Inspirational Poem

Poem About Never Giving Up

To my mother, Pauline. She means the world to me. She is my rock that I lean on.

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This is the best poem that I have ever read in my entire life. I grew up in a family where I had to see my mother being abused by my dad several times since I was five years old. I am 15...

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You Will Never See Me Fall

© more by Joyce Alcantara

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

You may see me struggle,
but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not,
I'm going to stand tall.
Everyone says life is easy,
but truly living it is not.
Times get hard,
people struggle
and constantly get put on the spot.
I'm going to wear the biggest smile,
even though I want to cry.
I'm going to fight to live,
even though I'm destined to die.
And even though it's hard
and I may struggle through it all,
you may see me struggle...
but you will NEVER see me fall.


more by Joyce Alcantara

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nandita Shenoy by Nandita Shenoy, Netherlands
  • 3 years ago

Beautifully penned and inspirational poem. Every person in this life goes through trying times and comes out stronger! The only way to survive this phase of life is arming your personality with a smile and a never give up attitude :)

  • Eliza by Eliza
  • 5 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes, by far my favourite poem ever. I have dealt with hardship, and I hope this gives me the courage to speak out loud. Thanks.

  • Muravha Thivhonali by Muravha Thivhonali
  • 6 years ago

This is the best poem that I have ever read in my entire life. I grew up in a family where I had to see my mother being abused by my dad several times since I was five years old. I am 15 years old right now, but I still cry whenever I think about it. But even today I still consider him as my dad because even though I deny it, he was my own flesh and blood. He passed on last year and as a teenager I had to accept it and move on with life. This poem has made me feel better and stronger than I could ever be.

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 6 years ago

I, too, have had my mom abused as well as my brother and I. However, no matter how much hate I have in my heart, I have learned to love him. I no longer care about what he has to say to me, and since I am 15, I no longer see him as a father but as a man in my house. This poem has given me courage and hope to one day go on my own.

  • Natalie by Natalie
  • 7 years ago

Wow...words can't even describe how much I really needed to hear that today. I'm not one to show when I'm weak. People will never see me fall. God is good!

  • Casey A Hoon by Casey A Hoon, Salem Virginia
  • 7 years ago

I've had a long, hard life. Trying to figure out just where I can fit in. I lost my dad last year. He was my only friend, the only one I felt I could talk to. There are some days I feel lost. It is almost like he is still here, and then I have to stop and remind myself. I try my best to keep my head up and remind myself of this one simple thing: "For every dark stormy night there's always a brighter, sunnier tomorrow."

  • Danielle Snyman by Danielle Snyman
  • 3 years ago

When I was five, I had a pet, and it was a hedgehog. He meant the world to me. One day we went on a vacation, and somebody was taking care of him, but when we got home he died. She said, "I found him dead in the morning." He was my only friend and my hole world. I cried for days, weeks, months, years. Even now, I still cry. But this poem made me smile and think he is next to me my whole life.

  • Jade Ferguson by Jade Ferguson
  • 7 years ago

I'm a 25 year old female who is married and was treated for the first and second stage of cervical cancer. While I was in the hospital I read this poem, and it got me and my husband through it all. Thank you for the inspirational words to get through it. Now I have the all clear.

  • Avinash Agrawal by Avinash Agrawal
  • 7 years ago

Like any other human being, I have had my share of happiness, excitement and depressions. I always recovered from the depression with a new resolution, not to accept defeat and take new challenges head on. This poem resonated so well with my own thinking. I enjoyed it.

  • Shay by Shay, ILL
  • 9 years ago

When I was a child my mother didn't have a job or either bothered to get one. So my mom, my two younger brothers and I, went from one man's house to the next, every man my mom chose to live with/use would beat me and my brothers, and since I didn't like the sight of my brothers being abused, I would jump in and protect them from the hits because I would rather get hurt than see my brothers get hurt. Lately I have been wanting to give up and just cry, let out all the pain and hatred, just let go. But after reading this I see why I should still hold on and keep my head up, and I "will NEVER fall" thank you so much. You have given me reason and confidence that I can and will keep moving forward.

  • Aeldra by Aeldra
  • 8 years ago

I am really happy that you have stayed strong through all of that. I say that I go through a lot, but there are people out there in the world who go through more than I can imagine, and when I cry I think about those people and I stop crying. Brush the dirt off and walk off stronger 'cause I have my friends and I think of how sad they would be, and I can't bear to see people sad, so basically thank you for staying strong. You are a hope for me.

  • Em by Em
  • 9 years ago

Hi, i just wanted to say that you are a very strong person. Strength is a choice and I am glad you are making that decision. Maybe it was a sad start to your life, but that isn't what makes you who you are. What makes you who you are is your own decisions and how you choose to live. You are a strong and caring person with a hell of a lot of determination, and that is all you need. I'm sure you will look back one day and realize you were someone your mother would be proud of. Never forget that the surgery proves that she fought to stay with you, and loved you dearly. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here for you, although I'm sure you have plenty of friends and family who will take care of you. Don't give up. Take care, you can do this.

  • Liz-Kate by Liz-Kate, Georgia
  • 9 years ago

I'm a 14 year old girl and I lost my mom this past Christmas. She fell victim to herself, her depression, and her cancer. She bowed to it and sadly let it dictate her final actions. She has had a total of 19 surgeries just since I was 10. Before then is a blur. I grew up fast taking on the responsibility of my mom. I never knew being my age and I never knew being able to cry and show how I felt because I had to be strong. Even though I may cry now, I may have the harsh realization that I'm gonna grow up without my mom, I won't fall. I won't cower in the depths of the worlds cruelty. I will be my mom's child and be strong.

  • Theresa Anne by Theresa Anne, Florida
  • 10 years ago

I am 43 years old with terminal cancer. This poem is so me! I will do it myself, I can get it myself, I can/ I will...MYSELF. no one has seen my pain or what I go through daily. I will only let them remember me as a strong woman, who relied on herself and wanted no sympathy (from the only few who know I am sick). I gave all my love and energy to those in need. I don't want to go out with only sympathy.
Keep writing, this poem is beautiful!
Stay strong!

  • Dr Carla Selemea by Dr Carla Selemea
  • 8 years ago

God bless you. I so admire your tenacity for life and your singular pride!

  • Kaylin by Kaylin, Nc
  • 10 years ago

I'm 14 years old and I have anxiety. I have to take pills every night so I don't throw up the next morning from fear. This has been going on ever since I started high school. At first I didn't take medication but it kept getting worse and worse as time went on. I was looking up poems to put into a notebook with all my thoughts in it and this one is definitely going in there. Hopefully when I die, whenever I do, my friends and family will read my notebook and know I never fell under anxiety. This poem makes me feel stronger and I know even though I may struggle under the weight of anxiety, I will NEVER fall.

  • Grace Donner by Grace Donner
  • 10 years ago

Finding the courage to stand up to a person, a fatal disease, or just the world is a difficult if not scary thing. This poem gave me inner strength to face my problems or threats.
It's words hold true and remind me to live without fear and to stand and face all obstacles in life.

  • Barbados by Barbados
  • 10 years ago

This is really good for people who are disabled and need help. This can help them to believe that life is something you smile about because God made you and he made you perfect it's you who change God's creation.

  • Maggie by Maggie
  • 10 years ago

I have been low with feelings of "I am tired" and I felt I needed a boost, so I decided to go for inspirational poems and here it comes with lots of encouragement. I'm promising myself that I am going to stand tall and stand still and see the victory of God.

  • Ij. Nigeria by Ij. Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

Nice one. I am at this point now and I've had thoughts of giving up. Thanks to your poem, I'll keep on struggling but won't fall.

  • Pondy Benaebi by Pondy Benaebi, Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

God in His infinite mercy has been faithful to me and my family, despite the struggles from my young age till day He's faithful. I grew up with my grandmum with everyday struggle to survive no mum no dad, thank God today I can take care of myself and my younger ones. Life will always come with struggle but its your ability to Hold on that will take you to a befitting Ending.

  • Broken Arrow by Broken Arrow
  • 11 years ago

This year, I lost several people in my life and they meant so much to me. After all that, things went down hill, fast. I was taken away from my family. Well, my dad. I was put in a shelter. Lost hope, faith, I felt betrayed. I didn't have anything. Now, I am in a broken foster care system and it gets harder by the minute. I stay strong though it is very hard. Especially with it being close to Christmas time. I want to let out a huge thank you to these people who created this. Brought me what I needed.

  • Emmy by Emmy
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom when I was twelve, my dad owns a store in a mall and he never let me go out with friends. I only have one friend, her name is Ally, I met her in kindergarten and she was like a sister. I met a boy, Calvin, he is really nice with me and I have a crush on him. But these days I messed up everything with my friends, I also love dancing but I was so sad that I fell and my ankle hurts me. I thought I should just give up but this poem inspired me a little, my mom never gave up and became the mall manager. If my mom never fell so I won't fall! Thanks for this poem!

  • Dayana by Dayana, Ca.
  • 11 years ago

Wow! I identified myself with this wonderful poem, I LOVED IT and thanks for sharing it with us, keep your head up high no matter what.

  • Cesar Guadalajara Mx by Cesar Guadalajara Mx
  • 11 years ago

I am a 44 years old man and even thought I have lived a good life, there were times in my life when I wanted to dropped the ball and throw the towel. I can proudly say that I never did. I can stand tall because I have G-d with me always holding me in His arms. My friends, there will always be difficulties whether young or old, man or woman, it does not matter. The good thing is that we have G-d and we have each other to encourage us. Thank you to FAMILY FRIEND POEMS for allowing us to share OUR joys and problems.

  • Aliya by Aliya, Pos
  • 12 years ago

This poem is one truly beautiful poem with a very beautiful message. I can relate to it. It reminds me of the lyrics of some songs of Linkin Park who give similar messages. Continue with writing these amazing poems.

  • Jayde by Jayde
  • 12 years ago

Whenever I want to cry, I get embarrassed and don't cry at all. It is bad for me but then it all leads up to depression and yeah. Make sure you cry whenever you want and never feel let down or anything. Friends are there for you, not to just socialize with you!!!
Hope all goes well :)

  • Ashley by Ashley, NC
  • 13 years ago

My parents divorced when I was six, my father used drugs and abused my mother causing a miscarriage, they were together ten years, I have one sister, two brothers. After they split my mother tried to take care of us best she could, my father abandoned us. Through those times my mother was a alcoholic and became very abusive mentally and physically, I started taking care of my newborn sibling at the age of ten, also the others. I had to learn to cook, clean and take care of her children because they weren't capable of there own responsibilities so I felt I had to step up because there was no one else. My father popped in and out every seven years or so, no phone calls, cards nothing. I didn't have a childhood, everyday of my life was a struggle, I wanted to give up but the love for god, my siblings and myself kept me going. To this day is a struggle but I stand tall as I've always done, yes I've cried, but never fell to where I cant get back up, I hope this helps someone that's experienced the same thing!

  • Adis Dey by Adis Dey
  • 6 years ago

Hey, just wanted to check on you. It's been 6 years since this comment appeared, so just wanted to know, how are you? How's life? Any better? Hope it's better.

  • Shruthi by Shruthi, Coimbatore
  • 14 years ago

I feel this poem is apt for me ! This is what I am at present!

  • Sam by Sam, NJ
  • 14 years ago

I have always stood tall never cry although it can seem vital at moments. For one of my projects at school "MY FAV. POEM" I picked yours it truly spoke to me thanks
PS my mom is my rock I lean on too.

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