Mother's Day Poem

First Mother's Day Without Mom

This is my first Mother's day without my mom. I always gave her flowers, and roses were her favorite. I wanted to do something for mama, so I wrote this poem for her. If this is your first Mother's day without your mother I hope this poem will bring you comfort.

Written by: Lynn Casstevens May 1, 2008
On the shores of Jubilee

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Thank you for your lovely and thoughtful poem. My mother also loved roses, especially yellow roses. She passed away in April of 2010...just three months after my younger sister and only...

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Roses For Mama

© more by Lynn Casstevens

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Lord, are there roses in your garden
On the shores of jubilee
Would you pick a dozen of your best
And deliver them for me?
For you see, today is mothers' day
And I can't visit my mom
For it wasn't very long ago
The angels came and took her home.
So if there are roses in your garden
On the shores of Jubilee
Would you pick a dozen of your best
And deliver them for me?
Would you take them to my mother
And tell her that I love her.
Tell her that I miss her
In oh!  So many ways
But I have joy in knowing
We'll meet again someday
And we'll pick roses together
On the shores of Jubilee..


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Donna Lee McInnis by Donna Lee McInnis
  • 3 years ago

Thank you for your lovely and thoughtful poem. My mother also loved roses, especially yellow roses. She passed away in April of 2010...just three months after my younger sister and only sibling lost her long and courageous battle with liver failure. They were both loving and kind, with giving spirits, and their deaths have been very hard for our family. Mom's birthday is also in May, so this Mother's Day she would have been 101 years old! I am so glad she was my mother and so thankful for all the love she showered on me, for teaching me about God and His mercies, for showing me how to be strong and how to do things that are hard, and just for everything she knows. So Mom, showers of roses for you, every day, each one filled with love. And for each of you who shared stories of your mothers, showers of roses filled with comfort and peace for you. For each of us, there is no one like Mother.

  • Bernice by Bernice
  • 6 years ago

Thank you for this poem. My mom went home to be with the Lord 12 years ago, and it still feels like just yesterday. This poem means so much to me. One cannot forget their mother. Happy Mother's Day to all you who lost your mom. Keep her spirit alive; she lives in our heart and will always be. Thanks again for this lovely poem. God bless.

  • Diane McCloud by Diane McCloud
  • 7 years ago

Lost my dearest mother back in December 1990 and buried her on Christmas Eve that same year, so Christmas has and never will be the same. I always gave her roses for Mother's Day, and the moment I read this poem, it brought tears to my eyes. Please Lord, if you do have roses in your garden, please make sure a dozen of your best goes to my mother, grandmother and aunts that are already there in heaven. I will see you again one day Mama, this I promise. Until then, God has some roses for you from me on this Mother's Day to remind you just how much I love you. We miss you so much more!!! Till then mama, sending hugs and kisses to heaven (as tears fall).

  • Bobbie Crawford by Bobbie Crawford, Tacoma Washington
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mom suddenly this past June when an aneurysm burst in her brain. For about the last 20 years I've been helping her and taking care of her as she got older. My mom's name was Rose. And she loved roses. Her house is empty now but I still find myself going over there each day and tending to all of her roses that she loved so much. I'll probably keep doing that until someone moves in. Tomorrow is going to be difficult without her. She was my best friend. This poem could of been written about her so thank you for allowing me to dedicate or to my mom.

  • 9 years ago

Loved your poem, lost my mom on May 1, 2009 with cancer and it is very hard still, I miss her but I have not forgotten what my mom instilled in my life, joy, love, and a giving heart. I am forever thankful for my mom. She's the best !

  • Tabanee by Tabanee, Saratoga Springs
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, I know that it represents many of us who has to adjust our lives without our mom. My mother passed away June 9, 2014 ending her horrific battle with cancer. I have always felt fortunate and extremely grateful that I had her for as long as I did. Although, selfishly I had this wishful thinking that she could live for another 20 years, which would make her 94. My mother, like many other mom/children here, was my "rock", my best friend, my instructor of life, my mentor and the list goes on and on. My heart is still aching over her loss and I am still devastated but I know I will see her again someday. Death is part of life cycle, I get it....but it doesn't mean that it's easy. I miss the telephone calls from my mom to tell me about her day or sharing with me her excitement about sports. I miss her kindness, her words of wisdom, her knowledge of the world and stories told of her life back in Thailand.

  • Nimawi by Nimawi
  • 10 years ago

Your poem made my cry. I lose my mom to cancer. My mom is my everything.

  • Liz by Liz, Arizona
  • 10 years ago

My mama has been gone since January 2002, but it always seems as if it were yesterday. Enjoyed the poem a lot, just letting me know others are going through the same loss and sadness, thanks enjoyed it....

  • Johnnel by Johnnel, Houston Tx
  • 10 years ago

My 12 year old brother lost his mom at 6 and when I read this I thought about him.

  • Saraland by Saraland, Al
  • 10 years ago

I love your poem we should all embrace our moms with love and honor. Mothers work very hard to keep love in the family. I miss my mom very dearly. Not a day goes by that I don't think or cry about her. You see my mom passed away 40 years ago and to me it was just yesterday that she went to be with the Lord. I'm a merchant seaman I carry the same picture of my mom and dad who also has passrd away. I have been carrying that picture of them with me every where I go since 1976. I too can't wait to be with them that's when I was the happiest in my life. We did everything together as a family. I know God counts our tears and that lets Him know how much we miss our moms He stores them to shower us in heaven. Lessen to the song by Mercyme ; how great is your love and let it rain down on you beloved.

  • Kim by Kim, Iowa
  • 10 years ago

Your poem made my cry. I lost my mother to breast cancer 31 years ago when I was 17. The following year was really hard especially the months April (her birthday) then of course May. Those months are still hard. Thank you again for that poem..

  • Hazel Barratt by Hazel Barratt, England
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for such a beautiful poem, my mum died 2 years ago on Christmas Day, my dad died 3rd December 2013. It is very painful to lose ones parents. My mum loved her pink and white roses, and I shall be putting these on her and dads grave next Sunday on Mother's Day.

Beautiful words, and inspiring, because I know I shall her again one day.

  • Canda by Canda
  • 11 years ago

I am very touched reading beautiful poem. I lost my Mom in 2000 and a brother in 2013. I also lost my 6 year old niece in 1992 and my Husband in 1994 who I loved very much. So this poem touched me many many ways.

  • Kathy by Kathy, Arlington VA
  • 11 years ago

It is not my first Mother's Day without my Mom ... it will be the thirty-first .... but it doesn't make the missing any less ... and for some reason this year seems especially hard. Thank you for your poem because I definitely believe I will see her again on the shores of Jubilee.

  • Robbie by Robbie, Brooklyn NY
  • 11 years ago

Roses for Mama was written for me. My mother died two years ago after a short illness. She had her ways and was very strict when we grew up. We were taught to honor our parents, so as I write this I am so moved that someone has had the same experience. I used to send my mother flowers also and she used to say why don't you send me the money instead. That hurt me a lot when she would say this to me; not that she wanted the money, when all I really wanted was for her to be happy and know I loved her. Yet when I read this poem I still want to give her flower and can't. Love is a strange thing. I am learning still even though today is my sixty third birthday. One day I will meet my mom on the shores of Jubilee and then we too can pick flowers of any kind together, even roses.

  • Diane Hackler by Diane Hackler, Redding
  • 11 years ago

What a touching poem, our family lost our mom just a few days past her 100th birthday and this poem expresses exactly how I feel.

  • Thomas by Thomas
  • 12 years ago

I don't have no story to share, but just reading this poem makes me even more appreciative of my mother.

  • Lauren Crawford by Lauren Crawford, Plainfield.
  • 12 years ago

This is soo beautiful! I used it to send greetings to my mother in law. Very touching.

  • Ann Larman by Ann Larman
  • 12 years ago

Lovely poem, I lost my Mum 22 years ago but it is an appropriate poem and tribute to my

  • Eleanor Bruce by Eleanor Bruce
  • 13 years ago

What a beautiful poem. It says everything that anyone whose lost their Mum must feel. I lost my Mum 40 years ago when I was 18 and there is not a day that goes past that I don't miss her. I went on to have 5 children and now 9 Grandchildren whom she never saw but I'm sure that she watches over us all and they all know what a wonderful person that unfortunately they never got to know. Mum use to say you won't miss me till I'm gone and never was there a truer word said. For those still lucky enough to still have your Mums cherish and tell them you love them its not quite the same saying it to a picture. Thanks once again for sharing your beautiful poem which has brought back such lovely memories. God Bless

  • Iqbal Nafar by Iqbal Nafar
  • 13 years ago

You wrote your feelings for dear mother so well, that while reading I send the same request to God to send flowers to my mother to. Mothers are such that no one on earth can take their place. In our religion, we are taught that if we want to go to heaven we have to find it under the feet of mother.

  • Carmen Salcido by Carmen Salcido, Yuma
  • 13 years ago

My mother died in September, though she was unable to recognize us as her sons and daughters, she was always very sweet to us. She felt comfort, and secure with us. She loved to the last day music and roses, she used to cultivate them. Her garden was so so beautiful. I missing her so much. Thank you for your poem. It is as beautiful as a rose. We are so blessed to had a mother as them.

  • Zena by Zena, Cairo
  • 13 years ago

A very impressive poem. I never imagined that Mam will depart me one day because I was very attached to her. But it happened after a short period of illness.
I do not know how that sad day passed but the first night after her passing away I saw her in a dream coming and offering me a cup of milk. She was beautiful..not sick. I felt she is in a more beautiful and peaceful place .

  • Sherry Cagle by Sherry Cagle, Tiptonville Tn
  • 13 years ago

Some of your poems are really touching to me. My mother passed away with lung cancer in Feb. 2005 not a day goes by that I don't think about her and wish I could here her voice, she left us a letter and said when you are missing me go out and look up into the sky and I will be the brightest star looking back at you, my daughter was pregnant with her first great grandchild that she never got to see, but I have taught her about her great nanny and we look up at the stars and pick out the brightest one and know that it is great nanny and if I some how forget she reminds me look for the brightest star she is Olivia and she is 6 now.

  • Sue by Sue, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

Really touching poem about your mother. I lost my mother 45 years ago when I was only 20, and a brand new mother myself. Waked her on her last mothers day, my first one and my fathers birthday so it is not a easy holiday for me...even all these years later. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt feelings for others to see and feel for themselves.

  • Geri by Geri, California
  • 13 years ago

I love this own mother passed away 5 months ago, December of 2010 and so this mothers day will be very hard for me to deal with as it will be my first that she is away from home, my mothers favorite flower was always roses, so this poem really touches me and makes me think of my mother, as hard as that is to do sometimes without crying..thanks for writing such a beautiful poem....

This is a beautiful poem. It touched my heart. It wasn't my first Mother's Day without my mother but my second. It doesn't get any easier. Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful poem.

  • Zahida by Zahida, Qatar
  • 14 years ago

It's really sad to know that you all have lost such a lovely and precious personality.....Thanks to ALLAH that I have my Mom. But still this poem touched me for its sad and innocent expression. Thanks for this beautiful poem.

  • Jo by Jo, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

When I read this poem I started crying. I lost my mom 15 years ago at the Thanksgiving Holiday. My mom was my best friend as my daughter has told me that I am her best friend. My mom has been more on my mind (more so than usual) for the past few months. She grew roses and she was ready to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus. Thank You so very much for this poem.

  • Brittany by Brittany, USA
  • 15 years ago

I just wanted to let you know that this poem touched way down deep. Mmy mom passed away 2 years ago of ovarian cancer and life gets harder and harder everyday now that's she's gone. I have been bounced from house to house. but now I am finally stable in one home. And it just hurts every mother's day she isn't around. but this poem got me through last mothers day and hoping it will get me through the one coming up....BRIT

I lost my mother in September and miss her so much. I know that Mothers Day will be a hard day for me this year. Thank you for the beautiful poem. It really touched me. God Bless

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 15 years ago

Your poem touched me deeply. My mom just passed away and it has been hard to do things at times. At times I think I hear her calling me, but it is my heart that is crying. Mama loved roses and so on her grave I will be placing her favorite red and white roses. I know as she looks down she will smile and I will send her a kiss to heaven. Thanks for the poem

  • Danielle by Danielle
  • 15 years ago

Hello I'm just leaving a comment because your poem really touched my heart... See my grandmother just passed away a month ago and she was like my second mom I loved her and this will be a sad mothers day without her...We used to do everything together but like your poem said we will meet again sum day!.!.!.!.

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