Mother's Day Poem

Thank You Poem From Son To Mother

Telling my mother how much she means and thanking her for all that she has done

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This poem was the best ever. Describes my mom all the way.

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Dear Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

I'm writing you to tell you that I love you
Something I hardly ever do.
I never tell you enough how much I love you
and it's something I must do.
I need to let you know mother how much
You really mean to me so I'm telling you now
you mean the world to me.
I need to thank you for all you do for me.
Your unconditional love toward me means a lot to me.
You've never turned your back on me
and I know it's something you'll never do.
Anytime I need someone to talk to
You're always there to help me through
And anytime I need a favor you always seem
To be there, too.
There's nothing in this world that I could do
to pay you back for all you do.
When god gave me to you,
That's the best thing he could ever do,
So this poem is dedicated to you
Because I don't know how else to say
Thank You.


  • Stories 2
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jai Byrd Richardsin by Jai Byrd Richardsin, Texas
  • 10 years ago

This poem was the best ever. Describes my mom all the way.

  • M.K.Subramanian by M.K.Subramanian, Chapel Hill
  • 14 years ago

I really like this poem. It reflected the qualities of my mother towards me. I feel sorry that I can't equal her qualities.

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