Daughter Poem

A mother writes a poem of love and gratitude to her daughters for the joy they have brought into her life.

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God blessed me with a very beautiful daughter. When I look at her I get tears of joy and pure happiness. She makes me the happiest woman in the world with her smile, laughs, hugs, and cries....

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Love For My Daughters


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

My beautiful daughters, I was blessed with two of you...
You will never know how proud I am of all the things you do.

You came into my world, so tiny and so small...
And I was in awe at the wonder of it all.

Then you placed your little hand in mine...
There was no denying, my heart was yours 'til the end of time.

I have watched you both throughout the years laugh, cry, and grow...
And it is difficult to know that someday I will have to let you go.

I just can't imagine a day of my life without you...
Because you're a part of me and my love for you is true.

So just remember, no matter how old you are or where you may be...
There's someone who needs you and loves you, and that someone is me!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Thanndo by Thanndo
  • 8 years ago

God blessed me with a very beautiful daughter. When I look at her I get tears of joy and pure happiness. She makes me the happiest woman in the world with her smile, laughs, hugs, and cries. I always thank her father for giving me such a beautiful princess, and I'd do anything for her. I don't wish to have another child.

  • Mary White by Mary White
  • 10 years ago

This poem is from me to you. I Love you more then you will ever know. And I thank GOD for you everyday. Every mother wishes to have a daughter like you. Your a Angel from God. And I was the lucky one who got you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. LOVE YOU MOM.

  • Donna by Donna, Hurley Virginia
  • 10 years ago

As the poem says, I love them and couldn't be more proud of them.

  • Singapore by Singapore
  • 11 years ago

I am proud father of two daughters. I choked when I read the lines "And it is difficult to know, that someday I will have to let you go" - because I have gone through that once with my elder daughter's marriage last year and still coping. I will have to go through that once more in a couple of years, I guess. My Daughters are really my precious treasures God Almighty has blessed on me.

  • Linda by Linda, AZ
  • 11 years ago

This touched my heart so much. Because I lost both of my daughters. Melinda at 1 month old 1978 and my other daughter Joy at 29 yrs. old 2009.
There isn't a day that goes by that my heart isn't broken and I miss them terrible. This is exactly how I feel about my Precious Daughters.
Thank you for allowing me to write this.
Live like there is no tomorrow Always..Always say I Love You Always..

  • Larito by Larito
  • 6 years ago

Hi Linda,
I'm so sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing and have the strength to write this. I have lost my 8-month-old unborn son and the pain is with me every day.

  • Jill Scot by Jill Scot
  • 9 years ago

I was scrolling through this site and ran across your story; it simply took my breath! I am the middle child of three girls. My sisters had so much in common with my mom but I was very different; independent, a tom-boy and a Daddy's Pride and Joy! My older sister Roxanne (we were only 18 months apart and BEST friends), was shot by a boyfriend on St Patrick's day just before turning 25. My Daddy soon developed Lung Cancer so I moved in and took care of him until he passed one year later. My younger sister was Bi-polar and my mother found her face down and blue before her 40th Birthday. I so often look up towards Heaven and sarcastically thank my sisters for leaving my mom with the one she didn't like! I guess my point is; God only knows how bad it hurts. But imagine being left with a daughter that you may love very very much, but have to struggle with the feelings of "why didn't you take her instead"? Peace and blessings to you dear...now and always.

  • Rachel Yan by Rachel Yan, Malaysia
  • 11 years ago

Indeed the poem pours out my heart as a mother of 3 girls. They are 8, 4 & 3. Though they are still young but I wish they would understand my love and anxiety for them as they grow each year. I want them to know that they are my most precious gifts from God and I love them so much.

  • Little Rock by Little Rock, AR
  • 11 years ago

You have two lovely grown daughters and watching them grow up has been the joy of my life. Sometimes you do have that age where mother doesn't know anything, but as they mature they become your friend and confidante. I am proud to say and they have grown up to be a beautiful smart independent women. they are my heart they are my soul. Now they each have a daughter of their own and I look forward to watching their relationship grow into something as special as ours. So thank you very much for writing this poem it's something that I want to say, but didn't quite know how, you have said it much better than I ever could. I'm going to share this time with them.

  • Krista by Krista, Olney Maryland
  • 12 years ago

This poem truly touched me because as a Mom of two beautiful daughters, my youngest will graduate college in 4 months and I couldn't be more proud. My oldest graduated from college 2 years ago. While this may sound trivial to most, it has been quite a struggle with rising costs of tuition etc. Both of my daughter's proved to be the outstanding women I knew in my heart they would grow up to be. I couldn't ask for more. They've struggled, worked hard and persevered while working and going to classes back to back. Well done my girls, well done. MOM

  • Lisa Chatman by Lisa Chatman
  • 12 years ago

I have twin daughters and this poem mad me cry...they are 18 years old now, making they own way. I am very afraid for them. I know I taught them well, I guess its a mom thing. I just love this poem

  • Wasif Ali by Wasif Ali, Mumbai
  • 12 years ago

Really a heart touching poem. I am father of 2 daughters. The line of poem "And it is difficult to know, that someday I will have to let you go" is very disturbing but it's truth and cannot be denied. In fact all parents wait for that day and wish their daughters for happy married life. That parting is very painful but true happiness from inside with blessings for their daughters.

  • Wesley R. by Wesley R., La San
  • 12 years ago

I have been blessed with 2 daughters as well as 2 sons. I love them all the same. But you know the old saying, "Daddy's little girl" Well my girls are just that. Watched them from the time they were born, and now they are 2 beautiful young ladies. They have been a blessing to my soul, as I pray I have for them. I Know I don't have many more years before me as I have behind me, but I treasure them and each moment I have them.

  • Nita by Nita, London
  • 13 years ago

I have two daughters myself also, and I would not change that for anything, not ever. They are gods gift, the music to our ears, the light to our eyes, they complete us. Its a really beautiful poem which I will be sharing with both my daughters tomorrow, 6th January which is my eldest daughters 18th birthday and my youngest turns 16 in March.
Thank you so much xxx ♥♥♥

  • Osun State by Osun State, Nigeria
  • 14 years ago

I must say this is wonderful! I have two beautiful daughters, I have never imagined that I could stumble on a poem that could describe how I feel about them and what they mean to me. Thanks so much for this wonderful piece.

  • Tshechi Wangmo by Tshechi Wangmo, Bhutan
  • 14 years ago

this was really good and heart touching poem, I have never read such poems before, when I go through this poem I felt that I have written this poem.

  • Toni by Toni, PA
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched my heart because I also have two daughters, whom I love so much they are special to me, I thank my GOD my Lord for them at all times, thank you so much for this poem.

  • Juna by Juna
  • 16 years ago

This was really great to read because I have never seen a poem that would include both my girls.
It made me cry, because it was like I wrote the words myself.

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