Inspirational Poem

Encouraging Poem To Let Go Of What Hurts You

Growing up, I always struggled so much with things going on in my mind. My parents were sick, I kept getting my heart broken, and I even got to a point where I started harming myself. Things cruel people had said to me always circled around in my head, and it made me hate myself. I was so lost. But when I turned 15, I met someone who made me see things differently. And I was finally able to let go. The war in my mind stopped. That's why I wrote this poem.

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Love this poem, most of us go through our minds taking over in a negative way at some point in life, not just the young, all ages go through our thoughts that play over and over in our minds,...

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Pain Ends

© more by Katy A. Brown

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

Breathe in the fresh air,
Put your mind at ease.
Let down your hair,
Let it flow in the breeze.

Let your eyes wander
To all the beauty to be seen.
If those toxic thoughts you still do ponder,
Then let out a scream.

Scream until the pain is gone,
Until you no longer feel afraid.
Open your eyes to a new dawn,
Let the darkness fade.

No longer compare yourself
Or your flaws to others' perfections.
Take the negativity off the shelf.
Focus on your direction.

Pick the sadness up off the floor,
Sweep it into the wind.
Close the door on self-hatred.
Never let it back in.

For the lies it would often tell you,
You will no longer agree.
Happiness and love are what you should hold onto.
They are whom you should give the key.

Pay no attention to the toxic thoughts,
Listen to those who adore everything you are.
Overthinking was what you once were taught,
But now those thoughts you put in a jar.

Focus on your goals,
Never lose your fight.
It's time to open new scrolls.
Everything will be all right.


more by Katy A. Brown

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  • Rating 4.47
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

Love this poem, most of us go through our minds taking over in a negative way at some point in life, not just the young, all ages go through our thoughts that play over and over in our minds, negative thoughts are so life draining, so strong, but we can all be over-comers of all situations, feelings and heart aches, seems we usually come out of this darkness so much stronger with empathy and compassion for others because we've been there. I have come to realize we can be our own worse enemy, our own worse critic. I believe this might be a journey of self struggle we all need to go through on our own as we gain true wisdom about life, we also learn how to lift others up, by doing so we finally understand that it's okay, no-one is perfect, it's okay to fall, it's okay we have flaws, weaknesses, faults, we're human. We also have strengths, we're all on a journey through life, there's no experts on life, life is tough, tougher for some that makes some even stronger. Powerful Poem!

  • Allie by Allie
  • 3 years ago

There is a lot of freedom and promises of strength in this poem. I am coming to grips with the ending of a 47-year marriage with a man who has decided he 'wants something different'. It is a very painful time for me. Marriage is forever in my book, sacred and to be worked at and improved on over the years. The problem is that both partners need to work at making marriage a success. I need to love enough to let go.

  • Ara-pril by Ara-pril
  • 4 years ago

This poem is really inspiring. I had been in this situation before that I was really down and didn't have any confidence in myself. I even questioned if I was a good mother of my girls. As I am reading this poem, it made me cry, and reading the stories helps me in lifting my spirits. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who understands me.

  • Santhakumary.P.R. by Santhakumary.P.R.
  • 5 years ago

I love this poem. This is inspirational and lifts my spirits up. Last year had been a horrible year for me. I have been in a very low spirits indulging in self-hatred. After reading this poem, I think I can "put all my negative thoughts in a jar" and I have the feeling that "everything will be all right." I shall be reading this poem every day.

  • Patrice Lowe by Patrice Lowe
  • 6 years ago

I loved this story so much. I'm going to read this every day.

  • Ruben Ortega by Ruben Ortega
  • 7 years ago

I'd like to start by saying that this poem has inspired my middle school students. I'm a Literature teacher in Mexico, and every year we read poems from different sources. This year I wanted to provide the class with a contemporary poem, and I found this wonderful poem. My students decided to use it for a project. They made visual interpretations of different poems. One of the chosen ones was "Pain Ends."

I really love this poem. It is so uplifting and light. Just reading it gives the feeling of unloading all burdens. It is soul refreshing. There is so much negativity in the world today, and it can be contagious and toxic to so many people, especially people struggling already with just life in general. Thank you for sharing!

  • Cyfo by Cyfo, gauteng, south africa
  • 7 years ago

It's one of those poems one would like to hear in the morning to lift up their spirits. Well done! It's a masterpiece.

  • Mia  A. Lassiter by Mia A. Lassiter
  • 8 years ago

This was a great poem! I love how it encourages the reader to love themselves, forgive themselves, and release all negative thoughts.

  • THEdan3080 by THEdan3080
  • 8 years ago

I hope you still are writing this kind of poem. I am a "solitary guy" who used to be an ''over-thinker," so I really feel myself in the poem. It's like you were talking to me, and I speak for everyone when I say that this can really touch hearts that are confused and trapped.

  • Deepstve by Deepstve
  • 8 years ago

This poem touched my heart.
"Breathe in the fresh air,
Put your mind at ease.
Let down your hair,
Let it flow in the breeze."
These lines are really beautiful, and now I'm feeling motivated. Every word in the poem is like the "cool air having sweet aroma" gone through my heart.

  • Lilli Janzen by Lilli Janzen
  • 8 years ago

This poem is the result of introspection and looking forward. This poem speaks to many people who feel the same way about themselves, and this author has captured the spirit of courage to move forward, not allowing others' negative messages to be the factor in personal change. Bravo! Compliments have power to help heal, and insults can hurt if we allow them to.

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