Creative Poem

Overcoming Addiction

There is always hope. In the darkest corners of dispare I promise you it's there. Just hold on a little longer. It's always worth it

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Wisdom Of Seed

Daniel L. Herr ©

Published by Family Friend Poems March 24, 2025 with permission of the Author.

I miss the breath, dragons fire,
And her wings, beat with desire.
Warm inviting, glowing embrace,
Steal the moment, steal your face.
It's just a life, so short we live,
The bitterness, of birth we give.
To these dreams, just memories,
What you call chains, I called free.
We push this life, embrace this death,
Drawl the pain, with every breath.
I gave it back, sacrificing everything,
For that pinch, for that sting.
Just a moment, one more round,
What you call lost, I called found.
Yes I know, but don't understand,
The illusion of it all, is so grand.
Freezing in hell, burning in ice,
What I didn't see, plagued in paradise.
Chaos we twist, and call it fate,
I saw love and you saw hate.
Pain I tried to bury, but always embrace,
The blissful marriage of leather and lace.
When nothing was left, I found a way,
With my soul, I would always pay.
Emptiness I knew well, I compromise,
With this life, with these lies.
There's much that's owed, what I stole,
Good intentions, to fill that hole.
A bottomless pit, loss of self,
Placed my heart, up on the shelf.
Morales of gold, I used to own,
Empathy and sympathy buried in stone.
Diamond tears, and so it rains,
Kill the hurt, kill the pain.
All I wanted was peace, to forget,
All that I've done, all that I regret.
Everything I lost, I gave away,
Everything that was good, would ever stay.
I took so much and received less,
Broken hearts, my life a mess.
The path of destruction, choices I made,
Wounds will heal, scars will fade.
Never giving up, I'm still here,
Facing these demons, that I fear.
And so I try, with every day,
Learning the path, to find my way.
Growing with hope, wisdom of seed,
Just a little faith is all I need.


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