Inspirational Poem

Inspirational Poem About Disabled Sister

My sister Kelly was paralyzed when she was 16. For the next 25 years she was totally dependent on others. Even though she got dealt a bad hand, she remained strong and dignified throughout her life. That is why she'll always be "The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew." Kelly, I know you're dancing in Heaven.
In Loving Memory of Kelly Doe

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The poem was very touching. I enjoyed reading it, and it reminds me of someone I know and is part of my life. She is none other than my sister. She was always on her feet doing things just...

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The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

She never got to dance
Or go to her own prom.
She never got the chance
To forget where she came from.

She never got to kiss,
A man she idolized.
She never felt love's bliss,
'Cause she was paralyzed.

She never got to talk
About love with a smile.
She never got to walk
Down a church's aisle.

She never got to say
Those precious words, "I Do."
But she was far and away
The strongest girl I ever knew.

She couldn't brush her hair
Or put make up on her face.
She couldn't hold you dear
Or give you a warm embrace.

She couldn't clasp her hands
As if in the form of prayer.
She couldn't understand
Why she was in a wheelchair.

She never showed her fears
Or let you hear her cries.
She never showed the tears
That fell down from her eyes.

She never looked for pity
Or sympathy from you.
That's why she'll always be
The strongest girl I ever knew.

Interview with Top Poet Ronald Doe

  • What makes this poem one of your favorites?
    This poem is very special to me because it was a memorial poem to my sister, Kelly. Kelly was a quadriplegic for 26 years as the result of a diving accident when she was 16. Kelly died on December 22, 2003.
  • What important life lessons did you learn from your sister?
    One of the lessons I learned from Kelly is that you make the best of the hand you’re dealt. Kelly was obviously dealt a bad hand at 16 years old, but she lived her life to the fullest, and if she cried about her situation, it was at night when she was alone.
  • You write about a variety of topics. Where do you find your inspiration, and do you have a favorite topic to write about?
    Being an alcoholic and addict in long-term recovery, my favorite topic is to write about God/Jesus and the gift of sobriety. I obviously get my inspiration and my God-given talent to write poetry from Him. I also get my inspirations from the many miracles I have witnessed in recovery. The turnarounds recovering alcoholics/addicts make in recovery is nothing short of miraculous. I know this is a fact because I am one of them.
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    One of my favorite experiences was to be connected to fellow poets all over the world. To be able to read their works was amazing. Also, when I googled “The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew” and saw at least eight different videos and two different songs, I was blown away. It was like Kelly was still touching people from Heaven. Also, there were three instances where amateur musicians asked my permission to use my poems/lyrics in songs, and they came out beautiful. Quite humbling to say the least.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Charles Bernabi by Charles Bernabi
  • 4 years ago

Oh, that is so sad, and you wrote a very touching poem for your sister Kelly, and the rhymes are beautifully done, and your poem makes one appreciate life more and though I suffer from a brain disease that doctors say will only get worse as time goes on I know my life is still nowhere near as bad as it was for your sister. Very inspiring poem and a great read as a poem. Thanks for sharing, Ronald.

  • Sophia by Sophia
  • 4 years ago

I was touched. This made me cry. Thank you for these amazing words. Your sister is so strong. This is really inspirational and tells us to keep going. This is wonderful. It really shows that we are not the only ones struggling and that there are others out there who have it worse than us. It's very inspiring. Thank you for these inspiring words - Sophia

  • 5 years ago

Whoa, this is a truly incredible poem. Thank you for choosing to write about your sister! I'm glad she could find a bright side to being paralyzed. She really does sound like the strongest girl ever!

I am feeling almost speechless right now. How can I respond to your poem with words appropriate enough that could honor your precious sister Kelly? You describe an amazingly strong girl who endured more than can ever be imagined, and I can only say I believe that you were blessed by her as she was blessed by you. I am sure she is doing all those things you wished for her and more in Heaven and also watching over you! Your poem is beautiful and filled with such love for your sister. I am sure she wants you to have a beautiful life in honor of her!

A beautiful and very moving tribute to a very courageous sister.

So sad that Kelly missed out
on all that life is about
To suffer in silence
with dignity and finesse
Shows what a wonderful strength
and selfless heart she possessed.

  • 7 years ago

This a truly beautiful poem. I suffered a stroke in 2009 at age 51. I am a married family man. My heart goes out to Kelly's brother. My left side is paralyzed, but I can manage to walk with some difficulty. I cannot use my left hand, which is almost useless. I am truly sorry for Kelly. She is among the angels now. I read the poem over 3 times. Great poem for a great sister.

This is beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss, and I hope you carry on with courage in your heart. Your poem is amazing!

  • Amani by Amani
  • 7 years ago

The poem was very touching. I enjoyed reading it, and it reminds me of someone I know and is part of my life. She is none other than my sister. She was always on her feet doing things just like a butterfly without complaining, always up for it, doing things, moving around, taking the kids, tidying the place, pleasing the parents. Until one day 15 years ago she became paralyzed from the waist down, and it broke my heart that she couldn't do anything for herself, always relying on others.

She smiled and has gone to college. She is nothing but an inspirational to all. Despite having problems had difficulties, she still smiled and stood up against all odds. She still stands very strong, and I am very inspired. She has met someone and settled down and has beautiful kids. I love them to bits. She is the one who comforts others. Her disability hasn't stopped her from achieving what she wants.

  • Mjkala by Mjkala
  • 7 years ago

I, too, know how about suffering. I was born with cerebral palsy. I've had so many surgeries I can't count them. I'm learning to trust in Jesus more and more as each day goes by. I know turning to Him is the only way to go.

  • Dr Carla Selemea by Dr Carla Selemea
  • 8 years ago

I am blown away, such poignancy and profound dignity. I was just commenting to my best friend about how we don't hear about any truly good poems any more as a direct result of the lack of communication that has been ushered in via the rise of the electronic/computer age. I know, I know I am texting this on my cell phone while me and my best friend are cooking dinner and dessert and discussing all kinds of subjects but basically full on communicating and sharing ideas. Then I read this incredible poem by Ronald Doe. His homage to his sister Kelly, was beautiful, humbling and brought us to tears (and my BFF Colin is a 6'6" man who doesn't do crying, as a rule). So first I must retract my statement as Ronald and his incredible poem have completely proved me wrong about the lack of good poetry or poets today. Second, I wish to thank Ronald for sharing his elegant and touching poem with us. Sincerely, Carla Seleme

  • Summer by Summer, Missouri
  • 10 years ago

There is a boy at my school named Sammy, he is in a motorized wheelchair. You would think that just because he is disabled he is not smart, that is not true at all he is in the gifted program at school and is extremely nice to everyone he meets. The most special thing about Sammy is that he never says "I can't do this", he likes to play basketball, and he is really good at it too. Everything Sammy does gives me hope. And I will always remember him.

  • Ksjpari by Ksjpari
  • 8 years ago

I have a daughter. I feel blessed whenever I see my daughter. I was touched by this poem. I will surely teach my daughter that she should never give up.

  • Saumya Verma by Saumya Verma, India
  • 9 years ago

Wow! Beautiful poem! Loved it.. keep inspiring people.

  • Mary Romine by Mary Romine
  • 10 years ago

He never walked into the room to greet me with a kiss.
Never ran down to the fishing pond or anything like this.
Never borrowed his dad's car keys on a regular Saturday night.
Never danced to rock music till the early morning light.
At those football games he watched he never once carried the ball.
But more important than all of this I never heard him complain at all.
God gave him a beautiful gift called love in a quantity beyond measure.
Each smile he takes in his wheelchair is continually building up treasure.

  • Amita Johnsy by Amita Johnsy
  • 10 years ago

Truly an inspiring story in the form of a poem. Felt good to know how so much you loved and knew your sister. May god bless you both!

  • Chippenham Wiltshire by Chippenham Wiltshire
  • 10 years ago

Wow a really inspirational poem. She was a really brave girl.

  • Pamela Dau by Pamela Dau
  • 11 years ago

I have been suffering from deformity of the spine for 6 years. I am just 18 and being like this, especially when you're a teenage girl, it sucks. I don't get to wear the dress I picked out, I don't get to carry heavy things, I can't even go to the beach for a swim. Your poem has touched me, even with my disabilities, I am a strong woman who fights for what is right. & I know it was hard, your sister is so special, like some of us.

  • Kammar by Kammar, Brooklyn Nyc
  • 11 years ago

I was assign an homework which was to "Interpret a poem". I didn't feel as if I was going to start due to the fact that I keep procrastinating. I woke up early out my bed this morning 10/4/2013 at 10:00 am (Keep in mind I hate waking up early) and started googling for poems. I came across many poems, but this poem made me cried 3 times while reading both the poem and comments. So I am no longer looking for a poem to interpret, this poem is so touching I felt like I knew her, as if I was experiencing her experience. Kelly I love your ambition, you are a STAR! I wish I got the chance to meet you! you inspire me a lot!!

To the poet, great job! thanks for sharing!

  • Rita Carey by Rita Carey, Florence
  • 11 years ago

I was married to a man for 10 years that was a C 5/6 quadriplegic from diving in 1971. I married him in 1990. He died in 2005 after being paralyzed for 34 years. Mickey was very strong also like your precious sister Kelly.
Mickey used to tell me one of the things that he missed the most was feeling the dew between his toes. I absolutely loved and was touched by your poem and Kelly like Mickey are definitely walking in Heaven.

  • Debbie Rushing by Debbie Rushing, Charlestown MA
  • 11 years ago

Your sister Kelly was an inspiration to us all. She had the best smile in the world, she could brighten up the darkest room. She is missed very much by everyone that knew her.

  • Pakistan by Pakistan
  • 11 years ago

an awesome and emotional poem , i loved it =D

  • Janiyah by Janiyah, Geogria
  • 12 years ago

Love this poem. It's so inspirational. When I typed in inspiration poems In the Google box this was the first poem to come up. I used this poem in my class project and I know you sis is look down on you from heaven and is very proud.

This is my favorite poem because this poem inspired me to continue moving forward and not give up no matter what. This young girl Kelly Doe was paralyzed at 16 years old and for 25 years never let anything stop her. Although she has passed away her legacy should continue to live in forever.

(* My sister Kelly was paralyzed when she was 16. For the next 25 years she was totally dependent on others. Even though she got dealt a bad hand, she remained strong and dignified throughout her life. That is why she'll always be "The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew". Kelly, I know you're dancing in Heaven*)

  • Live Lavictoire by Live Lavictoire
  • 12 years ago

That was just simply amazing! Your sister sounded like a strong, independent girl who everyone loved. This poem really touched me :)

  • Ashley by Ashley, VA
  • 12 years ago

Hello my name is Ashley and I'm in a public speaking class for my high school. The next thing were doing for the class is poetry out loud. We had to find a poem that connected to us to recite. I chose this poem... You did a great job writing this poem!!! It has inspired and touched me so much by the words you've used. I can't wait to recite it in front of people and hope they get as touched as I did when I first heard the poem. Stay strong and keep it up!(:

  • Manisha Jadhwani by Manisha Jadhwani, Mumbai
  • 12 years ago

It's just amazing, you showed and expressed the best way of depth feelings truely to your sister, it even shows that your sister was really very beautiful by her heart.
her strength is an inspiration for us who can do everything and have everything but still cry for what we loose and even do lose our hopes.
Keep it up :)

  • Jayde by Jayde
  • 12 years ago

That is just so amazing, but I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I'm more than certain she was a beautiful and wonderful sister!!!

  • Houston Tx by Houston Tx
  • 12 years ago

Your poem was really really touching...and yeah she must be dancing in heaven...god must be full of joy with an angel like her. I'm pretty sure she smiles down at you and your family everyday. I strongly believe there's always a reason why something happens and the things that we go through in life is what makes who we are... I applaud you for being really brave...and for sharing your story with us... It's not easy losing a loved one and even harder letting go. Beautiful poem. It lets the world know how much you loved and still love her. I'm sure she always knew.

  • Cawa Mwale by Cawa Mwale, Malawi
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so touching. Hope your sister is resting in peace indeed. So bad that she is gone but she was really strong. Hope to make a song from this if you don't mind.

  • Twisha Pandya by Twisha Pandya
  • 13 years ago

This is so beautiful your sister is a very brave person. I hope one day god will find a cure for paralyzed people.

  • Debra by Debra, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I have met some of God's best warriors in wheelchairs through my life. I, myself was in a wheelchair as a young girl for awhile due to arthritis and other issues. I have very fond memories of having fun wheelchair races up and down the halls of the hospital. For decades I have wondered where those great souls are. Great poem! Thank you for pouring your heart and soul in it. It blessed me and I hope you continue to express yourself in writing. Bless you always!

  • Misch by Misch, Pakistan
  • 13 years ago

It was a truly inspiring poem........

  • Tommy Gorsuch by Tommy Gorsuch
  • 13 years ago

Ronnie,You could not have put it any better. That is the reason I loved her so.

  • Debbie Kasinger by Debbie Kasinger, California
  • 13 years ago

Very touching poem. You were a wonderful brother to Kelly.

  • Amber by Amber, Wisconsin
  • 13 years ago

Wow this poem is so good!! It makes me think twice about what I have that others will not experience. This poem gave me shivers down my back. I am sorry for your sister and hope that everyone treats people who don't have the ability to do what we can, a chance to show of life!

  • Jean by Jean, Palma De Mallorca-Spain
  • 14 years ago

A beautifully inspirational poem to the sister who meant soooo much to you and who will live eternally in your heart and in the hearts of many readers here on Facebook.
Sincerely and with love, JeanB.

  • Jenna Lips by Jenna Lips
  • 14 years ago

This really did touch me. You're a great poet, and I read this poem 8 times and I was touched by it each and every time. Your sister is very strong and I admire her.

  • Heather by Heather, Florida
  • 14 years ago

My mom has been paralyzed for three years. It really sucks and hopefully one day all paralyzed people will be able to walk. Your poem is touching and your sister is one brave girl.

  • Paul  Zarber by Paul Zarber
  • 15 years ago

I suffer from depression, after reading this poem, I have to consider myself lucky and be grateful for what I do have, I will keep it as a reference.

  • Shanece by Shanece
  • 15 years ago

Wow your sister was so strong, this is a really touching and beautiful poem. It must have been wonderful to know someone like her.

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