Mother Daughter Poem

Poem About All My Mother Has Done

My mom is my role model, and this poem was my way of telling her just how much she means to me.

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This is a touching poem from a daughter to mother showing all the little things to the big things that matter in life between a mother and daughter. I love this poem. It's so sentimental!...

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2015 with permission of the Author.

You brushed my hair and tucked me in,
Made me laugh for hours on end.
You kissed my boo-boos when I fooled around.
Mommy, you never let me down.

You held my hand as I got my shots
Then took me for ice cream that hit the spot.
You bought me Polly Pockets and Barbies, too.
Mommy, there's no one quite like you.

You held my hand as I walked through the door,
Then you met my teacher as I stared at the floor.
You told me it'd be fun and I'd make friends too,
And for that reason, Mommy, I love you.

You listened to me talk about the drama and boys
Then taught me how to handle it with class and poise.
You spoke with wisdom and of things you know.
You love to hear me say, "Mommy, you told me so."

You love the Lord with all you heart,
And you're kind and gentle and pretty and smart.
If I could be anyone, I'd pick you,
'Cause, Mommy, the world would be better with two of you.

You've taught me so much, with more in store,
And with each day that passes, I love you more.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

This is a touching poem from a daughter to mother showing all the little things to the big things that matter in life between a mother and daughter. I love this poem. It's so sentimental! Thank you for sharing!

  • Brity DAji by Brity DAji
  • 7 years ago

I really enjoyed having this site. It is a really good and enjoyable site for me!!

  • Donna by Donna
  • 7 years ago

I really need your help please. My mom passed away 3 years ago on my dad's birthday, of all days. But to make things even worse, Mom's birthday also falls on Mother's Day this year, May 14th, 2017. I am praying you can help me to write a very heartfelt and loving poem for my Mom. Please help. Donna

  • Kk by Kk
  • 9 years ago

I have been searching for really sweet poems about my mom and dad! I LOOOVEE writing poems for my family and hiding it in there lunch for work. I'm a very sneaky kid when it comes to making my mommy and daddy smile like that! ;)'

  • Sophie by Sophie, UK
  • 9 years ago

I was looking for a family or childhood poem for my English assignment at school at found this one. It is truly an amazing poem. Love this website!!!

  • Gomolemo by Gomolemo
  • 8 years ago

I really love this site it has everything that I need about poems.

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