Meaningful Poem

What's Important In Life

I have been through hard times, I've struggled like everyone else to find contentment, peace, and an understanding of what life is really about. I believe age has everything to do with finally knowing what life is really about, which is who we are and not what we have.

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I couldn't have said it any better than Patricia Fleming. This is exactly how I feel. I've gone that route where I would buy things in the hope that I would feel better, however, it never...

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The True Meaning Of Life

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2017 with permission of the Author.

The years have passed by
In the blink of an eye,
Moments of sadness
And joy have flown by.

People I loved
Have come and have gone,
But the world never stopped,
And we all carried on.

Life wasn't easy,
And the struggles were there,
Filled with times that it mattered,
Times I just didn't care.

I stood on my own,
And I still found my way,
Through some nights filled with tears,
And the dawn of new days.

And now with old age,
It's become very clear;
Things I once found important
Were not why I was here.

And how many things
That I managed to buy
Were never what made me
Feel better inside.

And the worries and fears
That plagued me each day,
In the end of it all,
Would just fade away.

But how much I reached out
To others when needed,
Would be the true measure
Of how I succeeded.

And how much I shared
Of my soul and my heart
Would ultimately be
What set me apart.

And what's really important,
Is my opinion of me,
And whether or not
I'm the best I can be.

And how much more kindness
And love I can show
Before the Lord tells me
It's my time to go.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • HarbingerRoad by HarbingerRoad
  • 11 months ago

Such great truth and meaning, while being so beautifully said.
Thank you for sharing your wise words and in such an artful manner.

  • Laura Stone by Laura Stone
  • 2 years ago

Ms. Patricia Fleming, I have read many writings, and I mean many. I do love me a good read, and your poem touched me deep inside. It was as if I was speaking those words right out of my mouth. Your words are so genuine and perfect - thank you for being you - I really do appreciate you. You, my dear, most definitely have made the world a better place.

  • Alagba Chidiebere Glory by Alagba Chidiebere Glory
  • 1 year ago

I fell in love with writing ever since I was a kid. I just discovered my talent of writing poems recently(lol). Life is weird, sometimes it gets better and other times it gets worse. I admire your poems and you inspire me a lot too. God bless you for your good works

  • Rebecca A. Guidry by Rebecca A. Guidry
  • 3 years ago

This poem is truly meaningful and profound. I admire her desire to write this poem to educate people of what's really important in life, and why. I have known others who also believed buying material things would make them happy. It never did. Unfortunately, people do not learn this lesson until they are older. Poems such as this one can inspire people to evaluate their own lives.

  • Kadiri Jalila by Kadiri Jalila
  • 3 years ago

My name is Kadiri Jalila. I was born to an African family on 25th November 2009. As a young girl, I loved writing novels and poems. At the age of six, I wrote a book titled The Dream of Every Child. I showed the book to my parents and asked them to publish it. But my dad said publishing cost huge sums of money. That didn't stop me from writing. I kept on writing till now. At the age of 12, I still write books and get good comments on them.

  • Amanda Bossert by Amanda Bossert
  • 6 months ago

i'd love to have the pleasure of reading a book of yours

  • Adedamola Abayomi by Adedamola Abayomi
  • 4 years ago

Life is a play, a tragicomedy, it all begins with laughter and ends like a flash with tears. We are all dramatic world actors acting without a script. What a complex, confused, mischievous and unappreciable world!!

  • Amrita Bahri by Amrita Bahri
  • 4 years ago

'The True Meaning of Life' along with all other meaningful and heart moving poems written by the poet, Pat A. Fleming is beyond any words of appreciation. I cannot explain with my limited vocabulary how touched I am and how relaxed I feel after reading her poems. I wish I came across these earlier in life but it's never too late. Real issues, emotional content, deeper thoughts, less talked about matters of life which we seem to have taken for granted are beautifully articulated by the poet in all her well worded poems on and about life. I also would like to know from her if it's okay to mention her name and read aloud her poems in the form of a podcast to be able to spread her wisdom to many people who need to read such intellectually drafted content.
Keep inspiring and spreading the joy with your exemplar writing pieces.

  • P Christy Nirmala by P Christy Nirmala
  • 4 years ago

Ma'am, I love all your poems. They touch my heart, speak to my soul, and inspire me to write. I feel connected, and I always relate to your expressions.

  • Julie R Smeeton by Julie R Smeeton, manchester
  • 5 years ago

Oh how I love your poems You are so talented and inspirational. I cannot wait to see more. Bless you.

  • 5 years ago

This is a great poem. I think everyone could learn a life lesson from this poem, and I enjoyed your rhyme scheme. Thank you for posting this poem!

  • Old Gold by Old Gold
  • 5 years ago

People I loved,
Have come and have gone,
But the world never stopped
And we all carried on...

This stanza is felt way deep in my heart because I'm the one that failed to move on from the one that carried on. She didn't even know I was there, the saddest part. My emotions are still with her, and it's hard to feel that way for another person. Her world never stopped. I wrote a poem about her.

  • Tari by Tari
  • 5 years ago

Your poem is related on my current situation. I've been asking what's the meaning of life and how can I find a peace and happiness? The words of your poem are very nice. I hope I can make at least one beautiful poem like you did. Thank you for making this beautiful poem. God bless you!!

  • Donna J Mitchell by Donna J Mitchell
  • 5 years ago

Ms. Pat Fleming,
Thank You for a beautiful poem. I have gone through what your poem says. Right now I am going through some changes again. I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and would like to use your poem at my memorial in the near future.
Donna Mitchell

  • Siphelele by Siphelele
  • 5 years ago

Great poem. It was very moving. If you were given a rerun and had your youth regained, what do you think you'd do differently? Anything from your life choices or more. What would you chase? Would you be more focused and serious? If not, would you try to enjoy most of your time instead of being driven by the world's standards but your own?

  • Sylvester Omondi by Sylvester Omondi
  • 5 years ago

I loved the poem. As I read it, I felt it narrating my story. It presents a "true" meaning of life. It isn't just the heading, but the content truly describes life for the years I have lived. I can advise whoever is reading this poem to expect all that is spoken out in the poem.

  • Amelia by Amelia
  • 5 years ago

I really love this poem. Even though I'm only 13, it totally changed how I think about life and how I shouldn't care so much about what I look like or own or what people think of me. Thank you for writing this. I hope there's many more to come!

  • Biniam T. Bahta by Biniam T. Bahta
  • 5 years ago

Amelia, trust me, you've found an inspiration that will change the course of your life. Always strive to be the fullest you, nothing more, nothing less. Life is always all about you becoming the you you were meant to be.

  • Sylvia Mendez by Sylvia Mendez
  • 6 years ago

Thank you for sharing. That is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It was very well-written. I'm going to share this with my family & friends. Keep writing - I'd love to see more. Thanks again for sharing your poem.

  • Cindi Liechty by Cindi Liechty
  • 6 years ago

That's my girl. Random place and I see you here. Much love. Always a delight to read what you write. 20 years we've grown strong as friends. Love, Jello

  • Aashi Sinha by Aashi Sinha
  • 6 years ago

This was one of the most heart-touching poems, and I keenly felt its words, and its meaning was clear out. Loved it and smiled at last.

  • Bijender by Bijender
  • 6 years ago

This is a nice poem, and I loved reading and understanding it. This give a true meaning that what we have doesn't matter; what matters is who we are. And one more point I would like to make is that we should live it fully and do good for the mankind whether it is short work or great work.

  • Jozef Greatorex by Jozef Greatorex
  • 6 years ago

This is a beautiful poem with an important message: You are not what you own, You are what you do with your short time on this earth.

  • Priya Rani by Priya Rani
  • 7 years ago

This one is so beautifully written. I loved it. It's never what we have but who we are. Thank you for this one!

  • Pema Nima Lhaden by Pema Nima Lhaden
  • 7 years ago

Hi, I am twelve-years-old, and I love writing poems. Your poem gave me some lessons and tips to write. You showed me that there has to be a meaningful moral or theme. Thank you so much for the help.

You are very sweet to read my poem and I am so pleased that you got so much out of it. That all the writer of a poem hopes for.

  • Hailey by Hailey
  • 7 years ago

I'm eleven, and I've been writing a song for music class. I've written many songs, but none are very meaningful. You poetry has given me an idea.

Well, I am extremely flattered and honored if my poem gave you an idea for your song. I would love it if you could send me a video of you singing it through my Facebook page. Who knows, maybe someday you'll be a famous song writer and if I'm still around, I can say one of my poems gave you an idea for a song once. How great. Good luck and keep me posted.

  • Leslie F. Checkley by Leslie F. Checkley
  • 7 years ago

My wife died in 2005 of cancer. With no friends and only sympathetic neighbours around me, I used poetry writing to help express my feelings.

  • Leslie F. Checkley by Leslie F. Checkley
  • 7 years ago

Perfectly true in every way. I will be 91 this week.

God bless you. I'm so glad that you can relate to my words. That's all I could ask for. You take care.

  • Miley Gomez by Miley Gomez
  • 7 years ago

Thank you very much for this poem. It's so beautiful, so touching, so true. I have chosen your poem to make a presentation, and I'm told to analyze it.

Thank you Miley. I'm so glad you like my poem, and please feel free to use it any way you need to.

  • Mohammad Ali Pirooz by Mohammad Ali Pirooz
  • 7 years ago

So touching to suddenly excite warm tears out of my eyes for the very truth meticulously expressed by dear Patricia A. Fleming in her poem!

Mr. Ali, your words have touched me to think that you could feel the words of my poem so deeply. You are so very kind to take the time to read my poem and be so kind in your critique.

  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 7 years ago

This poem touched me very much. The subject matter of the poem seems to be true and natural. The poet has tried to put up an idea of the creator in a nice way, thus deserving appreciation. Wishing blessings from the Lord for the poet.

Mr. Zafur, your words are very kind, and I am so pleased that my poem touched you. I am a strong believer in God, and it is a wonderful feeling when you realize that life is that simple. Just love God and do your best to do the right thing and everything else will fall into place. I'm very thankful to you for taking the time to read my words. May God bless you as well.

  • Carmen Tomiuk by Carmen Tomiuk
  • 7 years ago

I couldn't have said it any better than Patricia Fleming. This is exactly how I feel. I've gone that route where I would buy things in the hope that I would feel better, however, it never really did help. I think we all have to look deep down inside ourselves and determine for ourselves what really matters. I, like Patricia, have cried many tears. I also came to the realization of what really mattered to me in my life. It took a lot of courage for me to make really big changes in my life at age 64. Patricia is right, what is really important is my opinion of me. It really doesn't matter what others think. Loving others and in turn being loved is important. Thank you so much, Patricia, for writing those words.

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. It means so much to me that you could relate to my words. You have made me feel very good.

This poem, The True Meaning of Life, is so true! It is beautifully written. The author surely has wisdom and experienced much in life to be able to pen her experiences into words that most any person can relate to. What a wonderful poem!

Patricia, I'm so pleased that you took the time to read my poem and could relate to it. Your words are so very kind, and I truly appreciate it.

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