Romantic Poem

Her Beauty

While wondering how to describe an amazing girl to me, I just decided at that moment the words my heart would use.

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Forever you will remain in my heart, falling in love with you is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I compose this from my heart, I want to write how you made me feel great....

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What She Is To Me

Darren C Swartland © more by Darren C Swartland

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2017 with permission of the Author.

Look at the beauty in her eyes,
a glow that shines like the sunrise. 
Her smile opens up the cloudy skies,
her laughter delights butterflies.
The ocean greets her as she passes by.
Her gorgeous toes leave their mark, saying goodbye.

Gentle breeze through her hair,
she walks elegantly while astonished eyes all stare.
Rosy cheeks cover her face.
A flower-child blossoms, kindly accepting embrace.
She is a thornless rose without compare.
She is the love my heart will forever endear.



Bohemian type of poet who writes to express thoughts, emotions and how I am feeling regarding an issuse. I'm very much flawed in my own way; a christian who doesn't pretend to be perfect at all or who tries to judge or look down on others.

Our realness gives art beauty.

I try to incorporate struggles that people can relate to...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mmaduabuchi by Mmaduabuchi
  • 1 year ago

She was more than light, like the air is for our lungs. The look in her eyes is always so dreamy. Her beauty defined the word itself. If she only knew how much I yearn for her touch, the soft embrace of her lips. Now she's only a memory slowly fading. Oh, how I miss her passionate ways. I'll forever be chasing like the moon chases the sun. My inspiration was the "rainbow" that lost its colors.

  • Moses Mukisi by Moses Mukisi
  • 1 year ago

The message is inspiring. I want to learn more and cherish my fiancé all the time with sweet words that will melt her heart and keep our love growing day by day. I will remain faithful to her and choose to love her alone in the world around me.

  • Ore O. Isaiah by Ore O. Isaiah, Nairobi
  • 3 years ago

Forever you will remain in my heart, falling in love with you is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I compose this from my heart, I want to write how you made me feel great. Remember our best moments, those sweet nights we shared together. You are a true gem my love.

Your heart of gold, your comforting smile, the dimple on your cheeks you are such a beauty.
May this find you well, in happiness you should read it and see how special you are to me.

  • Valentino by Valentino
  • 6 years ago

She was more than light, like the air is for our lungs. The look in her eyes is always so dreamy. Her beauty defined the word itself. If she only knew how much I yearn for her touch, the soft embrace of her lips. Now she's only a memory slowly fading. Oh, how I miss her passionate ways. I'll forever be chasing like the moon chases the sun. My inspiration was the "rainbow" that lost its colors.

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