Family Death Poem

Death Of Nan And Granddad

From birth, I was brought up by my Nan and Granddad. I looked upon them with great respect as a father and mother to me. I lost them within two years when I was 14 years and then one at 16 years old. I am now 30, married with two children to occupy my mind, but there is never a week that goes by without sharing a thought for them. RIP Les and Marion.

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Hi, I lost my dad when I was still a young kid. At first, I never understand what was happening, but as years passed by, I finally understood everything. I always cry, hoping something would...

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You Will See Them Someday


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

When you lose someone, it can be hard to take
the pain that you feel when your heart has to break.
The memories you keep are all in your mind
as you search your soul for more to find.
The way their skin felt, the smell of their hair
as you keep thinking over and shedding a tear.
The years may pass, memories fade to grey,
but you're getting no younger; you'll see them someday.
Unconditional love is never forgotten.
Look deep in your heart; it is there at the bottom.
Alone in the dark, sometimes in fear,
voices from loved ones you're hoping to hear.
More years pass, they soon fly by,
but you're always looked upon from those in the sky.
Surrounded by clouds and pure white doves,
they listen and watch, sending you love.
Just remember one thing as you sit and you pray.
They will be there to greet you; you will see them someday.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nonhle by Nonhle
  • 4 years ago

Hi, I lost my dad when I was still a young kid. At first, I never understand what was happening, but as years passed by, I finally understood everything. I always cry, hoping something would change, until someone told me to accept that he is no longer but he is happy wherever he is. I believe my dad is in heaven. I love you "daddy."

  • Greenville Sc by Greenville Sc
  • 12 years ago

Hello, I'm 12 years old. About 5 months ago the 25th will be exactly 5 months but I lost a friend and I'm in 6th grade this girl was in 8th. Her name was Harly McNeely. At my school we have this thing called office helper and you sit in the office and do what the people need you to do. I was an office helper for one quarter of the school year and it was almost time to end that quarter but one guy came in my school to get his step daughter out of class early and it was 2:00, so I went and got the girl out of class which was Harly later that day (it was Friday) one of my friends ask me if I knew Harly so I was like yeah and they said she died and I thought they were kidding but they weren't and at first I didn't realize it but she was in a car wreck on hwy 29 but she passed away at 2:55 & for so long I kept thinking It was Friday at 2:55 how did she die when we weren't even out of school but then it hit me I got her out of class that day and I just felt like it was my fault she had been in that wreck, if I had been a minute later or earlier she might still be here today. I did and still do feel terrible. I cry almost every 25th but I also write poems and I wrote one for her but on my Facebook page I have a page set up for Harly.

  • Laura by Laura, England
  • 14 years ago

Hello, I'm only 12 years and my nan died about 4years ago. I was really close to my nan, but I was to young to know what it would be like to have her gone forever, but now that I'm 12 I have felt the heart break of how a death can hurt someone so much.
This past year she has been in my head all the time I have been going over the times that we have had together and now I wish she lived for longer, a lot longer.
It shows how much I need her back, beacause I have been cutting myself and wishing I was dead, but my mates keep on telling me "dont cry, dont kill your self, your nan is up in the heavens watching you" but I just want to see her again, but now I know what die and death means I can't have her back.
I love you nan, please dont forget thaat (l) xxxx,

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