Mother Daughter Poem

Poem To Mom From Daughter

Dedicated to my daughter, Deanna Nicole, in the hopes that she will remember when we were best friends. I cry every time I read this because I pray she one day feels this way toward me again. I miss you so very much my daughter, my best friend.
Love, Mom

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Sarah, Please know that ten years ago I had read your message and was touched by what you said. I never got around to replying, and for that I apologize. I hope this still reaches you so...

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Because You're My Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2009 with permission of the Author.

Because you are my mom, you loved me before I was ever seen.
You thanked God for this miracle, this little human being.
So exciting, yet fragile it all must have seemed to you then.
Hearing my little heart beat inside you, now life begins.

Because you are my mom, no pain was too great for you to bear.
Now you're a mother and I your child with joys and pains to share.
And so into this world my life began, each breath now on my own.
One day we will look back at just how much I've grown.

Because you are my mom, you worried for me within your every bone.
You finally let go of my little hand to take my first steps on my own.
Because you are my mom, you showed me through the years
To care about others and their feelings and the things they hold dear.

Because you are my mom, you taught me right from wrong,
Understanding that my faith in God will forever keep me strong,
Showing me that being my own person is the only tool I'll need
When morals and values are your foundation to succeed.

Because you are my mom, you loved me enough to also be my friend.
You would be right there in ways that no one could see or ever comprehend.
When there was no way I thought you could ever understand,
There you would be, non-judging and willing to lend a hand.

Because you are my mom, God's gift to me was you
As your daughter, I will always love you
And promise to be true.
I thank you for so many things, and will try to never make you sad or blue.

Because you are my mom, and one day I will be a mother too,
I pray I never forget all that you've been through.
I am your daughter, and in your image I am proud to be.
By the grace of God you were created, and then I came to be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Becki Cox by Becki Cox
  • 4 years ago

My daughter Courie found this poem and hand wrote it out for me (making a few changes of her own) and gave it to me on Mother's Day many years ago. Courie passed away in Feb. 2013 when she was 12...I was going through stuff today and I found it

  • Linda Arlene Fassett by Linda Arlene Fassett Poet
  • 4 years ago

I am so glad your daughter found this inspiration for her poem to you. And I am very proud to be a part of something she gave to you from her heart. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me and now Courie will be in my heart forever too. I hope from time to time you can pull her poem out and read it again with all the love one sweet little girl had for her mom.
With all my prayers,
Linda Arlene Fassett

  • Kimberly Buazard by Kimberly Buazard
  • 6 years ago

I am giving this poem to my mom on Mother's Day. She will be so happy. Thanks to all the people who write these poems. I love this poem so much. Soooooo awesome. Am I right?

  • Amanda Lee by Amanda Lee, Sydney Australia
  • 11 years ago

I was looking for something to put in a card for my mum. I found this, and it is perfect! My mum is the one who helps me with everything; from making art projects colorful to those hard days when all you can do is cry.

  • Amber by Amber, Florida
  • 12 years ago

This is such a sweet poem, I got teary eyed reading it. Such beautiful words spoken there. I love my mother to death and I can't wait to read her this poem. :D I have never read such beauty!!! This poem touched my heart because my mother has went through hell her whole life, worrying about everything, having to deal with me and my siblings argue. My father always causing problems, having to provide for her children. Makes me finally open my eyes to notice that our mothers are God's strongest things on earth, they go through so much, and yet in the end they are still standing there with their heads held high!!! I love you mom.

  • Jade by Jade, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

I just looooooove this poem! It is like soooooo awesome!
I just use some of this poem for my home- made-card I made for my mom. Like abbie said, I give you an
Now, I appreciate my mommy even MORE!!!!!!

  • Camdenton Missouri by Camdenton Missouri
  • 12 years ago

This is a great poems becuase it reminds me that me and my mom are really close and there is no way I'm going to stop that. My mom is my best friend and I'm glad to have a mom that will be there when I need to talk.

  • Jackson by Jackson, Colorando Springs
  • 13 years ago

I have learn to be thankful to have my family and friends around me all the time. I loved your poem and it is the best one that I have read in my life. Have a good life and keep writing.

  • Abbie Bruni by Abbie Bruni
  • 13 years ago

I'm sitting in my living room, working on my mother daughter relationships paper for the senior English paper. I came across this poem and its everything I need for my quotations! ITS BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Because of this poem I will hopefully be getting an A++++++++++

  • Ritisha Singh by Ritisha Singh
  • 14 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. I am getting married in 2 weeks and I'm looking for a poem to say to my mom on my wedding day. This is the best poem ever. (weep weep) wow it's beautiful. Thanks

  • Allison by Allison, Plaistow NH
  • 14 years ago

My mom and I were always so close and one day I got older, we separated and I guess I really just didn't realize it. My mom everytime I did something wrong would make a remark about how we aren't the same anymore, and I try not to hurt her and I shared more with her, like my first kiss and losing friends and she appreciated it, I guess just letting your mom in on your life is all that matters to them besides your love.
my mom is my hero though, my dad left when I was in third grade and she raised my brother and I all by herself until we were old enough to move out, it seemed like we were living pay check to pay check but she always tried to do as much as she could and give us what we wanted. I now have a daughter of my own and I feel what she feels, all I hope is that my daughter will let me in on her life, so I can give advice and never let anything hurt her.

  • Jackie Gomez by Jackie Gomez, San Antonio Texas
  • 14 years ago

This is so touching. as I sit here just thinking of my mother while she is at work I come across this poem. My mom has been through so much and she is still there for me whatever happens. All I have seen her go through and come out on top to the women she is today, makes me proud to be her daughter. One day I do want to grow up and be the mother she is today. I LOVE YOU MOM!!

  • Krystle by Krystle, California
  • 14 years ago

I am sitting here at my house thinking of all the things my mother has gone through in her life and I wanted to make something worth it to her...This poem has really touched me because my mom and dad got divorced and my dad doesn't want to be near us anymore and he doesn't want us ever to talk to him. My mom is a single mother raising me and my younger 11 year old brother. She tried sooo hard to get us what we need but its hard for her. I try to help her through it but it is really hard. I want her to feel like she is loved soo thank you for posting this made me cry when I first read it...I was reading it while listening to my moms favorite song...Thank you soo much...

  • Sarah by Sarah, Pennsylvania
  • 14 years ago

I'm sitting in studyhall looking for a Mother's Day poem and I came along to this one. This poem has really touched me because I've lived with my mom all my life and my Dad doesn't want much to do with me. My mom is a single mother raising me and four brothers. I try to understand her situation and she tries to understand mine. We help each other everyday. I'm thankful to God I have a wonderful mom like her that cares for me, and works hard to raise all of us. Thank you for posting this poem it was truly amazing.

  • Linda Arlene Fassett by Linda Arlene Fassett Poet
  • 4 years ago

Please know that ten years ago I had read your message and was touched by what you said. I never got around to replying, and for that I apologize. I hope this still reaches you so that I could tell you how much I admire your mom. Four boys and a daughter to raise on her own could not have been easy. It sounds like she sure did a great job. You know trying to understand each other in both your positions is hard to do. I hope you still have a great relationship with your mom today. You probably have children of your own now and can relate to her and all she had done on a much bigger level. Thank you so much for loving my poem.

Linda Fassett

  • Tryna by Tryna, TX
  • 14 years ago

This poem is amazing and it made me tear up... I love my mommy!

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