Spiritual Poem about Death

Poem Comforting Those Left Behind

In loving memory of my niece who passed away in a car accident on December 10, 2006, at the age of 14.

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My grandma died 26th March 2020. She was my hero, the greatest person I ever knew. Brave, kind and so full of love. She was 91 years old but still bright, full of life, able to smile and tell...

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Don't Cry For Me

© more by Deborah Garcia Gaitan

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

Don't cry for me.
I will be okay.
Heaven is my home now,
and this is where I'll stay.

Don't cry for me.
I'm where I belong.
I want you to be happy
and try to stay strong.

Don't cry for me.
It was just my time,
but I will see you someday
on the other side.

Don't cry for me.
I am not alone.
The angels are with me
to welcome me home.

Don't cry for me,
for I have no fear.
All my pain is gone,
and Jesus took my tears.

Don't cry for me.
This is not the end.
I'll be waiting here for you
when we meet again.


more by Deborah Garcia Gaitan

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nenad by Nenad
  • 4 years ago

My grandma died 26th March 2020. She was my hero, the greatest person I ever knew. Brave, kind and so full of love. She was 91 years old but still bright, full of life, able to smile and tell the best stories. The last nine months she moved in with my family because she had an argument with my uncle, her son. We made sure she had everything she needed and more. She loved to knit and she made everyone a sweater, socks and gloves. She was happy even that day and nothing suggested it would end like that. She was in bed, talking with my mother when suddenly she stopped. Nothing helped, and an ambulance that came 10 minutes later could only pronounce death. I am grateful for these last months I had with her, that she knew she was loved, and that she wasn't alone when her time came. I miss her so much, and when I found this poem, it it felt like she was telling me this. It sounds so much like something she would say. It hurts, but it also brings some comfort and closure.

  • Margaret Williams by Margaret Williams
  • 5 years ago

I lost my dad on Feb. 9, 2019. His birthday was on Feb.13. This pain I have is a pain that only Jesus can heal. My dad was my hero. He was my Pastor as well. This poem was our theme for his wake. We had banners made with the background with a flag and a Veteran giving salute. A heartfelt poem!

  • David Gaitan by David Gaitan
  • 6 years ago

This poem was for my cousin who passed away in 2006. My mother wrote this poem for her to be said at my cousin's funeral. Glad to know it helps other people with their losses.

  • Alex by Alex
  • 6 years ago

I found this poem on September 29, 2018. I stumbled across it while crying about the loss of my papa the evening prior. While he was in the ICU, I remember crying while looking at him helplessly lying in the bed. I've never seen him in that state, and I began crying because I knew our time spent together was limited. As I cried, he gave me this look from which I gathered meant what are you crying for. I asked him was he still fighting. He said no. Although he said no, he wasn't a quitter; he fought until the very end. I know you're in a better place where there are no tears. I won't cry for you, Papa, because I know you're okay. We love George!

  • Liv123 by Liv123
  • 6 years ago

I lost my grandma in May of 2015; she passed away while I was at work, and I never got to say goodbye. She was like a second mother to me. I miss her hugs, and I miss her kisses; she was my world. My papa (grandpa) passed away August of 2015. After we lost him, my world was shattered once more and my heart shattered completely. R.I.P.

  • Sue Russell by Sue Russell
  • 6 years ago

I lost my darling daughter to SIDS she was only 7 months old. It has been 32 years but still as raw as if it happened yesterday. People keep telling me it gets easier as time goes by, but it doesn't. She died on Valentine's Day, so it's a constant reminder. The year she died I had lost my brother, grandma, and my daughter within a 3 month period. I have horrible nightmares that never go away.

  • Natahlia Smith by Natahlia Smith
  • 5 years ago

No one has the right to say it gets better or you'll get over it. Only those who have lost a child, no matter their age, can truly understand. I praise the powers that be that I haven't experienced such a tremendous loss. I lost my father 7 years ago, and I still cry today. My beautiful mother passed away 4 days ago, and I am so totally and utterly lost. The only thing that gives me a little peace is knowing mum and dad are together again at last. I picture them young and carefree playing in the beautiful forest just like the one they grew up in. You will never get over it...and nor should you. She was a precious soul that you brought into the word. You loved and cared for her as she was an extension of you. I just hope that you take a little comfort in knowing your brother and grandmother are with her passing on the love you give.

  • Hafsa Bery by Hafsa Bery
  • 6 years ago

I lost my son about 8 months ago (he was 7 years old). Since then, my world has changed. Every minute I miss him. Life has become so painful without seeing him. My heart is always in pain for my son. I can't even scream and cry for my son, but tears are always there. I will be missing him and loving him a lot.

  • Judy Holt by Judy Holt
  • 6 years ago

My son passed away the end of January 2018. He was incredibly disabled with numerous health problems. The day after we found his body, I noticed he had put this incredible piece on my e-mail along with a picture of himself to say goodbye.

  • Rhiannon I. Carter by Rhiannon I. Carter
  • 7 years ago

I feel this is a very emotional and sad poem. However, it is very creative and deserves to be published. Congratulations!

  • David Honea by David Honea
  • 7 years ago

On October 24, 2017, my whole world came crashing down. My mom was the only person on the planet who really loved me unconditionally. We had a bond unlike anything I have ever witnessed. My mom left this life in our den at home. She had always said that she wanted to die at home. Every day I pray for God's grace to help me deal with this pain in my heart. Since October, I have shed many tears; sometimes the pain is unbearable. Mom's death has changed my whole prospective of life. If your mom is still with you, don't ever forget that you will have only one mother and she cannot ever be replaced. My only hope is that I will see mom in heaven someday.

  • Author Jason Sandifer by Author Jason Sandifer, Michigan
  • 7 years ago

I am a person that could NEVER NOT cry about losing someone that I cared about and loved. I could not suppress that unique emotion for someone. When people die, it hurts. The writer says not to cry for them. However, to cry for them is the deep expression of the hurt, sadness of a loss, and to show they really meant something to you.

I truly believe in being strong. However, I love with a tremendous strength as well. I can truly appreciate that the writer of this poem says not to cry for them "because their pain is gone" and that they are "home now." However, that does not detract from the fact of missing the person's unique and special relevance to this world.

  • Rneloma by Rneloma
  • 7 years ago

I lost my aunt (my second mom) when I was overseas in 1990. There was no closure. After all this time, I have still not been able to come to terms with it. I miss her every time I allow myself to think of her...or she creeps upon me when least expected. Those childhood memories I hold so dear still make me strong when things go terribly wrong. I wish she were here with us today!!

  • Surja Kanta Datta by Surja Kanta Datta
  • 8 years ago

At the age of 18 I lost my girlfriend. She passed away in a bike accident along with her father. We had been in relationship for the past five and half years. I'm 21 today and her breath still lingers in my ears and inside myself I just scream without even uttering a word. I just wish to see her again...

  • Rneloma by Rneloma
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. You have experienced too much pain at such a young age. I hope you will somehow find strength in the memories you treasure.

  • Shaccid by Shaccid
  • 8 years ago

It's really sad, but be strong and let her go to rest in peace. Keep her memories in your heart.

  • Kyla by Kyla, Memphis
  • 9 years ago

My auntie died a day after Christmas on the 26 and I remember when I was at the mall with my friends, I came home and my momma told us. I tried not to cry but when you lose someone you really love, that was very close to you, it really hurts.

  • Ameeks12 by Ameeks12
  • 9 years ago

This for my mother who passed away this month. I miss her so much.

  • Kat by Kat, Chicago
  • 9 years ago

The loss of someone so young is the most devastating loss, in my mind. This poem provides hope and perhaps some sense of understanding to those suffering from the pain of losing someone much too soon.

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