Mother Daughter Poem

Poem Thanking Mom For Everything She's Done

A daughter who is aware of the great debt she owes to her mother puts her gratitude into words.

Multiple people have claimed to be the author of this poem. The poem was certainly written before 2006. At this point it is impossible for us to determine who the true author is.

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That was such a beautiful poem. Mothers truly are a blessing. Many of the feelings expressed here are so relatable . They do so much for us that "thank you" is just not enough but we can show...

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Never Enough


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

Sometimes I know the words to say to give thanks for all you've done,
but then they fly up and away as quickly as they come.

How could I possibly thank you enough, the one who makes me whole,
the one to whom I owe my life, the forming of my soul?

The one who tucked me in at night, the one who stopped my crying,
the one who was the expert at picking up when I was lying.

The one who saw me off to school and spent sad days alone,
yet magically produced a smile as soon as I came home.

The one who makes such sacrifices to always put me first,
who lets me test my broken wings, in spite of how it hurts.

Who paints the world a rainbow when it's filled with broken dreams,
who explains it all so clearly when nothing is what it seems.

Are there really any words for this? I find this question tough.
Anything I want to say just doesn't seem enough.

What way is there to thank you for your heart, your sweat, your tears,
for ten thousand things you've done for oh so many years.

For changing with me as I changed, accepting all my flaws,
not loving 'cause you had to, but loving just because.

For never giving up on me when your wits had reached its end,
for always being proud of me, for being my best friend.

And so I come to realize, the only way to say,
the only thank you that's enough is clear in just one way.

Look at me before you see what I've become.
Do you see yourself in me, the job that you have done?

All your hopes and all your dreams, the strength that no one sees,
a transfer over many years, your best was to pass me.

Thank you for the gifts you give, for everything you do,
but thank you, Mommy, most of all for making dreams come true.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mathias by Mathias
  • 1 year ago

That was such a beautiful poem. Mothers truly are a blessing. Many of the feelings expressed here are so relatable . They do so much for us that "thank you" is just not enough but we can show our appreciation by being our best selves, being the kind of person they raised us to be. Beautiful!!

Thank you so much for this beautiful poem.

  • Mentor Exhibit by Mentor Exhibit
  • 7 years ago

This poem is so touching. All the qualities ascribed by mothers in this poem are just a direct reflection of what my mom is. This poem is special just like how mothers are splendid.

  • Ruth N. Stapersma by Ruth N. Stapersma
  • 7 years ago

My mother is still alive at 96, and I am 73. I am the one who visits her and takes her yogurt and toiletries. My late father's pension pays for her accommodation at a home. I used to work there in my retirement but now live nearby. The garden outside her center has been made absolutely beautiful by a friend of ours, but my mother will not go out in it. She stays in her wheelchair in her room and the nurses sometimes lock themselves in with her. She can understand Zulu, so they can't be doing anything wrong.

My mother had six children and used to say, "Little birds in the nest must agree." But when she was 73 she and my father developed Folie a deux, whereby everything I said was wrong and everything their only son said was right, however immoral, indecent, or illegal. They said I was "conned" out of the money I spent getting him out of prison and would not listen to a lawyer cousin (now a judge). But she's my mother and I visit often.

  • Adi by Adi
  • 4 years ago

I think we all have a connection with our mothers. Even if it's not what we'd like it to be. And I think that it's beautiful that you know the meaning of caring to your mother when she's old, because she cared about you when you were young and still cares. She will never stop caring. ❤ I wish you a good life ❤

  • Deb by Deb
  • 7 years ago

I look for inspiration when creating a Mother's Day card for my Mom. This poem is so beautifully stated. It truly defines the absolute love, utter devotion and sheer compassion my mom has. Her faith has pulled me through some difficult times, her support has made me shine in the best of times. My mom is amazing. Thank you for so eloquently describing her here. Love you, Mom xoxo

  • Poet Aqua by Poet Aqua
  • 8 years ago

Mothers are the most compassionate and the most selfless creations by God. We can never thank them enough. My mom is a blessing to me. I realize that she has been the reason of me to be what I am. I can never thank her enough. She's so selfless.

  • 8 years ago

This poem is soul-touching! It paints the real picture of what my dear mama Alice went through in making me a better man today. I have just got more inspiration to love and cherish my mama as Nothing Is Enough for all the sacrifices she endured for me. I love you "ndae" Alice.

  • Maureen by Maureen
  • 8 years ago

This poem was beautiful. I was reading and began to cry thinking my mom would love this poem but she passed a year and half ago. I still forget sometimes that she is not here. Thank you for sharing.

  • Lynn by Lynn
  • 14 years ago

This is a wonderful poem and the words and meaning were expressed beautifully.

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