whys, until you figure it out and learn where and what GOD HAS FOR YOU TO DO.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Pennsylvaina
  • 12 years ago

I lost my son suddenly on 5-6-2012, I did not even know that he was in the hospital and had major surgery for one week till the doctor got my number and told me to come to the hospital it's your son. When I got there he told me that they can't do anymore for my son - he was brain dead, I screamed and cried and said "NO", why wasn't I called earlier so I could have been with him the whole time instead of dying alone. He was a organ donor and they wanted to take his organs right then and there; I screamed "NO ONE IS GOING TO TOUCH MY SON- I JUST FOUND OUT THAT HE'S BRAIN-DEAD". I needed to hold him for one last time and tell him how much I love him and also get the chance to tell our family, his girlfriend, daughter this is the last time to see him. I didn't sleep for three-day's straight, I had so many questions and had to find a way to a proper funeral for him. I got a lot of help from the donor place, funeral home and it was so beautiful. I miss him so much, I have his ashes with me and pictures of him, a candle.

  • Madison P by Madison P, Mississauga Canada
  • 10 years ago

I am really sorry to hear about losing your son I understand how you feel because I lost my mother late Sept 2014. It was and is extremely difficult to stop crying but I will always have her in my memories which were nice.

  • Maria by Maria, San Antonio Tx
  • 12 years ago

OMG this poem touch my boyfriend was murdered a month ago he was really close with his mom and this is something he would be telling her. I miss him so much.

  • Nerissa Torres by Nerissa Torres
  • 12 years ago

On Friday April 4th 2008, at around 11.45 pm. My son Gino Ricardo Maharaj, was shot, in the heart, and he died from internal, hemorrhaging.
His death at first, destroyed me, causing me to feel guilty. I forgave his murderer or murderers. But I did not forgive myself,
When I conceived him, I was told to abort him. I didn't, when he was 7 months in my womb, he almost died. He was born at 7 months. I saw my kid grow up. But he still was taken away.
He never said goodbye, I was not there when he died. I live in a different country. And I was completely in a shocked state for 60 days.
Your poem touched me. I love you for the peace of mind I have felt after reading it.
My son was my best friend. I love him dearly. I love him more than words can say. Thank you so much.

  • Kimberlie Doeleman Duchesneau by Kimberlie Doeleman Duchesneau
  • 9 years ago

I got the call at 8:00 pm on Mar.23, 2015. His dad said he wasn't breathing and the ambulance just left with him. The paramedics had gotten his heart started.
My life as I knew it was over I can't believe how quick it can change. I still don't know how I'm going to get through this I feel like I've lost my whole reason for existence, my best friend, my everything. I've often wondered how people get through this how could they possibly live after losing their child. Never in my worst nightmare did I think it would happen to us. It's just been over a month now and I have a feeling it's going to get worse before better. He died on Mar. 31 after being in a coma for 7 days. 20 yrs old. I miss him so much. I never knew I could hurt like this. The only thing that makes me feel better is reading your stories. You've been there and unless you've lost a child you have no clue. I know everybody means well and truly cares but it's just not the same. Thank you so much.

  • Zonda Davis by Zonda Davis Poet
  • 13 years ago

First I like to thank everyone for the compliments of my poem I'm Sorry Mom. I wrote this poem because my kids father/husband was killed 11/05/06. One year after his death I planned a memorial service to celebrate his life. I make books and I decide to make one about him. I had all of our family and friends to write something they would say to him so I could put it in the book. I knew his mom was grieving too hard for me to ask her, so I decided to write a poem to her from him. That night of writing this poem I prayed and talked to Jake (my husband) asking him to come to me and give me the words he will want me to say to his mom. I needed her to know this poem was from him. I begin crying and felt a shiver came over me and it was like a voice said to me, "I'm Sorry Mom" and from there I begin to write every word you all just read. I know he came to me because these are the exact words he would of have said. I am very happy that my poem was able to speak to you all through your deceased.

  • Nengo.Lira District by Nengo.Lira District, Kampala.Uganda
  • 13 years ago

We talked until about mid night of the 12/11/2011, she told me she was a bit cold, I suggested we go to the hospital, she told me we could go the next day. she left me on bed when morning came about 13/11/2011, while outside, chatted with the neighbors in her usual style. Back in the house, she asked the house girl for a cup of tea but did not touch the cup-she fell and died. Our nine years of marriage ended that simple. my first born (Catchpole acar-7 years) and second born (Ocen sizemore 2 years) is all am left with I can't stop crying. She was all I had having lost most of my close relatives to Kony's insurgency. I would and can still do any thing to have her back if it were possible. I will be haunted for ever with the thought that I didn't get a chance to fight for JOAN'S life.

  • Bobby Q by Bobby Q, Az
  • 13 years ago

Our first born was killed in an accident at age 45, today is his birthday. A drunk driver hit him and he died instantly. He lived in TX and we live in AZ. Luckily he had spoken to his mom the day before about four times. He will be sorely missed, he had four kids and a brother and three sisters.

  • Bernadette by Bernadette, Germantown
  • 13 years ago

My only son was murdered in Sept 2005, 8 weeks after his only child was born. He and I were not only mother/son but we were friends and he was my protector. This poem sounded so much like him. And I pray daily that he made peace with God before that last breath. Having to bury him was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I grieve daily for him, for myself and for his daughter who only has pictures of them together to remember him by. Thank you for this poem

  • Megan by Megan, Baltimore
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem so much cause sometimes I feel the same way I don't do the things my mom tells me and sometimes I say I hate you mom but deep down inside I don't cause I love my mom soo much

  • Dee Dee by Dee Dee, Tulsa
  • 14 years ago

We lost my brother a month and a half ago. He was only 37 and he was the only boy. Everyone handles it differently but my mom I know a part of her heart died with him. When I read this poem it was like I could hear my brother talking to our mom I gave her a copy of it with his picture for Christmas. She cried and said it was perfect.

  • Terri by Terri, Hampton
  • 14 years ago

My son, 26 years old was killed with his bestfriend November 26, 2010. Initially, he was to come home for Thanksgiving, but he and his two roommates wanted to cook there own dinner for Thanksgiving. I remembered thinking my child is really growing up and moving own with his life.

This has been so hard for me.

I was looking for a poem for his program and I felt that he was speaking to me.

  • Kitty Allen by Kitty Allen
  • 16 years ago

My son, 38 years old was killed in a automobile accident on the 17th of October this year. I hadn't seen him in 6 years but he had gone to his 20 yr. class reunion and stopped in to visit me on his way back home. That following Friday morning on his way to work he was hit head on by a vehicle coming at him the wrong way.
Having to bury a child is the hardest thing I have every done. He leaves 3 sons and a wife. My youngest son sent me this poem and said this is what Shawn would have said to me.

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