Wife Poem

My Feelings After 50 Years Together

I wrote this for my wife on our golden wedding anniversary in 2009 as we approached our twilight years, telling her how much she meant to me not knowing that we only had another twelve years together.

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Thank you Ann for your comment. It means more as it is coming from someone who has such empathy on the subject matter. Kind regards. Alan.

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How Would I Live?

Alan N. Prentice © more by Alan N. Prentice

Published by Family Friend Poems January 23, 2025 with permission of the Author.

How would I live,
           without you by my side,
What life would breath into my soul,
           how would I survive,
You are my life, my love, my dream,
           my reason to exist,
The thought of life without you,
           I try hard to resist.

Imagine every day,
           with no sun in the sky,
The birds without a song to sing,
           as they go winging by,
Think of flowers without scent,
           a rainbow without hue,
For my love, that would be my life,
           if I lived it without you.

As life exacts it's yearly toll,
           and days pass faster still,
Ne'er mind the way the hair goes grey,
           for you are with me still,
For this I swear, on my true heart,
           if life I had again,
There are changes I would make,
           but one I would not trade.

For meeting you gave me the chance,
           to know meaning of true love,
To treasure life with one so dear,
           with companionship and trust,
With friendship and with loyalty,
           life's trials cannot deride,
I would face this mortal life again,
          if you were by my side.



I started writing when I retired and attended a creative writing course.
I have completed 3 novels, ( unpublished ), and 2 non fiction. ( also unpublished ).
I left school aged 15 in 1955 with no qualifications.
I had a varied career including working as a papermaker, an HGV driver, and a soldier.
I am a widower, have 3 sons and 4...

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Another beautiful poem - well done. Very best wishes, Ann.

Thank you Ann for your comment. It means more as it is coming from someone who has such empathy on the subject matter. Kind regards. Alan.

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