Daughter Poem

We're Together Though We're Apart

A breathtaking and beautiful poem about a relationship between father and daughter throughout their lives.

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This poem touched me profoundly. I could not stop crying. August 31st will be five years that my Dad died of liver cancer. He and my Mom lived close by and he came to see me almost every...

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In Your Heart

Thomas S Carver ©

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

He was so proud of his little girl.
It was her very first day of school.
He walked with her to school that day,
And she held his hand all the way.
They walked together quiet and sad,
A little girl and her loving dad.
Into the school her father led,
But he almost cried when she said,
"Daddy, Daddy, please don't go.
Don't leave me here all alone.
I'll miss you if you go away,
And I might need you; can't you stay?"
"Little Daughter, please don't cry.
You'll be okay, so dry your eyes.
You have our memories in your heart.
We're together though we're apart."

He sat up front on her wedding day
And cried as his daughter walked away.
Later that night he watched her dance.
He sat there waiting for his chance.
The band started to play their song.
Father and daughter danced along.
She looked at him and saw a tear
Then leaned and whispered in his ear,
"Daddy, Daddy, I have to go.
I hate to leave you all alone.
I'll miss you when I go away,
But if you need me then I'll stay."
"Little Daughter, I'll be just fine.
I'll love you always; you are mine.
I have our memories in my heart.
We're together though we're apart."

She came in his room and kissed his head
Then sat next to his hospital bed.
He took her hand and held it tight
And wished he had the strength to fight.
They sat together, quiet and sad,
A daughter and her dying dad.
He saw the tears she tried to hide.
She looked at him and then she cried.
"Daddy, Daddy, please don't go.
Don't leave me here all alone.
I'll miss you when you go away.
I still need you; you have to stay."
"Little Daughter, I love you so.
I want to stay but have to go.
I'll always be here in your heart.
We're together though we're apart."


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Myrta by Myrta
  • 3 years ago

This poem touched me profoundly. I could not stop crying. August 31st will be five years that my Dad died of liver cancer. He and my Mom lived close by and he came to see me almost every day. He would sit in his favorite chair, and we would talk and laugh about so many things. When he left for Houston, TX, to go to the cancer center, I told him, "Please don't go, don't leave me alone." He told me that it would be the last time we would see each other again on this earth. Those were his words. I will never forget them. I talked to him over the phone one more time and a week later he passed away in my Brother's home in Texas. I still see him sitting in my chair and it's as if he just passed away. I know that he's not in pain anymore, but I miss him dearly. I truly relate to this beautiful poem. I try to get past this, but it is difficult. Thank you for this poem!

  • James W. Young by James W. Young
  • 4 years ago

This work stirs about all the human emotions our heart sends out.
The ending is reassuring and deeply felt. What amazing beauty, strength and love is packed into this true life experience. So many relate and are touched in this account of loss and love, healing indeed.

  • Jinie Bread by Jinie Bread
  • 6 years ago

This poem was very touching. It reminded of my father. He was strict and scary but a very loving dad. After reading this poem, I suddenly miss him as well as my mom.

  • Grsumner1 by Grsumner1
  • 6 years ago

This poem captures, in simple and beautiful expressions, the “father heart'.” I found myself wiping tears from my eyes. I'll be giving my daughter in marriage in just a few days. We lost her mother when my little girl was thirteen years old, so our relationship is even more special as I give her hand to another man. I cherish the memories of her childhood. Thank you for this beautiful poem. .... Roger Sumner....

  • MarthaC by MarthaC, Wichita Falls, TX
  • 6 years ago

This poem touched my heart and soul! I can only imagine what will happen to my sisters and me when the time comes for us to depart. He is forever in our hearts.

  • Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi by Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi
  • 7 years ago

I love the poem. It has touched my heart in a special way. It was life well-lived for both true friends. True love was their connection. I missed my dad too. May his soul rest in peace.

  • Arya Siggers by Arya Siggers
  • 8 years ago

This poem hit me so hard. I went through this exact situation that sadly ended 3/6/15. My dad is my best friend and my everything! I loved coming home to my dad but it did hurt leaving as a young girl. When I got married I cried my eyes out with my first dance in 2009 because I felt like I was growing up too fast which only means I would soon loose my dad. I lost him so suddenly and everyday I hurt because I miss him so much. It's like a huge piece of me is gone and it literally is. My world is gone and though I still have my loving mother, I'll ALWAYS be daddy's little girl.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 6 years ago

I just found this poem. Then I read your reply and my heart just hurt. My daughter is getting married this October. We lost a great man: my husband and her dad. He died very suddenly on Halloween 2015. Planing her wedding is happy but sad. She is struggling so hard. She wants to dance with her daddy so bad at her wedding. She was her daddy's girl too. I feel your hurt. I was wanting to say I know how you feel. It's a hard thing to go through. Now you have a wedding - that brings up so many memories and pain. All we can do is to know for some reason it was their time. Bless you, and we all will pray the hurt will get a little better.

  • Elirau, PNG by Elirau, PNG
  • 9 years ago

I am teary, reading this beautiful poem. Being a single parent, I am thinking about what my teenage daughter would be thinking or feeling if she had read this poem. I know it would touched her so deeply.

  • Caroline Thies by Caroline Thies
  • 9 years ago

Oh my gosh this has touched my heart and soul and sent shivers down my spine. I thank you for sharing this, this is exactly me and my daddy. My daddy passed away on the 1st of Feb 2016 of a brain hemorrhage! He never had a chance to say goodbye but after he passed I heard his voice and he told me and I quote 'I'm ok caz...' I will never ever forget his last message to me was to tell me that he was ok. Me and my dad were and still are best friends. It's always been me and him. I miss him so much and I'm holding back my tears as I type this. His funeral is the 23rd of Feb. This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.. I wish he was here. I wish I could hear his voice and share his love again, a part of me died when he passed, our bond was super strong and it will never be broken, I have no idea how I'm going to get through this on my own, he was always there for me and now I'm saying goodbye to him, life isn't fair.. I love you daddy xx

  • Leora Cheney by Leora Cheney
  • 9 years ago

Even though I am 13 I don't have a dad but I have my papa who has been there through the hardest of times and this poem made me cry and I can't lose him he is my life. I LOVE YOU PAPA!

  • Hiyam Pickford by Hiyam Pickford, Michigan
  • 10 years ago

This poem didn't just touch me, but got to me to cry. Every word in this poem is exactly what I went thru with my Daddy. He had a stroke and died a year later, it's been 32 years since he past away but till this date even though I got married and have 4 kids I still can't let go of my dad.
Thank you so very much for the poem

  • Ramiro Fernandez by Ramiro Fernandez
  • 10 years ago

I need to get this out of my chest. I came to this country not in need, but as a present to my 1 1/6 years old princess' mother.
She had a hard upbringing, and I thought she needed some family support. Today I stand corrected and alone, under lies, manipulation, extortion and her unwillingness to be medically treated I am separated from my first child, my love, the princess in my mind and heart, we will be 6000 km apart in less than a week, with no option for me to stay close, at least not in a long time.
I take consolation in the future, but cannot help to think of when she asks for me, all I will miss, all I will loose, and as a man, as a father, it has brought me to my knees.
Your mind play tricks on you sometimes, and then you catch yourself wishing that the person you love so dearly had never existed, so you would be spared of your pain. If mothers can resist extenuating pain while giving birth, then men can endure this pain that strangles our very souls.
There's plenty more to add, that's all for now, if you read this, endure.

  • Damaru Prasad Lafayette La by Damaru Prasad Lafayette La
  • 10 years ago

Oh my god it brought a lump in my throat.

  • Sierra by Sierra, WA
  • 10 years ago

This touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Just one year ago my dad passed away. His birthday is coming up May 18th and I have yet to say good bye to him. My step mother never told me he died and I found out three months afterwards. I miss my dad so much and this poem fit us and our relationship. Thank you for such a beautiful poem.

  • Rammohan Potturi by Rammohan Potturi, Hyderabad
  • 12 years ago

Dear Mr. Carver,
Very good evening.
I have just finished reading your poem "IN YOUR HEART" - It is so touching, that I couldn't stop weeping... I have a cute little daughter, I took her to the school holding her little finger when she was three years old girl. Now she has grown in to a talented young lady doing her engineering with specialization in Aeronautics. Very soon she will move out for her career and once she gets married moves out in to another family. All the lines of your poem are scrolling in front of my eyes and I visualize that day when I shall have to depart leaving her here..?? I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

  • Tracy by Tracy, Maine
  • 12 years ago

This poem is beautiful. I read it at my Dad's celebration of life service. It was tough reading, but so true of our relationship! It gives me comfort too! Thank-you for this poem Mr. Carver.

  • Michael by Michael, Sheffield
  • 12 years ago

The first poem I've read in a long time and it made me think of my love for my daughter and the bond we share. As a man, I'm not afraid to admit it made me cry.
Thank you Mr. Carver for sharing this poem. You are indeed a very talented man and it would be nice to read more from you. A poem that really touched my heart.

  • Arlene by Arlene, Los Angeles
  • 12 years ago

I am 12 years old and this poem made me cry. It reminds me of when my daddy left when I was about 3 years old. He loved me a lot then he just left. I was heart broken and I burst out tears and yelled out 'daddy don't go!' he picked me up and said that he loves me with all his heart and always will. That was the last time I saw him and I still miss him a lot.

  • Thomas S Carver by Thomas S Carver Poet
  • 12 years ago

Thank you to everyone for your kind words I appreciate all of you and your feedback so much. If you would like to stay in touch I would love to hear from you. Click on my name under the title of the poem, it is a link to my Facebook page. I appreciate all of the support and encouragement and thank you for all the votes and notes!
Much love,

  • Pål by Pål, Norway
  • 12 years ago

Never, ever ever read a poem that touched me like this... thank you Thomas. Simply AMAZING! Hope to hear from you /pålb

  • London by London
  • 13 years ago

This poem is like a true story and very inspiring and makes parents want to be the best parents they can be to their children. This poem can really reach your heart and change your emotions it can make you cry even though you think your tough and nothing can reach your emotions but I am wrong it can because this poem made me cry. You have a beautiful talent and you are very inspiring person I wish you all the best in life :)

  • New Jersey by New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me and my husband cry we have a 4 yr old girl your are very talented it got me thinking we need to be the best parents we could be to leave great memories to our baby when we are not here in this world

  • Alyssa by Alyssa, Aurora
  • 13 years ago

When my dad read me that I started to cry that was a lovely poem. That touched me. My dad is a loving person. I loved that!

  • Tommie by Tommie
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad in earlier this year, he wasn't the "perfect dad" but he was my only dad. Even though I was 30 years old I still felt like a little girl screaming at the top of my lungs daddy don't go, just stay in case I need you. Seven months and a many tear later I still pick up my phone to call him or think about a project I know we can do together.

  • Suryakumari by Suryakumari, Gurgaon
  • 13 years ago

This is a very touching poem. Even though I lost my dad 12 years ago I still miss him a lot. I am just crying after reading this poem. I have never been so much emotional before. This poem really has power in it. Now I understand what melting of heart means. You are really a very talented poet. Thank you so much for making my father's memories fresh.

  • Jordan by Jordan
  • 13 years ago

This is Amazing....I've never cried like this before over a poem like this...It is a breathtaking poem

  • 13 years ago

I cried and could not stop, this poem has touch me in so may ways. I lost my father when I was a child and my grandmother as a young adult. I just lost my best friend two years ago and nothing seems to help. I can't stop crying and praying to God that the pain stops. Some days it's so hard to wake up and go on. I hope that one I shall be able to understand why God causes so such pain. Thank you for the lovely words.

  • Jacob by Jacob, Long Island
  • 13 years ago

My daughter was very touched by this poem. The first time she read it, she cried quiet tears. Then, she wanted to read it again (that's the thing with her, if she reads something and cries, she has to read it again out loud for people to hear, and to see what touched her), and this time, she cried a lot and started choking on tears and messing up words. It took a lot to calm her down. But she is still probably going to read it to her class... Did I mention she needed an emotional poem for homework? Well, she does. And even though it made her cry, she still loves it.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Sherwood Oregon
  • 14 years ago

This is an amazing poem, my dad just passed away at age 63 from pancreatic cancer and the service will be in a few weeks. If I think I can get through it without crying, I may read this at the service. Love it.

  • Courtney Maree by Courtney Maree
  • 14 years ago

that story was amazing, I cant describe how much that means to me, it was really special. thank you for making such a wonderful poem :) x

  • Emmanuella by Emmanuella, Bromley
  • 14 years ago

This is BEAUTIFUL. I am sitting at work crying. My dad and I are in different countries but I call him at least twice a week. Just the thought of my dad not being there...Thank you

  • Russ by Russ, Dayton
  • 14 years ago

Dear Mr. Carver
I read the 1st two verses at my daughters wedding this weekend. Though I practiced it often, I never got through it without crying including the wedding.
There was not a dry eye at the reception. Thank you for letting me borrow it.

  • Aquino by Aquino, Anna Mae
  • 14 years ago

this poem is amazing, I'm deeply touched and fascinated by its story line...this simply emphasizes the love of father and daughter, and that the readers would really learned to value their family...
you're really a good poet that inspires everyone, including me...

  • Loraine Aceto by Loraine Aceto
  • 14 years ago

This poem is so touching, it brought tears to my eyes! I cried! You are a good poem writer! Keep up the great work!

  • Lauren Carrie by Lauren Carrie
  • 14 years ago

I <3 this poem!! It is so touching!!!
I recited something like this when I was a little girl!!!

  • Annie by Annie, Singapore
  • 14 years ago

This is a beautiful and touching story. Even though I lost my dad many many years ago but I still miss him a lot, Whenever I talk about my dad, I will start to tear. I miss him so much

  • Noelle by Noelle
  • 15 years ago

This is too sweet! it made me want to start crying :)

  • Cay by Cay
  • 15 years ago

aw, it made me cry!!! so beautiful. Congrats on a moving piece, and I hope all is well for your mother now.

  • cassie by cassie
  • 15 years ago

this is just so beautiful,
I'm only 12 and its just so nice,
it made me cry.

  • Thomas S Carver by Thomas S Carver Poet
  • 15 years ago

I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone for the wonderful things they have said about my poem "In Your Heart". It means a lot to hear how much it has touched people. I wrote it for my mother when my granddad passed away a few years ago. I know that the loss of a loved one is a very hard thing to deal with and my hope in sharing this poem is that it helps anyone in need during the healing process.
Much love,
Thomas Carver

  • momo by momo
  • 15 years ago

Tomorrow is Father's Day, and this will be my second without my daddy. Although he can't be here, we are never apart because his love surrounds me every minute of every day.

  • Tammy by Tammy
  • 15 years ago

Beautiful poem. It would be an awesome song, too. I lost my dad two years ago, and it made me burst into tears. Nothing normally touches me like that. You are very talented.

  • Tamara Poole by Tamara Poole
  • 16 years ago

I loved this poem it really touched me and brought tears to my eyes. : )

  • nova by nova
  • 16 years ago

Very moved reading this poem! It's a brilliant one that's a must-read by all.

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