Inspirational Poem

Start Each Day Anew

This poem is about nature and also about being grateful for each new day and a chance to start anew.

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This poem is absolutely beautiful! I, too, spend as much time as possible outside with Nature! The birds and trees help to start each day, no matter the weather. I do my best thinking,...

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Renewed By The Morning Light

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

I sit upon my front porch stoop
Beneath the morning sun.
Grateful for the moment spent
Away from everyone.

The air is fresh and slightly chilled,
The sky is blue and clear.
The silence that surrounds me now
Is music to my ears.

I love the morning best of all,
It's my most tranquil time,
When the promise of a brand new day
Can ease my troubled mind.

When second chances seem more possible
And the world less cold and dark,
And hope can somehow pierce the walls
Of my sad and aching heart.

When left alone with nature
All the world seems far away
And the woes of life so trivial
When wrapped in her embrace.

But alas the birds awaken
And begin to sing their songs,
And people slowly wander by
And nod as they go on.

The sun has now grown brighter
As it rises in the sky
And in the distance there's a whistle
As a train goes lumbering by.

The world is calling out to me
To jump back in the fray.
To have faith things can get better
And let go of yesterday.

So today I get to start again
By the morning light renewed.
Feeling brave and energized,
There is nothing I can't do.

Interview with Top Poet Patricia A. Fleming

  • What makes this poem one of your favorites?
    This poem is one of my favorites because it expresses my feelings about the morning. I wrote this while I was sitting on my front stoop on a morning when I was having a very difficult time in my life. It was so peaceful, and my senses seemed so heightened at that moment that I noticed everything. I ran and got paper and pen and wrote this poem. As I wrote, I realized I was talking to myself, that there was hope, that it was a new day and a new start. And still, when I read this poem, I remember how renewed I felt.
  • Where do you find your writing inspiration?
    I find my writing inspiration everywhere. Someone can say something on TV, and it will spark an idea; an event in my own life can inspire me, or I can see something that makes me want to write. Since I retired, I've become so introspective and philosophical, and that's created a wealth of inspiration for my writing.
  • How has writing poetry been beneficial for you?
    It's given me an outlet for so many thoughts and feelings, a positive use of the additional time I have in my life lately, and something to leave behind that is truly reflective of who I was in this life.
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    The biggest thrill for me has been the comments that people have left about my poems helping them in different ways and the young people that have used my poems for school projects. I think when I write, it's often me talking to myself, clarifying my own feelings and views about life, remembering something special to me or reminding myself of something that's important in life. I don't think I ever thought that my words could be so relatable or helpful to other people. That matters the most to me.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Teresa Salcedo by Teresa Salcedo
  • 2 years ago

This poem is absolutely beautiful! I, too, spend as much time as possible outside with Nature! The birds and trees help to start each day, no matter the weather. I do my best thinking, planning, and meditating out there! Thank you for sharing this poem from your heart for it has inspired a richness deep within me!

Wow, I read your words slowly and my heart actually started to ache. So sad and your words expressed what so many of us have endured in recent years. Beautiful, touching, and powerful indeed!
Pat F

I do so enjoy your poems - keep writing. Best wishes, Ann

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