Inspirational Poem

Inspiring Change For Addicts

I wrote this poem in a very short time while I was in a treatment center for addiction. I know addiction is a very big problem for people in this world, and hopefully this can be an inspiration for someone struggling with this disease the way I have. Since writing this, I am doing a lot better, but it is a daily battle trying to get my life back in order. The only words of advice I have is just take it one day at a time. Thank you for reading.

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I've been cutting since I was in 3rd grade, and it's a very bad addiction for me. I still do it to this day. I stopped for about 6 months, but then I had a relapse; I deal with depression,...

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Dear Addiction

© more by Zeb Edington

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm writing this to you,
Telling you we're through.
I can't take you anymore,
Don't know what I liked you for.
All you did was wear me out.
Now I know what you're all about.

You came to me with promise and joy,
Now look at all the things you destroy.
Families, lives, bank accounts, you see.
You ruined it all with one little tease.
Look at the way you make me feel
Then you take it all and want me to steal.

Why can't you just go and hide
Somewhere far away where I'll never find?
Everyone at home doesn't understand
How you rip me apart then lend me a hand.
I keep coming back thinking inside
Maybe this time I'll make you my bride.

Then I sit and wonder why,
Why do you really want me to die?
Thousands and thousands come to you
Hoping and praying you'll help them through.
Then they fall for your lending hand,
Only to realize you're nothing but a scam.

You promised me heaven and sent me to hell.
You ruined my life and then wished me well.
Watch me now as I go on my way.
I'm washing myself of all your pain.
So you and your power can just leave me be.
I'm taking my life and setting it free.


more by Zeb Edington

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jessica Ann Rodriguez by Jessica Ann Rodriguez
  • 3 years ago

I am a 38-year-old female who has battled with addiction off and on for 20+ years. I was sentenced 3 years (1096 days) of which I served 778 of those days. I made myself a promise that during my time of being incarcerated that I was going to work on me and heal from my past. One of the programs I got myself enrolled into was called the way out. We were asked to write a letter or poem saying goodbye to our addiction. As I read this poem, I have the same emotions and feelings that I had when I wrote my poem. Thank you for sharing.

  • Cade by Cade
  • 3 years ago

I've been cutting since I was in 3rd grade, and it's a very bad addiction for me. I still do it to this day. I stopped for about 6 months, but then I had a relapse; I deal with depression, and so when I'm having a tough time, I would turn to the blade. I stopped for 3 months and thought I could do it this time and not do it anymore. After I do it, I feel better like the pain is gone, but then I look at the scars on my skin and feel like it's a constant battle for me. I'm taking it one day at a time and hoping God will help me get better. I want to get better and stop, but I can't; it's a really bad addiction for me. I used to drink and do drugs, but I was able to stop that, and I turned to cutting and I've been doing it for so long. It's the blade that touches my skin that I turn to for comfort and to feel something. But no amount of meds will help me. I have to choose to do it. I don't know how. I have such loving friends, my best friend whom I'm dating. The blade is my addiction.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth
  • 5 years ago

I'm a 39-year-old addict who was clean and sober 22 years, until 3 years ago. I watched my son attempt suicide. I had to resuscitate him. He made it through this tough time and is doing well. I relapsed that day. My drug of choice happens to be whatever will numb the pain. I've been sober again now for 6 months, and it hurts like hell, to be quite honest. Don't get too comfortable in your sobriety. You always have to be careful.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 5 years ago

I just had a relapse, and I felt like giving up, but my higher power is so great. I landed on this page and saw this poem. It just gave me reason and strength to get up and try again.

  • Amanda Nicole Logsdon by Amanda Nicole Logsdon
  • 7 years ago

Knowing what you are up against is the first step, and it's usually impossible to admit that you are powerless over something that at one time seemed so small. I'm not an addict, but I am the wife, daughter, and friend of many people who are struggling with addiction, and my heart and prayers go out to all of them. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. I know so many can relate!

  • Chiemelie S. IKWUEMESIBE by Chiemelie S. IKWUEMESIBE
  • 7 years ago

I'm in tears now hearing how the poem ended. I don't have an addiction problem, but I find this highly moving. I hope it changes more lives because it changed my point of view.

  • Laura Sheffer by Laura Sheffer
  • 7 years ago

I'm 58 years old and an addict to pain meds for 4 years due to chronic pain in both feet. I lost my pain management doc after failing a screen when I began taking anything I could to accomplish what I thought I should each day. I didn't see I was becoming less productive instead. I think back on my life and how blessed I've been, my parents, husband, children and grandchildren and all of the love and memories we've shared. Now I avoid friends, I feel I've lost the respect of my husband, was asked to resign my job of 20 years, lost the excitement I used to have while spending time with my children and grandchildren. I lost my dreams of retirement and the plans I'd made to spend my time enjoying my creativity and finding my niche volunteering. Instead, my days revolve around taking pills and calling my supplier. No one knows me anymore, and to be honest, I don't know myself. I wish for my old life back but feel powerless and know that because of my condition a part of it will never be the same.

  • Debbie Lawson by Debbie Lawson
  • 7 years ago

I'm 57 and just now going through the hardest and darkest time of my life as well. I am actually detoxing off methadone after an accident in '93 that got me hooked on pain meds. In order to stop, I went to a methadone clinic, but it's literally 10x harder getting off of it. I'm sorry you're going through this, but there is help out there everywhere, but I had to make up my own mind. Going on 7 days without methadone, and you have to take one day at a time. My narcologist is wonderful and helpful each day that comes. Good luck in the future.

  • Tina by Tina
  • 8 years ago

I am a 36 year old woman that has been dealing with an addiction to pain meds for about 4 years now. I have beat myself up so badly about this, and I am in the process of trying to get help with this. I love this poem and will be sure to read it every day when I feel I want to use. Thank you!!

  • Rebell by Rebell
  • 8 years ago

This poem has really told the truth. I'm a recovering addict. I've been clean for 2 years, and I have come a long way. I did not go to a rehab. I did it with God's help, and I will never go down that road again. I really want my story to get out to people. Because if you have God in your life and family to stand by your side and they support you like my family did, anybody can change. I am not ashamed of it. Thank you for listening. Shanon Salyer

  • Jay Breeze by Jay Breeze, Providence
  • 9 years ago

I wrote this letter back to my addiction while I was in treatment.

Hello My Old Friend:
You've come to seek me once again, I know before I've put my family, friends, and relationships at risk just for you, but Today I'm here to tell you that I am done, I am done dreaming about you, waking up to you and having you be the last thing I need before I go to bed, I found a love so deep for you that I couldn't find in anyone else. It makes me sick how many countless nights I went waking up to sweat but yet shivering at the same time and you chuckle because I become even more loyal to you, but my friend I am Me and not what you want to make out of me so I'm here to say You are Dead to me My friend and I want nothing to do with you it will be hard but I have the power to do this on my own and I will, so today I say Goodbye My Friend because when I leave here you will not be waiting for me when I get out and if you are it will be to bury you for life just like I should've a long time ago.

  • Skylar by Skylar, Ohio
  • 9 years ago

My name is Skylar! This was my uncle who wrote this amazing poem. He passed away about a month ago to addiction. He lost his struggle with addiction on February 11 of this year. If he only would have known how his poems touched so many people it would of made him so happy. Just to know that he helped 1 person would have made a huge impact on his life. I hope everyone who has read this poem is doing ok with their addictions. And know that life is short make the best out of it!!

  • Jessica by Jessica, NJ
  • 9 years ago

Skylar, I'm so very sorry about your uncle :(
This poem really touched my heart as I can totally relate to everything he was's how many of us feel. It's interesting how God says in our weakness we are made strong. Well, here's your uncle, struggling with addiction while at the same time something 'stronger' moved through him to write this poem. And now here he is, living on in spirit, still communicating his message to all those who need to hear it. You can be proud of him for that :)

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 10 years ago

This poem touches my heart because I do know what an addiction is like. I was addicted to cutting for about a year until my parents found out. They cried all night when they found out, and it was at that point that I knew the destruction of an addiction. I have been clean for almost two months now and I feel better than ever. I am glad that I found this poem because it will help me when I feel I am nearing a relapse. Thank you so much for this poem.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Illinois
  • 10 years ago

Thanks for your poem. I am sending it to my 24 year old daughter in jail for meth. She asked me to send her some inspirational things and this is one of the tops on my lists. She is about to begin a 90 day treatment program so prayers are welcome. Thanks again

  • Rachael by Rachael, Melbourne Australia
  • 11 years ago

I am recovering heroin addict, because I was stupid and trusted someone who was meant to love me, sometimes I
Wish he had of just handed me a loaded gun, instead of filling my vein's with the devils little white grains. It's at those times I look at my 4 beautiful children and remind myself that a few short years ago, (when we only had 2 daughters) I believed that I was worthless, stupid, the worst mother to ever walk the earth, when instead of days spent with my babies, my days were spent getting beaten, raped, being feed drugs and being told every hour on the hour that if I ever Left my so called bf, he would make me watch while he raped and killed my girls. I remind myself that I have achieved something that so many can't, I am clean, have all my children with me. I know how drugs can take everything you love away, can turn you into a monster that would sell there would for a hit. I hope and pray you can escape from it's evil grip and start living again.

  • Kenneth Headdy by Kenneth Headdy, Apopka Florida
  • 9 years ago

Hello my name is Kenny. By reading his story it puts a fear in me knowing I'm heading down the wrong path. I've chosen a life I could never take back. I'm a true junkie. I feel worthless, selfish, and the trash of the earth. How can I do this to my wife and kids? I tried to be strong for them, I love them more then life itself, but I keep falling, no matter how hard I try. I just want to end this, I can't take the pain, I can't keep hurting them, I've prayed to the Lord and I get nothing but another high. When is this ever going to end? I'm so hurt. I cry and hold my wife, and tell her I'm sorry it won't happen again. I do it over and over,so now I'm not just a junkie I'm a lier as well, so now there's nothing I can say that is true. I'm loosing my family, I've lost countless job's, I lost my hope and Faith. I need help, I want help, my life is hanging by a thread, all I wanted is to be sober and live for my wife and kids, and be happy, I'm so depressed, someone please help me, I want to live.

  • Eliza by Eliza, Portsmouth
  • 11 years ago

In March some time 2 years ago (2011) I had just come out of an adolescent rehab unit for an addiction to cocaine. A friend of mine discovered this poem and sent me the link. I so wanted to stay clean. I printed this off, framed it and hung it in my room. Whenever I felt a possible relapse coming on I would look at this poem and remind myself of all the reasons I wanted to be clean. It's now been 2 and a half years since I stopped with no relapses. I'm now in my second year of University, but still keep this poem hanging above my bed. So I want to thank you for saving my life!

  • Mark Rudnik by Mark Rudnik
  • 11 years ago

I was drinking and a full blown drug addict since the age of 13. At 45 years old I'm now clean and sober for 5 1/2 years thanks to God and all the people he worked through. I did 1 30 day rehab program and haven't relapsed yet. I say yet because I could be drunk tonight it's one day at a time. AA and God it works

  • Jayde by Jayde
  • 12 years ago

That is an amazing poem. I am sorry to hear about your addiction, but I hope all is well for you know as by the sounds of it you have a bright future ahead of you!!!

Hope all goes well,

From Jayde :)

  • Margaret by Margaret
  • 13 years ago

That was a very powerful poem. I hope it is used in some brochure or book to help addicts. Maybe it can be also written on some wall in a rehab centre.
Excellent ...very inspiring !

  • Misty Martin by Misty Martin, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This was an awesome poem, something I would read every time it got hard, thanks for sharing, you're a great writer, check into. That

  • Allen by Allen
  • 13 years ago

As a Pastor for 36 years I have painfully watched over and over how addiction of any kind (alcohol, food, sexual, drugs, gambling, work, etc.) is full of false promises and is full of destruction for individuals, marriages, families, and self-respect. This poem is so full of the truth of what addiction really does in the lives of God's people. I especially can relate to the gambling addiction as I found out at an early age that this was a demon that I was "powerless over" and that I would need help from God to keep under control for my whole life. Praise God, He has!

  • Clarissa by Clarissa, So. California
  • 13 years ago

Wow! I have never had an addiction but I know some who have. It is a life destroying thing that will not stop until you are 6 feet deep OR strong enough to decide NO MORE PAIN and get your life back.

I hope you keep the strength and fight this evil away.


  • Brandon by Brandon, Indiana Boy
  • 13 years ago

This is an amazing piece, I've been battling an opiate addiction for a few years and this poem describes my pain. It feels like there's no end to it and no way out. I've lost everything now and the depression only fuels the addiction. Good Luck everyone, try to be stronger than I am.

  • Pearl by Pearl
  • 14 years ago

Your poem really touched me. I have been an addict since I was twelve and I'm 26 now. I have made the first steps to getting myself into treatment and am on a waiting list. I have never been so happy with any decision I've made until now. Hope is out there, just have the will and power to want to be happy again.

  • Joseph Frankowski by Joseph Frankowski
  • 14 years ago

I truly feel where your coming from. I too am an addict, now I'm in recovery. I've never been happier. Keep up the fight we as addicts no longer have to struggle. Your poem is an inspiration

  • Thembeka by Thembeka, Swaziland
  • 14 years ago

Well I've never tried drugs and am not planning on it but am truly inspirited by this poem. I'm happy for you and hope that it goes well for you. May your talent get you to far places. God Bless!!

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn, Missoula
  • 14 years ago

This poem is just what I needed. I am leaving for a 30 day treatment tomorrow. I hope all is well with you! I think I will print this out and keep it close to me while I am recovering:) Thank you for your wise words!

  • Jenna Lips by Jenna Lips
  • 14 years ago

This is truly inspirational ! I am only 15 years old, and I have had a touch of drugs and never again am I going back to it.

  • Jerri Willis by Jerri Willis, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

I am 40 yrs. old and was using drugs and alcohol since I was 13. I fight everyday to stay strong and it gets soooooooooo hard at times and things like this helps me get through the day...Thank you, this poem touched my heart and soul. Sincerely yours, Jerri

  • Detroit Michigan by Detroit Michigan
  • 14 years ago

it really did touch me and stuff although I never been to a treatment center before but I'm a sexaholic and I trying my best so good luck and god bless.

  • tosha by tosha
  • 15 years ago

I am going to share this with a lot of people that I'm sure it will help..... thank you

Although I've never been in a treatment centre for addiction, I have had a problem with alcohol and can totally relate to this poem. Great way with words. Keep up the great work.

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