Two skinny legs dangle from hand-me-down frocks.
Elastic bands holding up her socks.
Scuffed shoes upon her feet, so small they barely fit.
Water leaks through the crack where the sole had split.
Her wheat coloured hair is pulled away from her face.
Tied back in a pony tail with a crimson lace.
Blush full lips hide a row of crooked teeth.
They are always on show when she opens her mouth to speak.
Dancing in front of the mirror, singing out loud.
She visualizes herself performing in front of a cheering crowd.
She imagined herself beautiful, her face on every magazine.
Adored by millions as they watch her perform on the screen.
Believing in her dreams, she knew she would go far.
How determined she was to become a star.
Living out her fantasy, living out her dreams.
Is her world a better place now, things are not what they seem.
Now sitting on a flight from Paris to Milan, dressed in chiffon with a beautiful tan.
Immaculate makeup graces her face. Smart and elegant, not a hair out of place.
The flight attendant fusses around her as she flies first class.
Always on hand with champagne to fill her glass.
Men flock round her like moths to a flame.
They don't really see her, they just want the fame.
She pushes her way through the crowd, a sea of faces calling her name.
Her freedom she has sacrificed, for the price of fame.
Money cars and diamond rings she understands now, they are just things.
Living out her fantasy, living out her dreams.
Is her world a better place now? Things are not what they seem
She realizes as a child she was rich all along singing into the mirror to her favourite song.
A home filled with love is riches beyond compare, familiar voices of laughter filling the air.
Living out her fantasy, living out her dreams.
Is her world a better place now? Things are not what they seem.
Living in her past is her only escape.
The fame machine has taken over and sealed her fate.
Living out her fantasy, living out her dreams. Is her world a better place now?
Things are not what they seem....
Be Careful What You Wish For
Rich Girl In Rags
Published by Family Friend Poems January 27, 2025 with permission of the Author.
I work as part of the industrialization and development team for a global luxury brand. I love nature and feel connected to the world around me. I am the kind of person who sees miracles everywhere in a, sometimes unforgiving, world. I believe that happiness is a state of mind that everyone can achieve, given the right mind-set. I have a kind...