Romantic Poem

I Will Take Care Of You

I met a girl in an unexpected place, and I never thought I'd fall in love with her. Getting to know each other, I realized we just share a lot of things in common. We both come from a sad past the broke our hearts. But I found home in her. I wrote this poem for her to let her know that everything's gonna be all right from now on. Just let me take care of you from here on out.

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Love is the true inspirational force. It motivates, encourages and strengthens the resolve to achieve the achievable. True love neither expects nor demands anything in lieu. It only believes...

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Analysis of Form and Technique

Let Me

Randy Batiquin © more by Randy Batiquin

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

Let me take care of your broken heart
and show you how to fly.
Let me hold you gently by the hand
and kiss your tears goodbye.

Let me lead you to tomorrow's light
and out of needless rain,
'cause all I want right now
is to see you smile again.

Let me sing you all the songs I wrote
'til you sleep in my embrace,
and I'll keep you safe and warm until
the sunlight strokes your face.

Let me bring you up the mountain's peak,
and I'll let you touch the skies
to remind you of the strength I see
when I look into your eyes.

Let me kiss and show you what is love
and the happiness it brings.
You'll sail again like a butterfly
endowed with pretty wings.

Let me do all these to let you see
our fates are intertwined.
You're the accidental precious gem
I've waited long to find.

The earth and sky conspired to make us meet.
They knew we both belong
to each other like words and lovely notes
give life to every song.

So fly with me, my beautiful one.
It's time we leave the past.
I'm yours to keep, and you are mine.
We're finally home at last.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem uses the repetition of "let me” at the beginning of most stanzas to create a strong sense of structure.
    Read more about structure
  • This poem is made up of four-line stanzas called quatrains.
    Check out other poems with quatrains
  • This poem follows the ABCB rhyme scheme.
    Read more about rhyme schemes

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The poem is beautiful. Only love can put a broken heart back together. May the love you two have found last forever and ever.

  • Shakur Jaafar by Shakur Jaafar
  • 3 years ago

I really believe that true love never ends. I have just read the poem. Basically, it is incredible!! It's just what happened to me two weeks ago. I broke up with my girlfriend. I didn't know what to do, but now I know. I was really touched by this poem. I think it will solve my problem, and I will keep on reading it. Thanks all!

This is poetry at its best. Whose heart could not be humbled or melted by such beautiful, moving, tender loving requests?

  • Shane Bryce by Shane Bryce
  • 6 years ago

I was touched by this. I'm going through a bad spot with my girlfriend. I have been talking to her for 7 weeks now, and the only thing that I have of her is a picture on her profile. I came here to read some of these poems to cheer me up. My name is Shane, and I'm 56 years old. Keep up the work. I will keep reading these good poems. Thank you very much.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Uk
  • 6 years ago

Hi Shane,
My name is Lisa. I'm 59 years. A picture on a profile...I assume on the dating site? Seven weeks and just a profile picture? For me, it's coming up on 2 weeks. We like each other, but we are over 200 miles apart. I can't see a future for us. It saddens me.

  • ShohruhAM by ShohruhAM
  • 6 years ago

Great poem!! Truly incredible! Almost the same happened to me about a year ago. Now I plan to send this poem to my girl. Love her beyond belief!

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

Love is the true inspirational force. It motivates, encourages and strengthens the resolve to achieve the achievable. True love neither expects nor demands anything in lieu. It only believes in giving. If one can feel such love, life becomes livable. ~Subhash Bansal

  • Sally Caldwell by Sally Caldwell
  • 6 years ago

I've just read this, and every word sums up how I feel about my husband, David. He lifted us both up from dark places, and with him by my side we are finally home and together after 25 years apart.

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