Spiritual Poem about Death

Memorial Poem For Dad

In August we lost my husband's dad. He was a beautiful person to everyone. When he became sick, he and I would have heart to heart talks about his life and children, so when he passed, I wrote a poem called A Fallen Branch. This is the follow-up poem since 5 months have passed. He was 96 years old.

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I nursed my father. I'm actually crying as I write this. He fell ill. On Christmas Eve, I rang for a doctor who said dad would be admitted, treated in hospital, and back out within a few...

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If You See My Dad In Heaven

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

If you see my dad in Heaven
He won't be hard to find.
He'll be the one to greet you first,
For he's a one-of-a-kind.

He'll be the one with the softest voice,
A veteran's cap upon his head,
Or he's probably in God's beautiful
Garden, with a shovel in his hand.

He'll be watching the pretty hummingbirds,
A warm smile upon his face,
And as he leaves to go about, he'll
Be walking with strength and grace.

He'll sit among the story tellers,
For that's what he does best.
He will tell about his life on earth
Before he was called to rest.

He's with his Mom and Dad now,
Embracing them tenderly.
Never no longer to miss them or
Wonder where they might be.

He may be playing with the children,
And there sits one upon his knee
Laughing and singing the games of fun,
Clapping hands so joyfully.

Now if you haven't found my Dad yet,
He's probably kneeling by the throne,
Surrounded by God's angels,
Praying for his loved ones below.

He wasn't famous in this world
Nor did any heroic deeds.
He was a strong, hard-working man,
Taking care of those in need.

For you see, he was my hero,
Bigger than big to me.
He taught me all a son should know
And about the love God has for me.

So if you see my Dad in heaven,
Tell him I'm doing fine.
Let him know how much I miss him,
And I think of him most of the time.

You know he was my hero,
So will you give him a hug or two?
Tell him how much I love him and
I'll be seeing him someday soon.



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mark.Timothy. Griffiths by Mark.Timothy. Griffiths
  • 2 years ago

I nursed my father. I'm actually crying as I write this. He fell ill. On Christmas Eve, I rang for a doctor who said dad would be admitted, treated in hospital, and back out within a few days, but he wasn't, and to this day I blame myself. It was the most miserable Christmas ever.

My family sold the house I lived in with my dad, so I became homeless with my cat. I agreed to go to tone of those fancy seances with my younger sister. My father came through and said he was sorry. I cried, as I still blame myself, but I thanked him for loving me.

  • Rich Mcnally by Rich Mcnally
  • 4 years ago

Sounds like he was a good father and that a child is missing their dad, just as I am missing my dad. As I was reading his poem, I was thinking about my dad who passed on way too soon for me. Good poem and fond memories, for me.

  • Cheyanna by Cheyanna
  • 4 years ago

I was/am very touched by this wonderful work of poetry. I am 16 years old, and my mother passed away due to a car wreck when I was 7 years old. I miss her very much. Upon reading this poem, I placed a 'she' where there were a 'he' and further on. I teared up reading it. And I understand what it is like. She was an amazing person. She is proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel. Thank you so much to the author of this amazing work of art. Rest in Peace... Samantha Lynn Kingery I love you, Mom.

  • Audrina by Audrina
  • 3 years ago

I'm really sorry that happened to your mom. My mom passed away too. I really miss her. I love her so much! I hope you have a great life!

  • Kat Sammons by Kat Sammons
  • 5 years ago

My dad passed away unexpectedly around Christmas. I am only 16, and this is one of the readings I have chosen for his memorial.

  • Paramjeet by Paramjeet
  • 5 years ago

My beautiful dad passed on three months back. I have not recovered from my loss. I'm still in grief. I guess this will last a lifetime. He was my hero. The poem made me tear up.

My own dad passed away when I was only 10 years old (46 years ago) I miss him as much now as I did then. Love never fades away. Memories are our everlasting legacy of our loved ones' lives. Thank you for this very special poem

  • Dwain R Stoops by Dwain R Stoops
  • 6 years ago

We lost our 96-year-old dad this past week. He was an honorable veteran of WWII and a wonderful man to all. This is the perfect poem to be read at his burial service tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!

  • Gisell by Gisell
  • 6 years ago

I've been searching for a poem that would speak to me, and this one did it. I started to cry the moment I began to read it because it describes my stepdad so well who also passed away in August. He was an Army Veteran who served during the Vietnam War. One of a kind, a great story teller, and he LOVED gardening. He moved to a cabin on the mountains with my mom after he retired and there he enjoyed the sight of many hummingbirds and other wildlife.

I am glad you found what you were looking for, They sound so close to being alike. Blessings
to you.
Jac Judy

  • Natasha M. Wai by Natasha M. Wai
  • 7 years ago

You make it so realistic about life beyond death, not that death finds their destiny straight away either heaven or hell, but you created a beautiful poem out of it. It will reassure and comfort those who lose their love ones too.

  • Mia  A. Lassiter by Mia A. Lassiter
  • 7 years ago

This was such a sweet poem and read very smoothly. Looking forward to reading more from you!

Thank you, Marie. Happy you enjoyed. I have several if you want to read them: "If You See My Dad in Heaven," "She's Our Mother," "Willis the Cowpoke," and "A Fallen Branch." Thanks again. God bless.
Jac Judy A. Campbell

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