Father Poem

Unbreakable Bond Between Father And Daughter

This poem is about the strong bond between a father and daughter. It is dedicated to my dad, who passed away just before my 21st birthday; he was 51.

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My daughter recently lost her father. In a conversation with her, she was saying how sad it was that she had only received one card or written form of a message. Everyone had sent text...

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Father And Daughter

© more by Heather Twining

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

The bond between father and daughter happens instantly, starting right at birth.
When a father first lays eyes on his little girl, he loves her more than anything on this earth.
When a daughter grows older, her father is the first man she will love
And the last one her father will have trouble letting go of.
In her eyes he is the closest thing to God; in her eyes he is a king.
To her father, she means the world; she means everything.
When a daughter grows up to be an adult and mature,
Her father will always be there any time she still needs dad to help her,
To give her advice or just for anything she will ever need.
The bond between father and daughter is the most important bond indeed.
It cannot be broken when she finds a man and become his wife,
It cannot be broken even in the ending of either one's life.
A daughter will always have the memories of her father, her best friend.
This bond has a beginning, but there is never an end.
The bond between a father and daughter is so profound.
The love shared is well-renowned.
From the beginning of his daughters life, he is a changed man.
At that moment, his life really just began.
From the moment their eyes meet,
Two souls instantly become complete.


more by Heather Twining

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lyn Plant by Lyn Plant
  • 6 years ago

My daughter recently lost her father. In a conversation with her, she was saying how sad it was that she had only received one card or written form of a message. Everyone had sent text messages. Text messages are not keepsakes. Having grown up with only brothers, this daughter was everything to this father. I was looking for words of comfort for my daughter and came across this poem. It brought tears to my eyes because it puts into words exactly the bond they had. He had experienced a very long illness, and she was there right through to the end.

  • James by James, Toronto Ont
  • 11 years ago

This is amazing made me cry my daughter is being held by her mother against me and I'm going through hell just to see her but hell is the least of my worries if it comes to seeing my lil princess I'll do what ever it takes... very moving poem

  • London by London
  • 11 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. My daughter is 5 now, her mum left the UK with her and ran off to Pakistan without telling me. Almost 2000 days later, I have no idea what she sounds like, what she smells like....all I get is photos which she uploads to Facebook and does not make private, so I am able to download the pictures.

  • Chehalis by Chehalis, New Zealand
  • 11 years ago

This poem was really heart wrenching. At the age I am today (15), I still miss My Dad very much. He passed away in 2005 when I was only 7. Cancer is what took Him away from me. I Loved Him with all my heart and soul. I haven't really dealt with his passing pretty well. I enjoyed this poem. It reminded me of all the great times we had together <3

  • Kami by Kami, Bellingham WA
  • 11 years ago

This story touches my heart especially with fathers day coming around the corner. To tell you the truth, I hate fathers day. I went through a time he was not in my life. In 2006 the summer right before I started my senior year of High school, my dad went to jail. I was away in Colorado the week it happened and did not know until I came home. I had to go that whole year, plus some, without my dad. All those senior memories that I was suppose to have with both my parent were gone because my dad was in jail and my mom was trying to take care of all the "stuff" that went along with putting him there. My senior year I did not have him tell me how I looked for my senior picture, I didn't get him to help with my senior project. I did not have him there to convince me to go to prom when I decided not to. Now 6 years later, my dad is trying to make up for everything that happened, he knows that nothing will ever erase it. This just goes to show, how strong the bond between a father & daughter are.

  • Jason W. Omaha by Jason W. Omaha, NE
  • 12 years ago

I moved to Omaha, NE. to take care of my Mom about a year and half ago from Colorado Springs where my daughters are. I think about them often and how much I love and miss them. Times are hard because Mom has Stage 4 Cancer and I really don't have a lot of time to call them during the day and I really don't have any opportunities to go to Colorado to visit, it's hard to write because my eyes are tearing up.
When Alejandra was born she looked at me smiled and managed to get her little arm out of the blanket she was wrapped in just to hold onto my finger, daddy cried like a baby.
When Anadina was born, I wasn't able to make it to the hospital in time for her birth but I remember those big blues always had me within view.
My daughters mean the world to me and it pleases me to know there are other good Dads out there that can make an imprint on their daughters.

  • Tia by Tia
  • 12 years ago

My dad is still alive and he is a wonderful father to my brothers and my sisters! I love him sooo much and couldn't have a better dad!!! xxx Thank you daddy xxxx

  • Saima Akhter by Saima Akhter
  • 12 years ago

This poem is very nice. This poem really touches my heart because I lost my father 3 years ago. He was a very good man. I can not forget when my father died. He deid on the 24th November 2009. This day was very bad for me because I was not home when my father died. I always remember my childhood when my father was with me. He was very caring for me. In the end just I want to say that I can't forget him in my life. I miss him so much.

  • Yogeswari by Yogeswari, Malaysia
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched my heart and made me shed tear...I lost my Father a month ago.. I miss him so much..

  • Dan by Dan, Nebraska
  • 12 years ago

My daughter found me 1 month ago, she was given up for adoption when young, I was not ready to be a parent at the time she is now 33 yrs old, our bond was instant we are building a father daughter relationship and moving forward with our lives. I hope and pray that we can have many more years together. This poem really touches my heart. Thank you.

  • Alana by Alana, Lansvale
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me because I think it's true and this is coming from a 10 year old girl. I was just searching for ideas. I'm making a fathers day card. I found this poem I think its true.

PS: sorry about my spelling!

  • Zarrah Nicole by Zarrah Nicole, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I love the poem. I was struck instantly, when I read the introduction that his/her father died. My father died also 13 years ago. I was 5. & now, I am 18. I missed him so much. Tomorrow, we'll having a presentation of our drawings in one of my subjects in school. I drew a clip art of a father & daughter. I will read your poem in front of my classmates & proudly acknowledge you as the writer. Thank you so much for this wonderful poem that you've shared. I am glad I've read this. Godbless!

  • Becca by Becca, Lakewood WA
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched my heart soo much it made me shed tear. I'm 14 and 62 days ago my dad committed suicide. My dad was my best friend and I miss him oh soo much

  • Teresa by Teresa, Nevada
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touches my heart. As me and my Dad have been kept apart most my life of, which I and he feels is an injustice. Though together just a short time when I was little, I fell as though nothing can erase this bond not time nor space. I finally found him not long ago after being separated from him for eons. What a joyous reunion that was.
Praise the lord!

  • Gary by Gary
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for this poem. As the poem says from the day my daughter was born, she's had me wrapped around her little finger. Today at age 22 it's becoming more evident as to how very close we are. There are times today she'll ask a question, not wanting a dad's answer but a friend's answer. I can separate the dad in me from the friend in me & can be that friend she'd like me to be.
Again, thank you & thank you for the warm memories,

  • jackie by jackie
  • 15 years ago

the reason why this poem touched my heart is because I lost my dad 13 years ago, he died from a heart problem. I miss him so much he was all ways there for me. My 3 youngest children have never seen him, and he wasn't here to walk me down the isle when I got married, but he will always be in my heart for the rest of my life

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