Mother's Day Poem

This poem is for my mum, who went through a really hard time. She lost her mum and brother and then split with her husband. She is my rock and my world. I wanted her to know how much I love her. She's everything to me, and I'm blessed that she's my mum.

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Thanks for making this wonderful poem. It really touched me in many ways just thinking of the look on my moms face after hearing this. We never really had a relationship, but I think this...

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Thank You Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

If I took a little minute to write a poem for you,
It would turn into a lifetime for all the things you do....
So I'll try and keep it simple.
There's some things I wish to say,
And what better day to say them than
Today on Mother's Day?

Things haven't been easy for you.
We know you've had it tough
With one thing or another
God knows enough's enough.

At times you're so frustrated
And you're feeling rather low,
But you're cherished by your family
More than you will ever know.

We know you want your life back
And how things used to be,
But things will soon get better mum.
Just you wait and see.

In all my life you guided me
And showed me right from wrong.
You are my inspiration, Mum.
You're the music in my song.

You were there for me when times were hard.
You're always close at hand.
You guided me to happiness.
You're the best mum in the land.

I never could repay you.
You're worth your weight in gold.
If ever I would need you, Mum,
Your hand is there to hold.

Your advice is always listened to,
But you always have to say,
"It's your decision, Sweetheart."
You'll make it, come what may.

So thank you, Mum, for making me
The person I've become,
And through your loving guidance
I'm a clone of you, my mum.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lizie J.T Francis by Lizie J.T Francis
  • 10 years ago

Thanks for making this wonderful poem. It really touched me in many ways just thinking of the look on my moms face after hearing this. We never really had a relationship, but I think this poem will change things between us. I am a poet myself, but some day I want to become a greater poet just like you. It's just amazing being able to touch a persons hearts through poetry.

  • Lincon by Lincon
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. It remind me of my mom and some of the things I would like to tell my mom but don't know how. After reading this poem I think I know what to do. This poem really helped me. I LOVE IT. Thanks.

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