Daughter Poem

A woman gives thanks to God for her daughter who is the sweetest of the sweet.

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Daughters are definitely angels. I have two and they are the ones I love the most and so unconditionally. And when I look at my relationship with them dealing with their tantrums, their...

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An Angel Left Her Wings


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I have this little angel. For me she left her wings.
She has no idea how much happiness she truly brings.
She brightens up my days with her smiles and her laughs.
She helps me to remember all the blessings that I have.

Her face, it is so perfect, she's sweet and soft and pure.
Sometimes she can be willful and sometimes she is demure.
She tries her very hardest to please and do what's right.
She gives the greatest hugs from morning until night.

Every person that has known her sees this light within her soul
I know that in this whole great world, she has a special role.
She's helpful and considerate to everyone she knows
This light in her shines brighter as my angel grows.

When she sees someone is sad, it opens up her heart.
She wants to do all that she can; she wants to do her part.
She'll squeeze away the sorrow and make me forget about my pain.
She shows me where the sun is when we're hiding from the rain.

I know that God must love me, He showed me with His Grace
I knew just how completely when I saw my angel's face.
And in that very moment when she came into my world,
I knew that she was so much more than just my baby girl.

She would be my sunshine, with a sweetness that won't end.
And when she grows up one day she would be my closest friend.
She would be the reason I would always try my best.
For my little angel baby girl would be my greatest test.

When God entrusts to you an angel, who has left her wings for you.
Encircle her with love with everything you do.
Let her know God made her, and that He trusts you with her care.
Be sure to make time for special moments with her to share.

And when at night she finally says her prayers and goes to sleep
I Thank Him for my angel, and ask for him to always keep
A watchful eye and hand to protect her from this world.
Protect my little angel; protect my baby girl.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nidhi Rana by Nidhi Rana
  • 4 years ago

Daughters are definitely angels. I have two and they are the ones I love the most and so unconditionally. And when I look at my relationship with them dealing with their tantrums, their grumpiness and all their waywardness, I tend to love my mother even more because I can feel how she too loves me!!

  • Charlotte by Charlotte
  • 7 years ago

I always wanted a daughter myself. God blessed me with 3 sons, so I can connect with this poem for a longing I wanted a little girl myself. You allow me to envision the dream!

  • Barbara Skrzypek by Barbara Skrzypek
  • 9 years ago

The most loveliest poem I have ever read. My daughters are 30 and 27. When they are babies, you wonder what they will be like when grown. You worry because of the big world out there and want to protect them. My girls have grown into wonderful women. Respectful, kind, soft and mothers themselves. Our love for each other is so strong. I could never imagine life without them. My daughters, my friends. A very grateful mother. Sent the poem to them, says it all.

  • Ganesh Gupta by Ganesh Gupta, Shahjahanpur
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem! My niece is just 3 and half year old! She is more than a daughter for me! When she was one year old, her Mom died from Respiratory failure. Then after that she came to me and hugged me! I have tears in my eyes that days and decided to protect her, love her till my life! From that day she loves me so much and I love and care her! God bless my little angel niece Cutie!!!

  • Audrey by Audrey, Va
  • 11 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem. My daughter is 22 and will be relocating to Tampa tomorrow. This is the first time that she and I will be separated, so this is a bittersweet moment. This poem says everything that I feel about my daughter. Thanks for writing such an inspirational poem. The words are so heartfelt. I am excited that my daughter will be spreading her wings and flying to the next chapter of her life, yet sad that she will be leaving me.

  • Kerry by Kerry, St Helens
  • 11 years ago

I am a mother to two beautiful girls although one is no longer alive, my 10 year old is my world. She's the best thing to happen to me. My mother on the other hand has 3 children myself my brother and sister but yet she only bothers with my sister. It's like me and my brother don't exist. She dumped me and my brother when we were 12 and 13 and kept my sister the only time she bothered with us is when I was 16 and took an overdose but that was only because she thought I was going to die. And we never saw her after that until I found out I was expecting my eldest since then she has tried to ruin my life and trying to turn my daughter against me as she is jealous because of the bond I have with my daughter.

  • Karen by Karen
  • 8 years ago

Dear Kerry,
My heart aches for you and the pain you have endured.
It cannot be easy to have to deal with this woman that, in my heart, does not deserve for you to call her "mother."
Please stay true to yourself and your own amazing heart and do not let the woman that gave birth to you in your life. Let her go for she is obviously mentally ill and only hurts you. Despite the harm this person has done to you, your loving nature and ability for unconditional love bestowed on your own daughters is amazing. Be ever proud of that and continue to stay true to yourself, and do not let anyone take that away.

I have many challenges with my own "mother" and have had to block her from being able to call me. I do not want to focus on my own challenges but to support you and ways of ensuring that this woman has no way of contacting you or your daughter. Go in peace, dear heart, and know you are not alone.

  • Manda by Manda, USA
  • 11 years ago

This poem was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. While I was pregnant with my second son. I was diagnosed with uterus cancer and have to have an emergency c-section. I also had to have a hysterectomy. So I would no longer be able to have children. Although I love my boys with every fiber of my being I longed for a little girl. But I knew it could never be until a good friend asked me to help her with a foster child fundraising event. It was there that I met a beautiful little girl who would soon call me mom. I later learned that the fundraising I was helping with was to help that same little girl have a heart transplant. I called my husband and told him that I was bringing her home. And that I would do everything in my power to get her a new heart. My beautiful little girl had a heart transplant almost one year ago and is doing wonderful. I am so blessed to have two handsome sons and a beautiful daughter. Together they have brought my heart the great joy anyone could ever imagine. I love Zach, Alex And Areanna

  • Liaison by Liaison
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son when he was 10 months old. I have a daughter who is 26 and a nurse and I'm very proud of her. She is a great friend and daughter and will help you if she can. I'm sick and now I feel like she needs to know how important she is to her mom.

  • Anna Brewer by Anna Brewer
  • 12 years ago

This is absolutely beautiful, it reminds me so much of my feelings for my own daughter, who name is Angel. When she was born after 2 miscarriages she could not have been more special or wanted. She brought me a feeling of love I had never known. Her father and Grandmother said she looks like a little Angel and so she was named. Sadly 12 days ago I lost her to a long battle with addiction but I just tell myself now she's battling those demons no more. God called her home on March 2, 2013. I call that day, THE DAY MY ANGEL GOT HER WINGS.

  • Saey Prosper by Saey Prosper, Tx
  • 12 years ago

I love poems and when I found out my mom had cancer poems were my safety. I felt good reading them and most of the time I would read them to my mom. It brought happiness to me to see the smile on my moms face. When she got rid of it I would still read them to her and I still do.

  • Rachana by Rachana, Seattle
  • 12 years ago

Was looking for a poem for my daughter's birthday. This poem describes my lil angel perfectly. Very beautiful!

  • Geneviere by Geneviere, Papua New Guinea
  • 12 years ago

I'm so touched by this poem. My husband and I waited for 12 years to have a child of our own and although my in-laws would have preferred a boy for their first grandchild, they had an angel that always left them teary eyed and smiling.

  • Jet by Jet, Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for your poem. My Angel left this world Nov. 23,2011 to look after us in another way. She was a very special angel and had many qualities. She was placed here for a short time to help others which she did so well and now she has moved on to another special role. She has left me with great memories and a deep love that although painful due to missing her yet so satisfying. Thank you again for your ability to express all the things I have felt thinking about my lovely daughter.

  • Raven Cooper by Raven Cooper
  • 12 years ago

Aww I absolutely love this poem. I'm 14 but I like to think about the future when I'm a mom myself. I want to have two daughters. I was thinking of the names Charlotte Marie and Linda Ann..My mom said I think too far ahead lol. God Bless ~Raven

  • Gina F. Capanzana by Gina F. Capanzana
  • 13 years ago

When I read this poem, my eyes start to cry, I remembered my 8 years old baby girl who passed away 4 years ago. It's difficult to accept that she was not mine forever but her memories still in our heart that brought us inspiration.. We know that she was on our Almighty God who always comfort with tender loving care for her. FOR YOU MY BABY GIRL, NIÑA GENNY, WE LOVE YOU FOREVER...

Thank you for this poem..

  • Joan Candaza by Joan Candaza
  • 13 years ago

When I read this poem, it means a lot to me. I remember my only daughter Alissa..How much I love her..she's my life but a year ago (August 10,2010) she passed away. It was hard for me to accept, it's painful..but I know everything happen have reason..and I know "God" keep Alissa in his tender, loving care in Heaven.

Thank you for your inspiring poem.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Cleveland Oklahoma
  • 13 years ago

I am a 38 year old mom of an 18 year old daughter. And I have been looking for the most perfect poem to frame for her that tells her how much I love and adore her. I know every mom is proud of their daughter but you see 2 years ago I found out that I had cancer. After we got over the shock of such a life change this little girl grew up before my eyes. She never left my side. She was a Sr. in highschool she went to school, came right home, went to work to help pay bills, and came home, She took me to every chemo appointment and sat the whole 8 hours and never left my side. She kept my medicines straight (still does) and never complained. Now she does but its amusing.
I am in remission now 1 year clean and bless her heart she is still my biggest advocate. She is always right there whenever I get sick (Still going through chemo) She is my biggest fan. So when I saw this poem it really made me cry because Cassandra truly is my angel who left her wings behind....

  • Julie. Maine by Julie. Maine
  • 13 years ago

This poem means a lot to me.. I have a beautiful angel in Heaven already she lived after birth for 12 hours.. now I have my wonderful Mom who is an angel also in heaven in October 22 of this year..... My Dad passed away August 27,, I knew he would come and get her before winter which he did.. and I know in my heart he could NOT go on the BIG journey without her.. he needed his beloved.. now they are with my daughter in heaven their Granddaughter they didn't get to be with on earth.. I LOVE THEM AL AND MISS THEM WITH A PASSION this poem was so much ME telling them How I felt..my little angel Guided her Grandparents to heaven.................... I am so blessed

  • Bill W by Bill W
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this poem. I pray everyday my 18 year old daughter is surrounded by your love and guardian angels and protect her in the darkness of the world...and let her know in her heart that your love will light her path...and that her daddy will always have her back....should she fall....she's taking her first road trip to Canada...with her girlfriend tonight...thank you god for giving me one of your angels...

  • Yaya by Yaya, California
  • 13 years ago

At 50 years young I got a new baby..my granddaughter as her mother could not take care of her..We adopted her at age 5 but she came to us at 5 days old...Wow talking about going way way way back..but I tell folks she is my last chance to get it right..I have three children and I am step mother to two others with 10 grandkids...she is my joy and my pain, my sunshine and my rain..thanks for the poems I slipped them in her lunch or leave it on her bed...she gets a big kick out of it and so do I. My prayers are with you on your journey and you are leaving many memories for those you will leave behind...memories are all we really leave behind.

  • Tina-Marie by Tina-Marie, NC
  • 13 years ago

I have to tell you how wonderful this poem really is. I am a mother of four and my oldest past away suddenly and unexpectedly. She was 16 years old and four years in remission. She was diagnosed with T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma at the age of 9. When she turned 12 she relapsed and underwent a Stem-cell transplant and did well. She was in Early College and wanted to become a Nurse...when she was 14, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child...I consider both girls my angels and a true blessing. Your poem is wonderful.
Thank you...

  • Steve by Steve, Navarro Fresno
  • 13 years ago

Hi my name is Steve, On July 31 2008 my only daughter was born, but before then I was a drug addict for more then 4 yrs and had no future or purpose. However, that changed in a matter of seconds. I have been clean since I heard I was going to be a father on Dec 2nd. I had never in my life been more scared, however at the same time I was extremely happy. The day she was born was the happiest day of my life. All I could think of was everything I had to teach her about the world she was brought into. Your poem was the most beautiful poem I've in a really long time. This poem is written exactly how I feel and I thank you for that. It brought tears to my eyes, and I really needed that. On January 14, we got life changing news that turned our lives upside down. our daughter was diagnosed with polymicrogyria, a rare genetic disorder which only a few hundred kids in the world have. She is partially paralyzed on the left side, has daily seizures, drools, and her speech is also affected along with her fine motor skills

  • Ashwini by Ashwini, Yakima Wa
  • 13 years ago

Great Poem as if made for my daughter Tasha....who is a special child, undiagnosed but possible Mitochondrial Myopathy. Tasha was normal till when she was 15 months old, then we had a car accident, slowly she started to loose her abilities...and one day she lost all her abilities, when she started to have seizures...She is my LIFE....I can't think my life without her. She is turning 9 on September 7, 2011. Your Poem is Very much heart touching...made me cry....Thank you so much for writhing this and sharing with all of us. Its a beautiful Poem.

  • Becky by Becky, Olympia
  • 13 years ago

I have an amazing daughter that turns 9 today, she is such a strong and amazing little lady. I love her so much. The Poem really touched home in so many ways, I felt as though it was written for her. Without going into detail, my daughter and I have been through so much and I'm thankful that she's been here to help keep me strong. Thank you for such a lovely poem.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Ridge Spring
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. I am using it for my daughter's Sweet 16. She will love it and it says everything I want her to know about how much I love being her Mom and how I am blessed by God for sending her to me....Thank You again.

  • James by James, Lynchnurg VA
  • 13 years ago

I was a pretty bad off alcoholic about 3 years ago. I had just gotten my second DUI on Halloween of 08 and truly had no intention of stopping. On Christmas day I found out my girlfriend was pregnant. I stopped drinking on New Years. This poem means more then words can express. My daughter saved my life. She is my angel. This poem is to the T how I feel. Thank you so much for writing this. I am a perfect example that love can shatter chains, defeat your demons, and rise above anything.

  • Trinidad And Tobago by Trinidad And Tobago
  • 13 years ago

It has bless me, my daughter is a miracle, It touched my heart so much and brought tears to my eyes. God bless our lil Angels.
Went through many accidents with my daughter. I need your prayers.

  • California by California
  • 13 years ago

My daughter is so special 25 years old now and living in another country I miss her so much so thankful everytime I get time to spend with her. Take time it goes fast ! Much Love to all you Mothers and Daughters out there you are blessed

  • Fruitport by Fruitport
  • 14 years ago

I really love this poem! I was best friends with my daughter but at age 27 HE took her away from me. I'm really having a hard time with it. She left us January 28, 2010 and it feels like yesterday. I miss her so much and can't seem to get past it and don't really want to bother people about it. I don't know who to talk to cuz right now I really feel pissed off about a lot of things. Why was she taken when I really prayed for her as well as hundreds of other people. Our prayers were not heard and he took our Jonelle. I have decided it doesn't matter if you pray or not, it will be as it will be. What do you think? Hurting Mother Chris

  • Jacqui by Jacqui, UK
  • 14 years ago

My Angel was born in 1986, weighing just 1lb 6oz, they said she wouldn't live and yet she is a beautiful, creative, intelligent 24 year old woman, and we are busy preparing for her wedding in August this year.
As a little girl she was angelic, funny and extremely empathetic. thankfully she has carried these gifts has with her into adulthood. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer my angel held me, supported me and helped me see the sunshine everyday. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful words so freely, as they say all I feel about my very own angel. May angel be with always and thank you x

  • Maria by Maria, South Florida
  • 14 years ago

I came across this website and started searching for poems. I seen the title of this poem and decided to read it cuz this is what I call my daughter(My Angel). She is 16 and I love her so much. When I was reading it everything reminded me of her. She is like my right arm, And I know God blessed me with her. So I would like to thank the author for writing this beautiful poem. Thank You

  • Gina by Gina, Niagara Falls
  • 14 years ago

My story is as simple, I have 3 beautiful daughters 12,10 and 8. They and their baby brother are my world. When they were born I just knew my world had changed for the better. They are all my angels. I thank you for your wonderful and inspiring poem. God Bless you and your family.

  • Sri Lanka by Sri Lanka
  • 14 years ago

I have daughters the Lord has given me in my son's wives. As I read this, I could see my oldest girl in this. She is so much like your Angel. This really touched my heart, she means so much in my life and so is my other girl in a different way though. I have two angels. Thank you. May my Sweet Jesus Heal your body, soul and spirit. God be with you and your family.

  • Shirley by Shirley, MD
  • 14 years ago

I think the poem is the best. I am a 12 year old girl with 5 sister and 3 brother this make me think of all the good my mom have done for me

  • Nezzie by Nezzie, Denver
  • 14 years ago

Hi, I have read your poem, It is beautiful. I have a granddaughter who will turn one on November 21st, she is my life. You have put into words exactly how I feel about her. I'm truly blessed to have her. I can't believe how wonderful your poem is. I hope you don't stop here, you should go on and write more poems.

  • Lt by Lt
  • 14 years ago

I have two daughters and they are my world...but recently my world came crashing down...my eldest daughter got married and didn't tell us till 8 weeks later....our whole family is absolutely devastated...her sister is heartbroken...we are afraid for her...cause this poor excuse for a man is a control freak and has no family values...he has two children and doesn't make them a priority in his life..so family means very little to him...your poem made me cry...to remember how special my beautiful princess made me feel as she was growing up...she was a model daughter and we love her dearly...can explain the hurt I'm feeling right now...:(

  • Claire by Claire, Plymouth
  • 14 years ago

My daughter is turning 8 years old in 2 days time. When I met my husband 10 years ago, we couldn't have children as he had been snipped! We had the reversal operation done, but was told although it went well, they didn't hold out much hope of us conceiving a child. However 6 months after his op, and lots of prayers, I was pregnant! We new she was a girl from the 20 week scan which we went to the day before we married and had already named her at that time, but when I saw my baby for the first time I knew that her name fitted - we called her Angel! Thank you for this poem, it made me cry!

  • PJ by PJ, California
  • 14 years ago

I have two daughters age 22 and 19 and I remember the day they both were born. We use to do girl things and have so much fun But now it seems all we do is fight with each other I long for the days when we were the best of friends does anyone know how we can get that love back?

  • Janet by Janet, Lancashire England UK
  • 14 years ago

This is an amazing poem, my daughter has Congenital Heart Disease and she is my biggest inspiration...she has had many surgeries, yet still never ceases to amaze her doctors!!! She is 9 years old and has had her 18th operation, yet you would never guess if you had the pleasure of meeting her :-) Many many thanks xxxx

  • Cape Town by Cape Town
  • 14 years ago

So beautiful made me cry I miss my baby she is overseas, she is the sweetest kindest loving caring. thank you for your poem

  • Angie by Angie, North Carolina
  • 15 years ago

This poem is awesome, I have a 5 yr old who has Asperger's Syndrome, and she is the most happiest and innocent little girl I have ever met. Your poem says it all and I want to thank you for sharing it with all of us

  • Alneesa by Alneesa
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem it made me cry happy tears. Children are angels and they are the best blessings of all.... Thank you for this poem

  • Karen by Karen
  • 15 years ago

Today is Daughter's Day at our home. A year ago we read about the idea and it made so much sense...the only reason mom and dad get our own day is because of the birth of our precious child. I was looking for the perfect poem to read to her to express the way we feel. Your words are truly inspired and we are very grateful...what a gift.

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 15 years ago

My 10-year-old daughter and I have been chosen to be the Mother/Daughter Team in our community's annual Mother Daughter Banquet this year. One of the things we are expected to do is to read poetry to each other, so off I went with Google, looking for the perfect poem to read to my amazing baby girl in front of my entire town (and then some)! Well, this is the first poem I encountered, and I know God's hand is in here, because it's just PERFECT! Now all I have to do is figure out how I'm going to read it without dissolving in tears... ) Thank you from the bottom of my weepy heart for this wonderful gift. It's exactly what I hoped for!

  • Cindi by Cindi
  • 15 years ago

My daughter is 16 and I find her to be my "hero." She is quite amazing and from the day that she was born, I knew that there was something remarkable about her. As I watch her grow and flourish, I realize that the angels in the heavens are looking over her. She is a very caring person and had a tough experience with a friendship. Through it all, she has remained strong and lets negative things deflect off of her, making her the strong woman that she is becoming with each passing day. This was the perfect poem to reflect my relationship with her. Thank you for posting this!

  • Ginny by Ginny
  • 16 years ago

This poem has touched me deeply. My little girl is 3 yrs old and has had to go to so many doctors already. She has one kidney that has only 18% function and she has a loss of brain tissue and a seizure disorder and a cyst on her brain that could turn tumorus. She has been through so much but is still the happiest little girl ever and she loves everyone and everything. She is soo much like this poem it made me cry when I read it. She is the most important thing in my life and I will do everything I can for her.

  • Charis Featherstone by Charis Featherstone
  • 16 years ago

This poem is beautiful. I am only 15, but I have a 2 year old sister and this brought the words out of my very mouth. My sister is everything to me, I love her dearly. Your poem touched me, thank you.

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 16 years ago

My daughter is a senior in high school. I purchased an ad in her yearbook & would like to write something to let her know how much she means to me. I am searching for poetry to "inspire" me... I'm not much of a writer. Your poem is beautiful. May God be with you & your family during this time. Thank you for posting this poem for all to see & enjoy.

  • alicia johnson by alicia johnson
  • 16 years ago

I am a mother and a wife. I also have leukemia and my prognosis is not a good one. Since finding that out I have started a writing campaign where I send each of my children and my mother and my husband a letter from me at least once a month. and now thanks to this site, poems. Things that they can keep and remember me by. mementos that they can go to and think of me and remember how much I love them and how much they mean to me...and that is my story.

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