Mother Daughter Poem

Poem From Mom Who Wants Her Daughter's Love

I am a mother hurting and trying to regain my daughter's love. I wrote this poem from my heart and find poetry a very satisfying way to get my feelings out. This is the first poem I have ever really worked hard on and actually finished. Thanks for reading it.

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I was so surprised someone endured a mother's pain such as I experienced. My husband was a philanderer and also left me alone a lot in Winnipeg. The children and I coped, but it was lonely. A...

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Love At Last


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

I remember the good times
that we once had...
but still my life
is sad

I try to look forward,
but my mind goes back...
because a piece of the glass
on our portrait is cracked.

I try so hard to protect the glass.
I won't let it shatter...
Because you and your love
are all that matters.

My family is all
that means anything to me.
Still...everything always
gets blamed on me.

This happens to moms
all over the world.
We're supposed to be perfect;
we learn this as girls.

I have never been great
or the "best of moms"...
And at times I've failed
by the things I've done wrong.

For those things, I am sorry.
I didn't want you to cry...
but please remember
my eyes are not dry.

I hope you can find
our love that seems lost.
For the mistakes I have made
came at a very high cost.

A piece of my life,
is missing and gone.
And everything feels
Oh so wrong.

But there is one thing
that I can do.
I will try to be strong
just for you.

One thing I feel
down deep in my heart.
It's my love for you.
I guess that's a start.

You have a new son
now growing inside.
And I hope that you feel
each of his kicks with pride.

You will feel love
like never before.
It is your family
you will completely adore.

It's a new beginning.
you will forget the past.
It completes you as a woman.
It will be "love at last."


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Verenice Renteria Carrillo by Verenice Renteria Carrillo
  • 6 years ago

In 1999 at the age of 23 years old, I met a young attractive police officer in a small town. He moved in and married me by February 2000. I became pregnant with my second daughter, Stephanie. At only 1 month of age, I realized my husband was having an affair with a District Attorney. They were corrupt and took my baby girl. I ended up incarcerated, lost my child, became homeless, and he annulled our marriage. Now in 2019, my daughter is 18. I found her on social media, and she wants nothing to do with me. They have fed her their lies, but in Jesus' name, she will one day open her eyes.

  • Nicola by Nicola
  • 6 years ago

This poem really touched me because it sums up the way I feel about my estranged 18-year-old daughter. Three years ago, when my daughter was only 15, she decided out of the blue she didn't like me anymore and hasn't talked to me since. She moved out 6 months ago after her 18th birthday, and I don't know where to. She has blocked me on her phone and all social media, and I have no idea why. Despite having 3 younger children, I feel my life is incomplete without her in it, because I know something is missing. I just want her to be happy and healthy, and I hope one day she returns. We were always very close before, and she would accompany me everywhere. We would spend a lot of time together. I hope 1 day we get that closeness back.

  • Kember Kilgore by Kember Kilgore
  • 7 years ago

I got about halfway through the responses and had to stop reading. The totality of damage that people do to others is unbelievable. I wouldn't and haven't lost sleep when my kids tune me out for whatever reason. They are adults and can think for themselves. They know the difference between right and wrong, and if they choose to try and mess with my heart for selfish or even unrealistic purposes, so be it. They know how I feel about them, but no way will I succumb to manipulations from the crap they have picked up by other manipulators. What worked for others won't work for them. I would do anything for my kids, and they know it. We are not perfect, and we know it. If you allow your kids to walk all over you, then that is on you. Set up boundaries and live by them. It will teach something very valuable to your kids about being resilient.

  • Diana by Diana
  • 3 years ago

Thank you for this response, I needed to hear this as I am going through hard things with our 18-year-old daughter. We have been very loving parents, who have raised her in a very caring, loving home. She has been disrespectful to my husband and I both. I need to stop allowing what she says control me or make me 2nd guess my parenting because that's what she is trying to do.

  • Anne Becknelll by Anne Becknelll
  • 6 years ago

Reading your message ... well it made me stop and look at my relationship with my children and grandchildren. I have lost sleep and my heart has been heavy in the knowledge that what I must do is stop enabling bad behavior - even though I know that it will cause yet more pain and suffering on my part. Manipulation is learned and passed down. It is like jumping from a burning building - you don't really know how bad you will be hurt in the fall, but you know you will surely suffocate if you don't.

  • Stephanie McGuire by Stephanie McGuire
  • 7 years ago

My daughters and I never had a very close relationship when my children were younger. I was a drug addict. Now my daughter is grown, and she is a mother of her own. She is now facing cervical cancer and she's only 25. I don't know what I'll do if I were to lose her.

  • Jocelyn by Jocelyn
  • 7 years ago

I hope your daughter is okay. I have two daughters, and I have not seen them for three years. I think I have no more tears to cry, but yet they come every day. I don't know why. I don't know what I did, so I cannot fix it. I don't know how. For all the mothers that are going through the same thing and the same pain, you're not alone.

  • Melinda L. Mikan by Melinda L. Mikan, Cape Coral Florida
  • 7 years ago

I thought maybe my daughters would see this writing. I now need to realize that they are not going be in my life and if they only knew the truth I know they would understand everything, but they don't even want to know. My daughters are coping and living a life without me, the one they really need. I gave birth to both you girls, and I know you have some of me in your heart and that means you love and forgive. Just know I always wanted you both and still my life is never going to be full. I pray for you both and someday when you have a family maybe things will be clearer to both of you. I missed everything and never can get it back, but I love you both girls, and I will let you be. As much as it hurts, I know that is what you want. Ask your grandmother how many years I've tried finding you. For I guess I have to say goodbye know matter how bad it hurts to my daughters I've lost forever. I have my 2 flowers on my ankle so I can feel you every day. Mom

  • Nancy Browning by Nancy Browning
  • 6 years ago

My children don't define my happiness anymore. I love my daughters with all my heart; they know that. It has dawned on me I cannot put my life on hold waiting for their phone calls or visits. I don't have to take every vacation and time off to go to them. They know where I am; they have my number. Now it is me and my husband's turn to live our lives for each other and enjoy our time and our vacations. We don't have to give our time all the time anymore. Parents give 1000% and kids take 1000%, not anymore. We are thinking about moving away and doing what we want to do, not what we have to do. I love my babies always will but will not set myself up for anymore more pain and rejection....

  • Rhonda K Kuaana by Rhonda K Kuaana, 3311 Berkeley Road Hughson Ca 95326
  • 7 years ago

Your story brought tears to my eyes because your story is my story. It's hard for me to go through a day not thinking about them. It's been almost 7 years and they live only 15 minutes away. I cry for days sometimes because I don't know what I've done for them to do this to me. Last time I saw them, which was at my mother's funeral, I gave them money. That's the last time I saw or talked to them. I have 9 grandkids that I am not allowed to see, and we all were VERY CLOSE!!! I miss them terribly. How do you cope? This affects me so much...

  • Melinda L. Mikan by Melinda L. Mikan, Cape Coral Florida
  • 7 years ago

This poem was very close to my heart. My ex-husband cheated on me. I couldn't deal with being unfaithful, so I divorced him and he begged me to stay. All the lies and deceit and him never coming home. I stayed home with our girls and they would ask where he was. I would lie and say he was stressed with work but he loves you and will get on track soon. Drunk all summer and lying to my kids so they wouldn't get hurt. Long story short, it back fired. He tried having me killed, had me followed for 5 years. It was horrible. I turned to drinking, made some bad choices, but he came up with stories why they didn't want to see me. Anyway this is a long story, but I haven't seen nor heard from my girls in 12 years. He stopped paying me (he never wanted me to work). I lived on the streets for a while. Anyway, I've been sober for 6 years on November 10 and just leaving my life in God's hands! I'm working on something for women in similar situations. Great poem and hoping my girls read it!! Thank you.

  • Linda B by Linda B
  • 2 years ago

I was so surprised someone endured a mother's pain such as I experienced. My husband was a philanderer and also left me alone a lot in Winnipeg. The children and I coped, but it was lonely. A child needs the support of two parents. To make a long story full of abandonment issues, pain, heartbreak and survival short, my daughter will not communicate with me. It has been 23 years on the 22nd of March. How do I remember the date? I still have the "Welcome Home" note I had written for her before I went to teach at high school. Rebecca had gone there to visit her father in Calgary. She never came home. Her father never even told me the plans of "taking her" and leaving a mom devastated. I would have been so grateful for a phone call once a month, a birthday card, a Mother's Day card, or a report card. He sued me for her education at college. How is that fair? But life is not fair. But life is good. I have stopped drinking and am learning to let God be in control.

  • Lori Bird by Lori Bird
  • 3 years ago

I'm really sorry for your heartache. I know so well how it feels, my dear. It's hard to put into words, isn't it? I know I have a hard time trying to explain to someone why my daughter and grandsons don't come around anymore. No one can understand that kind of pain unless they have experienced it themselves, so my heart goes out to you, my dear, and I pray with my whole heart your children forgive whatever it is and they come running back to you with open arms and never leave. Best Wishes, Lori Bird

  • Lara Gallaher by Lara Gallaher
  • 7 years ago

Wow - Melinda, you and I have similar situations. I pray it is not that long I have to live without my daughter...the pain is unbelievable. It has been since 1-27-15 since she left with her dad, and my life has not been the same. She was my life, and she is always on my mind. I just want her love. Praying for you all and your children and reconciliation and restoration in the name of Jesus. I hold on to my faith that one day she will come home. Have a blessed day.

  • Jimmie Jinks by Jimmie Jinks
  • 8 years ago

I lost my daughter when she was 3. She was adopted out 15 years ago. Then one day in May of this year I was surprised to get an invite to her graduation. Well, I went, and from that day we been inseparable. She and her boyfriend moved with me for 2 months. Then they moved back to our hometown. None of my family went to her graduation or even thought about her or even tries to find her but me. So when she moved to my hometown my family told her everything I've told her was a lie. I told her about my addiction, told her when they took her I turned to drugs to ease the pain of losing her. But everyone else is telling her something different. Now she doesn't think of me as her mother. She calls someone else mom. I've tried over and over to talk to her, but she won't listen to me. I've been crying for 4 days now. I feel like I lost her all over again. Before this we were like two peas in a pod. Now we don't talk. She changed her number and blocked me off of everything. Help me.

  • Sherri Hines by Sherri Hines
  • 3 years ago

I'm so sorry. It sounds like people need to mind their own business and grow up. She sent you an invitation, which means she reached out to you and wanted a relationship with you. And you were both happy until busy bodies, family or not, stuck their nose in it. They hurt her as much as they hurt you. True or not, it wasn't their place regardless. The truth always comes out. Be patient. I know it's hard, but if they are liars this won't be the only thing they lie about, and hopefully she will see the true them and see through them. If what they say are not lies, you should tell your daughter asap the truth and why you lied. It may not heal the relationship your family broke right away, or maybe not at all, but your chances of you getting your daughter back are greater with the truth. Good luck.

  • 8 years ago

I haven't seen my daughter in 20 years. I tried to find her, but I couldn't. I went on Facebook and tried there. This was in 2016. The last time I saw her was in the end of Sept 1990. Her dad took her from me in 1985 when she was 3 years. I lost custody; he got sole custody, and I got visitation rights. He convinced to the courts that I was an unfit mother, but I wasn't. I loved her so much. I didn't know what to do at that time. I went to Facebook on Aug 3. I found her, but she is so overwhelmed that she doesn't know what to think. I so much what to see her, but she doesn't want to see me. I don't know what to do.

  • Rhonda K Kuaana by Rhonda K Kuaana, 3311 Berkeley Road Hughson Ca 95326
  • 7 years ago

Why? Why do the children have to be the ones that are punished for a life that was given by both mother and father and with its connection of love in their creation? A child they took part in giving life to is being lied to by the false love of its bitterness...or is it selfishly being ignored willingly. She was taken at the hands of someone else, not of yours. The ones who have suffered the most are your daughter and yourself. How can that be for love of his daughter? What and who he loves is not her, it’s himself that he loves. The truth always finds its way to its true and real owner...good luck.

  • Cristal Spangler by Cristal Spangler
  • 8 years ago

Hello I am a child whose father got full custody in 1972. My mom had every other weekend visitation. My father turned me against my mother, which ended up in hate towards her. I'll never forget the last time I saw my mother and she told me that she loved me, and my father told me that if she loved me she would've never left me. I was too young to understand at that time that she left my father for divorce. My father kept her in court long enough that she ran out of money and couldn't fight for me anymore. I remember a couple weekend visits when she would come to pick me up, and my dad would tell me that if I ran and hid that she wouldn't play the game too long and she would finally leave and then I wouldn't have to go. The rest of my story does have a good ending. Mothers are important to daughters, whether they know it or not, and I'm glad that my mother and I have reunited.

  • Ahleah by Ahleah
  • 8 years ago

I was two year old when my mom left me. She tried to find me when I was just a little girl, and she just came back in my life after 21 years. I'm glad I have her back in my life. This year will be the best year ever. This will be our first Christmas together.

  • Sara Demick by Sara Demick
  • 9 years ago

Me and my oldest daughter, have had a rocky relationship since she was about 14 ears. Unfortunately, I struggled with addiction, made mistakes, and, for that I am truly sorry. My daughter and I have tried to work things out, but, she never approves of me, no matter what I do. She is about to have her first child, and, I've been there for her %100. In fact, I am always very supportive, emotionally and financially, when I'm able. What makes it even worse, is that my parents will not speak to me, its been 15 yrs. I'm not even the same person anymore. I tried to mend the relationship with my parents, with the support of a counselor, and, they flat out said no.
Right now, I just want to be on speaking terms with my child. I have been so excited about being a grandmother, but, it seems like she doesn't want me in her life. I love her very much, but, she has a high risk pregnancy, so, I don't wanna upset her. This poem made me cry, I feel so hopeless, about my Mom, and, my daughter.

  • Doris Pickle by Doris Pickle
  • 8 years ago

I know how you feel. My daughter told me I was dead to her and I have not done one thing to her. The only thing I did was get her brother's truck from her because she was driving with no insurance. These kids don't understand how bad they hurt us, but ever since we lost her dad in '99 she has run over me. She was 16 and her brother was 6, and I was the only one there for her and my son. I did the best I could. The way my daughter is if she doesn't get her way is she hurts me. I love my kids with all my heart. She will not help me out. I need it but wanted me to help her. She needs it and I did. I stop it. She would not help me. I don't have food to eat, and she would not help me out, but I said OK, I will make it, and my son got me food to make it to pay day, and he gets 200 a week and my daughter's husband make 800 a week, but I will be OK. I got married again and he loves me. With God's help we will be OK, and God is going to work it all out for you. I will be praying for you and your daughter.

  • Cat by Cat
  • 8 years ago

Give your daughter time. There might be more to the story of why she is not responding. If you have changed your life, congratulations. If your parents aren't willing to talk to you, keep the faith. Don't let that stop you from moving forward.

  • Lisa by Lisa
  • 9 years ago

I am going through the same thing with my oldest daughter. I love her so much and she just has so much anger toward me. I have made mistakes when her and her brother where growing up but I did the best I could. There is so much I could write about but I don't know what to do. I just want her to start fresh with me and have a good relationship with me. I cry and loose sleep thinking what did I do that was so bad. That she can't let go. Is she going to punish me till I die for the mistakes I made? If she could only feel the love I have for her.

  • Nancy Adams by Nancy Adams, Florida
  • 9 years ago

I have two daughters , the youngest one had her first baby seven months ago. What started out as a misunderstanding went to a full blown fight, at least on my daughters side. To begin with, almost 16 yrs ago I got Systemic Lupus. I was in the hospital numerous times over the first 2-3 yrs . Then I got Fibromyalgia and many other diseases. I have what is called (brain fog). Not able to focus and complete a task. I get stressed out and overwhelmed and shut down I suffer from extreme fatigue, and if I don't get enough sleep I can literally fall asleep standing up! I have severe arthritis in my back, I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands I am in pain all the time.
My daughter doesn't think that there is really anything wrong with me. When I try to explain to her the reason why I am late or can't come she just says she is sick and tired of hearing me use my illness as a excuse. I have tried to patch things up but she remains the same. What more can I do?

  • Pamela by Pamela
  • 5 years ago

I have gone through what you are going through. First off, my first marriage to my kid's dad was bad. He was an evil person. He beat me on a daily basis, and I tried to keep my kids from knowing, but he always did it in front of them. My daughter saw it all. When my son came along, she protected him from it as much she could. She took him to her room and put headphones on and let him play video games with her. My husband threatened to kill me, and I finally got the nerve to leave him. My next husband, about 3 years later, was great with my kids and they loved him. My daughter was 19 when we married, and my son was 12. My daughter had wanted a daddy so bad and he filled role. She started calling him daddy, and he called her his daughter. He called my son his too, but my son still had a relationship with his dad, so he called him by his name. We were married 5-6 years, and I got sick. He was (is) a very prominent business man in our town.

I didn’t have health insurance. He told me to find some and he would pay it so I could find out what was wrong with. I found more than one insurance company, and it was always too expensive. I was weak, my muscles hurt, my joints hurt, migraines, insomnia, etc. He said I was lazy, which wasn't true. I had always worked 2-3 jobs to support my kids, but he didn't want me to work in the public. One day my breathing was bad, my hands were numb, and I could barely breathe or walk. My nephew came and took me to the ER. Finally, I had a diagnosis. Fibromyalgia, Systemic Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Chronic insomnia, Asthma, COPD, Adult Scoliosis, Deformed tailbone, 3 herniated discs in my lower back, 2 bulging discs in my neck, Sciatica, severe depression, Anxiety attacks, etc.

He cheated and got her pregnant, and kicked me out. The worst part is that he had been talking with my daughter and had her believe that I was faking and that since I was supposedly faking being sick it was ok for him to be talking to another woman. He didn't tell her he was sleeping with the woman, just talking like a friend. She believed him because he never lied to her before (neither have I) but she needed that daddy figure so bad because her real one was evil and mean. She believed everything he said and still does. She automatically met the woman who was pregnant and still believed it wasn't her daddy's. My son was 17 when we split (me left with nothing and can't work). My son was graduating in a month, so he was offered to stay in the home he knew since he was 11 years old. He did so, and then my daughter and second ex-husband had control of my baby boy and made him believe nothing wrong happened between my ex and his girlfriend. My kids are just now talking to me again.

  • Konstance by Konstance
  • 8 years ago

I am a daughter of an addicted mother with many health problems, some are in her head and some I know to be true. Your daughter just wants you to be stronger than your disease. She wants you to put the effort you give into your problems into her. I promise you that god can deliver you from all of this. God doesn't intrude like evil, we invite him in and because he loves us so much he changes and transforms our mind body and soul. If you surrender this to him he will without a shadow of a doubt soften your daughter's heart to you to better understand and heal you where you are broken as mom and child. My mom couldn't even help financially but what we want as human beings is acts of love and love as a whole. In her eyes she'd rather have you than any amount of money you could give her so that in itself is a blessing to be recognized. Give it to god, don't let evil allow you to focus on your illnesses so much but rather focus on Christ Jesus.

  • Cally Dickson by Cally Dickson, New Lexington Ohio
  • 9 years ago

I have two daughters. The oldest one is currently pregnant with her second child. I have not seen her since about two years before the first child was born.That is not tearing my heart in pieces, but the youngest one. She is 22 years old now and it has been 5 years since I have seen her. She was always a child with a heart of gold, well that was until I made the big mistake. She decided she wanted to live with her father, my ex. When she was in 10th. He was being evicted at the time and she wanted to go to the same school. So, I let my ex move into my home and I moved to an empty house with my mother. As anyone can guess, my ex brain washed her. A year later she stopped visiting. Well after she graduated from high school I got my ex out of my home and sold it to my loving niece. I sent this in a letter to her today. I am thankful to know that I am not alone. May God give each one of us the strength we need to survive this heart ache.

  • Dana L Senne by Dana L Senne
  • 4 years ago

My story is exactly like yours. My 2nd daughter in 7th grade wanted to live with her dad. My oldest lived with me. He brain-washed our 2nd. My daughter called me 1 year ago to have lunch and reunite. It was beautiful. She had a baby girl - I met her 3 months later. She turned 1 in November. I wasn't invited to the birthday party because the other side of the family didn't want me there, although my entire family was. So I had a party for her with my mom and daughter. My daughter told me she was pregnant. After a while, she told me it's a boy. Haven't talked to her since. I have gifts and lots of diapers for her. Baby is due April 28th. Haven't been invited to her baby showers.

  • Beth Hall by Beth Hall
  • 8 years ago

I have three children by the same father, we have been divorced for 10.5 years. Kids are 15 13 &11. We've always been very close. A year and a half ago I made a huge life change to give them a better life, about 6 months later they decided to go to dads and not come back. My oldest visits but my younger two won't have anything to do with me and I don't know why, other then brainwashing. Its been a year exactly. I feel empty, stripped, and abandoned.
You are not alone.......

  • A Desperately Sad Mum by A Desperately Sad Mum
  • 10 years ago

My daughter is now is her 30's emigrated abroad and has 4 adorable very young boys. A couple of years ago she became desperately ill so I went over to help look after her and them while her husband worked. It was the worst decision of my life. I did everything for her looking after the boys, taking & picking them up from school & pre-school, taking them to different after school activities and looking after the youngest who wasn't at school. Cleaning, 3 washings a day and all that entails as well as shopping, dog walking etc, etc. Before I arrived she had friends bringing them meals every day but once I arrived the meals ended and the other Granny's involvement continued but at a lesser extent. I am a hopeless cook whereas my daughter is an expert. She expected me to cook and on hindsight I should have said from the start that I'd do anything but that. I didn't so there was a huge hullabaloo about that so I cooked and I know the meals weren't up to their standards so the other Granny had to step in. Despite all nothing I did was good enough, fault was looked for at every turn and no matter how much I took into account the desperation she must have felt at not being able to do things herself (she is a very hands on Mum) the more I tried the more wrong I did. I got shouted at and exasperation comments at every turn.
This lasted a few weeks until I had to return. Her husband took me to the airport and not a word of thanks from either of them.
My daughter and I did hug but we were both choked up too much to say anything to each other. We now Skype but mostly with our grandsons on the screen. When she speaks I can hear the anger still in her voice most of the time. If anyone reads this and has any suggestions what I can do to try and get back some of the love we used to have I would greatly appreciate it, bearing in mind that we live thousands of miles apart. I thank God that she hasn't cut me off from my grandsons and that's a huge blessing and relief.
Of course there is always 2 sides to a story and I wasn't completely blameless. I know I irritated her no end. NB
I have a son and 2 other daughters, before she left the 4 of them were great friends. Since she left their relationships quickly deteriorated and although all are on Skype and Facebook they never communicate. It's all very heartbreaking.
Yes, I have a loving husband but he is the silent type and anytime a broach the subject he just says there's nothing you can do so just leave it. Is that the only answer?

  • Kippy Lancashire by Kippy Lancashire
  • 9 years ago

Unexpected cards and letters always help. Try putting your feelings down in writing. Your daughter probably feels just like you. Let her know that you're always there just like you have always been. You sound like a really good mum and all your support you gave to your daughter will always be remembered. Speaking as a daughter you always remember... Your poem is beautiful. Good luck life's too short.

  • Sheryl by Sheryl, NJ
  • 10 years ago

My daughter and I grew apart when she was young. We hardly spoke and she always had a chip on her shoulder. When she turned 18, she told me she was going to Canada and needed a special auto insurance card that's required. That's the only reason I knew she was going. That night I received a picture of her finger with an engagement ring on it. I never even met the boy. She had already been dress shopping and making the plans for months with her mother in law and bridesmaids and excluded me. She didn't acknowledge me in the invitations or ceremony.
I know I made mistakes but she is punishing me to the point that it's all I can think about and I cry all the time.
I tried writing my own poem but couldn't find the words. This poem says everything I need so desperately to tell her. I am going to put this in a card and send it. I hope I will hear from her but won't get my hopes up. I want to have a relationship with my future grandchildren and it would devastate me if she wouldn't allow it.

  • Sarah by Sarah, UK
  • 10 years ago

This has given me the strength to reach out to my mother and try to repair a truly strained relationship.
Thank you

  • Nicky by Nicky, Dorset England
  • 10 years ago

This poem is exactly how I'm feeling with my 18 year old daughter every word describes how I feel. After years of a very unhappy marriage I met a very special man and had an affair which I know is very wrong. I came clean and my husband told me to leave the family home. I still see my 4 children regularly which I am very grateful for after what I did, my daughter and I are struggling with our relationship now and I miss her terribly we were always very close, unfortunately her dad has brain washed the children against me, I hope in time we can be close again.

  • Jmcgra10ster by Jmcgra10ster
  • 11 years ago

I absolutely love this poem!! I have been in and out of court since my daughter was 6. Her father has brainwashed her, and FOC has written up the same in a psychological evaluation. I can't win. I am not perfect, yet he is not either. I give any free time I have to her. They both wait for ONE mistake for me to make and then she disappears. I recently told her she could go live with him. I thought that would make her happy, yet now she doesn't speak to me at ALL. I have a full time career, attend grad school, and dedicate time with my daughter with her and her friends. I don't know what reality is any more. I do know I am not perfect, but her friends adore me, and tell her to stop hurting me. I sent her this poem today, yet still no response. I feel as though if she rejects me she makes her father happy. It's so sad. He was emotionally abusive when we were married and I am terrified that he is doing this to her, without her maturity to notice. It's devastating. I am so hurt, not without fault, yet no more than any married mother. He told me "If you ever leave me you will never see your kid again". He meant it and is doing anything in his power to fulfill this.

  • Patty by Patty, Missouri
  • 11 years ago

It's 4:00 am I have lost many hours sleep over my daughter and grandson for 3 months. I know to some of you that doesn't seem like long. But to me it is forever. This poem is perfect...Thank you

  • Cathy by Cathy, Texas
  • 11 years ago

Beautiful, beautiful, and I wish I could give you a huge hug, because being a mom is the hardest job one will ever do. Some aren't so good at it, and when they realize it, change comes. GOOD FOR THEM! Some don't have a clue (as we heard). And some did what they could to give them a stable home, one of love, of God, of something that would give them a good start in life...and it still doesn't work. I gave my health for my children, literally. Against doctors wishes. I would do it again. But when there is nothing but ugliness and dis-respect to the two who did all they could to raise their children, then there isn't anything we can do. Pray that God will change their hearts. Only HE can do that. It hurt our whole family when it was written that "her church family was now her family". Sure enough, it was proven this year. Few days left of life, but it was caught in time, and nothing. No time to help. My son was in anguish, as we were too.

  • Gina L by Gina L, Georgia
  • 11 years ago

I immediately started crying when I read this. My relationship with my daughter has always been tumultuous at best. She is due with her son next month. We don't talk or have any type of relationship and my heart breaks daily. Thank you for Your beautiful poem.

  • Silki  Wales by Silki Wales
  • 11 years ago

This poem released my tears it is beautiful. Mother's unconditional love is never broken, yet our children can break us. I long for the day feeling loved by my child and it breaks my heart feeling that whatever I do I feel rejected and it is never right for my lovely girl. She now has her own lovely family and which I am gladly part of and see my grandchildren. Yet I feel I am more tolerated than loved. Money buys you nothing. It cannot buy love only patience and time might turn the dial. I live in hope xxx My heart goes out to all of you who also find this poem and who is hurt xxx

  • Barbara by Barbara, Oregon
  • 11 years ago

I am shocked and saddened at how many mothers/daughters are not speaking, etc. My granddaughter has cut off my daughter. Sends back cards trying to make amends. Sends back packages sent to grandchildren. Never dreamed this kind of thing could possibly happen in our family. It is effecting the whole family..and my granddaughter doesn't seem to realize or care that it is tearing everyone apart...or perhaps that is her goal? I feel the whole thing is petty...I've heard both sides...and believe me it IS petty! My daughter has no choice but to seek legal help and invoke "grandparents rights". I know this probably won't help my daughter's and granddaughter's relationship...but my daughter needs to continue her relationship with her grandchildren...and they need to know their grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. I hate to see what she is doing to her own children by cutting off a loving family network. Good luck to other daughters/mothers who might go this route!

  • Chris by Chris, Belgium
  • 11 years ago

Two days before mothers day, I found this beautiful poem. It expresses exactly how I feel, I've been looking for the right words for almost 1 year now. Because that is the time I haven't seen my youngest daughter, now 24. June 12th 2012 was the last day I saw her, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in August 2012. I haven't seen my grandson yet, and if it was up to her, I never will. And all of this hurts so much, knowing we always had a wonderful mother/daughter relationship, until she met this guy, the father of her son. From that moment on, all that matters is his family. We argued about this, and that is the reason why she won't have any contact with me anymore. She wrote me a letter via FB, saying she loved me deeply, but she is tired of the fighting and won't have anything to do with me anymore. It has been a tough year, with more downs than ups. And today, being mothers day, it is like the words from this poem are torn out of my heart.

  • Kandi by Kandi
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem..."feelings from your heart."
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I am a mother of 4. Two boys...two girls.
My husband and I separated 3 years ago and share joint custody of all 4 children, however 2 reside with him and 2 with me.
My older daughter is now 17. We used to be close until the separation, and her father being so laid back, she has gotten herself into some things that I don't approve of. I am the one who found out, and when she was confronted, I am "the bad" parent.
In counseling now and putting our feelings on the table. Looking now for ways to reconnect with my beautiful girl.
In a way reading other people's stories gives me a bit of comfort knowing I'm not the only one feeling lost and helpless.

  • Kathy by Kathy
  • 12 years ago

Love this poem. I too have been going through some things with my Daughter. I felt like I was the only one. I tried to accept her boyfriend, but as things went on I saw he was not going to step up like a Man should. He lost his job (2) & continues to tell us he can't work. I have always gotten along with her unless it is with her Relationships. Her Father, brother & I see things she doesn't . I hope she sees it one day soon.

  • Kelly Mcnutt by Kelly Mcnutt
  • 12 years ago

I was looking for a poem for my daughter this Christmas when I found yours. I can feel your pain as it also mine. When my Daughter was growing up we were so close my mother-in-law would complain about it saying that if anything happened to me she would never get over it. Well, I did get sick with stage IV Lymphoma. My daughter blamed me for getting sick and "abandoning" her. Then I did something stupid and she moved out her senior year of high school and we've never gotten over it. She's a junior in college now and still rarely if ever speaks to me and will never come to see me. My heart is broken but I don't know how to fix this. Thank you so much for writing this poem and I pray for all of us that we may have our children back.

  • Mary Ann by Mary Ann, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I was reading this poem and it made me cry. I have 3 wonderful children but unfortunately 2 don't speak to me, no fault of theirs. it was my doing.

I found out a few months ago that I would be a Granny both my daughters were pregnant so far one grandbaby is born, I'm not allowed to go see her, I can only see her on Facebook but she is my world already.

  • Angel by Angel, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This is simply a beautiful poem. To the writer, it comes from a place of healing.
I miss, adore & love my daughter. My prayer is that all Mother's reunite with their daughters.
Thanks for sharing & uplifting my spirits with your words.

  • Patty by Patty, San Diego
  • 12 years ago

Parts of this poem is exactly what I'm feeling. My mother is a control freak and when she retired, she needed something to do with her time. I had just been accepted into a University and had 3 part jobs at the time. My mother wanted to help with my daughter who was 6 years at the time. What seemed innocent turned mean, and ugly overnight. I have full custody of my daughter now 13 years old, but rarely see her. The loss of my daughter has caused me severe depression and guilt. I shouldn't have to wait until my mother is dead, to take my daughter back!

  • Chris by Chris
  • 12 years ago

I cried when I read this poem. I have been searching for the last week for the words to say, to not say, to do, not to do with my daughter. We have been broken now for a week without speaking. It seems we have been broken for decades and only came thru last week. I know she made a mistake and she is much like me, sticking to her decision to be married to an alcoholic. I just want our life to be happy again. Thank you for your poem, it spoke to my heart.

  • Vivian Walters by Vivian Walters, Sebastian
  • 12 years ago

Great poem.
I have not seen my daughter for over twenty years,
Her father told her so many lies about me. I have tried for twenty years to call, email, cards letters everything to just talk to her. She had a son, that is seventeen years old now. I have never seen my grandson. It just breaks my heart. My heart has been broken for twenty years. I love her with all my heart and would give the world to just hug her one last time. My health is not good now. I don't want to leave this world and her live with the guilt that she will have.
We were so close when she growing up and I love her with all my heart. I just do not know what else I can do except pray everyday for a miracle. Does anyone have a suggestions? Thank you

  • Julie by Julie, CA
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this poem. I have been going through a similar situation. My daughter not only removed me from her life, but my granddaughters lives. Now there is a new granddaughter I have not even met. It tears me up everyday, especially since I lived with and helped raise the other 2. I just don't understand how a child could throw her mother out on the street and never even wonder if she is ok? What has happened to the family values???

  • Robin Kay by Robin Kay
  • 12 years ago

My daughter is almost 22 with a 2.4 yr old daughter of her own. She is my world and so is my granddaughter. I think she is my biggest fear of my life. I have taught all 3 of my children to always look in the mirror and love what you see. Her father and I are divorced and he has a girlfriend and I have been married to her step-father for almost 5 years. I lost myself in my previous marriage and we get along better now and that is why I believe that everyone should like the person they are and accept only love from those who appreciate and respect you for you. She grew up beautiful but free spirited and she scares me.

  • Tashi by Tashi, Switzerland
  • 12 years ago

You have written it in a very simple, very beautiful way so that every reader can get it. The thing that I most loved about your poem is that you have accepted what you have done wrong with your mom and you came to know what is a word "mom" is.

  • La Porte Indiana by La Porte Indiana
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for such a wonderful poem, For years my daughter thought I did not love her, it was the opposite, I loved her so deeply it hurt, she was always my little girl in my heart, I think we already got taken care off, but sometimes I feel that she is somewhat insecure, I hope you do not mind if I send her this poem, May God Bless All mothers and daughters.

  • Joanie by Joanie, Blount
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched my heart. I have a mother that I love dearly. But we don't talk. Growing up I was very close to my mom and back then I would never have imagined we would be this far apart in our hearts today. I'm 41 and she is 61. Me and my 6 children respect my mom , I have a sis that has 2 boys . My mom lives with my sis and her children that disrespect and treat her badly. We have moved my mom in with us but she keeps running back to my sis . It hurts me so bad to see her treated so wrong so I chose to not have her in my life. But I can't understand why someone would rather live with the child that shows her no love or respect as to the one that would give her life up for her. Because of her age and her health I'm so afraid I will get a call she has passed. I just hope she knows I don't chose to have her in my life because it hurts to bad when I can't do nothing about it and I hope she knows how much I will always love her. Sadly missing my mom.

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 13 years ago

I wish I had a mother like you! mine just doesn't care. That hurts because I have a daughter and would never treat her the way my mom does me. Thank you to all you mothers out there who do care and are trying to make things better !!

  • Peggy by Peggy
  • 13 years ago

It was not just one daughter that I am trying to win back the love of...This really touched my heart. I couldn't even imagine mom's going through what I have gone through the past year or so...but this proved to me that I am not alone. I am working on getting back into my daughter's lives one step at a time, and ran across this poem.....I can feel your pain, as I have felt the same pain. I pray someday my children will learn to love me, and not expect me to be perfect, as I have accepted them for who they are.

  • Jayne by Jayne
  • 13 years ago

Wow such a beautiful and powerful poem, all of your stories have touched me. My little girl is 5 in a few days (I'm making her card hence the poem search) and your stories got me to remembering about 2 days after she was born I stood over her cot crying my eyes out just at the thought of her becoming a woman and hating me! I always appreciated my mother even though we were apart for large parts of my childhood (due to her having cancer) but I never appreciated how she must of felt until I had a child of my own.

I hope and pray that estranged mothers out there desperate to re-build bonds with their children find some way of making it happen, as I can't even imagine the pain you must feel xxx

  • Ss by Ss
  • 13 years ago

This is also in my life... It seems that across the world something has changed. Is it television? Is it movies, music... what? It must be something newer... something that causes so much confusion in or children... Something dishonest that misleads. Before WWII I see from research that this is becoming more and more the norm... our children hating or disavowing their homes...

  • Aurora by Aurora, Tucson AZ
  • 13 years ago

I have read this poem, and yes, unfortunately, at one point or another, we all fail! Children, sons, daughters too! While it is admirable that each one of us recognizes our shortcomings, we must accept that it's been done, make the necessary adjustments, and move on to the next one, cuz there will be more! Love, your babies! Not even death will change that! I was a runaway, had an abusive home sometimes, but god, his love, helped me to understand how much I loved my mom, no matter how much I hated the things she said and did! Believe me, yourself, no-one takes the place of mom! If we serve a god who is love, then trust him & the order he put in place now that your mom! Pray for your son's and daughters, god's children too! He will touch their hearts! 2 sons and 4 daughters! My love for them, and let them know, that if they don't agree with the choice god made, talk to him! I love them no matter what, that's a good thing, a god thing! Much love beautiful women and moms! Forgive and love, heal!

  • Dumfries by Dumfries
  • 13 years ago

Why do daughters resent their mothers so much when all they are trying to do is keep them on the right pathway in life. It's the shutting out and the needing you when it suits them not when you need them. It's the picking up the pieces and kissing them better, It's the slaps on the face because she thinks you can take it. It's the lifting up and laying down and they expect us always to be so forgiving. The load at times seems so heavy especially when there are other children.

  • Modesto by Modesto, CA
  • 13 years ago

My first born child, my beautiful daughter Gabrielle has removed herself from my life. I spend so much time beating myself up over everything I did wrong as a young single mother. I spend the rest of my time worrying about the choices Gabby is making now. She is almost eighteen now and just seems to hate me. I can't understand how that is possible when I love her so much. I feel like a failure as a Mom. I don't know what to do. Please God look after our children and heal the hurt in their hearts. Grant us another chance to reconnect with our precious gifts from heaven. Amen

  • Brittney by Brittney, Texas
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your poem. Its beautiful. Me and my mother are not close and the part in you poem about the portrait being cracked is how I feel most of the time. Thanks again I finally see through her eyes.

  • Phx by Phx, Az
  • 14 years ago

My daughter is my 1st born and my best friend. We have always had a great relationship. Tomorrow she turns 24 years old. The day she told me she was pregnant was so surprised but excited. I went out that same day to shop for my grandson-to-be. Made her baby shower and even decorate my grandson's room. But me and her boyfriend don't get along. Well her boyfriend is of another race. I don't like him it's because of how he treats my daughter. He has control issues. And has forbidden me from seeing my daughter or my grandson. Last week it will be 9 months that I have not seen them. I do hate what he has done but very disappointed and hurt with my daughter that she has allowed this to happen. I have always been a good mother and tried to be a great nana. I was very touched with this poem and will sent it to her for her birthday. Just one of the many unresponded emails.

  • Lori by Lori, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

Everything changes when a woman becomes a mother. The responsibilities are so big and we are held to such a high level of accountability...and we should be, but we are also human and make mistakes, painful mistakes. It is hard being a mother, especially if you didn't have a great childhood. Forgive us children. We are searching and working on our brokenness. We love you all so very much. I am sorry...

  • Carmen by Carmen, NJ
  • 14 years ago

I wanted to let you know that your poem brought tears to my eyes. I am not a mother, but just a daughter. I am 24 years old and trying to get on my feet. And the reason why I wanted to message you was because my mother and I are fighting. I haven't spoken with her for about a month already. I tried reaching out but no answer. I have made the decision of leaving home because of the fighting. My mother has hurt me more than any other person I have known but I still Love her with all my heart. She means the world to me but she refuses to believe that she hurt me. My mother has pride and I am afraid that she will never come around. I pray to god every night for the relationship I always wanted but ever since my father left her, she blames me for everything wrong in her life. Your poem touched me deeply and I know your daughter appreciated every word. Woman to woman, I felt your pain. I am hoping one day my mother and I will be friends again. And I hope this helped your relationship.

  • Robyn by Robyn, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

Does anyone out there know of a website that mothers can talk? I too am a mother where my teenage daughter is no longer talking to me and there is so much pain I carry and I see others do too, if anyone knows of a website can you please post!

  • Rosanne by Rosanne, Pennsylvania
  • 14 years ago

Great poem. My fiancée and I are going through the same type of situation. He has a son, 23 and a daughter 24, which has a 3 year old son. They will not speak to him. It's been 9 months. He keeps trying. We have not a clue why they are doing this. We met 1 1/2 yrs ago and were both in marriages that were ending. We are happy now. My 2 daughters, 17 and 20 years old, and her 2 year old son, just moved out. I am not allowed to see my grandson. We were supporting my oldest, her boyfriend and the grandson. None of them worked. The boyfriend treated my grandson bad. I could not take it anymore. He had to leave, so my daughter chose to leave too and they moved in with my brother. My 17 year old was convinced by her sister to go with them and live with my mom. I have not spoke to my siblings or mom in over a year cuz of my divorce. It's like none of them want us happy, so they are using our grandsons to tear our hearts out. Has anyone's story changed yet that posted here? I can't see the light ahead.

  • Sydney by Sydney, Australia
  • 14 years ago

This poem had me weeping at my desk. The love we have for our children will never be fully understood by them, until they have their own families. It's so incredibly sad that even this doesn't always bring daughters back to their mums. Loving so much can hurt!

  • Yvette by Yvette, St Louis
  • 14 years ago

This poem brings back so many memories. I am divorced and lost my three daughters in the process. My youngest daughter has not spoken to me for two years now - the pain and hurt I cannot explain and I know they must be going through similar pain - my life will never be complete without my children - it is a burden I will carry to my grave..

  • Jennifer Talbot by Jennifer Talbot
  • 8 years ago

I see it has been 5 years since your post so although I was going to yell you about the wonderful women on Facebook who have been alienated from their children, as when you wrote this post I am in the spot now that you were then. I have three daughters who left me 8 years after the divorce by signing elections. I have now missed 3 years with them and haven't spoken to any of them in 2.5. But the last part of your comment epitomizes how I feel in that my life will never be complete, and that I will carry this burden to my grave because I can not and will not ever accept this as tolerable, and I live each day one day closer to death and the end of my torture of being rejected by my sweet babies who would not have chosen this without the constant pressure of my ex. And he is reaping all the reward of the 15 years I was a devoted mother while all he ever has been is evil, vindictive and cruel. Good is supposed to triumph over evil! So give me your update. Tell me something good.

  • Denise by Denise, West Sussex
  • 14 years ago

My daughter and I haven't spoken for 3 years now, I have also tried to get back in touch with her by email and thru Facebook but she does not acknowledge me. My son lets me know what she is doing now and again but he has been sworn to not tell me her address or phone number and I would not ask him for it, she has shunned all my side of the family and doesn't/will not communicate with any of us. My Dad/her Grandad died last week and she would not/did not even acknowledge that either, I am hurting a lot and miss seeing my grandson who is now nearly 8, don't think this will ever end and I am so sad....

  • Lisa by Lisa, Uk
  • 14 years ago

Wow, that's an amazing poem, I hope you and your daughter find peace, you really love her and that shows <3

  • Bonnie-Lee by Bonnie-Lee
  • 14 years ago

This is such a lovely poem, I love it so much. It brings back lots of memories that I had when I was younger. I am now a single 25 year old still living with my mum. We had some rough time me and my mum. I love you mum!

  • Amber by Amber, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

This really touched me as well. My daughter is 15 and hasn't lived with me fully since she was 4. I tucked my tail and took the two measly days a week I was allowed with her. Now she hasn't spoken to me since February. I made mistakes in my teen years and will pay dearly for the rest of my life. I hold onto hope that she will come around. I miss her tremendously and so does her 6 year old brother. It's sad to see all these families torn apart one way or another.

  • Elaine by Elaine, England
  • 14 years ago

Brought a tear to my eye. As a mother we try to be perfect, try to help, try to do what we think is best. Only sometimes it does not work. Sometimes we just need to be silent and wait, be there to pick up the pieces and pray they know that we do things in love. It is hard, I know, to watch them making mistakes and them not to listen and to be criticized , but be strong, show love not anger and if we are lucky, they will respond.

  • Helen by Helen, England
  • 14 years ago

I have four daughters and no sons.
My first daughter was given up for adoption 28 years ago. This caused more pain than I can ever describe. Part of my life was missing and gone-. last year she found me, which is wonderful. We are now rebuilding a new type of relationship.
My other girls are now teenagers. All very different, each with their own ups and downs

  • Ferguson Sigi by Ferguson Sigi
  • 14 years ago

I am a mother that loves her children unconditionally, and I have a similar situation, but it is my son. I don't know what I did, but it hurts so very much when your child pulls away from you, you miss out on your wonderful grandchildren, and you don't know what happened. I will always and forever love him and his family, always. Sigi

  • Mary by Mary, Utah
  • 14 years ago

My daughter and I haven't spoken for almost a year now. Long enough for her to have my first grandson and for me not knowing she was even pregnant. I found out that I was a grandma the day Logan James was born 8-10-10 from my niece texting "Congratulations Grandma." I was in shock! I cried for days. Since then, I have sent her a box of baby gifts, and it was her birthday on 8-20-10, so I also sent her a gift card. I haven't heard anything back from her. I have emailed her, text her, and I found this poem and recently mailed it to her in a card. I pray each day she is going to acknowledge me sometime. I love and miss her so much. I lost her all because of a STUPID abusive relationship I was in. He would not allow me to have any contact with my family. I am sorry my daughter! I am paying the price BIG time! I hope you will forgive me. Love you, Mom

  • Maria by Maria
  • 9 years ago

I feel for you. My daughter has not spoken to me in 5 months and it hurts. She's 29, been married for 11 years. I went from five calls a day to nothing. My middle child, son, did too at first. He has since then started talking to me again on December 31st.
I tried reaching out to her, but she is so stubborn. She returned all the gifts I bought my grand daughters.

  • Michele by Michele
  • 14 years ago

This is how I feel only my daughter is just 15 I haven't had her live with me since she was 9. Due to a lot of very sad circumstances we are not together but I would give anything to change that. Her father has only given his side of things so I live for the day when I will see or hold her and have her close to me again.
I will ALWAYS love you Christina and Always have. Your Mummy forever. Xxxxxxx

  • Jennifer.Ontario by Jennifer.Ontario
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched me in a way I can not explain. I hadn't seen my 4 year old grandson in 3 years up until my mom passed away in May 2010 and still I have not ever seen my 2 year old grandson. Reason.....unknown to me. I guess that's just my daughter.

  • Shanel by Shanel
  • 14 years ago

I cried because in a way, I could hear my mom telling me all the same things, but unfortunately she is one of those mothers who has no clue how much she has hurt me or continues too, even though I have told her and tried to show her in so many ways!

  • Feliciahibbs by Feliciahibbs, Medway Maine
  • 15 years ago

This poem has helped me so much just understand what my mother has been trying to do with us even though I have not been with her this whole time and I understand that it is hard on her raising two kids by herself

  • Nicola by Nicola, Australia
  • 15 years ago

You know the funny thing is I suppose this is exactly how my mum feels and I too have a little boy growing inside of me so I guess its no coincidence that I came across this poem. But speaking as a daughter we don't expect our parents to be perfect we just want you to understand that the choices you make affect us, and some mothers are too blind to see the pain we feel no matter what we do or say.

  • Nancy Adams by Nancy Adams, Florida
  • 9 years ago

Reading Nicola's story, as a Mother I do realize I made mistakes, but not horrible ones. My daughters complaints are thatI shouldn't have put her in the position to witness my emotional trauma when the man who I thought was the love of my life just dumped on me one day that he wanted a divorce! At that point we were only married about 8 mo. Then he played head games and I was a real mess. My daughter doesn't feel like she should have had to witness that. I told her I was sorry, I had no money to move then and no one to call. She was 14 so I couldn't kick her out. She did stay at friends when possible. What else could I have done?

  • kathy tomlinson by kathy tomlinson
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem. It says exactly what I have been going through with my daughter. In fact, she had a baby boy in April of this year! Thank you so much again.

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