Family Death Poem

Poem For The Death Of My Father-In-Law

I wrote this poem for my father-in-law when he passed away in 2004. His children decided they wanted it printed on his memorial folder for the funeral.

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This poem is so beautiful. I wanted to read it at my father-in-law's funeral, but every time I tried beforehand, my voice broke. Luckily, a member of the clergy at our church has agreed to...

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Gone Away

© more by Diana Blokzyl

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

An Angel whispered,
"Take my hand and
come with me;
your work here is done."

I went away to a place
where there's no tears nor sorrow,
only laughter and smiles.
There will always be a tomorrow.

As I move amongst the clouds.
I'll look down and smile upon you,
while the angels
sing a heavenly song.

I am not alone.
All who went before
are here;
they awaited my return.

I know you'll grieve
and wish I was still here.
I am here in the memories
you hold dear.

Remember how much I
love you,
and know I took your
love with me.

I did not wish for
you to cry nor feel sad.
My pain is gone and
I am free!

Soon you'll come to me.
Until then,
God will be with you
Just as He's with me.


more by Diana Blokzyl

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tracey Dunk by Tracey Dunk
  • 3 years ago

We've just lost my husband's father, not quite 92 years old, so a celebration of a long life. My husband asked if I would like to say something, and I came across this beautiful poem. He was dearly loved. Thank you for sharing this, and I hope I can get to the end without crying.

  • Tony Newson by Tony Newson
  • 5 years ago

This poem is so beautiful. I wanted to read it at my father-in-law's funeral, but every time I tried beforehand, my voice broke. Luckily, a member of the clergy at our church has agreed to read it. It means so much. Thank you, Diana.

  • James Charles by James Charles
  • 6 years ago

I lost my father in 2015. I felt as though I couldn't make it, but I read this poem and it really helped me through. I just had to lean on Jesus.

  • Briana Noelle by Briana Noelle
  • 10 years ago

I lost my best friend on 11/22/14 he got stabbed and was left there to die, I lost my two uncles in the same month. One died the first week of February in 2015 and the other one 02/10/2015 its hard to know they're not here. But this poem really gave me some hope again. I wrote this peom down and I read it from time to time as if I'm talking to them again. Thank you for writing this poem, it really helped me

  • Berlinda Zizi by Berlinda Zizi, Boston
  • 10 years ago

I just turned 14. This year is the 7th anniversary of my brother's and sister's death. I was seven and I remember everything. Rebekah woke up my older brother. I saw the fire burn my skin and left a bruise. Rebekah screams of help, who was struggling to breathe while Rooben was sleeping the whole time. An officer told us, "I'm sorry...". This poem has touched my heart deeply because I can relate to it. Well, to start this poem has touched my heart deeply.

  • Nicole by Nicole, New York
  • 10 years ago

I lost my boyfriend he was 24 years old he was stabbed in his country. I still don't believe this I was just talking to him. This is the hardest thing I have to deal with in my life. I don't eat sleep much. I never lost somebody so close to me like this before, I'm lost.

  • Sheila by Sheila, Kenya
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband two months ago. We were a very young couple. I'm only 27 and my son 2 and a half. It's the hardest time of my life. I feel like it will never be the same again, but am hopeful and believe this stories and poems will help me gain strength again.

  • Jovana by Jovana, San Antonio
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my uncle 8/17/2012 and it was a SHOCK. It still is. I miss him so so much. Right now our family is grieving I read this poem and it really helped me understand Life.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Fl
  • 12 years ago

My mother just recently died suddenly at only 50. My grandfather took his life a week after my mother. I can't believe this all happened. I'm only 25 and its quite a shock. This poem made me feel a little better. I don't think I will ever feel normal until I see her again.

  • Iris by Iris
  • 12 years ago

My uncle passed away in a hospital and the poem really helped and I know I'll see him again

  • Judy Everitt by Judy Everitt
  • 12 years ago

This poem meant the world to me, I was feeling down after losing my husband just ten months ago. You keep thinking things will be getting easier but they don't.

  • Tas by Tas, Bristol
  • 14 years ago

I lost my grandad recently and he and me were like to peas in a pod. I miss him so very much but now I am happy for him and not sad.

  • Theresa by Theresa, New York
  • 15 years ago

This is absolutely beautiful, I am 17 and my uncle who was my best friend just passed. This poem is amazing.

  • Riana by Riana, Dubai
  • 15 years ago

Well, my grandad was in perfect health but unfortunately he has passed away and just remember that life is like a moving cycle...people die and people get born. You cant change the way the cycle moves but you can pray for all your loved ones who have gone missing. I know you must be thinking I'm crazy! and how can we just accept that fact but we have to. We cant make people not die and all. Remember this quote and say it to your loved once everyday!


  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn, WV
  • 15 years ago

Well I lost a friend about a month ago and he died young. He was just in the 8th grade with me. I had every class with him. This poem reminded me that he's ok and he has no pain anymore and that I will see him again and never have to say goodbye. He was so funny and it's hard to believe he's gone, but he will always be like a bro so I love and miss you bub

  • Sasha by Sasha, London
  • 15 years ago

Thank you my brother died and its his birthday soon thank you from Sasha

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 16 years ago

My Aunt just past away tonight and you poem helped me to understand and to not cry for her but to be happy for her. Thank you.

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